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England Fans clash


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9 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Looks like double embarrassment for England fans in Porto this evening.

First they start launching drinks at the locals in front of them who are celebrating Portugal's opening goal.

Then the police show up and they shit themselves and leg it.

Quite pathetic. 

Trust me, when the Portuguese police turn up in baton-swinging mood, shit yourself and leg it is the appropriate response.

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11 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Looks like double embarrassment for England fans in Porto this evening.

First they start launching drinks at the locals in front of them who are celebrating Portugal's opening goal.

Then the police show up and they shit themselves and leg it.

Quite pathetic. 

Demographics of fans changed old boy.

Been like that for over 30 years i'd say.

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36 minutes ago, Blazeyrobins said:

Another thing to remember there are 12000 with tickets for tomorrow and even more for Sunday. You're talking about less than 1% of our support. But as usual the press will jump all over it. Except places like Blackpool get these kind of shenanigans on a weekly basis 

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18 minutes ago, phantom said:

Another thing to remember there are 12000 with tickets for tomorrow and even more for Sunday. You're talking about less than 1% of our support. But as usual the press will jump all over it. Except places like Blackpool get these kind of shenanigans on a weekly basis 

You're not wrong there. Blackpool is full of nob heads too! Would take issue with the 1% thing though. I've been to England away games and would say that about 33% are pretty much as described above. 

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33 % is still better then 30 years ago. 

10% went purely for trouble and the other 89% were more then happy to get involved when it all kicked off 

but still not good and reckon tomorrow night might get lively 

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1 hour ago, phantom said:

Ironic this is on the back of the fa new scheme to try to calm this sort of thing 

The FA can only control who gets tickets through our official allocation - and for most away games (qualifiers, friendlies) it’s generally only the members, who are vetted before being allowed into the supporters club, who get tickets. 

The FA can’t control who else decides to travel to a city England are playing in, or who else decided to buy tickets through UEFA for tomorrow’s game - they were still on sale through the UEFA website yesterday. 

At some recent away games in ‘easier to get to’ places (Amsterdam, Seville) there have been large groups of mostly younger blokes who’ve travelled and caused problems - I couldn’t tell you if they’re members of the supporters club (if they are, they’ll soon end up getting banned). In Volgograd, Samara and Podgorica, no such issues as it tends to be only the diehards who travel to such places. 

As for the comment above about 33% of England fans fitting this description - sorry, can’t agree with that at all. Tomorrow will be my 174th England game. To say 33% of fans behave like that is miles wide of the mark in my humble view. 

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Am I the only one who can't see much in that video, apart from police with batons out and a few people running away? If there has been disorder/fighting, then they should be banned. But I'm not going to say England fans are a disgrace based on that video. We've got a hideous past, one that most of us would like to forget, but that video is hardly a flashback to the olden days. 

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Going to stick my neck above the parapet here as I fully expect to be considered a stooge for Portuguese opinion, but here goes, might even surprise some people.  

On train up from Lisbon to Porto today had loads of England, 5-6 "lads" in particular,  early to mid 20s, separated as didn't have tickets together in carriage, quite loud, and... wait for it. Couldn't have been more polite. Moved about 3 times for local Portuguese passengers. Summoned up untold levels of wifi alchemy to make sure they had their tickets for the inspector. Helped old ladies with their bags in Porto. And trust me, hear them speak they were on a proper England away jolly. But very well behaved and great ambassadors.

At Porto station a lot of England songs not from those lads but other older ones.. but you get that at away games. If does scare locals but to be honest as someone who travels away, singing in train stations is a useful filter for all of us of who to avoid. It is boisterous but ultimately harmless.

Main point, for me, stigmatising England away is daft. It's the same as anything, you have all levels of behaviour, not just what the media jumps all over. Lots will find a popular bar in a town but it's no different to the average holiday in Newquay, Ibiza or Faliraki. It's nice to see people you know and have a drink with them. Judging by my Facebook feed lots of people have been all over Porto today. It's a minority that are inclined to hole up somewhere and act to locals like they're taking over.

