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Giving up the ciggies...

Septic Peg

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Shit sceptic!! That's the problem with being a laydee so much more complicated!!! Healing thoughts and best wishes.

Woodsy top effort. 

I'm enjoying reading other people's reasons for giving up just adds to mine. If you've done it so can i

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I don't think anyone on this thread has mentioned 'Champix' yet?

After many unsuccessful attempts to quit I was prescribed a course of Champix by the doctor nearly 5 years ago and haven't touched a cigarette since. I was also given the Nicolette spray device which was ******* disgusting. 

As others have also mentioned though genuinely wanting to give up helps massively. Having known 4 people suffer from and ultimately die of emphysema (one in his early 40s) the thought of potentially ending up with that disease worried me a great deal.

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On ‎23‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 02:40, Just Red said:

I too want to give up but I just can't bring myself to do it, I just don't want want to. I know there are obvious health benefits, and financial benefits but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I have tried twice this last year and didn't do too well. I know it's the addiction talking but I enjoy smoking.

For me my cigs have been my only constant in life, through the good and the bad, they are like a best friend.

The Times I tried before I always smoked what I had until they were gone and then gave up but instantly not having any put me in a panic. Maybe as suggested above I should keep some and then make it my choice not to smoke it?

I was exactly like this, just enjoyed fags too much to contemplate giving them up.

That is until I tried vaping. I bought a vaporiser out of curiosity more than anything, and after one day I gave up the fags. I just prefer the taste of the vape to the fags. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I haven't gone back to the fags. Had 3 or 4 in that period, and they all tasted disgusting.

With the vaporiser you still have the action of inhaling and exhaling, your hand is occupied and you still get the lovely, lovely nicotine.


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@Septic Peg can't blame you for concentrating on more important issues first. I did a similar thing until I was ready to quit. 

When you try again and for the others that have started I'd recommend the NHS StopSmoking app. The only part of that I use is the 'Stop time' part. It currently tells me that I gave up 602 days and 5 hours ago. Unsurprisingly for someone who smoked as much as me my savings calculate to £8,840.67. 

I can't say I'm never tempted but I don't want to go back to where I was. I also know I can not be a 'social' smoker (not that the phrase gets used much these days).

Good luck all.


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23 hours ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

I was exactly like this, just enjoyed fags too much to contemplate giving them up.

That is until I tried vaping. I bought a vaporiser out of curiosity more than anything, and after one day I gave up the fags. I just prefer the taste of the vape to the fags. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I haven't gone back to the fags. Had 3 or 4 in that period, and they all tasted disgusting.

With the vaporiser you still have the action of inhaling and exhaling, your hand is occupied and you still get the lovely, lovely nicotine.


Snap ^^^^^^^ same as you @Sir Colby-Tit yer not really a tit at all.:thumbsup:

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On 26/04/2016 at 15:59, richwwtk said:

Still no mention of the actual contents of the mysterious book. I'm beginning to think it's all a little bit masonic.

P.S. I am quite aware I could just buy my own copy, but I've already given up smoking and it would just spoil my conspiracy fun.

The Allen Carr book?  How to describe it?  It essentially teaches you that you are in control and that you have to challenge assumptions about smoking.  It takes you through the science of what smoking does to you, and it evens goes into the economics and the politics of the tobacco industry.  It convinces you how nicotine fools your body - for instance by making you think that it is calming you down when in fact it is doing just the opposite. It teaches you that you can be in control, that giving up smoking is not depriving yourself of anything but more doing away with something that you don't need and which is effectively fooling your body into believing it needs.  So it is not about willpower, nor about self-denial.  You effectively take on what smoking is doing to you, and you fight back.  I found I got quite angry once I realised that I was trapped in a vicious cycle, and really wanted to do something about it.  In a sense there is an element of self-hypnosis about it.  I had the book and (it was a long time ago) the cassette, and listened to the tape in my car while commuting for over four months before I felt ready to give up.  Of course you still have to deal with the physical symptons of nicotine withdrawal, and also the breaking of the habit, but I have never even physically touched a cigarette since I stopped over 25 years ago, and I felt almost evangelical about the Allen Carr book once I'd succeeded.

Hope this helps.

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23 hours ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

I was exactly like this, just enjoyed fags too much to contemplate giving them up.

That is until I tried vaping. I bought a vaporiser out of curiosity more than anything, and after one day I gave up the fags. I just prefer the taste of the vape to the fags. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I haven't gone back to the fags. Had 3 or 4 in that period, and they all tasted disgusting.

With the vaporiser you still have the action of inhaling and exhaling, your hand is occupied and you still get the lovely, lovely nicotine.


