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World's greatest sandwiches


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....... was in work last week and asked a fellow worker what he had in his sandwich (this is termed 'making conversation').

The reply??


Incredible, isn't it? All the possible sandwiches you can have, and he had plain cheese. Now don't get me wrong - I love a bit of cheese as much as the next scrumpy-lovin babber, but surely we can do better than this. Perhaps this was a case of simpe lack of effort.

OK. I'll start:-


White crab meat with a slight hint of lemon mayo and chilli, with ice berg lettuce on white bloomer, made with proper (unsalted) butter. Served on a warm Cornish beach with the tide coming in.




Uncle TFR

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I had peanut butter sandwich at work today, bag of grapes, a brownie and diet coke... and my work colleagues were talking about relationships (great topic for us singletons)....so feel work places should be conversation free spaces !


As for the best sandwich - warm fishfingers, in granary brown bread with melted butter, sat in bed, in my sweatshirt, staring out the window on a cold winters day, not having to get out of bed again for hours....

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10 hours ago, Fiale said:

I had peanut butter sandwich at work today, bag of grapes, a brownie and diet coke... and my work colleagues were talking about relationships (great topic for us singletons)....so feel work places should be conversation free spaces !


As for the best sandwich - warm fishfingers, in granary brown bread with melted butter, sat in bed, in my sweatshirt, staring out the window on a cold winters day, not having to get out of bed again for hours....

Non-sandwich related.

Keep eating that much peanut butter, and your thigh-gap will be a thing of history.

Just saying.


Uncle TFR

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Tough choice. There are so many different types out there. 

When I was working I used to like chicken mayo in granary bread. These days if I make myself one I often have sliced granary bread with sliced hard boiled egg with tomato and seasoning. A simple choice but delicious. 

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8 hours ago, Up The City! said:

I went on a camping holiday recently where we cooked a bacon sandwich every morning. Was great just sitting in a field, listening to the birds and eating a massive bacon sarnie.

Unfortunately I've carried this habit on in my every day life and now have one every day.

Not good for the weight but my god they are delicious. 

You guys took your wives with you!? Epic fail. Had them. 

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25 minutes ago, Septic Peg said:

Bacon and egg with onion and mushrooms. Wrong on so many levels but right on many more...

Hubby likes fish finger sandwich but his favourite is mash potato and gravy sandwich. Essentially left over mash, smeared with gravy, from the roast dinner. Vile...


another classy connoisseur.. :yes:

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3 hours ago, Craven arms said:

Whatever sandwiches you like just make sure you grab from back, if the shelf stackers have done there jobs properly that is nothing better seeing a 27/09/16 date behind a 24/09/16.

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Uncle TFR

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