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Atmosphere last night


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On 04/11/2015, 22:27:59, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Do you think it will remain purely the south stand?


16 hours ago, gl1 said:

No, the highest bidder will be able to insert their name before 'South Stand'

So it will end up the Timotei South Stand or something...

Something like the South Stand sponsored by Dribuild maybe?



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1 hour ago, mightyreds89 said:

I thought the wolves match was probably the worst atmosphere of the season so far!

Were you there for Fulham, Reading, Burnley? It picked up even more last 20 because the crowd really wanted them to hold out, I can't remember AG willing on the team like that for a while tbh

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I think Esmond is right, what ever new name a ground or stand gets given, fans will always call it by its old name.

However, this redevelopment highlighted a problem, our beloved east end wasn't actually in the east end of the ground.......its on the south side. So calling it the east end seems daft now. 

As for the stadium, for those that haven't lived in Bristol, the majority of people call it - the city ground- I haven't lived in Bristol for a few years so I presume it's the same, but it was always " going down the city ground tonight?" Or " city ground please drive" rarely Ashton Gate.

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12 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

Maybe controversial but even in the good old days of standing , City fans rarely made a lot of noise all through the match .

It always started with a bit of singing but unless something dramatic ocurred this normally petered out to be replaced by polite clapping as a pass was executed  etc .

i believe that West Country folk are  naturally more reserved than those from London or Oop Nirth .


Completely agree. We are a reactive crowd, usually to opposition fans chanting. That is very obvious now that away fans are situated in the Atyeo stand, which was always blamed for the lack of atmosphere and it's design. Well, away supporters must have changed the design because they are always heard and usually above the City fans situated alongside them. Away fans start to sing, City fans chant back, not always admittedly, but more often than not.

I reckon the south stand really does pack a punch with the noise created in it. I'd love to see the flag waving, colourful crew from the Atyeo relocated there, which would really fire up the other supporters alongside them and produce a formidable wall of sound to help the team along.

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2 minutes ago, Rich said:

Completely agree. We are a reactive crowd, usually to opposition fans chanting. That is very obvious now that away fans are situated in the Atyeo stand, which was always blamed for the lack of atmosphere and it's design. Well, away supporters must have changed the design because they are always heard and usually above the City fans situated alongside them. Away fans start to sing, City fans chant back, not always admittedly, but more often than not.

I reckon the south stand really does pack a punch with the noise created in it. I'd love to see the flag waving, colourful crew from the Atyeo relocated there, which would really fire up the other supporters alongside them and produce a formidable wall of sound to help the team along.

Sorry mate but if you need a chap next you with a flag to get you 'fired up' then you're beyond help.

you can't rely on max 100 guys and girls in the ateyo to be the cheerleaders of Ashton gate. 

People just don't want to be noisy you can hear the tutting from the dolman in Clifton 

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10 hours ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Sorry mate but if you need a chap next you with a flag to get you 'fired up' then you're beyond help.

you can't rely on max 100 guys and girls in the ateyo to be the cheerleaders of Ashton gate. 

People just don't want to be noisy you can hear the tutting from the dolman in Clifton 

What you doing in Clifton during the match?

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18 hours ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Sorry mate but if you need a chap next you with a flag to get you 'fired up' then you're beyond help.

you can't rely on max 100 guys and girls in the ateyo to be the cheerleaders of Ashton gate. 

People just don't want to be noisy you can hear the tutting from the dolman in Clifton 

Don't think you read or understood my post. I would like to see the whol crew from the Atyeo relocated into the centre of the south stand, flag wavers included. It would be more like days of old. As for the tutting, lt,'s a misconception portrayed by superior fans. Most people remain silent, and if those superior fans were making the noise they say they do, then how would they hear the tutting?

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2 hours ago, Rich said:

Don't think you read or understood my post. I would like to see the whol crew from the Atyeo relocated into the centre of the south stand, flag wavers included. It would be more like days of old. As for the tutting, lt,'s a misconception portrayed by superior fans. Most people remain silent, and if those superior fans were making the noise they say they do, then how would they hear the tutting?

I read it fine. 

