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Atmosphere last night


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16 hours ago, WTMS said:

Rich your post are making little sense. There are numerous problematic negatives associated with a move en masse into the centre of the South stand which is why there is no obvious support for it. You are more or less stating that Bristol Sport have a prejudicial view towards an element of support, which if true is hardly a position that would lend itself to a clearly problematic taking over a section of the ground without the consent of BS/BCFC, which would almost certainly be unpopular with some residing in the South stand now..

What do you think would be the reaction of the majority of the "singers"? Do you think they'd want to go into the corner of the Dolman and be forced to sit (because they would)? Read the links. Mention is made of possibly using the lower Dolman, in unison with the Atyeo. It is hard to know what the view of fans would beyond surprise, a move into the upper Dolman is not being considered! 

Would they want to wait and see what area is offered and then fight against it? Fans will be making proposals proactively, possibly in the very near future. No fighting against it, or them or areas.

As it is, they've got you discussing where you want to go and what your demands are .. No demands will be made. Sensible constructive suggestions / proposals will be put forward to Bristol Sport..






If my posts make no sense, then I would suggest most respectfully that it is because you do not understand what I am suggesting because you can't see the wood for the trees. You are not wanted by the BS. They want well behaved, middle income earners that will not stand, won't shout and swear and more importantly, will spend more money than you.  While you are in dialogue/negotiation, call it what you want, the club know what your requirements are and can plan accordingly. Wherever it is decided that you go will cause disruption to some fans somewhere, so it won't be popular to some anyway. Until you understand that the very existence of a group of singers that includes noisy boisterous people that BS do not want, then you will be pushed from pillar to post, as has been the case since the building of the Atyeo stand. It started with the club having allocated seating, which pushed the group up into the corner of the Atyeo, then into the corner of the Eastend, then into the corner of the Williams, then back into the corner of the Atyeo, now back into the corner of the other end of the Atyeo. Next season into the other corner of the Atyeo and possibly the bottom corner of the Dolman. Do you get the picture?

You are not wanted by BS.

You are normal supporters and can decide where you and your friends want to go and enjoy the matchday experience, you don't have to discuss it with anyone other than yourselves. If you decided to go to the SS and congregate there in the seats available, of which there will be many, due to people relocating back to the new Williams, who would/could stop you? If people don't like your presence, so what, they'll soon move. BS are currently dictating the course of action and offering solutions by having dialogue with your group. As such they can respond accordingly with what appears to be compromises. I've spelt it out as plainly as I can, organise your location yourselves.

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27 minutes ago, Rich said:

If my posts make no sense, then I would suggest most respectfully that it is because you do not understand what I am suggesting because you can't see the wood for the trees. You are not wanted by the BS. They want well behaved, middle income earners that will not stand, won't shout and swear and more importantly, will spend more money than you.  While you are in dialogue/negotiation, call it what you want, the club know what your requirements are and can plan accordingly. Wherever it is decided that you go will cause disruption to some fans somewhere, so it won't be popular to some anyway. Until you understand that the very existence of a group of singers that includes noisy boisterous people that BS do not want, then you will be pushed from pillar to post, as has been the case since the building of the Atyeo stand. It started with the club having allocated seating, which pushed the group up into the corner of the Atyeo, then into the corner of the Eastend, then into the corner of the Williams, then back into the corner of the Atyeo, now back into the corner of the other end of the Atyeo. Next season into the other corner of the Atyeo and possibly the bottom corner of the Dolman. Do you get the picture?

You are not wanted by BS.

You are normal supporters and can decide where you and your friends want to go and enjoy the matchday experience, you don't have to discuss it with anyone other than yourselves. If you decided to go to the SS and congregate there in the seats available, of which there will be many, due to people relocating back to the new Williams, who would/could stop you? If people don't like your presence, so what, they'll soon move. BS are currently dictating the course of action and offering solutions by having dialogue with your group. As such they can respond accordingly with what appears to be compromises. I've spelt it out as plainly as I can, organise your location yourselves.

Rich regarding not being able to see the wood for the trees! The reason your posts at times do not make sense is because they are not factual. e.g Areas for like minded fans being located in the corner of the Eastend/Williams can be linked to petitions, discussions with Steve Lansdown, Colin Sexstone, Keith Draisey etc.In the case of the Eastend a fans document By the fans was presented to Steve Lansdown which outlined a case for being in the corner to allay safety fears.

