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What do we do about Flint

Acton Red

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17 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

Having now seen Ekstrand play I completely understand why LJ is keeping faith with Flint.

I know he has been out of first team football for 18 months but boy did he look well off the pace.

Anytime anyone ran at him he was in trouble and well before half time he appeared to be labouring badly when running.

On that evidence and bearing in mind that Flint was very good, (one mistake excepted) we need to keep him in the side.

Agree.  When I saw their left side was Anya and one of the Olson twins against Ekstrand and Little I feared the worst.    If we were going to play 3 5 2, I think it should be Mary Tyler Moore at RCB. 

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47 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

Support him absolutely but bench him also.


4 mistakes leading to goals in 3 games is at least 3 too many.

Precisely this. We've tried playing him through a bad patch before - it resulted in many being available to drive him here there or anywhere during a window. The lad needs a rest, mentally if not physically. It's a no brainer for me. Bench all day long. 

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We all know Flinty has a couple of fatal mistakes a season in him and unfortunately this season they've all come ato once. I personally have seen enough in the last couple of years to trust him to bounce back. Amazing how 2 bad mistakes in 30 or 40 games means some people want one of our best players dropped but each to their own I suppose


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Let him play through this bad spell. He's been solid at the back for the past couple of seasons. Can't just chuck people under the bus every time they make a mistake. Granted he's made 3 or 4 in the last 3 games. But He will be hurting more than anyone else today. He needs to pick himself up. Fight through it and all this will be a huge learning curve, of which I believe will make him a better player. 

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13 minutes ago, famouslastword said:

Let him play through this bad spell. He's been solid at the back for the past couple of seasons. Can't just chuck people under the bus every time they make a mistake. Granted he's made 3 or 4 in the last 3 games. But He will be hurting more than anyone else today. He needs to pick himself up. Fight through it and all this will be a huge learning curve, of which I believe will make him a better player. 

Eh I don't think anyone was solid at the back considering how many we shipped in.  


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My biggest issue with AF at the moment isn't the errors - that will happen, irrespective of how good the player. My issue is the nature of the errors. Take out any fault for Sheffield Weds, then the 3 goals are all from communication errors with goalkeepers he has played with for some time. What has happened to cause this? 

If it was Taylor Moore/Ekstrand making the errors, I'd get it as they don't have an understanding as yet with ROD or Frank. Aden does. I can only think he feels as a senior pro in a young side he has to take more on and is struggling with that and making bad decisions by trying to do too much.

Or he's lost it/never had it/is ****. Your choice...

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1 minute ago, Silvio Dante said:

My biggest issue with AF at the moment isn't the errors - that will happen, irrespective of how good the player. My issue is the nature of the errors. Take out any fault for Sheffield Weds, then the 3 goals are all from communication errors with goalkeepers he has played with for some time. What has happened to cause this? 

If it was Taylor Moore/Ekstrand making the errors, I'd get it as they don't have an understanding as yet with ROD or Frank. Aden does. I can only think he feels as a senior pro in a young side he has to take more on and is struggling with that and making bad decisions by trying to do too much.

Or he's lost it/never had it/is ****. Your choice...

Certainly the own goal at Rotherham was a result of trying too hard IMO but let`s not forget he did exactly the same at home to Villa and it stopped us from going two down.

I really don`t know what`s going on in his head but I don`t think he`ll wilt under the pressure a la Liam Fontaine.

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I say we throw him to the Lions. 

Historically we have collectively destroyed many a good defender by being unforgiving and expecting world class performances week in, week out.

Dyche and Fontaine are two that spring to mind.

Players who have have a couple of bad games and then the 'people' have decided that regardless of how well they might have done previously have no place in this squad, let alone first team.

Let's be honest, with Little only filling in for Matthews, there is scant pickings for the boo-boys, so let's destroy the career of a man who has on countless occasions put his body/head/face and gonads on the line for the club.

One of the players we were most happy about keeping in the transfer window? Nah. Let's level his career.

Of course, the other option is to be supportive, recognise that he might have things away from football that have taken a small percentage of his concentration and have contributed to a couple of less than perfect games and add to that the new partner he has in the middle of a defensive line. But that just isn't the way the vocal ones work. Far better to get on his back. 

