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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Found this written on the Evening Post site, finally someone has some sense of it all !! http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/BRISTOL-ROVERS-DECISION/story-26891234-detail/story.html

Mr Higgs has shown a total lack of respect for the fans.

His tenure has been an unmitigated disaster. He has shown his derision on the lifeblood of the club, it's fans, by closing the official fans forum, diluted the share scheme by re-issuing shares to the point that 1 million of fans money doesn't even get a measly 2% of the grossly inflated valuation of the club. He has been very economical with the truth and perpetrated that this contract was watertight yet it has been shown, beyond any shadows of a doubt, that it was anything but.

This was supposed to be Higgs area of expertise. He was supposed to be the man who knew, who is an expert at building and the regulations yet the contract was described as a colander rather than watertight. There was a definite cut off point and Sainsbury's made the club aware of its decision not to buy as far back as 2013. Higgs reiterated this watertight comment when interviewed by Geoff Twentyman, on radio Bristol. He even banned an ex director for questioning him and being critical, now proved right by the way, of Higgs and his reading of the facts Nick Higgs has shown himself to be so cut off from reality that it beggars belief. He has lost any credibility he may have had with this failure to deliver.

The unprofessional manner of even draughtiness this contract shows him to be unable to delegate, to people who may have been able to put a contract out that was not open to interpretation and allowed Sainsbury's to wriggle out if it. Regardless of the very poor way Sainsbury's have conducted themselves, the fact remains that the law was and is with them. That is fact. That Higgs felt that if he shouted long enough and loud enough, that he would prevail just shows how very out of touch he really is. I think his refusal, even at this point, to accept defeat shows him to be incapable to run the club. Appeal would mean getting leave to appeal firstly and then the appeal itself.

We are talking years and not Months plus huge sums of money to undertake this. His money is guaranteed back as he is using our only asset to find this. If he is allowed to pursue this then the clubs very existence is in jeopardy. He has lost any credibility, has no integrity and honour and is a tyrant. I use string and emotive words and it's necessary. An unmitigated disaster, no more, no less. He cannot be allowed to borrow even more, against the ground, to put on the roulette wheel of the justice system. He is single handedly taking the club to the brink of not existing.

We have enabled him by not criticising and in not questioning with enough vigour. It's a sad day for the club and even sadder for us long suffering fans. One has to ask, is this man addicted to drama ? Seriously. The Wycombe saga made us a laughing stock and it was bad enough being relegated out if the FL. much of the goodwill that other clubs had for us is now gone. I see that any truly decent man would do his part in bringing in new investment and walking away.

I saw today's verdict as the only way he could be partly forgiven, had the verdict gone our way but now this is done, I see a dead Duck chairman who has holed the good ship Rovers below the waterline yet he still doesn't accept the verdict of an high court judge. You cannot make someone buy something they no longer want to buy and they made it abundantly clear they no longer wanted to buy, a long time ago. So much has come to light now that it shows we were not told the truth and much was misrepresented to the point that one has to wonder about his mental health.

Go now please Higgs. You have done enough damage and when you tell us that without you there would be no Rovers, you only inflame and already very hurt fan base.

Blimey! Someone finally gets it.

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Another cracking comment, there are some clever gasheads out there but they must have to hide it from the others in case they get burned as a witch.


BRISTOL ROVERS: Playing budget won't be cut, says chairman Nick Higgs


Oldfrank  |  July 14 2015, 3:46PM

A few days ago Darrell Clarke said "The court case obviously has a massive impact on the playing side of things. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that the more money that is spent on the court case means there is less available for players.".


I believe all Rovers fans agreed with Darrell's sentiments because they made common sense and there was no cause for criticism because he was simply stating the harsh facts of life which we all understand from our own day to day lives.


Yet here is Mr Higgs once again trying to defy gravity by telling us the outcome of the court case will have no effect on the playing side of the club.


Why does he feel the need to humiliate Darrell and insult our intelligence by saying such a thing ? Why can he not climb down from his high horse and see that this continuous empty bluster is getting him nowhere and is doing serious damage to our football club. And now he has come up again with one of those ridiculous statements which even a child 5 could see through. " I am not in a position to divulge those plans at this time because they involve various different parties." Would these be Tupperware parties or Wife Swapping parties Mr Higgs ?