I feel there is a lot of pressure on what genuinely is only about 50-100 fans who instigate the atmosphere for the entire ground. I'm sorry but I'd wager only 2-5% of fans actively start and instigate atmosphere at Ashton Gate. 

We're on our third stand in 3 seasons, soon to be 4th relocation when we are moved over the ateyo. 

What are the other 12000 doing? The singers are not cheerleaders that should be placed in areas in order to get the majority going. take some individual responsibility, ask yourself what did I add to the atmosphere today? 

the tutting comment was in jest but if you're telling me fans in the dolman/ SS are free to express themselves, you're wrong. Why do you think all the singers sit together? And are PUT in a certain area by the club? The majority don't want noise around them and moan to the club.

Its not a superiority thing, I don't actually care if people don't want to be noisy, just don't expect those that do to have to carry everyone else and then moan when the whole ground ain't rocking. 

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1 hour ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

I read it fine. 

I feel there is a lot of pressure on what genuinely is only about 50-100 fans who instigate the atmosphere for the entire ground. I'm sorry but I'd wager only 2-5% of fans actively start and instigate atmosphere at Ashton Gate. 

We're on our third stand in 3 seasons, soon to be 4th relocation when we are moved over the ateyo. 

What are the other 12000 doing? The singers are not cheerleaders that should be placed in areas in order to get the majority going. take some individual responsibility, ask yourself what did I add to the atmosphere today? 

the tutting comment was in jest but if you're telling me fans in the dolman/ SS are free to express themselves, you're wrong. Why do you think all the singers sit together? And are PUT in a certain area by the club? The majority don't want noise around them and moan to the club.

Its not a superiority thing, I don't actually care if people don't want to be noisy, just don't expect those that do to have to carry everyone else and then moan when the whole ground ain't rocking. 

Agree totally with this

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On ‎05‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎23‎:‎45‎:‎20, Rich said:

Completely agree. We are a reactive crowd, usually to opposition fans chanting. That is very obvious now that away fans are situated in the Atyeo stand, which was always blamed for the lack of atmosphere and it's design. Well, away supporters must have changed the design because they are always heard and usually above the City fans situated alongside them. Away fans start to sing, City fans chant back, not always admittedly, but more often than not.

I reckon the south stand really does pack a punch with the noise created in it. I'd love to see the flag waving, colourful crew from the Atyeo relocated there, which would really fire up the other supporters alongside them and produce a formidable wall of sound to help the team along.

Rich instead of wanting fans to move who may totally not share your view on the merits of the South stand, why not create your own collaborative efforts?


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Thought the atmosphere was better than most games this season, although admittedly more so in the 2nd half.

May need my tin hat here, but we seem to continue to go round in circles about who makes noise/who doesn't, with the smallest comment taken out of context for the next potential eruption.

In the 80s and early 90s I used to travel around the country, starting songs at delightful places such as Blackpool, Oldham, Hull, Peterborough etc. Now in my 40s, I go to occasional away games but mainly sit in the family part of the SS with my youngest and join in with a song every now and then, but with lots of additional cheering/clapping/shouting of encouragement. 

My love for City hasn't changed, maybe just my way of showing it on match day has altered as I have aged ... but that's my choice, whether subconsciously or not.

The fans in the Atyeo are doing a good job and I also hear some of the singing in the SS and across the Dolman. Sure the players hear both, which is more important than each end hearing the other. Any attempts to improve this, whether via consultation with the club or fans organising something themselves, is great and can only benefit the atmosphere ... from my own personal opinion, just a shame at times we focus on the negative or get into disagreements over differences of opinion or the wording of a message.

Anyway, sermon over and COYR at Bolton!!!

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On Fri Nov 06 2015 20:10:38 GMT+0000, WolfOfWestStreet said:

I read it fine. 

I feel there is a lot of pressure on what genuinely is only about 50-100 fans who instigate the atmosphere for the entire ground. I'm sorry but I'd wager only 2-5% of fans actively start and instigate atmosphere at Ashton Gate. 

We're on our third stand in 3 seasons, soon to be 4th relocation when we are moved over the ateyo. 

