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Dolman PA (Merged)

Bristol Rob

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South stand was clear but way too loud. It's impossible to have a pre match conversation.

Seems strange can't have seats in a concourse due to H/S but a possible emergency tannoy that doesn't work is ok surely this should be fixed as a matter of urgency.

Mr Kelly all you need to do tomorrow night is stand in the crowd and listen for yourself ? Not wait for reports from tape recorders.




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7 minutes ago, Leveller said:

24/7 means "all the time" - i.e. 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

18/12 has no obvious correlation to this and no obvious meaning whatever.


Well it seems pretty clear to me.   You have to do something for 18 months of the year!

Jeeeez  :facepalm:

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3 hours ago, RedM said:

Think you are meaning late December back in '63


3 hours ago, RedLionLad said:

Yeah, what a night that was !!!

Oh what a night!


Robbored and Big Tone had their flares freshly pressed and their medallions on display. Just the right amount of chest fur showing...

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For all you unfamiliar with numerical acronyms-

The second number - say.......12 or 7 denotes the period of time. 12 being a year because of 12 months. 7 denotes a week because of 7 days.

So.......18/12 is 18 months and 3/7 is three days. 

So.......what does 4/52 mean?

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6 minutes ago, Robbored said:

For all you unfamiliar with numerical acronyms-

The second number - say.......12 or 7 denotes the period of time. 12 being a year because of 12 months. 7 denotes a week because of 7 days.

So.......18/12 is 18 months and 3/7 is three days. 

So.......what does 4/52 mean?

Why not just put 18 months?

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I moved from the Dolman to the Lansdown stand this season and reckon the PA system is actually worse in the Lansdown. 

You can see Downsie with the mike right up to his mouth - has he actually tried pulling it away from his mouth to see if that helps. 

I am lucky enough to go to Anfield fairly often and the system there has been fantastic for years - the same guy can be heard so clearly it is equally clear when you watch Liverpool on tv. 

Why don't we suggest MKelly ask Liverpool how they do,it!!

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2 hours ago, Robbored said:

For all you unfamiliar with numerical acronyms-

The second number - say.......12 or 7 denotes the period of time. 12 being a year because of 12 months. 7 denotes a week because of 7 days.

So.......18/12 is 18 months and 3/7 is three days. 

So.......what does 4/52 mean?

Apart from the main one that most people understand 24/7 but that doesn't follow your "convention".....

Why not use 0.076923076923 instead of 4/52 - much easier for everyone to follow :wacko:

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5 hours ago, Denbury Red said:

I moved from the Dolman to the Lansdown stand this season and reckon the PA system is actually worse in the Lansdown. 

You can see Downsie with the mike right up to his mouth - has he actually tried pulling it away from his mouth to see if that helps. 

I am lucky enough to go to Anfield fairly often and the system there has been fantastic for years - the same guy can be heard so clearly it is equally clear when you watch Liverpool on tv. 

Why don't we suggest MKelly ask Liverpool how they do,it!!

Perhaps @Mkelly will take a stroll around the stands tonight to hear for himself what supporters have been complaining about for so long now?

No need for recordings and reports, just someone who can do something about it to hear it with their own ears.


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I've had a strange light bulb moment this morning commuting in on the train

There are a number of people who post on here that also watch Bristol rugby, but there hasn't been any mention of a problem during their games?

Just had a look on their forum and there are no mentions of any problems from what I can see

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8 minutes ago, phantom said:

I've had a strange light bulb moment this morning commuting in on the train

There are a number of people who post on here that also watch Bristol rugby, but there hasn't been any mention of a problem during their games?

Just had a look on their forum and there are no mentions of any problems from what I can see

Is that because the crowds are a lot less? As in less people mean it's not as busy so easier to hear  

Am intending to start a thread with a poll at some point this week (when I get a chance) with what stand people are in and how well they can hear the PA. Might help identify where the main issues are. 

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8 minutes ago, phantom said:

I've had a strange light bulb moment this morning commuting in on the train

There are a number of people who post on here that also watch Bristol rugby, but there hasn't been any mention of a problem during their games?

Just had a look on their forum and there are no mentions of any problems from what I can see

I don't sit in the Dolman for the rugby so I can't compare, but it would be interesting to know. 

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23 hours ago, RedM said:

I don't sit in the Dolman for the rugby so I can't compare, but it would be interesting to know. 

Posted something on the rugby forum, it is clear they have the same problem - so without sounding rude I don't see that the crowd numbers are the reason

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5 minutes ago, phantom said:

Posted something on the rugby forum, it is clear they have the same problem - so without sounding rude I don't see that the crowd numbers are the reason

The whole tannoy fiasco is hugely irritating to me. I find it a disgrace that the club have been aware of the problem for over 18/12 and done very little to get it working properly.

i had to laugh rather than cry when I read that MKelly had people with recorders in the stadium on Saturday. That should have been done months ago and if it had we might now have a tannoy system that actually works.

Serious procrastination on the part of the club - it's an absolute disgrace.


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On 19/09/2017 at 09:57, Dollymarie said:

Is that because the crowds are a lot less? As in less people mean it's not as busy so easier to hear  

Am intending to start a thread with a poll at some point this week (when I get a chance) with what stand people are in and how well they can hear the PA. Might help identify where the main issues are. 

With all due regards to your concerns and efforts surely the responsibility for ensuring a fit for purpose PA system lies with the supplier and someone at the club should be insisting that it is sorted pronto.