With all this said, am not surprised that a few morons saw fit to react to Portugal scoring goals today by throwing bottles, goading locals is an age old minority sport practised by the most introverted away fans but nothing new, when Portugal lost their opener to Greece in 2004 I had a morbidly obese West Ham fan the day before the England France game follow me and wind me up, desperate to goad me into a fight about the result, thinking I was a local. I was with a load of England fans so really wasn't that bothered. Seen it so many times but it is a minority, the same lot that pick the worst bar/pub in any town on then main square and pay tourist prices all day, I don't hate them I feel sorry for them. 



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Anyone else think this is down to poor planning. Pissed up Brits abroad are anti social. Especially if 90% male. No FA plan will ever change that fact, anti English cops with an attitude and a batton fetish only ever going to end up in a punch up. A fanzone with a good atmos and perhaps a buckin' bronko ride with that lass from the champions League final would probably do the trick. IMO

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8 hours ago, Robin1988 said:

Odd that the media are the bad guys here for reporting on England fans behaving so childishly they get chased by police?

My point was why they still report on a handful of pissed up blokes causing a nuisance.

Like watching ANY sport, there are drunken idiots, Lords had plenty two weeks ago, Twickenham had the same last Saturday - it's just lazy journalism looking for that big headline

No focus on any of the good things our fans are doing out there !!

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21 minutes ago, Super said:

Even more embarrassing when you take into account what day it is today. 

Completely agree , today is a celebration of true hero’s.

Unfortunately, I think reports of this nature will be a common theme over the next couple of hours and days.

A few WKD Blue and marching powder and the village idiots return 

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22 minutes ago, phantom said:

My point was why they still report on a handful of pissed up blokes causing a nuisance.

Like watching ANY sport, there are drunken idiots, Lords had plenty two weeks ago, Twickenham had the same last Saturday - it's just lazy journalism looking for that big headline

No focus on any of the good things our fans are doing out there !!

Because it’s a national embarrassment every single time, seems good enough to me.

If England fans got chased by police at Lords or Twickenham after singing 10 German bombers all day and chucking bottles at police, I’d expect to hear something about it on the news. Less so because it’s in our own backyard rather than letting ourselves down in someone else’s, but something.

By the way, ”The good things”, what are they doing? Planting trees? Helping the homeless?

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1 hour ago, Robin1988 said:

Because it’s a national embarrassment every single time, seems good enough to me.

”The good things”, what are they doing? Planting trees? Helping the homeless?

Look around the Free Lions England Fan Embassy / FSF fan locations for a start - I don't mean this personally but you are perfect example of what is wrong about all this, you only know about all the negative stuff going on over there

"National embarrassment" - seems a VERY OTT comment, funny how no mention of the Dutch playing up last night . .

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Portugal is one of my favourite places to visit - lovely country and always got on well with the locals.

The police over there take zero s*** however. I'm all for them beating these tools up with their truncheons, put the gobby louts back in line. Only giving it the "big un" because they've had a few beers and part of a larger mob.  

England's shame that puts a lot of well behaved fans off travelling.

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11 hours ago, Olé said:

Going to stick my neck above the parapet here as I fully expect to be considered a stooge for Portuguese opinion, but here goes, might even surprise some people.  

On train up from Lisbon to Porto today had loads of England, 5-6 "lads" in particular,  early to mid 20s, separated as didn't have tickets together in carriage, quite loud, and... wait for it. Couldn't have been more polite. Moved about 3 times for local Portuguese passengers. Summoned up untold levels of wifi alchemy to make sure they had their tickets for the inspector. Helped old ladies with their bags in Porto. And trust me, hear them speak they were on a proper England away jolly. But very well behaved and great ambassadors.

At Porto station a lot of England songs not from those lads but other older ones.. but you get that at away games. If does scare locals but to be honest as someone who travels away, singing in train stations is a useful filter for all of us of who to avoid. It is boisterous but ultimately harmless.

Main point, for me, stigmatising England away is daft. It's the same as anything, you have all levels of behaviour, not just what the media jumps all over. Lots will find a popular bar in a town but it's no different to the average holiday in Newquay, Ibiza or Faliraki. It's nice to see people you know and have a drink with them. Judging by my Facebook feed lots of people have been all over Porto today. It's a minority that are inclined to hole up somewhere and act to locals like they're taking over.

