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Sports Bar open for the Baadiff game.


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To be fair it's on both the Bristol Sport website and the BCFC website, what more do people want? 


Bristol Sport should be displaying they have a zest for their roles instead of asking other individuals to engage with fans on their behalf. Improvement = DIY. 

There are possibilities and advantages not being explored.

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Phileas Fog, who works in IT marketing,said websites are declining as a medium for sharing info, so instead the club should use something like Twitter as people won't physically log onto websites.

Phantom seems to think its a waste of time sending a message by Twitter as it doesn't hit the target audience?

View from the Dolman has supplied stats to suggest Twitter followers number 69k and website hits are more than 500k in a month.  I would therefore suggest that both Twitter and Websites are perfectly fine for informing fans of information, especially on a bar being open.

If OTIB has more than 59k users or 500k hits a month then I stand corrected, but I think this is a case of people moaning at Bristol Sport because they don't like Bristol Sport, instead of basing it on anything 

unsure if deliberately, but feels like you're missing my point. I was talking about click bait - unique users accessing a website via a link - in this case in social media. People will access the site, but maybe they wouldn't have done if they hadn't seen the link on Twitter. For example on Facebook I've just seen a link about Christmas functions at Ashton Gate - would I have gone into their official site to see it? No probably not. But I did see it via the Facebook. 

Your original point implied that because it was on the WEBSITE everything was fine. It didn't discuss links being shared on Twitter or Facebook so I was replying to that. VFTD's stats are interesting but again, this doesn't show how many hits are from click bait.

I'm not "anti" Bristol Sport per se, but they have made lots of mistakes.

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Thank goodness this news has been released.

Provides great fuel for everyone to have a damned good moan about bugger all, or to have a damned good moan about people who are moaning.

Is anyone from Brighton still reviewing this site? Must be pissing yourselves laughing.


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To be fair here.

1/ I had an assumption that the sports bar WOULD be showing the game.

2/ The first time I'd seen it 'officially' announced was on here when Dolly posted this morning.

What does this tell us? Should I be clicking a million times a month on a different website or should I be doing something else altogether?

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Stand corrected.

OTIB has had hits a month in the millions. 

I stand corrected said the man in the orthopaedic shoes.

Look, there's always room for improvement, but on here, trivial things get blown out of all proportion, City fans who want to find out all the info will look on websites, Twitter, FB, OTIB, whatever they can get their hands on.  I think what the club have done in respect of this particular announcement is more than enough, yeh they could to door to door telling fans personally, but I'm pretty sure the fans who really give a sh*t about the bar showing the game have enough mediums to find out about it

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I stand corrected said the man in the orthopaedic shoes.

Look, there's always room for improvement, but on here, trivial things get blown out of all proportion, City fans who want to find out all the info will look on websites, Twitter, FB, OTIB, whatever they can get their hands on.  I think what the club have done in respect of this particular announcement is more than enough, yeh they could to door to door telling fans personally, but I'm pretty sure the fans who really give a sh*t about the bar showing the game have enough mediums to find out about it

Don't know if Derek Achorah is the best person to be sharing this information.


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Or instead of staying at the ground - get on a coach and support the team ?

Have you ever travelled to Cardiff via fans coaches? 

Its a bloody nightmare. Police escourt holding the City fans in lay-bys with no explanations as to why. Last time we could only get tickets by going via CATS. Herded into the stadium like cattle into a pen, 

I definitely won't be going for theses reasons,

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I've been regularly relaying stuff from Mark Kelly so far this season (don't shoot the messenger!)

I actually reworded the email, as it was even more corporate to start with, and was an email forwarded to me via Mark that had been written by another BS employee.  Sorry if I didn't make it even friendlier, I didn't feel it was my place to be changing lots of language, I just said I would pass the message on.

RedM is right, Dolly. No need to translate for Mr Kelly. He should learn to write normal English, although possibly not Bristolian ;)

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I stand corrected said the man in the orthopaedic shoes.

Look, there's always room for improvement, but on here, trivial things get blown out of all proportion, City fans who want to find out all the info will look on websites, Twitter, FB, OTIB, whatever they can get their hands on.  I think what the club have done in respect of this particular announcement is more than enough, yeh they could to door to door telling fans personally, but I'm pretty sure the fans who really give a sh*t about the bar showing the game have enough mediums to find out about it

Yes by using what is the fans busiest form of social media simple improvements can be made.

Instead Bristol City - BS choose to boycott a forum that is sponsored by the Supporters Club and Trust, but then regularly ask a member of the same organisation to post information on the same site they have decided to withdraw from.

A further irony is that Club employees, and Directors regularly read this forum, and indeed reference the information they have gained at meetings / in dialogue with Supporters groups. That is a fact.



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Fair enough, I appreciate it's only a message with the essential content in - just felt it was a bit lifeless for a bar they're trying to generate income with.

I've said on other threads how impressed I've been with Mark Kelly via email etc. Prompt replies and takes on feedback (more than can be said for other employees). He's got a big job and definitely shows he is listening to fans (customers) views. I really feel a QnA with him, even just a scheduled one of an evening, would be really useful on here.

