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That's that then! - Hogan (Merged)

Dolman Block B

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Not another Chinese owner.. you wait... this will be a House of Commons debate some years down the line and it will go something like this;-

"I would like to bring to the attention of the House the rather irksome fact that well over half the clubs currently playing their football in Englands second tier are owned by Chinese companies. Given that all of these owners have been de facto funded by the Chinese Central Committee, otherwise known as the Chinese Communist Party, one could argue we have, on our hands, a monopoly situation not only by a foreign entity but by a foreign gov't that has a rather questionable human rights record. While we, as a nation, have always been the archetypal open economy do we not have any moral fibre left that prevents such a situation? Something that has, to date, come about without a whisper of dissension from any member of this house. Had Nat West gobbled up Lloyds TSB and that larger organisation, in turn, gobbled up Barclays the whole country would be up in arms and of course it would have been stopped long before even the Lloyds purchase. How on earth have we allowed the Chinese in through the back door? "

Its coming folks. Mark my words.

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We were rumoured to offer £6-9m for Gray and Gayle last season.  With the money we've brought in from Bolassie, Kodjia and to a lesser extent, Ayling, Williams and Agard, I could actually see us going £8-10m for the right player.

Personally I can't see it happening, but I think we have the means if required.

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