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Agree with @SARJ, poor bloke has been swept along with all the euphoria of the tie. As someone who put a lot of hours into the club at worst he's been VERY naieve. 

He stated on GMB this morning he knew he couldn't bet or be associated with any bets, but the fact he knew about the odds and that a number of his friends and relatives backed the bet indicate sadly he made a massive mistake and knew what he was doing 

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1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

I think he did know. But probably ensured he put enough money on it to make it worthwhile. 

And why not. Was hardly a lucrative career. And he didn't hurt anyone. 



What a lot of people seem to overlook is the reason why the rules banning those involved in sport, betting on sport, exist.

It is primarily to stop match fixing.

For that reason, massive over reaction by Sutton IMO.

Fair play to the guy for keeping to the spirit of the intention of the law but making mugs of the bookies.

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6 minutes ago, NickJ said:


What a lot of people seem to overlook is the reason why the rules banning those involved in sport, betting on sport, exist.

It is primarily to stop match fixing.

For that reason, massive over reaction by Sutton IMO.

Fair play to the guy for keeping to the spirit of the intention of the law but making mugs of the bookies.

The clip board carriers love a scapegoat, a fat bloke ate a pie, the bookies offered odds if he would eat one or not, he got wind of it and ate one, i cant see the problem, did he somehow match fix eating a pie ? I bet he eats a pie most days, he didnt get to that size on special k, looked proper tasty n all.

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41 minutes ago, alexukhc said:

He'll be a celebrity for about a year and make more monies in a week than he has ever earns all together from this, no doubt be the next face of ginsters or pukka pies, safe keeping from him

Damn!  You stole my next post....well done sir!

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1 minute ago, tts_city said:

The clip board carriers love a scapegoat, a fat bloke ate a pie, the bookies offered odds if he would eat one or not, he got wind of it and ate one, i cant see the problem, did he somehow match fix eating a pie ? I bet he eats a pie most days, he didnt get to that size on special k, looked proper tasty n all.

Someone must have told him there were odds on it and he ate one, big deal

if he didn't bet what's the issue

why was there a bet in the first place, bizarre 

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5 minutes ago, phantom said:

It's not match fixing but definitely manipulating betting. 

Bookies surely have to be blamed too for putting such a ridiculous bet online anyway 

Exactly its the bookies fault, taking it the other ridiculous way  if he hadnt eaten the pie and knew about the bet he could be accused of being in cahoots with the bookies and ripping punters off. He seems a great character to have about a place,  not enough of those about or allowed to be about with all the box ticking po faced miserable gits about these days.

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2 hours ago, SARJ said:

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the bloke?

He didn't bet on himself and of course he was going to tell his mates. Similar to when William Hill offered bets on Brazil to play in yellow at the world cup, of course people like David Luiz and Oscar informed others...

Happy to risk a whoosh if you're looking for one, but why on earth would a Bookies offer odds on Brazil playing in their famous home colours at a World Cup?

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If he had bet on it then he deserves whatever he gets.

If not then it's all a fuss over nothing. He spotted that they were taking the piss out of his size by offering odds and then ate a pie to take the piss back.

What's next, a player scores a hat trick and we investigate them because Paddy Power offered odds on it?

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55 minutes ago, tts_city said:

Exactly its the bookies fault, taking it the other ridiculous way  if he hadnt eaten the pie and knew about the bet he could be accused of being in cahoots with the bookies and ripping punters off. He seems a great character to have about a place,  not enough of those about or allowed to be about with all the box ticking po faced miserable gits about these days.

This - surely it's manipulating the bet either way if he knew about it?

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3 hours ago, BRISTOL86 said:

Worth ruining any reputation you had though for a few extra quid? 

Where do bookies stand in situations like this where it's clear that there's been fraud/fixing of a market? Will they look to get out of paying out on bets?

Where's the fraud? 

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Sun Bets came out with a ludicrous bet that one man would do something dumb has paid out cash on the bet. In the meantime the goalie's own bet on himself has gone public and there is much wailing and knashing of teeth, and as a by product everybody is talking about Sun Bets.

Luckily I don't believe in conspiracy theories or you'd think they had all been in cahoots to make more publicity.

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He was obviously playing along and taking the piss, all three subs had been used and he had no way of affecting the game. Still the FA ***** have to get on their high horse and launch an investigation.

Yet Joey Barton can rack up hundreds if not thousands of betting offences, and still gets to try and get Lincoln players off in the same competition whilst continuing to earn thousands of pounds. 

Utter Bollocks. 

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4 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

Happy to risk a whoosh if you're looking for one, but why on earth would a Bookies offer odds on Brazil playing in their famous home colours at a World Cup?

I'm pretty sure the bet was limited to 10 quid for new online punters only. I knew a couple of people who done it because it was an easy way to win 20 quid. 

I have no idea where David Luiz comes into it though. I'm sure he ain't bothered about the chance to win 20 quid

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7 hours ago, alexukhc said:

He'll be a celebrity for about a year and make more monies in a week than he has ever earns all together from this, no doubt be the next face of ginsters or pukka pies, safe keeping from him

I think you underestimate the gravity of the situation, I imagine this will be investigated at the highest level.. it'll go to the very top ... all the way to the Pieminister who will no doubt be taking great interest in Mr Shaw.

Reckon Mr Shaw may not have FAcupped too badly on a personal level after all.

If I was a pie seller I'd be promoting a bogof two for one offer  ... Buy One Get One For FA !


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8 hours ago, ploppy said:

I'm confused. If the betting company asked him to do it wouldn't they be setting themselves up for a loss when he did?

That's what's confused me too, unless he does it regularly at matches. But then offering odds of 8-1 would seem well generous I would think. So making him aware of these odds gives him the opportunity to affect the outcome, and therefore make some people,if not himself,easy money. But why would a bookmaker do this, it's them that are paying out, publicity? (I'm not a betting person so apologies if this isn't how it works). 

No it couldn't affect the match in anyway, but I guess it's to stop other bets being made in future. Eg an unused sub could be 'encouraged' to kick a water bottle in temper or something. These bets are really stupid and should be removed.

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