What are the other 12000 doing? The singers are not cheerleaders that should be placed in areas in order to get the majority going. take some individual responsibility, ask yourself what did I add to the atmosphere today? 

the tutting comment was in jest but if you're telling me fans in the dolman/ SS are free to express themselves, you're wrong. Why do you think all the singers sit together? And are PUT in a certain area by the club? The majority don't want noise around them and moan to the club.

Its not a superiority thing, I don't actually care if people don't want to be noisy, just don't expect those that do to have to carry everyone else and then moan when the whole ground ain't rocking. 

Ok, then you didn't understand it. I am not saying that those that sing should lead others, that naturally happens. If  they were located to the south stand and central as they have traditionally done and at nearly every ground in the country, as has always been the case, it would be better in my opinion. Other sections of the crowd join in and add to the atmosphere when inspired, generally during a period of good play. It has always been that way and always will be, to expect it to be different is deluded.  Don't fu###ng question me about how I support my team, I've been doing it for fifty years now and am as vocal as I can be. As for people not wanting noise around them, what a load of bull, I think you'll find  it's swearing bad behavior,  and standing that people object to.

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Rich the sections of support you are referring to used to be located in the centre of terraces. The centres of new build all seater stands are now traditionally sat, and far more sedate as is the case in the South stand. Having experienced one game in the South stand I would wholly agree with WWS's point. There are people who do not want noise around them, and the songs and culture associated with a section of City support would be wholly unacceptable to a significant proportion of those in the South stand.

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On 06/11/2015, 20:10:38, WolfOfWestStreet said:

I read it fine. 

I feel there is a lot of pressure on what genuinely is only about 50-100 fans who instigate the atmosphere for the entire ground. I'm sorry but I'd wager only 2-5% of fans actively start and instigate atmosphere at Ashton Gate. 

We're on our third stand in 3 seasons, soon to be 4th relocation when we are moved over the ateyo. 

What are the other 12000 doing? The singers are not cheerleaders that should be placed in areas in order to get the majority going. take some individual responsibility, ask yourself what did I add to the atmosphere today? 

the tutting comment was in jest but if you're telling me fans in the dolman/ SS are free to express themselves, you're wrong. Why do you think all the singers sit together? And are PUT in a certain area by the club? The majority don't want noise around them and moan to the club.

Its not a superiority thing, I don't actually care if people don't want to be noisy, just don't expect those that do to have to carry everyone else and then moan when the whole ground ain't rocking. 

Spot on Wolf. Anyone who believes that the singing is generally "inspired naturally", during a period of good play is misguided. For example, Enclosure Surge (Hat man) often gets us Atyeo guys going even when the team is not doing so well and confidence is low.

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1 hour ago, Rich said:

Ok, then you didn't understand it. I am not saying that those that sing should lead others, that naturally happens. If  they were located to the south stand and central as they have traditionally done and at nearly every ground in the country, as has always been the case, it would be better in my opinion. Other sections of the crowd join in and add to the atmosphere when inspired, generally during a period of good play. It has always been that way and always will be, to expect it to be different is deluded.  Don't fu###ng question me about how I support my team, I've been doing it for fifty years now and am as vocal as I can be. As for people not wanting noise around them, what a load of bull, I think you'll find  it's swearing bad behavior,  and standing that people object to.

One of the reasons fans moved into the Eastend in 2007, and then the Williams ... Was that their type of support would not have a negative impact, or inconvenience many other fellow fans. What would be better in your opinion would do both.

Rich instead of wanting fans to move who may totally not share your view on the merits of the South stand, and would require a seismic shift in attitudes not only from fans, but also BS/BCFC, why not create your own collaborative efforts within the South stand?

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On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎11‎:‎56‎:‎42, WTMS said:

One of the reasons fans moved into the Eastend in 2007, and then the Williams ... Was that their type of support would not have a negative impact, or inconvenience many other fellow fans. What would be better in your opinion would do both.

Rich instead of wanting fans to move who may totally not share your view on the merits of the South stand, and would require a seismic shift in attitudes not only from fans, but also BS/BCFC, why not create your own collaborative efforts within the South stand?

