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Klopp is quite a cheery bloke, 5 minutes with O'Driz is enough to wipe the smile off a childs face on christmas day.

Have you ever spent 5 mins talking with SoD?

If so, you'll know he's a passionate, dry witted, intelligent man willing to talk with a smile on his face.

Journalists spoke to him after frustrating games, and asked the most idiotic questions...mainly ill thought out...and got the response they deserved.

Ask the same questions to SC and you get the response you want....a load of football clichés not thought out....words just said to appease the masses and often contradictory.

In Media terms....you got the Independent with SoD....you get a mix of Talk Sport and the Sun with SC.

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Have you ever spent 5 mins talking with SoD?

If so, you'll know he's a passionate, dry witted, intelligent man willing to talk with a smile on his face.

Journalists spoke to him after frustrating games, and asked the most idiotic questions...mainly ill thought out...and got the response they deserved.

Ask the same questions to SC and you get the response you want....a load of football clichés not thought out....words just said to appease the masses and often contradictory.

In Media terms....you got the Independent with SoD....you get a mix of Talk Sport and the Sun with SC.

and there you have answered a lot, football is a very simple game as are most of the people who play it, complicate it too much and especially beyond the capabilities of said players and you have a recipe for disaster, even the chosen one is finding that out for the first time in his career.

A good coach he maybe but his managerial successes are sparse and well in the past.


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TBF I always enjoyed his programme notes. Used to hate waiting for the inevitable cringeworthy post match interview though.

As a fan i likewise  liked the way he would happily talk in depth about the inns and outs of tactics and training in football. I even remember him going to a local pub for q&a with fans.  As a player though I just can't help think he would confuse me to death as to what I was supposed to do on the field of play and it looked like that on the pitch

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and there you have answered a lot, football is a very simple game as are most of the people who play it, complicate it too much and especially beyond the capabilities of said players and you have a recipe for disaster, even the chosen one is finding that out for the first time in his career.

A good coach he maybe but his managerial successes are sparse and well in the past.


I agree EMB...imho, he is a better Coach than manager.

However....when talking to players, he used laymans terms that everyone understood.

As a previous poster mentioned, Louis Carey praised him, as does every other player ive spoken to about him.

He wouldn't be employed if footballers couldn't understand him.

Half the problem with players, isn't the understanding....it's their technical ability.

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Have you ever spent 5 mins talking with SoD?

If so, you'll know he's a passionate, dry witted, intelligent man willing to talk with a smile on his face.

Journalists spoke to him after frustrating games, and asked the most idiotic questions...mainly ill thought out...and got the response they deserved.

Ask the same questions to SC and you get the response you want....a load of football clichés not thought out....words just said to appease the masses and often contradictory.

In Media terms....you got the Independent with SoD....you get a mix of Talk Sport and the Sun with SC.

Still in love? Awwwww... 

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I agree EMB...imho, he is a better Coach than manager.

However....when talking to players, he used laymans terms that everyone understood.

As a previous poster mentioned, Louis Carey praised him, as does every other player ive spoken to about him.

He wouldn't be employed if footballers couldn't understand him.

Half the problem with players, isn't the understanding....it's their technical ability.

Sadly Liverpool looked as bewildered as a team as City did.


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Sadly Liverpool looked as bewildered as a team as City did.



Hardly fair EMB....as Rogers said....Team in transition. And SoD has hardly been their 5 mins.

Can't say 3 wins, 3 draws and 2 losses is a bad return.

This season the Prem seems to have levelled out a little....many teams beating one another. And look at Chelsea.

The only team doing a 'City' is Newcastle.


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Hardly fair EMB....as Rogers said....Team in transition. And SoD has hardly been their 5 mins.

Can't say 3 wins, 3 draws and 2 losses is a bad return.

This season the Prem seems to have levelled out a little....many teams beating one another. And look at Chelsea.

The only team doing a 'City' is Newcastle.


it's a bad return for Liverpool, regardless of their transition they looked a totally bewildered team, ask Screech he's a fan.

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A professor talking to a bunch of half idiots. What do you expect?

If that is some sort of defence it's, to my mind, completely flawed.

Effective communication maketh the leader. I firmly believe, and I can't think of a compelling argument otherwise, that you can have every other attribute under the sun but without effective communication you're simply a crap leader. 