With all this said, am not surprised that a few morons saw fit to react to Portugal scoring goals today by throwing bottles, goading locals is an age old minority sport practised by the most introverted away fans but nothing new, when Portugal lost their opener to Greece in 2004 I had a morbidly obese West Ham fan the day before the England France game follow me and wind me up, desperate to goad me into a fight about the result, thinking I was a local. I was with a load of England fans so really wasn't that bothered. Seen it so many times but it is a minority, the same lot that pick the worst bar/pub in any town on then main square and pay tourist prices all day, I don't hate them I feel sorry for them. 



To me, taunting is acceptable, but throwing bottles is a different thing entirely. And saying we’re  just as bad in Newquay and Faliraki doesn’t comfort me one bit.

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55 minutes ago, Robin1988 said:

Because it’s a national embarrassment every single time, seems good enough to me.

If England fans got chased by police at Lords or Twickenham after singing 10 German bombers all day and chucking bottles at police, I’d expect to hear something about it on the news. Less so because it’s in our own backyard rather than letting ourselves down in someone else’s, but something.

By the way, ”The good things”, what are they doing? Planting trees? Helping the homeless?

I've followed England around through various tournaments, friendlies, qualifiers etc and if you've done the same, you'll see the good things some of the fans do - you'll never hear about it otherwise.

Funny you ask those two examples, we helped the homeless in Brazil to a certain degree 5 years ago and put funding towards a project to replant trees in the Amazon following a visit to one of the local environmental museums in Manaus.

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At first glance I thought that some of them had to go back to their hotels to change their outfits.

Sadly , I am disappointed to hear that there are still cretins who don’t know how to behave . 

We are all tarred with the same brush thanks to this minority of oxygen stealers.


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Bit bewildered by the new breed of England away fan, they put on a nice cap and sing a few songs and think they're hooligans all of a sudden when, in all actuality, they just come across as drunken vandals and sunburned bullies. And I'm sure this lot would have - once again - split like the Red Sea if 30 Russians had rounded the corner with their business heads on. 

Used to love doing England away, and certainly did enjoy the adventure and extra thrills that came with it, but it seems the newer generation of England fans consists largely of mugs - from the wannabe hooligans to the fancy dress, barmy army lot. 

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17 minutes ago, EmissionImpossible said:

....... The fact that a moderator of the forum is shifting the blame and sticking up for them is shameful.

Sorry @EmissionImpossible I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to have a personal opinion !!!

By the way would you be so kind to copy the bit where I was "shifting the blame and sticking up for them"?

Thank you :sub:

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11 minutes ago, phantom said:

Sorry @EmissionImpossible I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to have a personal opinion !!!

By the way would you be so kind to copy the bit where I was "shifting the blame and sticking up for them"?

Thank you :sub:

Did I say you weren’t allowed a personal opinion? I fully expect you believe what you have a said and do not agree with my view and that’s fine. 

Me saying you were shifting the blame etc are my interpretation of what you have said in all of your messages, whether I’m correct or not depends on opinion. Much like how you say the headline is OTT. You have no more information than me. But it’s your opinion and I understand it. I just don’t like it.

I won’t respond to you anymore because I think you are a condescending  c unt.


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4 hours ago, YorkshireSection said:

I wonder how many England fans got lost down the backstreets of the "Ce" district in Porto, there's enough down there to keep the most boisterous of fans quiet!!!!!

Is that the 'Tasty District' with all the little bars and restaurants, or is there a more interesting part of Porto I missed?

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20 minutes ago, EmissionImpossible said:

Did I say you weren’t allowed a personal opinion? I fully expect you believe what you have a said and do not agree with my view and that’s fine. 

Me saying you were shifting the blame etc are my interpretation of what you have said in all of your messages, whether I’m correct or not depends on opinion. Much like how you say the headline is OTT. You have no more information than me. But it’s your opinion and I understand it. I just don’t like it.

OK, fair enough, we will have to agree to disagree.

(Anyway I'm going on holiday later, so must finish work)

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5 hours ago, phantom said:

Look around the Free Lions England Fan Embassy / FSF fan locations for a start - I don't mean this personally but you are perfect example of what is wrong about all this, you only know about all the negative stuff going on over there

"National embarrassment" - seems a VERY OTT comment, funny how no mention of the Dutch playing up last night . .

