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How could we improve the game

Clutton Caveman

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With the lack of sport and whilst watching some re-run games I started to think about things that have crept into the game that detract from the entertainment value. My list included

Players kicking or throwing the ball 3 or 4 metres away each time a decision is given gainst them. This was supposed to be a yellow card offence but unless they kick it into another post code nothing happens

Bring the obstruction law and prevent defenders just blocking as the ball nears the dead ball line instead of being forced to play it

Players surrounding referees delaying the re-start and generally being abusive. At one point refs were given the ability to advance a free kick by 10 yards if there was decent but none had the balls to use this rule

Substitutions after 90 minutes are up. Could we just add a standard 1 minute for substitutions or 2 if the player leaving the field walks

Diving all over the field. Could this be referred to a ex players panel with initially a warning being given but bans for repeat offenders

Feigning injury. Again could a panel review the worst cases and where no contact occurs issue a ban

Generally we pay dearly for our season ticket and again to watch games on Sky etc. I think that each season we actually see the ball in play for less and less of the 90 minutes. So called "professionalism" is now applauded rather than being called out as cheating and we sit with our kids seeing cynical coaches killing entertainment.

I think we could learn a lot from Rubgy by

a) having a time keeper in the stand stopping the clock each time the trainer comes on, a substitution is made or a goal celebration is made. The takes this difficult task out of the main officals hands and takes away the ability to waste time

b) Mic the refs and allow only the captain to speak with him

c) advance the free kick by 10 yards when decent occurs

I know this could probably only be discussed in such a quiet time but I hate to see year by year the cheats destroy the product whilst FIFA say diving is part of the theatre of the game.



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37 minutes ago, Clutton Caveman said:

With the lack of sport and whilst watching some re-run games I started to think about things that have crept into the game that detract from the entertainment value. My list included

Players kicking or throwing the ball 3 or 4 metres away each time a decision is given gainst them. This was supposed to be a yellow card offence but unless they kick it into another post code nothing happens

Bring the obstruction law and prevent defenders just blocking as the ball nears the dead ball line instead of being forced to play it

Players surrounding referees delaying the re-start and generally being abusive. At one point refs were given the ability to advance a free kick by 10 yards if there was decent but none had the balls to use this rule

Substitutions after 90 minutes are up. Could we just add a standard 1 minute for substitutions or 2 if the player leaving the field walks

Diving all over the field. Could this be referred to a ex players panel with initially a warning being given but bans for repeat offenders

Feigning injury. Again could a panel review the worst cases and where no contact occurs issue a ban

Generally we pay dearly for our season ticket and again to watch games on Sky etc. I think that each season we actually see the ball in play for less and less of the 90 minutes. So called "professionalism" is now applauded rather than being called out as cheating and we sit with our kids seeing cynical coaches killing entertainment.

I think we could learn a lot from Rubgy by

a) having a time keeper in the stand stopping the clock each time the trainer comes on, a substitution is made or a goal celebration is made. The takes this difficult task out of the main officals hands and takes away the ability to waste time

b) Mic the refs and allow only the captain to speak with him

c) advance the free kick by 10 yards when decent occurs

I know this could probably only be discussed in such a quiet time but I hate to see year by year the cheats destroy the product whilst FIFA say diving is part of the theatre of the game.



The time keeping one for me,take it out of the hands of the ref,would stop all the time wasting tactics that some clubs take to the extreme.

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For me the handball rule in the box has to change, and the offside rule.

If the ball strikes the hand in the box I'd bring indirect freekick. If it's deemed deliberate...penalty.

I'd also only give penalties if it is deemed a clear goal scoring opportunity was stopped by a foul.

If a player is fouled in the box, but it wasn't a clear goal scoring opportunity, then a direct free kick given.

With offsides...I'd make it so that the person deemed offside has to have all his body in an offside position, not just part of the body. So much easier for a referee and lino to see.

That would even up the game a bit imo

Too many good goals disallowed for being a CM offside...and too many penalties given when there was clearly no goal scoring opportunity.