If I remember correctly, the fans that moved back to the EE after a bit of a battle, did so because of what you say. The club see that type of fan as off putting to a bigger group of fee paying customers, so they make it difficult. The reason for that is I believe, the clubs stance on allocated seating. It does not allow for like minded fans to get together in one area because of the effects on other fans who just want to see the game from their paid for chosen seat. For those that want to chant, sing, jump up and down or whatever, there's no room for them in the long term plans of BS, sadly. What I am suggesting is that those like minded fans, make an area their own, by frequenting it for a couple of seasons. until others have left to be replaced by more like minded lunatics, starting at the back is good as it doesn't affect other peoples views. The end of this season will be a good one for relocating to the SS, as many will revert back to the Williams. Over a couple of seasons it could end up quite good. There is no future for the type of fans that want to sing/chant,  trying to stay in the Atyeo, the club will water the numbers down and you won't exist, which is a great pitty.


As for my own efforts, I've been there and done it, from the late sixties to the nineties. I now need to sit more regularly than jumping up and down, shouting and raising my fist in celebration or as a threatening gesture, the old gits knees won't take it too often.

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On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎15‎:‎47‎:‎12, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Sorry I didn't mean to upset you, i understand we all want a better match day atmosphere.

Very gracious, cheers. Sometimes the very essence of what your trying to portray is lost in the post, I have a difficulty expressing what I really mean because I want to say so much but, can't type quickly enough and lose my way.   Anyway keep up the support, I reckon you lads and lasses would work brilliantly in the SS, as I can't see a future for you in the Atyeo with the current BS plans.

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On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎18‎:‎09‎:‎34, Three Lions said:

How would moving fans from the atyeo to the centre of the south stand work apart from badly?

It worked alright in the Eastend for god knows how many years, and has done at the majority of other grounds for decades, as well. Many will relocate at the end of this season.

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13 hours ago, Rich said:

If I remember correctly, the fans that moved back to the EE after a bit of a battle, did so because of what you say. The club see that type of fan as off putting to a bigger group of fee paying customers, so they make it difficult. The reason for that is I believe, the clubs stance on allocated seating. It does not allow for like minded fans to get together in one area because of the effects on other fans who just want to see the game from their paid for chosen seat. For those that want to chant, sing, jump up and down or whatever, there's no room for them in the long term plans of BS, sadly. What I am suggesting is that those like minded fans, make an area their own, by frequenting it for a couple of seasons. until others have left to be replaced by more like minded lunatics, starting at the back is good as it doesn't affect other peoples views. The end of this season will be a good one for relocating to the SS, as many will revert back to the Williams. Over a couple of seasons it could end up quite good. There is no future for the type of fans that want to sing/chant,  trying to stay in the Atyeo, the club will water the numbers down and you won't exist, which is a great pitty.


As for my own efforts, I've been there and done it, from the late sixties to the nineties. I now need to sit more regularly than jumping up and down, shouting and raising my fist in celebration or as a threatening gesture, the old gits knees won't take it too often.

Rich the “bit of a battle” you refer to was a period of years.  What you are suggesting “is that those like minded fans, make an area their own …” is far more problematic.


It has been pointed out that fans concentrating on the Atyeo/ Part of Dolman is practical and does not require wide changes in club policy, and will not inconvinience large number of fans  -  http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/172419-are-the-atyeo-stand-home-fans-moving-again/



12 hours ago, Rich said:

It worked alright in the Eastend for god knows how many years, and has done at the majority of other grounds for decades, as well. Many will relocate at the end of this season.


  • The East End / Eastend was an entirely different environment terraced, or post 2007 backless seats model to the South stand.
  • The rake of the South stand is too steep according to BS/BCFC to safely allow standing.
  • BS/BCFC have stated there is a zero tolerance policy to standing away from the Atyeo.
  • Hundreds of fans moving into the centre of the South stand would require other fans to move en masse.
  • Views would be obstructed.
  • Fans would be inconvenienced.
  • Club policy would have to change.
  • There is no evidence base - polls etc to identify wide support/fans feeling this step would be beneficial.
  • There is no obvious support lobbying for this move.
  • It would almost certainly cause conflict between fans.
  • The same groups of fans moving into the centre of the South stand would have to cease supporting the team in the same manner as they did in the Eastend, Williams, or Atyeo. That is not an opinion, it is  a fact.  

