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Giving up the ciggies...

Septic Peg

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Tried many times before. Only real success was when I was pregnant. Managed to stay off the fags for ages...

So I'm currently on day 2 of being fag free. I've got my NRT and that's all good. Playing on OTIB and Candy Crush is also helping distraction wise...

So I guess I'm asking for tips for staying off the cigarettes long term (ie when I finish the NRT). Anyone have any thoughts? Btw, tried the whole vaping thing but just want to be nicotine free all together...

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My sister had a jar, every day she put her fag money in it and it mounted up pretty damned quick (around £5 a day). She had almost £200 the first month, seeing the cash just made her realise how much she was wasting. She started buying more stuff - so I guess she has not saved money long term, but at least she has tangible things in her life, and gets out/away more than she used to.   

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Good advice from Fiale.

But.....ultimately it's really down to how much you want to stop for yourself. Not your family telling you to quit and you "trying" to stop for them. It has to be for you.

I tried several times to quit before I actually did stop smoking. The difference was that previously I simply didn't want to stop badly enough. The final time I succeeded because my wife was carrying our first child and I didn't want the child to be brought up in a smokers household as I was. I had stopped for 6/12 when she was born.

The hardest time was after about a week when I first went into a pub and bought a pint. That triggered really strong carvings for nicotine but I really wanted not to smoke and got through it - just!

One tip that helped was watching others smoke unobtrusively and seeing how ugly it made the smoker look. The draw, inhale and exhale all whilst smoke drifting over thei face. Ugh! 

Stick with it and never think that one cigarette won't hurt.........:facepalm:

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My missus went to the Stop Smoking Clinic and was on patches and an inhaler but only for a couple of weeks. One day she forgot to put the patch on and didn`t miss the fags at all so hasn`t bothered since. One thing she has done though (and she admits this herself) is put a fair bit of weight on which she`s finding difficult to shift although with summer coming and long walks with the dog, gardening etc. that hopefully will get easier.

  It all comes down to whether you really deep down want to give up or not IMO. I`ve tried a few times but my heart`s not been in it so have failed miserably..

Good luck mate, hope you can rid yourself of the curse.


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@Septic PegI think a lot of smoking is habit, you have a coffee break etc and just reach for the ciggies. It does help that in workplaces etc you can't smoke so easy, but if many of your colleagues go outside to have a fag during breaks I found many people do just to be sociable. Break the routine and you will break the habit. 

Someone I know made her house non smoking, she had to go outside to smoke. She made herself go out in the cold and the wet and stand in the garden without a coat, she soon decided that was ridiculous and she shouldn't be doing that for anything never mind a cigarette. She got some pens and an adult colouring book (intricate patterns, not erotic images!) and occupied herself with that. She cut down dramatically and gave up, the thought of leaving her warm house for a ciggie wasn't enough for the nicotine to win.

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I picked a date before my kid was born and have not smoked since, I didn't want any patches etc so did it through willpower - the first couple of weeks admitadley were tough but I ensured I would not put myself in an early situation to lapse, for me that was avoiding a drink for a few weeks. 

Good luck

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By coincidence I'm coming to the end of day 1 of giving up. I've bought some nicorette chewing gum which now come in various flavours.

good luck with it sceptic hopefully we'll both be succesful. I am going to try the money in a jar as an extra incentive 

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I gave up 10 years ago after smoking for 25 years. Had tried to give up many times before, but this time I genuinely WANTED to so it was easier. You must want to stop otherwise its really difficult. Tenner a packet...you're 'avin a laugh..!!!

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1 hour ago, kevinmabbuttshair said:

Read this




I read it 12 years ago and I've never even considered smoking again. I used to smoke 20-40 a day and 60 with a night out. I must know at least another 20 people who've read it and they've never smoked again. 

And it was easy


Couldn't agree more.  Read that book.  My ex smoked 20 a day for years.  Read that book and stopped.  From memory I think it tells you to smoke whilst reading it.  You will detect fags by the end, 

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35years a smoker, averaging about 1/2 oz of rolling tobacco per day when I eventually gave up for good (hopefully) a couple of years ago.