Lovely stuff!  Cuts right through the bullshit from Higgs that their knuckle-dragging fans are just lapping up.  It's all Sainsburys fault innit?



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Another cracking comment, there are some clever gasheads out there but they must have to hide it from the others in case they get burned as a witch.

BRISTOL ROVERS: Playing budget won't be cut, says chairman Nick Higgs


Lovely stuff! Cuts right through the bullshit from Higgs that their knuckle-dragging fans are just lapping up. It's all Sainsburys fault innit?


I was thinking this the other day, after I seen the interview with JT, he unbelievable said that the defeat in the high Court would not affect the playing staff at all, and even prior to the court case he said as much it would be a disaster for the club, in every aspect.If your a gas head, how could you ever trust what this man says ever again? A pure class A, clown nick pigs
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I popped into Sainsbury's in Brislington yesterday on my way home from work. I can report that it was quite busy with no sign of abandoned trolleys filled with shopping.

I have a sneaky feeling that the blue few's mass boycott/sabotage might not be gaining any momentum.

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I popped into Sainsbury's in Brislington yesterday on my way home from work. I can report that it was quite busy with no sign of abandoned trolleys filled with shopping.

I have a sneaky feeling that the blue few's mass boycott/sabotage might not be gaining any momentum.


We need to have a competition who can get a photo of a rovers fan (wearing a shirt) in a Sainsburys store!

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I popped into Sainsbury's in Brislington yesterday on my way home from work. I can report that it was quite busy with no sign of abandoned trolleys filled with shopping.

I have a sneaky feeling that the blue few's mass boycott/sabotage might not be gaining any momentum.

I've got to do a shop in sainsburys Brislington tonight, I'm sure it's going to be an amazing experience, and that warm glow inside will not fade :)
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I hear Salisbury tourist board is worried about a drop in tourism from thick silly sad sags

Surely not having Sags go there would be a massive boost to the Salisbury Tourist Board? They could taylor a whole new advertising campaign about it, for instance the slogan could be Salisbury, not much to see here, but at least you won't see a Sag. Edited by BS15_RED
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Why does he say Sainsbury's have S**T on Bristol public?

1/2 of Bristol is more than happy with them

I will always shop there

I expect some GASH Heads will say they will stay away from Sainsburys 

But they will probably win the same amount

Why does he keep forgetting (On purpose) the way they pinched the ground off the people of Bristol and the Rugby Memorial

They are Gypsies who want to pinch more again off others!!!! 

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Yeah pick the basic eggs and a load of stuff that will just be put back on the shelf :facepalm:

Everybody's commenting upon what's in the basket but missing the point. Sherlock would have noted that having taken the photo the note was discarded at which point the #UTG (UnderThumbGashead) proceeded to go to till and purchase the items. His better half ( not difficult) made clear he'd be on the hungry step if he didn't do the shopping.

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Why does he say Sainsbury's have S**T on Bristol public?

1/2 of Bristol is more than happy with them

I will always shop there

I expect some GASH Heads will say they will stay away from Sainsburys

But they will probably win the same amount

Why does he keep forgetting (On purpose) the way they pinched the ground off the people of Bristol and the Rugby Memorial

They are Gypsies who want to pinch more again off others!!!!

Agree with every word. I am still angry at the way that the Dunfords managed to obtain the ownership of the Memorial Ground. That club sold it's stadium, Eastville, in the 1930's because the alternative was bankruptcy and now they own the Memorial, they think everyone else should help them over their poor housekeeping.

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I hear Salisbury tourist board is worried about a drop in tourism from thick silly sad sags


Boycott merely temporary. They'll be back (in their "tens of thousands", obviously) soon enough when Rovers go belly up and have to start from scratch in the Wessex League like Salisbury did this summer. ;)

Edited by AzerbaijanApeman
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Boycott merely temporary. They'll be back (in their "tens of thousands", obviously) soon enough when Rovers go belly up and have to start from scratch in the Wessex League like Salisbury did this summer. ;)

Thinking about it, the threat of administration follows Dopey around

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