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it's a bad return for Liverpool, regardless of their transition they looked a totally bewildered team, ask Screech he's a fan.

You don't have to be a fan to see they were trying to change things.

Can't believe you think it was down to SoD that the team were 'bewildered' this season.

Rogers has been tinkering for a while.

All these teams are trying to find ways of beating one another, with world class players.

Imho, Liverpool owners think they are bigger and better than they are....very unrealistic.

A top 7 finish should be realistic....but nothing more

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As Spudski will attest I have little positive to say in respect of SOD, but I agree with him entirely that I don't think any conclusions can really be drawn of his abilities from the short spell at Liverpool. 

But... I would suggest it (again) shows the bloke is out of touch with football - whether you believe forward thinking or, frankly, without substance - because no one rational person to my mind would have left one safe job with relative profile (and supposedly right up his alley) for one where it was entirely predictable he'd be turfed out within months. 

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As miserable as his reign with us was he deserves credit for his signings. Fielding, Flint, Williams, Pack and JET (probably missed a couple as well.)

He made some good signings, he's respected as a great coach, he's got a lot of experience and yet why was it so bad? He reminds me of someone you interview for a job. They have the best CV, they do a fantastic interview, get the job, then turn out to be a walking one man disaster. 

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As Spudski will attest I have little positive to say in respect of SOD, but I agree with him entirely that I don't think any conclusions can really be drawn of his abilities from the short spell at Liverpool. 

But... I would suggest it (again) shows the bloke is out of touch with football - whether you believe forward thinking or, frankly, without substance - because no one rational person to my mind would have left one safe job with relative profile (and supposedly right up his alley) for one where it was entirely predictable he'd be turfed out within months. 

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Seriously, if you were offered a job coaching Liverpool, most coach's would jump at the chance.

It might have worked...it didn't because Rogers got the sack.

Doesn't mean he can't go on and do well elsewhere.

I respect the man for taking the challenge on....better than settling....shows balls to me.

You're either a go getter in life and take opportunities when given....or shy away and then regret it on your death bed.


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I disagree Spudski but respect your opinion. The stage he was at in his life, the job he had being so called perfect for him, the way his cv has shaped up including several sackings and even a lack of loyalty at Crawley, I think this was a move born out of vanity and insanity. 

Frankly AM at Liverpool under Brendan Rodgers, I don't think I'd look back with any real regrets about passing up that opportunity, not least if the choice was between that or having a direct influence in the development of young players in the country. 

If, for instance, he went to be Wenger's right hand man and it played out the same I wouldn't make the same accusation. 


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You don't have to be a fan to see they were trying to change things.

Can't believe you think it was down to SoD that the team were 'bewildered' this season.

Rogers has been tinkering for a while.

All these teams are trying to find ways of beating one another, with world class players.

Imho, Liverpool owners think they are bigger and better than they are....very unrealistic.

A top 7 finish should be realistic....but nothing more

and I don't believe I said it was down to SOD that they were bewildered this season, I merely said that they looked like a bewildered team.

Rogers blew it the season after their 4th place finish, his stock was high and he could have asked the board to back him and go for world class players and what did he do?, he paid 16mil for ******* Balotelli FFS, that has got to be ego, I cannot think of another reason why anybody would want to put their faith in him, but I think Roger's believed I can succeed where even the chosen one had failed.



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and I don't believe I said it was down to SOD that they were bewildered this season, I merely said that they looked like a bewildered team.

Rogers blew it the season after their 4th place finish, his stock was high and he could have asked the board to back him and go for world class players and what did he do?, he paid 16mil for ******* Balotelli FFS, that has got to be ego, I cannot think of another reason why anybody would want to put their faith in him, but I think Roger's believed I can succeed where even the chosen one had failed.



Fair enough....I read it in the context of the thread.

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and I don't believe I said it was down to SOD that they were bewildered this season, I merely said that they looked like a bewildered team.

Rogers blew it the season after their 4th place finish, his stock was high and he could have asked the board to back him and go for world class players and what did he do?, he paid 16mil for ******* Balotelli FFS, that has got to be ego, I cannot think of another reason why anybody would want to put their faith in him, but I think Roger's believed I can succeed where even the chosen one had failed.



Don't remember them finishing 4th under Rodgers.....didn't he lead them to 7th, 2nd and 6th during his tenure?

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