One tip when those God awful cravings kick in is to mentally tell yourself I can have one if I want but actually right now I choose not to, at this moment in time I won't light up despite the devil on my shoulder trying to tempt and trick me into failing.... those cravings will gradually become weaker and less frequent, (from time to time they will return though, but fighting the bastard temptation gets easier) ... each time you resist you'll find the maddening cravings will pass within a short time and for a while you'll forget about it until the next time, resist again, tell yourself 'I'm not going to have one right now, that's my choice at this moment... Keep making those momentary choices, and I promise the cravings will become weaker and less frequent as you get stronger, resisting temptation ain't easy at first but it really does get easier as day by day, week by week goes by, and keep on congratulating yourself on achieving your aims every singke day, its a personal war with your own demons you are fighting and by f* ** it feels good to take back control of your own life.

As someone earlier in the thread said put away the tobacco money that would otherwise be in the fag shops til.... In my case I was spending approx £4 a day on smoking. I went to the post office and bought bags of £1 coins (twenty quid in a bag)and everyday I put four quid in coins on a shelf, (totals £1,460 in a year this years a Leap year so £1,464 this time :)

Everyday the little ritual of placing another pile of four coins has become part of my life, it is almost a craving in itself to day by day see the rows of shiny pound coins getting longer, I place mine in rows of fifty piles (each complete row is £200) today April 17 is day number 108 this year- I have £432 on the self (108 little four quid piles of daily satisfaction that I am beating the dreaded weed -health is winning too which is the biggest incentive but those daily four pound stacks of pound coins are a visual and ritualistic tangible help to me to keep going.. That £432 quid thats currently sitting on the shelf is this years tobacco money savings since NewYears Day btw.

Last years money paid for Christmas, a couple of weekend breaks, various treats and a few quid in the bank (after cashing up at the end of the year) ...... 

My advice is to do it when you are ready, really ready, dont make a huge fuss of it, go about it quietly (or people will be constantly reminding you of how well you're doing, telling you how they ccouldn't do it, how hard it must be etc etc) and what really has worked for me is my daily four pound coin ritual, it really is like having 'free' money (if I was still smoking that self same money would be out of my sight and in someone's shop till ...

Works for Me .... Good Luck, and remember to tell yourself in times of craving 'right now I ain't going to light up, ..just choose for that flueeting moment of torment that at this moment in time I ain't gonna have one...  and repeat as each 'moment' arrives -and goes away again.

One more thing, you will discover you are FAR STRONGER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED.. You can and will win.. Honest! 

(if you need more inspiration - think OSKAR! :) )

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12 hours ago, kevinmabbuttshair said:

Read this




I read it 12 years ago and I've never even considered smoking again. I used to smoke 20-40 a day and 60 with a night out. I must know at least another 20 people who've read it and they've never smoked again. 

And it was easy


Right - I'm giving this a go

20 a day for years, but been stuck on the vaping / electronic cigarettes for about 3 years now too, had a gutsful of them!!

Thanks Kev / Dave!

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41 minutes ago, twodogs said:

Day 2! Sceptic u still winning?

woodsy join up. I've tried the vapes before but didn't work for me. 

Wh fags are now £5.20 for 10 in most places so I'll try your trick as I can then see the money as opposed to a jar. 


How bloody much!!


Twenty number one didn't cost that when I stopped.

If I remember correctly ten bensons were 65p when I started 

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15 hours ago, kevinmabbuttshair said:

Read this




I read it 12 years ago and I've never even considered smoking again. I used to smoke 20-40 a day and 60 with a night out. I must know at least another 20 people who've read it and they've never smoked again. 

And it was easy


Me too.  Nothing made any impression until I read the Allen Carr method.  I took me three or four months before I felt ready to give up, but I've never touched a cigarette since and that was 28 years ago (and I was a 40 a day man too).

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1 hour ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

Me too.  Nothing made any impression until I read the Allen Carr method.  I took me three or four months before I felt ready to give up, but I've never touched a cigarette since and that was 28 years ago (and I was a 40 a day man too).

I might add that I gave up on Monday 23rd May 1988 (the date is imprinted on my memory).  I took a week of work, my wife moved out for a week (she knew what I'd be like) and I went for it.  The first couple of days were hell, but on the Wednesday I was beginning to feel a bit better.  However, on the Wednesday night we played Walsall in the first leg of the then two-leg Third Division play-off final.  I can safely say that in 28 years, the only person who nearly got me smoking again was David bl**dy Kelly that night...