It started with the club having allocated seating, which pushed the group up into the corner of the Atyeo ... You are referring to another element of Support here that did not occupy the Atyeo at any point. Those who moved into the Eastend in 2007 were in the main from the Dolman A - B - Williams E. 

Regarding Bristol Sport. They were not part of the above decisions Having met the head of Bristol Sport others may not share your view. Of course Bristol Sport dictate ...They run large elements of the FC. Ignoring them, attempting to surreptitiously take over a stand is ridiculous. That will go nowhere!

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31 minutes ago, WTMS said:

Rich regarding not being able to see the wood for the trees! The reason your posts at times do not make sense is because they are not factual. e.g Areas for like minded fans being located in the corner of the Eastend/Williams can be linked to petitions, discussions with Steve Lansdown, Colin Sexstone, Keith Draisey etc.In the case of the Eastend a fans document By the fans was presented to Steve Lansdown which outlined a case for being in the corner to allay safety fears.

It started with the club having allocated seating, which pushed the group up into the corner of the Atyeo ... You are referring to another element of Support here that did not occupy the Atyeo at any point. Those who moved into the Eastend in 2007 were in the main from the Dolman A - B - Williams E. 

Regarding Bristol Sport. They were not part of the above decisions Having met the head of Bristol Sport others may not share your view. Of course Bristol Sport dictate ...They run large elements of the FC. Ignoring them, attempting to surreptitiously take over a stand is ridiculous. That will go nowhere!

There is nothing in any of my posts which is not factual. Are you telling me that the group of Singers from the Atyeo corner, were not the main group of singers at AG, and that they didn't move to the Eastend when it was reopened to home fans? You have just stated things that happened as factual which I never referred to. Of course if you are given options by the management and then put it to a petition you will have a factual result. That's not to say those options on the table weren't manipulated to end up with what the management wanted, is it?  They could quite easily have been suggested by fans which suited the managements long term plans anyway. After all, everyone knew the Eastend was coming down at some time and you'd all have to relocate again anyway. All of your points relate to dialogue with the top management of the club, the same management that forms the crux of BS. It's no different now than it was before BS. I've just used BS as the term for those that run the show and always will do, carry on having dialogue and doing things on their terms.

With the building of the Atyeo and the subsequent moving of home fans from the Eastend, it was bound to divide the location of those fans, especially when the management enforced allocated seating to the Atyeo stand, effectively ruling out the ability for like minded fans to congregate in the central area, because Season tickets had been sold in that area on a first come first served basis.

 "Those who moved into the Eastend in 2007 were in the main from the Dolman A - B - Williams E ".  I didn't say they weren't, (Williams E)? Well I've never heard them, if they were ever there, mostly before that time any singers were in A block.  They were also joined by the main singers from the Atyeo. For Christ sake there was only 800 anyway and the biggest notable space vacated from within the ground, was from the Atyeo corner. Perhaps those that were more persistent or prominent in wanting the EE reopened were in A block of the Dolman, which gives the perception of mostly from that area.

I'll spell it out for you.

1. The club don't want noisy hard to control fans.

2. They want allocated seating so that they can determine who is where, ie accountable.

3. They want to attract middle income earners as supporters, not the traditional working class supporter.

4. They have consistently proven by their actions of relocating those fans that they see them as a problem.

5.  Quite soon there will be nowhere left to relocate.


I've said my piece now, if you want to continue having dialogue with the management that see you as a problem, carry on.

I'd prefer to do things covertly and to suit me. 

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1 hour ago, Rich said:

There is nothing in any of my posts which is not factual. Are you telling me that the group of Singers from the Atyeo corner, were not the main group of singers at AG, and that they didn't move to the Eastend when it was reopened to home fans?


Nor did they involve themselves in the petition, or arguing a case for re-opneing the stand at a meeting with Steve Lansdown, Colin Sexstone,  Doug Harman etc which took place in JAN 2007.

Of  the 246 who moved into the Eastend in 2007 the overwhelming majority were not from the Atyeo.



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14 minutes ago, WTMS said:


Nor did they involve themselves in the petition, or arguing a case for re-opneing the stand at a meeting with Steve Lansdown, Colin Sexstone,  Doug Harman etc which took place in JAN 2007.