There will be more to add to those bullet points. Even on the peripheral topic of flags the rules stand to stands are different. This again is a fact. When the above considerations are made it is hard Ito see how "alright" would sensibly be achieved, unless alright means entirely different.


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10 hours ago, WTMS said:

Rich the “bit of a battle” you refer to was a period of years.  What you are suggesting “is that those like minded fans, make an area their own …” is far more problematic.


It has been pointed out that fans concentrating on the Atyeo/ Part of Dolman is practical and does not require wide changes in club policy, and will not inconvinience large number of fans  -  http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/172419-are-the-atyeo-stand-home-fans-moving-again/




  • The East End / Eastend was an entirely different environment terraced, or post 2007 backless seats model to the South stand.
  • The rake of the South stand is too steep according to BS/BCFC to safely allow standing.
  • BS/BCFC have stated there is a zero tolerance policy to standing away from the Atyeo.
  • Hundreds of fans moving into the centre of the South stand would require other fans to move en masse.
  • Views would be obstructed.
  • Fans would be inconvenienced.
  • Club policy would have to change.
  • There is no evidence base - polls etc to identify wide support/fans feeling this step would be beneficial.
  • There is no obvious support lobbying for this move.
  • It would almost certainly cause conflict between fans.
  • The same groups of fans moving into the centre of the South stand would have to cease supporting the team in the same manner as they did in the Eastend, Williams, or Atyeo. That is not an opinion, it is  a fact.  

There will be more to add to those bullet points. Even on the peripheral topic of flags the rules stand to stands are different. This again is a fact. When the above considerations are made it is hard Ito see how "alright" would sensibly be achieved, unless alright means entirely different.


Your eleven bullet points duplicate each other, there appears to be only a few issues.

Firstly the clubs stance, which I agree is making things difficult for the singers as we'll call them. This is the biggest problem of them all. Rowdy, noisy supporters are not really wanted in the "customer base" courted by BS. They are after middle income earners who behave themselves and pay up for goods without a whimper.

This stance covers the location and standing which also covers the inconvenience for other fans.

There is no evidence from polls or obvious support for a move to the SS, as there's never been a poll. The option was not there, due to the clubs policy/stance over family areas and allocated seating.

As for the rake of the stands, there's little difference between the Dolman and SS and I can't see that standing would be allowed in the Dolman for the same reasons, as you've already stated. So where does that leave you when you have to vacate the Atyeo next season?

As far as fans having to relocate, the same inconvenience applies to those currently in the Dolman as those in the SS, except that, there were far more supporters relocated from the Williams to the SS, with very few relocated from the Dolman. So ultimately, it would be safe to say that those from the Williams would vacate the SS and those from the Dolman would stay put. Leaving more empty seats in the SS than the Dolman, even in the old A block area.

I have suggested that the "singing fans" as a group, are regarded as a bit of a problem by BS no matter where they are. I believe that the original "singing fans" congregated behind the goals because that's where the action is at it's most intense and where teams can gain an advantage by having their fans right behind them at one of the goals, just like was requested and organised for the Wembley JPT final. It happens all over the world, why would it be different at Ashton Gate? I believe that BS will do what they want and say whatever they can to disrupt and divide the "singing fans" by imposing silly stipulations on where and when you can go and what behaviour is going to be acceptable to them and other fans.

I believe that what many of the "singing fans" really want, is to stand up. I think that will not be tolerated in this stadium unless there is a complete change of heart from BS, or that safe standing is introduced. As a result, I believe that the end result will be a disrupted divided group of frustrated "singing fans" with no special area to suit their needs.

I've suggested you take the initiative and make an area your own, by purchasing Season Tickets for the rear of the SS. At the end of this season, when, there'll be many vacant seats with the old barstewards going back to the Williams. You know, the ones who just want to sit and moan, with a blanket wrapped tightly around their arthritic knees and a flask of nice hot chocolate. That way at least over a period of time, that area will become known as the singing area and it will be back where the traditional singing area always was, behind the goal. People could even stand at the back with access by stewards limited, by there being no rear gangway. Good luck.


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23 hours ago, Rich said:

Your eleven bullet points duplicate each other, there appears to be only a few issues.