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3 minutes ago, spudski said:

For me the handball rule in the box has to change, and the offside rule.

If the ball strikes the hand in the box I'd bring indirect freekick. If it's deemed deliberate...penalty.

I'd also only give penalties if it is deemed a clear goal scoring opportunity was stopped by a foul.

If a player is fouled in the box, but it wasn't a clear goal scoring opportunity, then a direct free kick given.

With offsides...I'd make it so that the person deemed offside has to have all his body in an offside position, not just part of the body. So much easier for a referee and lino to see.

That would even up the game a bit imo

Too many good goals disallowed for being a CM offside...and too many penalties given when there was clearly no goal scoring opportunity.

Yeah! And those ?

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one minor change I would like to see is throw-ins. It pisses me when a player walks up the line looking for someone to throw it to, and everyone is in close range and man marked. It slows the game.


I would like to see that the ball comes in to play any style by hand. This can be two handed, one handed bowling style, one arm launch. This could speed up the game, allow longer throws bringing more of the field in to play, and also more excitement as all players should have the ability to launch it into the opposition box creating more box entries and scoring chances

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Start booking players for dissent. There will be 5 reds a game for a couple of weeks then they will get the message.

Stop using VAR for marginal offside calls. The margin for error in the system is too great for players running at 20mph being caught offside by millimetres. 

Turn the bloody lights off in the stands for evening matches!

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1 hour ago, Clutton Caveman said:

Bring the obstruction law and prevent defenders just blocking as the ball nears the dead ball line instead of being forced to play it

I have no problem with it while the ball is moving, however once the ball stops the referee should call for the player to have to play the ball like in rugby with the team being told to use it to stop them wasting time by shielding the ball. 

I would love for pre-season tournaments/friendlies to be used to test all sorts of rules like offside above, in hockey if the ball goes off the pitch you can take it yourself which can speed up play, if its taken a deflection and gone outfield high up the pitch and you have a player nearby the game can restart quickly rather than having to wait for a team mate, a quick hand on ball, tap into the pitch and go would be interesting. 

One I've always wondered about but usually been shouted down on would be like Basketball and not being able to go back into your own half, once you attack you need to commit or be very good at keeping the ball in the opposition half

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1 hour ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Scrap the offside rule completely.  it's so contentious anyway.  I know you will get goal hangers, but so what?  We would see a huge increase in both goals and entertainment, I think.

I would be interested to see a version of the game without it. So ingrained into football now I can't imagine what it would look like.

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2 hours ago, Clutton Caveman said:

a) having a time keeper in the stand stopping the clock each time the trainer comes on, a substitution is made or a goal celebration is made. The takes this difficult task out of the main officals hands and takes away the ability to waste time

b) Mic the refs and allow only the captain to speak with him

I totally agree with these two. Also, any instance of swearing/agressiveness 'towards' an official should be a yellow, then red for 2nd offence. Disagreeing/questioning should be allowed, but the amount of times you can just see them swearing at them is disgusting, especially as that's normally when the TV camera is zoomed in so everyone can see it.

A curveball suggestion is to sort the producers out of football games, swapping camera angles just as the play is starting to focus on a slyer/manager for far too long and you can hear something going on the background but can't see it. That makes me go mad!

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They've not crept into the game.

They've always been there.

1 hour ago, spudski said:


If a player is fouled in the box, but it wasn't a clear goal scoring opportunity, then a direct free kick given.


A direct free kick from the penalty spot?