Of  the 246 who moved into the Eastend in 2007 the overwhelming majority were not from the Atyeo.



So you are telling me that the group of singers that were in the corner of the Atyeo, were not the main singing group in AG? And you are telling me that they never moved back to the Eastend? If so then I think you are mistaken. Have you ever thought that some people might have been excluded/not asked to actively take part?  After all, how did the figure ever reach one thousand, if only 246 wanted it? Which emphasises the point I'm making, if you start something good others will join in.

How do you know who signed a petition and what part of the ground they usually frequented?

Are you referring to people allowed in by the management, for the remainder of that season, by Invitation only? Because more than 246 regularly frequented the Eastend.

You are being manipulated/shafted by the management. They let you in on licence and threatened to revoke that decision due to unreasonable behaviour by some fans on at least a couple of occasions.

You seem to think I'm against you, on the contrary, I'm all for a large group of like minded fans helping the team and enjoying themselves. What I fear is that, by complying with and having dialogue with  the management, you will eventually lose your identity and be divided until you don't exist.

You have an opportunity to move to the SS at the end of this season because, the thousands that relocated there from the Williams (and it was thousands), will be going back to the new Williams/West stand. You might not all be together in your group initially and you might upset a few, but, over a couple of seasons I think you can make that a better, more intimidating end than it has ever been.


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31 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

Exactly. If everyone who is currently in the centre of the south stand renews their season tickets next season then there would be no room for an 'en masse' move from the Atyeo??!

As I've stated before, those people in the South Stand were relocated from the Williams  and the Atyeo, there were very few seats left for people from the Dolman. Those from the Williams will relocate back there and more than likely many more, so that's likely to leave a couple of thousand (at least) empty seats up for grabs for the new season. It would only take a few people to say "we're going to get seats there and make it a singing area", to put the same thoughts in other peoples minds and to deter others that don't like the noisy areas from going there. You don't need permission to move seats if they're available.

If BS puts up barriers because they know who previously sat here or there, then you know your times up anyway.

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1 minute ago, Rich said:

So you are telling me that the group of singers that were in the corner of the Atyeo, were not the main singing group in AG? And you are telling me that they never moved back to the Eastend?


You will have to ask those fans themselves if the were the main group at Ashton Gate and where, and how they moved.

What you have been informed is 100% correct, with an omission. The partial re-opening in 2007 of the Eastend and its eventual re-opening would NOT have occurred without the backing of the Blokes, Lads formerly known as the Yellow Sub Crew. They also were not located in the Atyeo stand.

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14 minutes ago, Rich said:

As I've stated before, those people in the South Stand were relocated from the Williams  and the Atyeo, there were very few seats left for people from the Dolman. Those from the Williams will relocate back there and more than likely many more, so that's likely to leave a couple of thousand (at least) empty seats up for grabs for the new season. It would only take a few people to say "we're going to get seats there and make it a singing area", to put the same thoughts in other peoples minds and to deter others that don't like the noisy areas from going there. You don't need permission to move seats if they're available.

If BS puts up barriers because they know who previously sat here or there, then you know your times up anyway.

Not everyone who is currently in the South Stand relocated from the Williams and Atyeo, I know of a fair few who moved from the Dolman to be in the brand new stand.

And as most of the South Stand occupants are season ticket holders my argument stands, if they all renew their season tickets for next season there will be no room for the singers who want to move en masse from the Atyeo...

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I know I did. I moved from the Atyeo to one row from the back of the SS almost in the centre. Most of us who did picked our seats very carefully as we knew that was likely to be it as far as further moves were concerned and we wanted to get it right. I`m not a singer or a flag waver and whilst I appreciate what those folks are trying to achieve, would not want to be in the middle of it. As far as I can see, the people around me are a mix of ex-Williams and ex-Atyeo with most of the former aiming to go back there next season.

One thing I have noticed though is that a few of the `older` types around me (and I`m one of them) are seriously considering moving lower down in the SS as it`s a killer getting up to your seat and even worse if you want to go up and back a couple of times for a slash or something to eat. There`s one old boy near me who has to have a sit down a couple of times on the way up just to make it and he`s certainly looking to do this next season.

I think with people going back to the Williams and others perhaps relocating within the SS there may be quite a few more available seats at the back come next season.