It doesn't help that so many bodies are banning vaping on their premises because... Well, because they can :(

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With respect to all of you that are trying to give up,and not trying to undermine your efforts,when I gave up,I just gave up.I didn't use patches,vape,Allen Carr books.I honestly think all these things prolong the agony.When the time is right just stop and don't look for substitute s.I know it isnt easy.It wasnt easy for me.They are just constant reminders.Iwish you all the best of luck.


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10 hours ago, Slacker said:

With respect to all of you that are trying to give up,and not trying to undermine your efforts,when I gave up,I just gave up.I didn't use patches,vape,Allen Carr books.I honestly think all these things prolong the agony.When the time is right just stop and don't look for substitute s.I know it isnt easy.It wasnt easy for me.They are just constant reminders.Iwish you all the best of luck.


I just stopped as well, although I had the motivation that my wife was pregnant with our first child and I didn't want to be a smoking dad. I also had the advantage that I had been cutting down for a while and was only on about 10 a day by the time I stopped.

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59 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

I just stopped as well, although I had the motivation that my wife was pregnant with our first child and I didn't want to be a smoking dad. I also had the advantage that I had been cutting down for a while and was only on about 10 a day by the time I stopped.

I was probably on about twenty a day.As others have pointed out I think it is about the habit as much as the addiction. To me it seems that by using vape/gum/patches etc,you are constantly reminding yourself that you are going without cigarettes, therefore making it more difficult for yourself to quit.

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New month and so I thought I'd resurrect this thread.

I had two blips since this thread started but have now done 30 days cig free. I ended up going cold turkey which has worked for me. I did buy a big pack of nicorette chewing gum (lemon flavour) but just never used them so if anyone wants them PM me and I'll send them on they are worth 15 quid but chuck a fiver in your favourite charity and we'll call it quits.

I found the counting the money works which as it stands is £156 although I'm not counting that if I was out on the beer ii'd have smoked a lot more.

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2 hours ago, twodogs said:

New month so I thought I'd resurre ct this thread.

I had two blips since this thread started but have now done 30 days cig free. I ended up going cold turkey which has worked for me. I did buy a big pack of nicorette chewing gum (lemon flavour) but just never used them so if anyone wants them PM me and I'll send them on they are worth 15 quid but chuck a fiver in your favourite charity and we'll call it quits.

I found the counting the money works which as it stands is £156 although I'm not counting that if I was out on the beer ii'd have smoked a lot more.

Nice one twodogs, dont give up giving up, it gets easier abd easier as each week/month goes by, .... I hardly think about or crave it at all nowadays (but am aware that a single moment of weakness could undo all the good work -one fag and its day one again!) 

Total £1 coins on shelf since Jan 1st currently stands at £612 (153 × 4 quid daily piles) the daily ritual is my 'habit' now . 

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I've not done well at all to be honest.  Although I've kicked the habit of smoking in the car.  Before everytime I started the engine I'd light up. Currently I'm concentrating on losing weight. I'm doing really well with that. My calorie intake is 50% less and I've commited to doing at least 10k steps a day plus go swimming every couple of days. By doing this I'm proving to myself I do have the will power to do what ever I like. I think losing weight and giving up smoking at the same time would be all to much. Right now losing weight is a far more pressing concern of mine. 

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19 hours ago, Just Red said:

I've not done well at all to be honest.  Although I've kicked the habit of smoking in the car.  Before everytime I started the engine I'd light up. Currently I'm concentrating on losing weight. I'm doing really well with that. My calorie intake is 50% less and I've commited to doing at least 10k steps a day plus go swimming every couple of days. By doing this I'm proving to myself I do have the will power to do what ever I like. I think losing weight and giving up smoking at the same time would be all to much. Right now losing weight is a far more pressing concern of mine. 

...well done JR , much respect.... the weight and fitness thing just ain't happening for me,

not 'prowed' of my much desired but half hearted efforts... :tv_horror: ..... if I could catch the bugger I'd probably eat this :fish: and the bloody :banana:

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56 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

...well done JR , much respect.... the weight and fitness thing just ain't happening for me,

not 'prowed' of my much desired but half hearted efforts... :tv_horror: ..... if I could catch the bugger I'd probably eat this :fish: and the bloody :banana:

No different to the fags mate just have to want to do it;)

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I must be around 6 months in, I guess? Still not read the book.....

I've smoked two cigarettes in that time. One through sheer boredom, and one with a pint. Didn't enjoy either if I'm honest

Pretty chuffed that I've got this far without breaking. Need to pack up the vaping now....

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