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SC&T meeting

Bristol Rob

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1 hour ago, CyderInACan said:

With all the, ahem, excitement of the day, it's easy to have forgotten that tonight is the SCAT meeting at the Rising Sun/BarBS3 at 7.30pm. 

Quite looking forward to it as it goes - see you there. Any questions you'd like raised on a postcard please to @Dollymarie at the usual address. 



Was just going to say will you or @Bristol Rob ask the dreaded question or are you both chicken? Or lamb. Or beef.

Dreaded question being is @AdamB moonlighting as security detail for LJ re Bristol Post video from last night. Obviously.

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On 03/04/2017 at 14:39, Dollymarie said:

@Blagdon red is the one who keeps the website up to date. The minutes of the last meeting I will copy below for now, along with the agenda for Wednesday. Sorry that they are appearing with one point on a page on its own. 

1. Apologies, minutes and matters arising
2. Supporters bars – we need a firm response from Bristol Sport to our
proposal or this could drift beyond the start of next season again. We are
spending a lot of money each month on storage and we need a permanent
3. End-of-season awards, Hall of Fame III – pre or post final game on the
concourse or in a club bar
4. BCFC Website working group
5. Birmingham Legal Cases – report
……………………………………………………………………………………………….. possible break
6. Members surgery
7. Atyeo Statue - third and final addition of names
8. Book – report and communication and appeal for stories
9. Accounts update - current cash holding, commitment to pay the Club for
10. AOB – emergency items
11. Next Meeting – Wednesday 3rd May




Just out of interest are the trust behind LJ and do you think he should go?

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