Do I? That’s quite a sneering attitude. I’m over there, and I’m guessing you’re not, but it appears you know best.

Been on a train from Lisbon with England fans on since 10.30am, all in good spirits. Should “people acting like civilised humans” make the news?

Why would we give a damn what the Dutch are doing? We can’t control our own, but hey, get a load of the Dutch.

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4 hours ago, MC26 said:

I've followed England around through various tournaments, friendlies, qualifiers etc and if you've done the same, you'll see the good things some of the fans do - you'll never hear about it otherwise.

Funny you ask those two examples, we helped the homeless in Brazil to a certain degree 5 years ago and put funding towards a project to replant trees in the Amazon following a visit to one of the local environmental museums in Manaus.

Fair play. Did you try to get in touch with the media? They would run stories like that. But if they don’t know about them they can’t.

I don’t think too many of these idiots are planting new wineries on the Duoro.

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1 hour ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

....and we've never been at war with Portugal (is this a myth, or fact? Think it's correct) either. And Portugal provided "logistical" support during both the Falklands in '82, and WWII. As, no doubt, they are only too aware. Yet still they do this?


England & Portugal have one of the oldest recorded alliances in history that survives to this day, the Treaty of Windsor being set up during Elizabeth I's reign.

Portugal have been good allies to us throughout history, from issues surrounding to Gibraltar to the more recent WW2/Falklands as you point out. 

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4 minutes ago, Undy English said:

England & Portugal have one of the oldest recorded alliances in history that survives to this day, the Treaty of Windsor being set up during Elizabeth I's reign.

Portugal have been good allies to us throughout history, from issues surrounding to Gibraltar to the more recent WW2/Falklands as you point out. 

Indeed, dating back to the 1300s and defeating the Spanish Armada: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Portuguese_Alliance

As mentioned Portugal allowed Azores to be used during WWII for allied forces, although officially was neutral, and at Churchill's request was neutral because it was strongly believed that if Portugal entered the war, Spain would join the axis powers in support of the Nazis, opening a new front against France (there were plans in WWII for Spain to invade Portugal with Nazi support too).

Thus to prevent escalation Portugal had to appear neutral, but tacitly supported the allies. Escaped British soldiers and fleeing POWs beyond enemy lines in France fled south via Spain (teeming with Nazi spies) until they made it safely to Lisbon, where many were flown home to Whitchurch airport at what is now Hengrove park. Great little fact linking Lisbon and South Bristol. ?

Even in the first World War, Portugal after entering the war in 1916 sent 60,000 to fight on the Western Front with the allies, a tiny number relative to British and French, but sizeable for a poor country (by that time) and of which nearly 14,000 were killed, injured or captured, notwithstanding a role in some small victories: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Expeditionary_Corps

Sorry, pet subject being dual nationality. Not something that will generate much interest from lads in the main square with a 24 pack of Superbock minis to get through and aptly named "Mozam" for the toilet, but helpful to learn a bit more about imaginary enemies - funny how a Ronaldo wink and an irresponsible pair of doctors seems to have rewritten all this history on both sides!

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18 minutes ago, Olé said:

Sorry, pet subject being dual nationality. Not something that will generate much interest from lads in the main square with a 24 pack of Superbock minis to get through and aptly named "Mozam" for the toilet, but helpful to learn a bit more about imaginary enemies - funny how a Ronaldo wink and an irresponsible pair of doctors seems to have rewritten all this history on both sides!

Surely some Francesinhas and a few pastel de nata brought up from Lisbon can heal the rift.

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1 hour ago, Robin1988 said:

I’m over there, and I’m guessing you’re not, but it appears you know best.

Strange terminology, I'm over there??

If you were currently in Portugal you'd say, I'm over HERE!! 

I've been in Guimaraes for the past 36 hours and can confirm the Dutch DID play up with local people yesterday, but just because YOU didn't see it..... 

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3 hours ago, EmissionImpossible said:

Did I say you weren’t allowed a personal opinion? I fully expect you believe what you have a said and do not agree with my view and that’s fine. 