Can't believe the statement that recordings of Saturday's game were being monitored to assess the PA performance. Get the PA supplier's engineers in the ground during a first team match so that the monitoring can be carried out in real time and adjustments made to ensure satisfactory results. Back in the 60s that's what we did with Dennis Langley when I was involved with the PA supplier's.

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4 hours ago, Robbored said:

The whole tannoy fiasco is hugely irritating to me. I find it a disgrace that the club have been aware of the problem for over 18/12 and done very little to get it working properly.

i had to laugh rather than cry when I read that MKelly had people with recorders in the stadium on Saturday. That should have been done months ago and if it had we might now have a tannoy system that actually works.

Serious procrastination on the part of the club - it's an absolute disgrace.


What was 18/12 again?

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On 18/09/2017 at 14:21, phantom said:

@CodeRed if you put the @ symbol before a persons name it "tags" them in a post, and like to the left your name is highlighted

That person then gets notified that they have been "tagged" referred to, so they are aware of the discussion

Without the symbol they would have no idea of the content

Testing, testing:


I too have just burst a blood vessel due to the "disgrace" that is the PA in the Dolman ......:facepalm:



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4 hours ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

He's been complaining about it for the last 24/12.

Not quite 2yrs RH.

Point is the tannoy is rubbish and has been fo 18/12. Plenty long enough for the club to have it sorted out but it was only last Saturday that they had "recorders" in the stadium......ffs......that should have been done months ago. Procrastination of the highest order from the club.........:facepalm:

See? You've started me off.............:blink:

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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

Not quite 2yrs RH.

Point is the tannoy is rubbish and has been fo 18/12. Plenty long enough for the club to have it sorted out but it was only last Saturday that they had "recorders" in the stadium......ffs......that should have been done months ago. Procrastination of the highest order from the club.........:facepalm:

See? You've started me off.............:blink:

That is my special power.

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Watched and listened to some of the Sheffield derby from Hillsborough.

PA announcement was crystal clear despite the stadium being built in the dark ages and a crowd of 33k.

Shall I give them a call and see where they bought theirs?

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6 minutes ago, Xiled said:

Watched and listened to some of the Sheffield derby from Hillsborough.

PA announcement was crystal clear despite the stadium being built in the dark ages and a crowd of 33k.

Shall I give them a call and see where they bought theirs?

They probably have the last branch of Tandy in the UK.

And next week, Gremlins is opening at the picture hall.

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1 hour ago, Xiled said:

Watched and listened to some of the Sheffield derby from Hillsborough.

PA announcement was crystal clear despite the stadium being built in the dark ages and a crowd of 33k.

Shall I give them a call and see where they bought theirs?

Maybe I could help out. I was a brilliant sound engineer but I'm not one to, one to, shout about it.

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It'll still crap on Tuesday night - you'll see LJ lips moving on the screen pre match but if you can't lip read then you'll have no idea what he's saying.

i can fell myself getting wound up about it.........deep breath, inhale......deep breath......

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2 hours ago, Donkeeebles said:

Did we establish what 18/12 was? 

The method is explained earlier in this thread but........:facepalm:.......I'll do it again...

The first number is a recognisable time period so 12 is a year (12months) therefore 12/18 is 18 months

4/52 is 4weeks

3/7 is 3 days



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59 minutes ago, Robbored said:

The method is explained earlier in this thread but........:facepalm:.......I'll do it again...

The first number is a recognisable time period so 12 is a year (12months) therefore 12/18 is 18 months

4/52 is 4weeks

3/7 is 3 days




There's 18 months in a year? 

That makes me .. errrrr..... 40 something. Happy days.


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4 hours ago, Robbored said:

The method is explained earlier in this thread but........:facepalm:.......I'll do it again...

The first number is a recognisable time period so 12 is a year (12months) therefore 12/18 is 18 months

4/52 is 4weeks

3/7 is 3 days



But your earlier number was 18/12.   So your recogoisable time period was 18.  ???

Now you're quoting 12/18.


Did you maybe have your original numbers the wrong way round?


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8 hours ago, Robbored said:

The method is explained earlier in this thread but........:facepalm:.......I'll do it again...

The first number is a recognisable time period so 12 is a year (12months) therefore 12/18 is 18 months

4/52 is 4weeks

3/7 is 3 days



Just catching up with this. So if 3/7 is 3 days, why is 24/7 not 24 days?

At least I know that 18/12 is a dozen and a half eggs.

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4 hours ago, 42nite said:

But your earlier number was 18/12.   So your recogoisable time period was 18.  ???

Now you're quoting 12/18.


Did you maybe have your original numbers the wrong way round?


It works either way around but I didn't want to confuse people even more.....

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42 minutes ago, Homer Simpson said:

Just catching up with this. So if 3/7 is 3 days, why is 24/7 not 24 days?

At least I know that 18/12 is a dozen and a half eggs.

Because Robbo stated that the first number is your recognisable number.

which is in this case......24.

Which we recognise as hours, as in 24 hours per day.

So, as the second number is 7..... Hours x 7...the answer is 7 hours.  There, that's that sorted.


So when someone says....24/7, they mean 7 hours....piece of cake really!






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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

Pay attention M! 

12 months = 1 year so 18 = 1 year and a half.

Are you this slow at school?

Yeah, but... what's the 'recognisable period' about the first number, 3 in the 3/7 formula sir? 

3 men in a boat? 3 points for a win? 

So could the 'recognisable number' actually be the second number? I get the '52' as weeks in a year and '7' as days in a week. If so, then the '18'  seems a bit of a wide ball to me. 

Anyhows, I managed to get  2 out of 3 correct so that's a 1200/400, and a 'pass'. 

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