I know myself, that on those rare occasions I make a small mistake in work, nothing would give me the confidence more than to have loads of people having a go at me.


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18 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I say we throw him to the Lions. 

Historically we have collectively destroyed many a good defender by being unforgiving and expecting world class performances week in, week out.

Dyche and Fontaine are two that spring to mind.

Players who have have a couple of bad games and then the 'people' have decided that regardless of how well they might have done previously have no place in this squad, let alone first team.

Let's be honest, with Little only filling in for Matthews, there is scant pickings for the boo-boys, so let's destroy the career of a man who has on countless occasions put his body/head/face and gonads on the line for the club.

One of the players we were most happy about keeping in the transfer window? Nah. Let's level his career.

Of course, the other option is to be supportive, recognise that he might have things away from football that have taken a small percentage of his concentration and have contributed to a couple of less than perfect games and add to that the new partner he has in the middle of a defensive line. But that just isn't the way the vocal ones work. Far better to get on his back. 

I know myself, that on those rare occasions I make a small mistake in work, nothing would give me the confidence more than to have loads of people having a go at me.


Small mistake?

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37 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I say we throw him to the Lions. 

Historically we have collectively destroyed many a good defender by being unforgiving and expecting world class performances week in, week out.

Dyche and Fontaine are two that spring to mind.

Players who have have a couple of bad games and then the 'people' have decided that regardless of how well they might have done previously have no place in this squad, let alone first team.

Let's be honest, with Little only filling in for Matthews, there is scant pickings for the boo-boys, so let's destroy the career of a man who has on countless occasions put his body/head/face and gonads on the line for the club.

One of the players we were most happy about keeping in the transfer window? Nah. Let's level his career.

Of course, the other option is to be supportive, recognise that he might have things away from football that have taken a small percentage of his concentration and have contributed to a couple of less than perfect games and add to that the new partner he has in the middle of a defensive line. But that just isn't the way the vocal ones work. Far better to get on his back. 

I know myself, that on those rare occasions I make a small mistake in work, nothing would give me the confidence more than to have loads of people having a go at me.


Think you're being a bit harsh there. Remember under SOD Flint was out of form for about 6 months and many were saying they'd drive him here there and everywhere because he was crap. Since then a spell outside the first team and a rebuild in his belief and he didn't look back.

The last three games leave me wondering whether he's better off with the same 'breather' to recharge himself. He's been our talisman for a while now and plays full blooded.

For me it looks like that period is taking its toll. His mind and decision making is just a bit jaded and I think he'd benefit from an extended spell out and come back the colossus we know he can be. 

If we did learn anything from Fontaine it must be get him out of the firing line, fast. Especially when you've spent a couple of mill on a replacement and an international to boot. 

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

I had previously asked for Ekstrand to come in but seeing him today I would suggest he is a few weeks off so we should keep going with Flint and let him work through it in the league games as he is still our warrior and leader at the back and his head is not dropping.

I would like to see him sitting out on Tuesday though as a perfect chance to let Moore have a go - even if only for a half - the only fit squad player who has not had any minutes I believe?!

I agree it would be good from Flint to sit out the cup game giving Moore a run out. It may also help him re focus for the Saturday encounter. Yes the goal was a real howler but showed how much it hurt in rest of performance. Great to see Tomlin hugging Flint after wilbs scored 

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

I had previously asked for Ekstrand to come in but seeing him today I would suggest he is a few weeks off so we should keep going with Flint and let him work through it in the league games as he is still our warrior and leader at the back and his head is not dropping.

I would like to see him sitting out on Tuesday though as a perfect chance to let Moore have a go - even if only for a half - the only fit squad player who has not had any minutes I believe?!

I agree it would be good from Flint to sit out the cup game giving Moore a run out. It may also help him re focus for the Saturday encounter. Yes the goal was a real howler but showed how much it hurt in rest of performance. Great to see Tomlin hugging Flint after wilbs scored 

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2 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

Johnson talked after about sticking Ekstrand in the U23's for a couple of games to get him back up to speed. Sounds like a plan to me. 18 months is a hell of a long time not to play matches. No surprise at all that he looked rusty. Just hope that one or two of our less educated supporters haven't written him off already.