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2 hours ago, Clutton Caveman said:

With the lack of sport and whilst watching some re-run games I started to think about things that have crept into the game that detract from the entertainment value. My list included

Players kicking or throwing the ball 3 or 4 metres away each time a decision is given against them. This was supposed to be a yellow card offence but unless they kick it into another post code nothing happens

Bring the obstruction law and prevent defenders just blocking as the ball nears the dead ball line instead of being forced to play it

Players surrounding referees delaying the re-start and generally being abusive. At one point refs were given the ability to advance a free kick by 10 yards if there was decent but none had the balls to use this rule

Substitutions after 90 minutes are up. Could we just add a standard 1 minute for substitutions or 2 if the player leaving the field walks

Diving all over the field. Could this be referred to a ex players panel with initially a warning being given but bans for repeat offenders

Feigning injury. Again could a panel review the worst cases and where no contact occurs issue a ban

Generally we pay dearly for our season ticket and again to watch games on Sky etc. I think that each season we actually see the ball in play for less and less of the 90 minutes. So called "professionalism" is now applauded rather than being called out as cheating and we sit with our kids seeing cynical coaches killing entertainment.

I think we could learn a lot from Rubgy by

a) having a time keeper in the stand stopping the clock each time the trainer comes on, a substitution is made or a goal celebration is made. The takes this difficult task out of the main officals hands and takes away the ability to waste time

b) Mic the refs and allow only the captain to speak with him

c) advance the free kick by 10 yards when decent occurs

I know this could probably only be discussed in such a quiet time but I hate to see year by year the cheats destroy the product whilst FIFA say diving is part of the theatre of the game.



I would like governing bodies to distinguish what the game is. The game is far beyond a spectator sport. You described football as a product, it isn't if you play it or are involved in football beyond spectating. Distinction should determine between the spectacle for tv and the wider game. 

Football should be judged by football not v other sports and by its entertainment (product) value. This is creating two tiered rules. Offences in one league are not offences in another and this continues down to its grass roots. 

Couple from your post.

Ball rolling time - I think that we actually see the ball in play for less and less of the 90 minutes. The length of time the a ball is in play is increasing, but widely fluctuates between teams. Possession based teams have higher ball rolling times. Teams who play lots of passes have higher ball rolling times. Fulham's ball rolling time v Bristol City will be different due to them making thousands of passes more a season. Games can be killed by keeping the ball on the pitch. Its part of the nature of football that ball rolling time is fluid.

Subs .. its 30 secs added on per sub.

Players kicking or throwing the ball 3 or 4 metres away each time/ Players surrounding referees delaying the re-start and generally being abusive   .. Its a yellow or down the pyramid use of the sin bin. Sin bins have been introduced to the leagues where dissent and cheating is less prevalent v where dissent and cheating is relentless.

Diving all over the field/Feigning injury .. Because football is being seen as a product its tolerated/encouraged. If more Corinthian values are desired in football it should be viewed as a game. I would ditch VAR (its a self interested industry already) in favour of panels as you suggest used to scrutinise cheating to re-balance the game from its uneven top where poor behaviour and cheating is the norm down to its roots.  

One of mine is that punishments up the pyramid differ. Get sent off in non league and outside it bans are longer. Address that disparity by banning players for timescales v games .. Their behaviour will improve. One and two game bans are a rest, and players deliberately get themselves booked knowingly with the consent of Managers as the system encourages it. 









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We're fortunate we haven't VAR imposed on us yet. Loads of comments on how the laws on place are not applied by refs. Let's start penalising players when they transgress. Time wasting has been  mentioned how about the goalkeeper only able to keep the ball in hand for 6 seconds. I'm really surprised crowds have not started the 6 second countdown every time the keeper gets his hands on the ball.

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7 hours ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Scrap the offside rule completely.  it's so contentious anyway.  I know you will get goal hangers, but so what?  We would see a huge increase in both goals and entertainment, I think.

Remember the Anglo Italian tournament in the early 70's? Offside only in the penalty.

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I can’t stand players feigning serious injury to stop the flow of the game. I thought the rules were game to be automatically stopped if head injury or very obvious serious injury. More and more teams do this and it is now embarrassing to watch some of these antics. If a player goes down and is deemed serious enough for ref to stop game, then they should not be allowed back on for 5 minutes. This would allow for genuine serious injury to be attended, or if they are just a cheating git they might (or the manager might) think twice about down so easy and feign injury.

I would also like the ref and linesman to have more bottle and book timewasters, cheats, kicking the ball away, etc. It’s got beyond a joke the last couple of seasons.

