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Thank you Cotts


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If you're reading this Steve just wanted to say a big thank you for saving us from relegation to League Two and then taking us to the League One title in such spectacular fashion last season. 99 points and the double with the Johnstone's Paint Trophy made it the most memorable season I have had in my 50 years supporting City.

Haven't posted on here for years but felt compelled to express my gratitude and wish you all the best for the future.

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That night at Bradford was unbelievable, and last season was one of the most fantastic I imagine I will ever see; it's not often we win leagues, let alone doubles.

Thank you to Steve Cotterill, not just for that magnificent achievement but for saving us from relegation the year before too, which was no mean feat.

I'm sure he'll go on to success elsewhere, as his turning us from relegation fodder into title winners will have turned heads.


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We may well look back in years to come and regret that phone call!!

Last season was one to savour and the kind of thing that only comes around one every twenty years or so.  Thank you Cotts and I, for one, wish you all the very best of luck in your next job - apart from when your new team plays against us ;-))

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Anyone who wins a double at whatever level playing the football we played last season gets my utmost respect. How many clubs in this country have done a "double"... we don't know how lucky we were to be a part of that. However, the spineless board members and investor upstairs get f00k all from me. They cannot even sack the man to his face let alone get the timing right if he was to be sacked.

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There are some lovely comments on this thread, and others. I actually feel quite emotional reading this. It's going to be a bit strange looking over at the dugout and not seeing him there tomorrow.

Like all winners the luck deserted him in the end. Its a shame he was made to abandon the project before it got back on track, but football is a cruel mistress and doesn't give any time for too many mistakes. 

Thank you Steve Cotterill. 

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Not only did you bring us a double you made us all have that feel good factor, a smile when we turned up at the gate knowing we were going to enjoy watching City play. Helping my daughter fall in love with her home town club and not some jumped up prem team.

 good luck Steve!

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Thanks for all of your hard work. Your passion and determination rubbed off onto this group of good young players. I liked the fact that you were honest and didn't mind showing the way you felt - it was a breath of fresh air! It's a shame it has ended prematurely as with the right backing I'm sure success would have continued! I sincerely hope that this wasn't a result of the incident after Tuesday's game - it's a shame there is a minority of so called fans with absolutely no clue - anyone with any sense could see you were 100% committed to our club.

Good luck for the future.

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I truly hope that any alleged fallout with the Board doesn't taint his memories of his time here. I hope he can look back and remember the good times and think fondly of us fans and be proud how he contributed to our history. Yes, he deserves a Dolman plaque at least.

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I know I was critical of Cotterill toward the end, and I know some of you will not believe this, but I genuinely doff my cap to him for the job he did in his first 18 months here.

I do appreciate what was achieved last season, and fans will be pleased to know that Section 82 do have a banner for him tomorrow, to be displayed before the game along with the flags.

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A huge thanks to Cotts from me and Joe.  His team have given us both so many lovely Saturday's and a fair few Tuesday's as father and son.  Oh yeah, and a few Sunday's!

Will always be a Bristol City Football legend in my mind.

Good luck in your next venture and continue to be a #winner


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  • The fact he kept us up from the awful mess we were in about 2 years ago...a season where it took us until late October to win a game in LEAGUE ONE!
  • The fact we signed young hungry players yet shrewd experience summer 2014, an excellent preseason and preparation by all, not least Cotterill.
  • The fact we did not lose in ANY competition until November, magnificent.
  • The JPT.
  • 99 points, FA Cup run also and that unlucky loss to West Ham
  • 3-0 v Swindon...'Flint said no!'
  • The lengthy unbeaten run at back end of season- we had two lengthy unbeaten runs that season.
  • The flair and panache.
  • The fact his successor has a lot to build on- squad average age 24, 25 is it...Kodjia signing, he has left some good stuff.
  • Even a draw at a solid WBA with a thin old squad last week (only 6 subs and even then Fielding got injured)...pretty good and better than I realistically predicted for that one!


So many good moments. Shame it has ended and too soon I feel...thank you Cotts and the best of luck (except v City)!                                                                                                                                

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Last season was the best and most enjoyable I've known in 30 years of supporting City, absolutely superb, especially after several years of depressing dross at the wrong end of the Championship. 

Saved us from a L1 relegation battle in 13/14 and delivered us a season we dominated to the disgust of our haters last year. Gutted it didn't work out this year but I've been able to show my young son how enjoyable supporting your local club can be. Days like the trip to Wembley, 8-2 against Walsall and the Open Top Parade will be remembered for a very long time.

Cheers Cotts and good luck for the future.

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