Firstly the clubs stance, which I agree is making things difficult for the singers as we'll call them. This is the biggest problem of them all. Rowdy, noisy supporters are not really wanted in the "customer base" courted by BS. They are after middle income earners who behave themselves and pay up for goods without a whimper.

This stance covers the location and standing which also covers the inconvenience for other fans.

There is no evidence from polls or obvious support for a move to the SS, as there's never been a poll. The option was not there, due to the clubs policy/stance over family areas and allocated seating.

As for the rake of the stands, there's little difference between the Dolman and SS and I can't see that standing would be allowed in the Dolman for the same reasons, as you've already stated. So where does that leave you when you have to vacate the Atyeo next season?

As far as fans having to relocate, the same inconvenience applies to those currently in the Dolman as those in the SS, except that, there were far more supporters relocated from the Williams to the SS, with very few relocated from the Dolman. So ultimately, it would be safe to say that those from the Williams would vacate the SS and those from the Dolman would stay put. Leaving more empty seats in the SS than the Dolman, even in the old A block area.

I have suggested that the "singing fans" as a group, are regarded as a bit of a problem by BS no matter where they are. I believe that the original "singing fans" congregated behind the goals because that's where the action is at it's most intense and where teams can gain an advantage by having their fans right behind them at one of the goals, just like was requested and organised for the Wembley JPT final. It happens all over the world, why would it be different at Ashton Gate? I believe that BS will do what they want and say whatever they can to disrupt and divide the "singing fans" by imposing silly stipulations on where and when you can go and what behaviour is going to be acceptable to them and other fans.

I believe that what many of the "singing fans" really want, is to stand up. I think that will not be tolerated in this stadium unless there is a complete change of heart from BS, or that safe standing is introduced. As a result, I believe that the end result will be a disrupted divided group of frustrated "singing fans" with no special area to suit their needs.

I've suggested you take the initiative and make an area your own, by purchasing Season Tickets for the rear of the SS. At the end of this season, when, there'll be many vacant seats with the old barstewards going back to the Williams. You know, the ones who just want to sit and moan, with a blanket wrapped tightly around their arthritic knees and a flask of nice hot chocolate. That way at least over a period of time, that area will become known as the singing area and it will be back where the traditional singing area always was, behind the goal. People could even stand at the back with access by stewards limited, by there being no rear gangway. Good luck.


There appears to be only a few issues ... Hardly a few Riich, and points regarding the Safety Advisory Group and reductions for unreserved seating were omitted. 

There is no evidence from polls, or obvious support for a move to the SS, as there's never been a poll ... And there is no obvious support. There are no fans lobbying for this move. There are no clear ideas being articulated by fans/ fans groups and presented to BCFC/BS, unless you know different?  

As for the rake of the stands, there's little difference between the Dolman and SS and I can't see that standing would be allowed in the Dolman ... The link mentions Lower Dolman, and that is a longer term leading to a possible opportunity of incorporating safe standing.

The Atyeo next season? Fans will be meeting Bristol Sport to discuss this. 

I've suggested you take the initiative ... See above. Fans will be meeting Bristol Sport in the near future to discuss associated ideas including the corner of the Dolman stand that take that initiative.  

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24 minutes ago, WTMS said:

There appears to be only a few issues ... Hardly a few Riich, and points regarding the Safety Advisory Group and reductions for unreserved seating were omitted. 

There is no evidence from polls, or obvious support for a move to the SS, as there's never been a poll ... And there is no obvious support. There are no fans lobbying for this move. There are no clear ideas being articulated by fans/ fans groups and presented to BCFC/BS, unless you know different?  

As for the rake of the stands, there's little difference between the Dolman and SS and I can't see that standing would be allowed in the Dolman ... The link mentions Lower Dolman, and that is a longer term leading to a possible opportunity of incorporating safe standing.

The Atyeo next season? Fans will be meeting Bristol Sport to discuss this. 

I've suggested you take the initiative ... See above. Fans will be meeting Bristol Sport in the near future to discuss associated ideas including the corner of the Dolman stand that take that initiative.  

There are only a few issues raised in your bullet point list, SAGS will always be cited as a reason to not allow something. The issues are all linked to either the stance of BS or the demands of the "singers", there are two groups at loggerheads, they don't want the problems that come with lively noisy supporters. As I've said before but perhaps it's been missed, there is no obvious support for a move to the SS, because the clubs stance has almost forbidden it, so it won't have been considered by anyone, let alone anyone holding a poll on the subject.