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The ref shouldn’t immediately stop play when a player goes down injured , other than head injuries, as many do this to halt an opponent’s attacking move . 

A player should be treated off the pitch and kept off for a minimum period of five minutes. This should stop the fake injuries.


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1 minute ago, ray savino said:

I can’t stand players feigning serious injury to stop the flow of the game. I thought the rules were game to be automatically stopped if head injury or very obvious serious injury. More and more teams do this and it is now embarrassing to watch some of these antics. If a player goes down and is deemed serious enough for ref to stop game, then they should not be allowed back on for 5 minutes. This would allow for genuine serious injury to be attended, or if they are just a cheating git they might (or the manager might) think twice about down so easy and feign injury.

I would also like the ref and linesman to have more bottle and book timewasters, cheats, kicking the ball away, etc. It’s got beyond a joke the last couple of seasons.

Get out of my head . 

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12 hours ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Scrap the offside rule completely.  it's so contentious anyway.  I know you will get goal hangers, but so what?  We would see a huge increase in both goals and entertainment, I think.

They tried having no offside from free kicks in the Conference and it was not a success. The tactic of using the team lummox to block the keepers view became the norm, and to much relief, it was scrapped. 

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10 hours ago, Major Isewater said:


A player should be treated off the pitch and kept off for a minimum period of five minutes. This should stop the fake injuries.


Sadly, this would give the likes of Cardiff and Preston a massive advantage as they systematically scythe their way through the opponents squad with cynical off the ball and on the ball assaults , resulting in scoring when the other team is down to 5 men.

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19 hours ago, wendyredredrobin said:

Scrap the offside rule completely.  it's so contentious anyway.  I know you will get goal hangers, but so what?  We would see a huge increase in both goals and entertainment, I think.

Maybe in extra time or before / instead of penalties- maybe take goalies away in an extra time scenario 

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Yellow card for the players who pick up the ball after fouls, off-sides etc. It's the replacement tactic for kicking the ball away.

I'd be for a 80 minute game with a time keeper. Foul happens, someone goes down injured, substitution, etc., timekeeper stops the clock and is started again on restart of play. I'm still incensed by the 10 minute stoppage for a Warnock's Rotherham (I genuinely thought he was really hurt) player who then sprang up as if he'd just had a brief holiday on the pitch. The time wasting has to stop. I can't see this approach changing the length of the game.

A rethink of VAR. I'm not for banning it, it just needs a major tweek':
In regards to off-side (this gnat's cock stuff is getting stupid) - it should be clear and obvious, if a slide rule and a calculator is required, then it's not offside.
How long a review is allowed to take (just how can a game carry on for 2 minutes and then be called back for a penalty) - if a decision can't be made in 30 seconds, then it's not obvious, then the on-field decision is made/stands/etc.

More post match reviews of obvious cheating with bans being imposed.

Transparency of EFL decisions. I'm still baffled by the decision to ban Fammy for the spitting incident - the EFL approach is 'Star Chamber' like

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On 18/03/2020 at 12:32, Im_over_ere said:

one minor change I would like to see is throw-ins. It pisses me when a player walks up the line looking for someone to throw it to, and everyone is in close range and man marked. It slows the game.


I would like to see that the ball comes in to play any style by hand. This can be two handed, one handed bowling style, one arm launch. This could speed up the game, allow longer throws bringing more of the field in to play, and also more excitement as all players should have the ability to launch it into the opposition box creating more box entries and scoring chances

I agree with first paragraph about advancing ten/fifteen metres before throwing in.

But not with allowing any type of throw.

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after analising(not a spelling mistake) the current crop of games most managers have come up with the 00 f in 0 formation which has resulted in a lot of boring draws but most teams are unbeaten. on a lighter note Norwegian husky sledging  is still on on may become everyone's national sport(source for part of this Alexa(spelling by her)) from an extremely bored non  reporter who has not watched a live game in days and has been forced to watch normal telly and  f m b h f b i t?

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