Me saying you were shifting the blame etc are my interpretation of what you have said in all of your messages, whether I’m correct or not depends on opinion. Much like how you say the headline is OTT. You have no more information than me. But it’s your opinion and I understand it. I just don’t like it.

I won’t respond to you anymore because I think you are a condescending  c unt.


Basically you were proven wrong, by your original statement so you resort to calling a moderator a lady garden. 

WOW, says more about you than anyone else 

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Don't know who to believe now given all the media and fan claims, but when I see this lot, winds me up a lot more than a random back and forth clip with riot police in Porto, this shite and I just think of the wannabe football supporter morons on cars during the World Cup in London last summer, probably been to all of a few England matches but desperate for social media clicks and kudos from their first big away trip. Please never let this be how I choose to spend an away game, bet this lot are absolutely hilarious.


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17 hours ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

....and we've never been at war with Portugal (is this a myth, or fact? Think it's correct) either. And Portugal provided "logistical" support during both the Falklands in '82, and WWII. As, no doubt, they are only too aware. Yet still they do this?


Portugal is our oldest ally, far back to The Middle Ages.

The great Portuguese Prince, Henry the Navigator, had an English mother

Charles II's queen was Portuguese and is credited with popularising tea in England; she also introduced English cheesecakes on her return to Portugal.

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10 hours ago, phantom said:

Martin Tyler called it in the commentary 

Those at the ground are England football supporters those causing the problems are English abroad 

Not according to Henry Winter who says they were booing the PFA Player of the year

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Can't stand 'lads'...can never get my head around grown men feeling the need to sing and chant away from a football stadium. Just missing dummies and high chairs.

As adults...behave like adults...does anyone ever think about how their actions are effecting others anymore?

Just selfish behaviour...that tars everyone.

Seen it first hand this week abroad...Brits in bars, pissed and high on coke in front of families with kids...they just don't give a toss, as long as they are having a good time.

Usually fat, bloated sunburnt gobby shites, that would have shit themselves and cried like babies if put on a landing craft 75 years ago...

I watch our old heroes...and then look at the likes of these...

Classless and selfish and often just fat bloated gobby cowards.

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39 minutes ago, spudski said:

Can't stand 'lads'...can never get my head around grown men feeling the need to sing and chant away from a football stadium. Just missing dummies and high chairs.

As adults...behave like adults...does anyone ever think about how their actions are effecting others anymore?

Just selfish behaviour...that tars everyone.

Seen it first hand this week abroad...Brits in bars, pissed and high on coke in front of families with kids...they just don't give a toss, as long as they are having a good time.

Usually fat, bloated sunburnt gobby shites, that would have shit themselves and cried like babies if put on a landing craft 75 years ago...

I watch our old heroes...and then look at the likes of these...

Classless and selfish and often just fat bloated gobby cowards.

Spot on and well said. Poingnant D-Day coverage shows how real men behave, compared to the louts in Porto.

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17 hours ago, Undy English said:

England & Portugal have one of the oldest recorded alliances in history that survives to this day, the Treaty of Windsor being set up during Elizabeth I's reign.

Portugal have been good allies to us throughout history, from issues surrounding to Gibraltar to the more recent WW2/Falklands as you point out. 

Shouldn’t matter either way. Wars are fought for politicians. These ‘lads’ aren’t the army defending the country against soldiers and should respect the civilians of any country regardless of politics. 

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6 minutes ago, RedSA said:

Shouldn’t matter either way. Wars are fought for politicians. These ‘lads’ aren’t the army defending the country against soldiers and should respect the civilians of any country regardless of politics. 

You say wars are fought for politicians but a moment's reflection will show you the absurdity of such a view as regards The Second World War.  I for one are pleased and humbled by my father's generation who fought the scourge of Nazism that we might be free.  

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6 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

You say wars are fought for politicians but a moment's reflection will show you the absurdity of such a view as regards The Second World War.  I for one are pleased and humbled by my father's generation who fought the scourge of Nazism that we might be free.  

I think you misunderstand my point. 

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11 minutes ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Love going away, getting lashed, singing songs and having a laugh with my mates. Easy for people to sneer behind phones or on the sofa.

I must have the English disease.

yes, you do seem like the type who would.

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