A QnA sounds like a good idea but when could he get lots of City fans at Ashton Gate when there isn't a match on at the ground?  I can't see that happening for, oooh, days ...

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Have you ever travelled to Cardiff via fans coaches? 

Its a bloody nightmare. Police escourt holding the City fans in lay-bys with no explanations as to why. Last time we could only get tickets by going via CATS. Herded into the stadium like cattle into a pen, 

I definitely won't be going for theses reasons,

Yeah I have, and by car and by train - all are hassle in different ways.

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Stand corrected.

OTIB has had hits a month in the millions. 

Seems strange that people are quoting stats of both here and the BS/BCFC sites yet probably don't have access to the data.

The term 'hits' probably needs to be classified here.   For example OTIB had just under 2m pageviews for last month (as of today) but unique users, that's about 51k.   BS website is about the same and the BCFC website I'm unsure of but it's probably above both, at worst the same.

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I might be absolutely missing the point/completely wrong.... but isn't @Dollymarie a supporters club and trust member?

So a club representative has sent a message to a Supporters club and trust member- That has been passed on by the member to this forum, a forum which is maintained by the Supporters club and trust.... but it's worded in a cooperate fashion and therefore people are upset?

And... I'm going to say it. Perhaps if (despite all his faults) people hadn't given as much grief as they did to Dave L then we would still have a club official posting such info on here.


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500 sold 1000 still to sell - should be taking more than this

people on the 9-5 day are pretty much excluded.

Anyone without transport is excluded.

getting the coach is you are able too costs another 15 quid on top of a match ticket.

police will be dicks, that's a given.

all reasons many won't be able to go, I'm amazed 500 have bought a ticket.


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RedM is right, Dolly. No need to translate for Mr Kelly. He should learn to write normal English, although possibly not Bristolian ;)

the email I quoted from wasn't written by Mark Kelly. He had forwarded an email onto me written by someone else. I am guessing he was just in a hurry but had contacted me to share the information so fans knew sooner 

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I have read through most posts on here and have come to the following conclusions:-

1. BCFC should place notifications of such events on all possible mediums including being allowed a locked platform for such announcements on here. Please put me right if wrong but OTIB is by far the busiest forum for City fans. ?

2. Nobody should relay an official club message other than the club themselves; you are damned if you do or don't; You do it in good faith but you are bound to get questions on it. In short the club are wrong, sorry to say that, in asking Dolls to do it. Dolls being Dolls is just doing what she does best; relay messages in a very kind hearted way.

3. Somebody suggested that DL no longer posts on here. Presumably because he was fed up with criticism? Sorry Dave but that is what goes with the territory. Pull back from that and you withdraw the club from a fans view unless there are significant other channels for such interaction. OTIB moderators have every control going to temporarily ban anyone who Dave advises them is being rude or asking dumb questions meanwhile.

4. The club are trying to communicate through social media and sending messages about 'first come first served at a bar' is to be applauded; they just need to improve it in terms of where and how it is written; hopefully that will come and soon.

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Maybe we can get the queen to announce this during a tv speech next time.

Only if she says the following as a caveat at the end: "One is not amused with the quality of the furniture in the sports bar and coffee shop at Bristol City Football Club. I raised it with Mr Ping while we were discussing Hinkley Point because he had previously said his Chinese engineers were looking forward to nipping up the M5 to see high quality football at Ashton Gate. I said well thats oh so jolly good because you can all enjoy sitting on your shite Chinese made seats freshly shipped in from Foshan. whoops... sorry for the bad word."

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To counter the argument about websites, number of clicks etc...

If Bristol Sport didn't recognise OTIB as a far reaching, busy and relevant audience for their announcements why would they ask Dolly to post the message on here?

As it happens, their lack of engagement has probably resulted in more people being aware that the game is being shown in the Sports Bar than if a generic 'Bristol Sport' OTIB login had posted similar.

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Seems strange that people are quoting stats of both here and the BS/BCFC sites yet probably don't have access to the data.

The term 'hits' probably needs to be classified here.   For example OTIB had just under 2m pageviews for last month (as of today) but unique users, that's about 51k.   BS website is about the same and the BCFC website I'm unsure of but it's probably above both, at worst the same.

You could clarify how busy that is v other fans forums, but don't really have too.

OTIB is very well used. That makes OTIB an asset to BCFC. A means of openly communicating with thousands. Its absurd for BCFC - BS to shun proactively communicating when they still view it, and ask others to post on their behalf. 

Not hard to go "Pssstt Admin / Mods anyway we can pin our BCFC - BS posts and have the responses modded to avoid the odd uneven criticism ..!" 

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To counter the argument about websites, number of clicks etc...

If Bristol Sport didn't recognise OTIB as a far reaching, busy and relevant audience for their announcements why would they ask Dolly to post the message on here?

As it happens, their lack of engagement has probably resulted in more people being aware that the game is being shown in the Sports Bar than if a generic 'Bristol Sport' OTIB login had posted similar.

Any publicity is good publicity in other words?

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