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2 hours ago, LondonBristolian said:

Not the easiest job for sure but, in the case of Freedman and Pearce, you have to say that they were risky appointments in the first place.  Neither had really done much to show they were the right man for this level. 

Very true statements regarding both managers, but there's the same pressure at Forest as there is at Leeds where the size of the club is not matched by the quality of players.

There are false expectations for the fans every season purely and simply because they are big clubs, but they both have average squads, as their league positions show most seasons. 

Whoever goes in to these jobs is on a hiding to nothing unless substantial transfer funds appear, which appears unlikely.

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3 hours ago, LondonBristolian said:

Not the easiest job for sure but, in the case of Freedman and Pearce, you have to say that they were risky appointments in the first place.  Neither had really done much to show they were the right man for this level. 

Well at least Freedman had managed two other championship clubs before being appointed at Forest, so not as much a risk as us appointing Lee?

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2 hours ago, Tipps69 said:

I wouldn't be surprised to see them go down the foreign route.

There's not many from the UK that would touch them, kind of finding them in a similar sort of position to Leeds.

A club living on past glories & still thinking they're big!!

Good point, I laughed when, a few years ago, Forest went one up against us at The Gate and their fans started singing 'one nil to the famous club'.....

We weren't long in responding "you're not famous anymore..."

Their achievements back in the day were incredible but they still think they are that club....

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1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

Do you think? Debatable I'd say. The problem was the patience of their squillionaire owner. They're always less patient. 


1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

Do you think? Debatable I'd say. The problem was the patience of their squillionaire owner. They're always less patient. 


1 hour ago, Tipps69 said:

Oh the irony!!

Yet you think Arsene Wenger is overrated............

Transfer embargo affecting transfer fees and wages they could pay.  Most of their fans didn't want him out which I think says a lot.  Bit more to it than just simply looking at the points column. 

You think Wenger has done well over the last three seasons do you Tipps?  With his budget.  Maybe you agree with him that 4th place is the equivalent to a trophy.

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19 minutes ago, RedDave said:

What an observation.  Excellent work.  Do you work in the game?  What a waste if not.  

Also well done for doing so well without the ability to read.


My comment is regarding your apparent backing of someone who has done very little within the game compared to someone who has done quite a lot in the game!!

But you carry on, you've finally bored me into giving up with your inane rubbish!!

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4 minutes ago, Tipps69 said:


My comment is regarding your apparent backing of someone who has done very little within the game compared to someone who has done quite a lot in the game!!

But you carry on, you've finally bored me into giving up with your inane rubbish!!

Different situations and scenarios.  

Wenger has failed in the last few seasons with a huge budget.  Why are fans fighting in the stadium and wanting him out?  

Freedman, under a transfer embargo, has done a decent job.  Very little money to spend.  

I don't know why you are comparing them.

trying to debate with people who are either unable or unwilling to read what is written is a tad frustrating. 

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the devil is in the detail. @Tipps69 @Fordy62

ozzyten10 - 13/3/2016 19:08 

A very poor squad. We are about right at 14th. Freedman deserves a medal to be honest. I wasn't happy on Saturday but we had two players playing with broken hands, our top scorer out for rest of season, a u21 player playing out of position and an out of form journeyman centre forward. They had Aiden Mcgeady, Hooper, Bannan and Foresteri - all with recent prem experience.


The scorers of 51 of last season's goals were not available to us yesterday. In replacement we had only mendes, with what? 2 goals? And however many Mills has got. 

People forget that we lost at home to Wednesday last year too, 2-0 I think. But look how far the clubs have moved since then- we have a transfer spend of -£7m and have lost Assombalonga, Fryatt, Lansbury, Antonio since that game- Wednesday have spent £15m and signed Bannan, Hooper, Forestieri, McGeady. Add that to injuries and having Dex and COG up front and of course we lost. 

Derby have spent £25m, Boro nearly £20m, Wednesday £15m. That is some of what we are competing with. Even Brighton, who have spent little, were able to buy and sign in a market completely different to ours. This is what mid-table looks like folks. 

And remember we have been in embargo for over a year, longer than anyone. Where are the other embargoed clubs? 

Leeds are 13th, one place above us. Blackburn are 16th, two places below us. Blackburn came out in December and have had a window, Leeds came out nearly a year ago and have had two windows. We have made a massive net transfer gain, been in embargo, had injuries and yet we are no better or worse than any other club that has suffered an embargo. 

And even when we do sign a player, it takes ages. Does anyone else know why Peter Odemwingie, a Nigerian national, was straight in the Bristol squad while Federico Macheda, an Anglo-Italian covered by our own UEFA federation and signed on the same day is still waiting for "international clearance"? Can anyone every remember us having to wait ages for a player because of international clearance before this season? 

None of these things were Freedman's fault. I honest believe he's done a good job, with football that was suited to the strengths of the squad he had.


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21 hours ago, Tipps69 said:


My comment is regarding your apparent backing of someone who has done very little within the game compared to someone who has done quite a lot in the game!!

But you carry on, you've finally bored me into giving up with your inane rubbish!!

I'd give up mate, he also thinks Giroud is rubbish despite his brill scoring record over the last nine seasons, 1 goal in every 2 games in the league and champions league......

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