If I suddenly had the power to say "ok, if the majority want it",  they can move on mass to the centre back of the SS, because there are plenty of vacant seats now that people have relocated back to the Williams. People already in that area can relocate within the SS if they don't want to be in the singing section. What do you think would be the reaction of the majority of the "singers"? Do you think they'd want to go into the corner of the Dolman and be forced to sit (because they would)? Would they want to wait and see what area is offered and then fight against it? Do you think they'd be happy to wait until there is safe standing but go where in the mean time? Safe standing, or even temporary standing (which won't be allowed because of the rake),  will mean the removal of at least two rows of seating behind it, that's if and it's a big if, it's ever put in the lower Dolman. The club won't like that anyway, due to loss of possible revenue in a prime location. Talk and promises are easy, BS can cite this or that reason, for not doing what they don't want to do anyway. Wherever you decide, or are allowed to go, other fans will be inconvenienced.

I'm saying, why discuss it with the club, it's your choice where you go, there'll be plenty of seats in the SS next season when tickets go on sale, go and make it your own place, if you want to. As it is, they've got you discussing where you want to go and what your demands are. They will then know how to plan their long term strategy to be rid of their problematic fans. I'm going to choose where I want to sit and get the most enjoyment from watching the games, why don't you?

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3 minutes ago, Rich said:

There are only a few issues raised in your bullet point list, SAGS will always be cited as a reason to not allow something. The issues are all linked to either the stance of BS or the demands of the "singers", there are two groups at loggerheads, they don't want the problems that come with lively noisy supporters. As I've said before but perhaps it's been missed, there is no obvious support for a move to the SS, because the clubs stance has almost forbidden it, so it won't have been considered by anyone, let alone anyone holding a poll on the subject.

If I suddenly had the power to say "ok, if the majority want it",  they can move on mass to the centre back of the SS, because there are plenty of vacant seats now that people have relocated back to the Williams. People already in that area can relocate within the SS if they don't want to be in the singing section. What do you think would be the reaction of the majority of the "singers"? Do you think they'd want to go into the corner of the Dolman and be forced to sit (because they would)? Would they want to wait and see what area is offered and then fight against it? Do you think they'd be happy to wait until there is safe standing but go where in the mean time? Safe standing, or even temporary standing (which won't be allowed because of the rake),  will mean the removal of at least two rows of seating behind it, that's if and it's a big if, it's ever put in the lower Dolman. The club won't like that anyway, due to loss of possible revenue in a prime location. Talk and promises are easy, BS can cite this or that reason, for not doing what they don't want to do anyway. Wherever you decide, or are allowed to go, other fans will be inconvenienced.

I'm saying, why discuss it with the club, it's your choice where you go, there'll be plenty of seats in the SS next season when tickets go on sale, go and make it your own place, if you want to. As it is, they've got you discussing where you want to go and what your demands are. They will then know how to plan their long term strategy to be rid of their problematic fans. I'm going to choose where I want to sit and get the most enjoyment from watching the games, why don't you?

Rich your post are making little sense. There are numerous problematic negatives associated with a move en masse into the centre of the South stand which is why there is no obvious support for it. You are more or less stating that Bristol Sport have a prejudicial view towards an element of support, which if true is hardly a position that would lend itself to a clearly problematic taking over a section of the ground without the consent of BS/BCFC, which would almost certainly be unpopular with some residing in the South stand now..

What do you think would be the reaction of the majority of the "singers"? Do you think they'd want to go into the corner of the Dolman and be forced to sit (because they would)? Read the links. Mention is made of possibly using the lower Dolman, in unison with the Atyeo. It is hard to know what the view of fans would beyond surprise, a move into the upper Dolman is not being considered! 

Would they want to wait and see what area is offered and then fight against it? Fans will be making proposals proactively, possibly in the very near future. No fighting against it, or them or areas.

As it is, they've got you discussing where you want to go and what your demands are .. No demands will be made. Sensible constructive suggestions / proposals will be put forward to Bristol Sport..






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