Very informative interview on BBCRB.  Said JE had looked really good in the small-sided stuff, so he must see a player in him.  Having snapped my ACL, I never played again without it in the back of my mind.  He did look fine on the ball, but his reactions were off...and that's what 18 months out will result in.  Time to judge will be when he's played 5 or 6 games.  LJ made the right decision at half-time, but I hope we see some more of JE.

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A rest for Flint vs Fulham midweek wouldn't be a bad thing imo.

We are already 2 rounds further than we ever get, and rotating 2-3 players won't weaken the team dramatically.

Think Bryan, Flint and Tammy could do with a rest. Bryan may be enforced because of the injury today, Tammy got a few knocks too, so saving him for Saturday could be helpful.

Moore, Golbourne and perhaps Engvall (if fit, otherwise Paterson) to fill in, with Freeman in Patersons place if he needs to be the striker.

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2 hours ago, Coombsy said:

Support him  I spoke to him after the game and you can tell how much pain he was in he only made one mistake today and yes they scored from it but the lad really cares we need to all support him 

Of course he cares, they all do they're professionals ffs! and should take pride in what they do.

Its not so much about Flint as a person - he's top bloke. Its  about him recently making errors that have resulted I goals conceded. 

The question is - what does LJ do? Does he rest Flint for the cup match this week? If he does rest him, what would that do to Flints current fragile confidence? 


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35 minutes ago, 29AR said:

Think you're being a bit harsh there. Remember under SOD Flint was out of form for about 6 months and many were saying they'd drive him here there and everywhere because he was crap. Since then a spell outside the first team and a rebuild in his belief and he's didn't look back.

The last three games leave me wondering whether he's better off with the same 'breather' to recharge himself. He's been our talisman for a while now and plays full blooded.

For me it looks like that period is taking its toll. His mind and decision making is just a bit jaded and I think he'd benefit from an extended spell out and come back the colossus we know he can be. 

Unless I'm mistaken the only 'breather' or 'spell out of the first team' Flint has had followed the season ending knee injury at Shrewsbury in March 2014 which caused him to miss the last 12 matches, having already made 43 apps. that first season in League and Cups.

At the time of the injury he'd long since played himself into form ( and favour with the fans) and was standing out as one of our most consistent players, as well as one of the most committed.

Since then he's been more or less ever present for the following 2 seasons and the current one, amassing 114 apps, and barely missing a match.

You said in post #6, 'It did take him being dropped and a long spell on the sidelines to come back strong.'

I can't remember that happening. Can you enlighten me please?

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If it's up to me, I'd rest him Tuesday. No other reason that Moore needs a game, as does Ekstrand. If we work on the basis he's trying too hard then dropping him for any other reason than rotation will exaggerate that on return. I'm of the mind his head is not right currently, but think psychology and good management can solve that. Give him a rest, but for the right reason 

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6 hours ago, Taylor10 said:

People are getting far too carried away with this. Absolutely no way he should be dropped. He was very good today apart from the mistake.

Not sure in anyone was listening to 'Ian' on radio Bristol after the match? Wasn't even at the game yet was calling for Flint to be dropped. Pretty embarrassing to make those comments and that type of thing doesn't help. I always thought some of his opinions were a little bit....well different shall we say, but today was ridiculous. Flint plays all day long for me.

If that's who I'm thinking of he's a well known bullsh*tter on other city forums and on twitter. Has some bizarre opinions and appears to search 'bristol city' so he can give his 2p to all and sundry who tweet those words.

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9 hours ago, Robbored said:


The question is - what does LJ do? Does he rest Flint for the cup match this week? If he does rest him, what would that do to Flints current fragile confidence? 


I don't think his confidence is fragile, more that he is frustrated with himself and how games have gone. This is getting to him perhaps, not the belief that he can't do his job.

As for resting him, yes fine if done so with others, as others have said it's a possibility that Joe and Tammy might need time even if their injuries aren't as bad as they looked. LJ will no doubt discuss with Flint, I doubt if Flint will want to step aside so a good manager will make the right decision for him.

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