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Just now, BS4 on Tour... said:

Not everyone who is currently in the South Stand relocated from the Williams, I know of a fair few who moved from the Dolman and the Atyeo to be in the brand new stand.

And as most of the South Stand occupants are season ticket holders my argument stands, if they all renew their season tickets for next season there will be no room for the singers who want to move en masse from the Atyeo...

Did you read my post? I didn't say they all came from the Williams, there weren't that many in the Williams. The majority came from the Atyeo nearly four thousand, the next biggest group nearly two thousand came from the Williams, there were very few seats left in the Dolman for people from those stands, so most went to the SS. Those from the Dolman affected by the new TV media area were relocated first. I know of many people who tried to get in the SS only to be foiled because there weren't enough seats. Those from the Williams will go back, of that I'm one hundred per cent convinced. There will then be others from all areas of the ground that want to try the new Williams. I'm certain there will be a couple of thousand seats up for grabs, if not, there'll be an awful lot of seats in the new Williams, as it holds 10,800.

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1 minute ago, Rich said:

Did you read my post? I didn't say they all came from the Williams, there weren't that many in the Williams. The majority came from the Atyeo nearly four thousand, the next biggest group nearly two thousand came from the Williams, there were very few seats left in the Dolman for people from those stands, so most went to the SS. Those from the Dolman affected by the new TV media area were relocated first. I know of many people who tried to get in the SS only to be foiled because there weren't enough seats. Those from the Williams will go back, of that I'm one hundred per cent convinced. There will then be others from all areas of the ground that want to try the new Williams. I'm certain there will be a couple of thousand seats up for grabs, if not, there'll be an awful lot of seats in the new Williams, as it holds 10,800.

I haven't got the energy for a row at this time mate, but you are '100% sure that people who moved from the Williams will go back' - well me and my group moved from the Williams to the South Stand and we ain't going back so your 'market research' appears to be flawed...

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23 minutes ago, WTMS said:

You will have to ask those fans themselves if the were the main group at Ashton Gate and where, and how they moved.

What you have been informed is 100% correct, with an omission. The partial re-opening in 2007 of the Eastend and its eventual re-opening would NOT have occurred without the backing of the Blokes, Lads formerly known as the Yellow Sub Crew. They also were not located in the Atyeo stand.

So you have informed me that what you have said is correct. So I now know that the 246 who fought for the reopening of the Eastend and had private dialogue with the management until they were allowed to frequent the old end by invitation only,  suddenly  got trebled in number by an anonymous number of individuals who probably didn't come from the Atyeo and those that frequented the Atyeo suddenly stopped coming to football, leaving that area empty.

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7 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

I haven't got the energy for a row at this time mate, but you are '100% sure that people who moved from the Williams will go back' - well me and my group moved from the Williams to the South Stand and we ain't going back so your 'market research' appears to be flawed...

Good on you "mate". So you have highlighted one little group of people which ain't going back, out of six thousand in that stand. I did say I'm convinced. I think you will always find the odd few which will be the exception but if you want to be picky, so be it. I'm 100% convinced the majority will go back to the new Williams, better? So what about the other points? or are you just point scoring? We'll just ignore those eh!

I'm not after a row either, I'm fed up with it. I'm trying to highlight what I think is an opportunity to get a better atmosphere at AG by just putting an idea out there. All I'm getting is grief from people for suggesting something which might be good, in my opinion, it will be.

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51 minutes ago, Rich said:

So you have informed me that what you have said is correct. So I now know that the 246 who fought for the reopening of the Eastend and had private dialogue with the management until they were allowed to frequent the old end by invitation only,  suddenly  got trebled in number by an anonymous number of individuals who probably didn't come from the Atyeo and those that frequented the Atyeo suddenly stopped coming to football, leaving that area empty.

Again that is not factual. Dialogue was not private, anybody who was sincerely interested could have taken part in the discussion with Steve Lansdown and BCFC..There was no invitation only, anybody over 16 could buy a season ticket initially. In 2007 those who involved themselves, and bought season tickets overwhelming came from the Dolman stand and Williams. 

