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Lansdowns Rage


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As you have confirmed all your details,can you just explain to this mere mortal, how come the Edson name never appears on the user list?

Always like to see whose contributing, but you pop up & surprise us!


It's an option when you login, whether you want to appear on the active user list or not.

Still no 'yes' or 'no', I note. I hope our team has more bottle than you next season.

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Even if Richie is reluctant to name names - I think we all know that the person he's refering to is indeed Pele!

The circumstancial evidence is all there for all to see.Make of it what you will but remember that this forum is read by those that hold the power at AG and the forum has influence - especially if you know those in power personally.... ^_^

Ah, now it all becomes so clear. Steve Lansdown has risked millions of pounds of his own money investing in BCFC so that he can become a forum member's "puppet"....superb! :(

Edit: spelling :city:

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And there was I thinking that I had made my own mind up on the Danny Wilson saga.

I was under the impression that I gave him (fairly) unwavering support right up to his failure and then decided he should leave on the grounds that we had made no progress.

I now have to accept that I was all the time being influenced by others and completely unable to make my own judgement on the grounds of the awful tactics we used towards the end of the season.

What a weak-minded 40 something I am, thanks for pointing this out to me RichieB. :@

Exactly right. In fact, it's hard to think of anyone associated with Bristol City, in whatever capacity, that his theory isn't insulting towards.

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Madger, I hope you noticed the :( on my post... ^_^

So, you're saying that the post where you said:

Even if Richie is reluctant to name names - I think we all know that the person he's refering to is indeed Pele!

The circumstancial evidence is all there for all to see.Make of it what you will but remember that this forum is read by those that hold the power at AG and the forum has influence - especially if you know those in power personally....

is bóllócks?

I'd agree with that :city:

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So, you're saying that the post where you said:

Even if Richie is reluctant to name names - I think we all know that the person he's refering to is indeed Pele!

The circumstancial evidence is all there for all to see.Make of it what you will but remember that this forum is read by those that hold the power at AG and the forum has influence - especially if you know those in power personally....

is bóllócks?

I'd agree with that  ^_^

Actually, I think that robbored is pretty much on the button here.

The forum is read & discussed at many levels within the Gate.

Perhaps DW was the only 'non' interested party.

But our new Manager was a frequent viewer & as is Chairman & people close to him.

Not for me to make wild allegations, but I do believe that this forum has quite an influence in the right quarters.

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I take it you haven't read any of your previous posts on this thread, then.

Thanks for that, richie. Truly priceless.

**** - caught out again !! I forgot to put :P:(^_^:city: next to the allegations bit.

But humour does tend to go over some peoples head. :Sleep12:

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You don't log on for a couple of days and look at all the excitement you miss!

To add to a post that seems to have run its course would be frankly gratuitous. But hell, thats never stopped me before.......

It is the height of presumptuousness (is that a real word?) for anyone of us on this forum to claim that we are representative of City fans. We just happen to be a little more obsessive than others, have access to a computer, little social life and a morbid fascination for raking over old news or indulging in pointless speculation. If we were to compare our 'make-up' to a section of the general City-supporting public, the likes of MORI, Harris or Gallup would be laugh us out of court if we dared to call ourselves representative.

It also strikes me as cheap when accusations are flung around and then followed by a smily face, as if that somehow negates the seriousness of what are often groundless or half-baked digs. Picture Michael Howard standing up in parliament and calling Tony Blair a pervert with a prediliction for young boys and then holding up a little placeard thus, ^_^ . Oh, that's okay, he used a smiley face! Do me a favour and don't take us for idiots.

I'm one of life's happy clappys by nature and always supported DW while in post. In fact, I even supported that ###### Pulis while he was in post because right or wrong, its a tribal thing and I get behind the manager until he leaves or is booted. Now though, it seems to be de rigeur to slag off the manager as an incompetant scheming schmoozer before we've even had a pre-season friendly! Furthermore, anyone who doesn't agree with that point of view is somehow part of some kind of Stalinist supporter's club. Utter utter utter cobblers.

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You don't log on for a couple of days and look at all the excitement you miss!

It is the height of presumptuousness (is that a real word?) for anyone of us on this forum to claim that we are representative of City fans. We just happen to be a little more obsessive than others, have access to a computer, little social life and a morbid fascination for raking over old news or indulging in pointless speculation. If we were to compare our 'make-up' to a section of the general City-supporting public, the likes of MORI, Harris or Gallup would be laugh us out of court if we dared to call ourselves representative.

Niall ... in all the years I've been visiting this forum I can't remember a post that sums this place up better than that.

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Niall ... in all the years I've been visiting this forum I can't remember a post that sums this place up better than that.

And despite conceding that that makes me, by definition, an obsessive little anorak, thank you for your kind words Dave.


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Guest JonSingleton

As you can see my first message on the site despite viewing it for ages, so please be gentle with me!

At least this long debate has stirred me to register and contribute but i do fear all you need to know about be is summed up in the profile Niall has given forum users earlier!

Two quick points:

As someone working in a marketing the debate about how representative this forum is of BCFC fans is an interesting one and I hope the club takes serious steps to find out more about us. I would guess we are just as a diverse a bunch as the non-forum users and hold similar views. However, until some research is done no one will know for sure.

The fact that published information about this from the club has beeb scant says a lot. For example the questions asked in a Gatepost survey a while back barely scratched the surface in finding out info that would be useful to the marketing fo the club.

Secondly, whilst we as forum users don't have this information it would be good to see us all pressing the club to tell us more about the make up of our fan base rather than all this personal stuff.

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I would have thought this forum is representitive of City fans, as there is a huge spread of us here. Those of us who regularly post, are definitely obsessive, and probably frustrated at various aspects of the club, but to say we dont represent the cross section of views does us and the mass of fans a this-service. If we didnt care (Except Bristolcityup, whos on his own plane!)we wouldnt post at all. We are fortunate to have a popular, occasionally banal, occasionally wonder WTF certain topics are doing on the board, always active forum. There are almost always fans from other clubs on here posting, and some of those are closer to the truth than some of our ramblings.

Therefore we DO reflect the views of City fans, in our opinionated ways! ^_^

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I have been waiting to add my 2p worth on this thread too. But as no one has been kind enough to contact me and tell me what I should be thinking about this thread, as obviously I am not able to have my own thoughts and opinions, I haven't really got too much to add. ^_^

For what is worth I think Tinnion is there on merit, and it bewilders me that some fans think otherwise. I hope these fans won't make the mistake of not giving all concerned time to adjust to his new role. Just because he has been here a long time, and we think we know him, he should still be given the support and understanding ANY new player or personel might have when joining the club.

Do I run for cover now? :(

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I would have thought this forum is representitive of City fans, as there is a huge spread of us here. Those of us who regularly post, are definitely obsessive, and probably frustrated at various aspects of the club, but to say we dont represent the cross section of views does us and the mass of fans a this-service. If we didnt care (Except Bristolcityup, whos on his own plane!)we wouldnt post at all. We are fortunate to have a popular, occasionally banal, occasionally wonder WTF certain topics are doing on the board, always active forum. There are almost always fans from other clubs on here posting, and some of those are closer to the truth than some of our ramblings.

Therefore we DO reflect the views of City fans, in our opinionated ways! ^_^

I think you will have to look at the demographics of those that use a computer. I imagine that the site is dominated by people with a blue chip, white collar job, students and kids. Would this group be a true representation of those that watch city regularily?

Of course their will be people who break this theory because it is a generalisation but without knowing exact figures I imagine it is correct. I will wait in anticipation to be corrected

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