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1 hour ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

I might add that I gave up on Monday 23rd May 1988 (the date is imprinted on my memory).  I took a week of work, my wife moved out for a week (she knew what I'd be like) and I went for it.  The first couple of days were hell, but on the Wednesday I was beginning to feel a bit better.  However, on the Wednesday night we played Walsall in the first leg of the then two-leg Third Division play-off final.  I can safely say that in 28 years, the only person who nearly got me smoking again was David bl**dy Kelly that night...

David ******* Kelly - you done well to give up that week mate!

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You need to be in the mindset that you want to give up and you sound as if you are so that makes things a lot easier. I also read the Alan Carr and never smoked again afterwards , it will be the best tenner you will ever spend (not sure how mush it is now though).

One thing i always say to others who are trying to give up and thats "NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP" until you crack it , its all in the head but give the book a go.

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Hello all...

Thanks for all your responses. It's appreciated.

Had a meltdown today (I can't go into full details here - suffice to say, it was an unpleasant shock) and reached for the dreaded stick. So I'm back on the wagon tomorrow. 

@WhistleHappy, been thinking of you and your mantra. The "I can have a fag, but I don't need one right now" and that worked a treat. Will continue in that vein.

@twodogs, let's do it together then fella? And @Woodsy once he has his book.

Talking of the book, I'm grabbing a copy tomorrow. 

So thanks again for all suggestions and comments. It's good to know the City family always has everyones back.

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13 minutes ago, Septic Peg said:

Hello all...

Thanks for all your responses. It's appreciated.

Had a meltdown today (I can't go into full details here - suffice to say, it was an unpleasant shock) and reached for the dreaded stick. So I'm back on the wagon tomorrow. 

@WhistleHappy, been thinking of you and your mantra. The "I can have a fag, but I don't need one right now" and that worked a treat. Will continue in that vein.

@twodogs, let's do it together then fella? And @Woodsy once he has his book.

Talking of the book, I'm grabbing a copy tomorrow. 

So thanks again for all suggestions and comments. It's good to know the City family always has everyones back.

I'm in Peg, book will be here in a day or two. We'll do this :)

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11 minutes ago, Septic Peg said:

Hello all...

Thanks for all your responses. It's appreciated.

Had a meltdown today (I can't go into full details here - suffice to say, it was an unpleasant shock) and reached for the dreaded stick. So I'm back on the wagon tomorrow. 

@WhistleHappy, been thinking of you and your mantra. The "I can have a fag, but I don't need one right now" and that worked a treat. Will continue in that vein.

@twodogs, let's do it together then fella? And @Woodsy once he has his book.

Talking of the book, I'm grabbing a copy tomorrow. 

So thanks again for all suggestions and comments. It's good to know the City family always has everyones back.

Peg, just keep on giving up, I gave up for 18 years once, my mum died suddenly and I went back on em ! Have been on and off ever since. This time last fag was 8 years ago after doctor showed me a graph and I decided I wanted  to see City in Premiership !! Once they get there, will have an Old Holborn roll up to celebrate, that and my 105th birthday !!!!

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As others have said sceptic don't give up giving up.
We can just bore everyone on this thread along with Woodsy. i'll give the book ago as well.
Day 2 done. I can be a grumpy f......r at the best of times but even workmates knew to stay away today:grr:

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Could anyone give a quick synopsis of the Allen Carr book?

I gave up 10 years ago so not in any need, but so many people rave about how they stopped immediately after reading it that I would love to know what he says to make people stop outside of the ordinary "bad for your health" quotes.

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10 hours ago, twodogs said:

As others have said sceptic don't give up giving up.
We can just bore everyone on this thread along with Woodsy. i'll give the book ago as well.
Day 2 done. I can be a grumpy f......r at the best of times but even workmates knew to stay away today:grr:

I gave up for 4 years, then got divorced and ended up back on them. I've been good lately, I guess I've only had 5 in the last 6 weeks or so, so I'm at a good place to kick it once and for all. To be honest, it's the dependency on the electronic cigarette I have to get over....******* thing is with me non stop. I hate it, but it's also my best friend. It's a bit like when City have lost 5 on the bounce, you want to hate them, but deep down you know you still love them!

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....another four pound coins onto the 'health'n'wealthshelf' today bringing total so far since New Year to £444. (a little milestone reached :))

Good luck to all who are in the early stages of kicking the habit,, what ever method works for you - stick with it - it really does pay - Cheers everyone!


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