The numbers increased post 2007 - 08 as prices altered, then later restrictions lifted as a result again of open meetings attended in the main by the same individuals as 2007, and the constant efforts of fans within the stand, not this singing group in the Atyeo you have referred to. The numbers of this Atyeo singing group may have dissipated, but they certainly did not involve themselves in attempting to reopen the Eastend. They were an entirely different section of fans from dress sense to Pubs frequented to those from the 3 Lions / old YSC who formed a significant part of the Eastend's core, and were behind/funding it's fan initiatives.  

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As I understand it the capacity of the Atyeo next season will be increased to about 4,400.

We need to allocate a maximum 10% of ground capacity to away fans - some 2,700 in the redeveloped ground - though on most occasions this is unlikely to be fully taken up.

That leaves 1700 seats for home 'singers', or, after segregation, about the same number of ST's available as this season, plus considerably more seats being freed up when less well supported teams visit.

City fans in the Atyeo seem more than happy with how things are working out there so far, and the atmosphere being created is excellent, so I expect the majority will be content to stay there next season.


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Me and my son just received our tickets for the Atyeo switch over. It is going to be interesting to see what the atmosphere will be like. I personally think it will be better. Wouldn't mind staying there until we get the safe standing. 

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On 6 November 2015 20:10:38, WolfOfWestStreet said:
54 minutes ago, Threshing Red said:

Me and my son just received our tickets for the Atyeo switch over. It is going to be interesting to see what the atmosphere will be like. I personally think it will be better. Wouldn't mind staying there until we get the safe standing. 

In reality given all the points raised ie rake of other stands / zero tolerance to standing / upsetting other season ticket holders / relaxed attitude etc etc it seems the logical choice.


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2 hours ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

As I understand it the capacity of the Atyeo next season will be increased to about 4,400.

We need to allocate a maximum 10% of ground capacity to away fans - some 2,700 in the redeveloped ground - though on most occasions this is unlikely to be fully taken up.

That leaves 1700 seats for home 'singers', or, after segregation, about the same number of ST's available as this season, plus considerably more seats being freed up when less well supported teams visit.

City fans in the Atyeo seem more than happy with how things are working out there so far, and the atmosphere being created is excellent, so I expect the majority will be content to stay there next season.


It is a pity that the corner sections between williams and atyeo couldn't have been filled in with seating. Even if it went up just half way and then you have the tv boxes above. 

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5 hours ago, Threshing Red said:

It is a pity that the corner sections between williams and atyeo couldn't have been filled in with seating. Even if it went up just half way and then you have the tv boxes above. 

This is the area that I was trying to explain earlier, I find it a waste of space. If you filled it with seating you could increase the capacity for away fans. The only problem I can see so far is it will need a roof to keep the buggers dry, I am sure the architect can come up with something. 

Are there any other reasons why it couldn't have been done in the first place?

atyeo plans.png

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12 minutes ago, Threshing Red said:

This is the area that I was trying to explain earlier, I find it a waste of space. If you filled it with seating you could increase the capacity for away fans. The only problem I can see so far is it will need a roof to keep the buggers dry, I am sure the architect can come up with something. 

Are there any other reasons why it couldn't have been done in the first place?

atyeo plans.png

The Atyeo was not part of the redevelopment and originally was going to solely house the away support. The extra capacity is hardly a necessity.

There once was the possibility of that area being used to increase capacity marginally if City were promoted in 2007-08. There never appeared to be any drafted plans.


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8 minutes ago, WTMS said:

The Atyeo was not part of the redevelopment and originally was going to solely house the away support. The extra capacity is hardly a necessity.

There once was the possibility of that area being used to increase capacity marginally if City were promoted in 2007-08. There never appeared to be any drafted plans.


Thanks for your reply. I was thinking more of the singing section dolman side remaining until safe standing was introduced and then we can move back to the wedlock side. This added corner would increase the away section for now and then we can have more blocks in the corner of the atyeo if it is a smaller away following. 

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8 hours ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

As I understand it the capacity of the Atyeo next season will be increased to about 4,400.

We need to allocate a maximum 10% of ground capacity to away fans - some 2,700 in the redeveloped ground - though on most occasions this is unlikely to be fully taken up.

That leaves 1700 seats for home 'singers', or, after segregation, about the same number of ST's available as this season, plus considerably more seats being freed up when less well supported teams visit.

City fans in the Atyeo seem more than happy with how things are working out there so far, and the atmosphere being created is excellent, so I expect the majority will be content to stay there next season.


So what happens when we get the FA Cup games and the allocation increases to 25 per cent? It doesn't sound logical to split the away allocation into two groups but perhaps they'll have to.

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17 minutes ago, Rich said:

So what happens when we get the FA Cup games and the allocation increases to 25 per cent? It doesn't sound logical to split the away allocation into two groups but perhaps they'll have to.

It's 15% absolute maximum in the F.A. Cup Rich, and in reality the local Safety Advisory Groups around the country rarely allows anywhere near that number.

Anyway, in the event of City getting a plum home Cup tie, and one where the opposition actually want 15% ( an exceptionally rare event) then the 4,050 away fans could be accommodated in the Atyeo as a one off.

The STH's in the Atyeo would simply have to disperse to other areas of the ground for one game.

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21 hours ago, WTMS said:

Again that is not factual. Dialogue was not private, anybody who was sincerely interested could have taken part in the discussion with Steve Lansdown and BCFC..There was no invitation only, anybody over 16 could buy a season ticket initially. In 2007 those who involved themselves, and bought season tickets overwhelming came from the Dolman stand and Williams. 

The numbers increased post 2007 - 08 as prices altered, then later restrictions lifted as a result again of open meetings attended in the main by the same individuals as 2007, and the constant efforts of fans within the stand, not this singing group in the Atyeo you have referred to. The numbers of this Atyeo singing group may have dissipated, but they certainly did not involve themselves in attempting to reopen the Eastend. They were an entirely different section of fans from dress sense to Pubs frequented to those from the 3 Lions / old YSC who formed a significant part of the Eastend's core, and were behind/funding it's fan initiatives.  

You are being particularly picky. Dialogue was not an open invitation, if you weren't party to the information prior to the meeting. You are talking about a very small group of people in a close knit community within a core of nearly 16,000 supporters. I have never disputed where people came from to go into the Eastend, all I've ever said is that the Ateyo group were the biggest group of singers. You are coming across as rather elitist or dismissive of other supporters by bigging up  the efforts of those trying to reopen the Eastend. I couldn't give a flying **** about who did what and where they came from. The only thing relative is, that the current and past management have been in total control of what happens when it comes to where the "singers" go, because you have had dialogue with them, starting initially with the reopening of the Eastend. They have the initiative and will accommodate you as long as it pleases them and until you can be replaced by people paying more money.

I'm not fighting you, I'm not knocking you, why are you responding in such a condescending way? I'm making a suggestion that if you thought about, might be a lasting solution to where you want to go and be better for the team when it comes to giving them help. Isn't that what we all want?

I sometimes get the impression that the only thing wanted by certain supporters, is to be able to get close to the opposition fans, stand up, sing and chant while swearing and get a few cans down their neck at half time and as a by product, support the team. 

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9 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

It's 15% absolute maximum in the F.A. Cup Rich, and in reality the local Safety Advisory Groups around the country rarely allows anywhere near that number.

Anyway, in the event of City getting a plum home Cup tie, and one where the opposition actually want 15% ( an exceptionally rare event) then the 4,050 away fans could be accommodated in the Atyeo as a one off.

The STH's in the Atyeo would simply have to disperse to other areas of the ground for one game.

So we'd have no singing group for what would appear to be a very big match for the club? That's assuming we only play the one match. I recall playing Leeds and Liverpool in the 3rd and 4th round back in the 70's when we had 36k for each match. Now just think if we'd given the Eastend to away supporters for those matches. I believe that's the scenario facing the "singers" if we make it to the promised land, which ain't unimaginable. They'd have nowhere to go, other than being dispersed into any vacant seats available. Then we're back to square one when the old Eastend closed. End of Singers.

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1 minute ago, Rich said:

So we'd have no singing group for what would appear to be a very big match for the club? That's assuming we only play the one match. I recall playing Leeds and Liverpool in the 3rd and 4th round back in the 70's when we had 36k for each match. Now just think if we'd given the Eastend to away supporters for those matches. I believe that's the scenario facing the "singers" if we make it to the promised land, which ain't unimaginable. They'd have nowhere to go, other than being dispersed into any vacant seats available. Then we're back to square one when the old Eastend closed. End of Singers.

Makes no difference if we get to the PL, the away allocations for League matches don't alter. 

The 10%, 2,700 maximum would still apply to away fans at AG.

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