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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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2 hours ago, Cheesleysmate said:

Some of the Facebook updates are comedy gold for old snakey judas :clapping::rofl2br:

Honestly, they are so obsessed with us today.....aren't you (yes you the pissed off saggy reading this).

I rather carelessly let slip the rumour that Lambert is coming back to the Gas and if he doesn't Dazza will hand his notice in . :whistle2:

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Having just been reading some of the stuff on their forum, oh dear sweet Jesus and all his little pixies, what an over reaction.


According to one of themthe, they've survived having their grounds burned down twice, suffered more from the I rivalry, had they team chased off the pitch in one of the most shocking incidents in football and this is about SL finishing what his "thugs" couldn't.

Apparently it will make the day all the sweeter when they finally overtake us.

Erm..... over reaction?

Edited by Midlands Robin
Shit spelling
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34 minutes ago, Midlands Robin said:

Having just been reading some of the stuff on their forum, oh dear sweet Jesus and all his little pixies, what an over reaction.


According to one of themthe, they've survived having their grounds burned down twice, suffered more from the I rivalry, had they team chased off the pitch in one of the most shocking incidents in football and this is about SL finishing what his "thugs" couldn't.

Apparently it will make the day all the sweeter when they finally overtake us.

Erm..... over reaction?

Ah but didn't mention the Thatcher years or his dog dying!



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4 minutes ago, pride of the west said:

No signings for the gas today. Absolutely tragic. Has the penny dropped with them yet after today's actions? 

Nope. According to a gasshole I spoke to earlier it means they have a squad strong enough to cope.


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7 hours ago, Hello said:

just remember you are relying on one on non-league 15ers players to keep you in The Championship

Just remember you were all gobbling off about being the 6th richest club in the universe

Shame Wally's Dad won't let him spend his pocket money isn't it

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7 hours ago, Hello said:

just remember you are relying on one on non-league 15ers players to keep you in The Championship

Nope. We're relying on a championship squad and a low level punt that's pissing you off. 

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I wanna say a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to BRFC. After 30 years you've finally produced a player good enough to join the big club.

It must be a PROWED day for you!

Edited by clerk
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7 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

I'll leave this here.... ;)


Love it:).......  I wonder how many SAGS are going to be on Tattoo Fixers having their Matty Taylor Tattoo's covered up :laugh: or their sprogs names changed by deed poll :laughcont: They actually thought that Matty loved them, bless!

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15 hours ago, Dolman Block B said:

Reading comments from Rovers fans on various forums/social media sites ans so on, anyone reckon they are tad pissed about todays transaction?


They're like school kids who have had their sweets confiscated by the teacher.

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2 hours ago, Sniper said:

Love it:).......  I wonder how many SAGS are going to be on Tattoo Fixers having their Matty Taylor Tattoo's covered up :laugh: or their sprogs names changed by deed poll :laughcont: They actually thought that Matty loved them, bless!

Mathew Taylor ---------To Warmly Hate

Sounds right.

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8 minutes ago, RumRed said:

Think this guy spoke pretty well to be fair.

It made me smile at the end when he pointed to a red shirted player in a print of a Rovers v City match (I guess it will be quite old) hanging on his wall and said "[Matty] it'll be strange to see you as one of these fuckers rather than [pointing to a blue shirted player] one of these".

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I just love the fact a few think we bought him because Lansdown was bricking it that they would be taking over us in the next few months!! If we even did go down you only have to look at them overall to see how far behind they are in every aspect.

At least a few are beginning to realise their billionaire has got no intention of spending anything on improving their squad. 

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20 minutes ago, wood_red said:

I just love the fact a few think we bought him because Lansdown was bricking it that they would be taking over us in the next few months!! If we even did go down you only have to look at them overall to see how far behind they are in every aspect.

It's good to see they're still all over Social Media, bleating and crying, playing the poor little victims...pathetic.

"It's all Lansdowns FAULT"


I thought they were supposed to be billionaires? If they can't walk the walk, they shouldn't talk the talk. Perhaps they should ask questions of the Al Qadis and Hamer instead trying to make Lansdown out to be some kind of evil cartoon baddie? It's cringeworthy..

This pretty much sums them up.





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I keep hearing the "rival" thing from them. The only way we could be seen as rivals is in increasing the fan base, but that has nearly always been more geographical, and the lack of competing with them for ... well I can't even remember, they simply are not rivals, just another club in Bristol that you hear about a lot... like your neighbours annoying yapping dog.

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22 minutes ago, Fiale said:

I keep hearing the "rival" thing from them. The only way we could be seen as rivals is in increasing the fan base, but that has nearly always been more geographical, and the lack of competing with them for ... well I can't even remember, they simply are not rivals, just another club in Bristol that you hear about a lot... like your neighbours annoying yapping dog.

To us, yes. But put the boot on the other foot and imagine just how much you'd hate us, if (god forbid) you were them. 

Thats what's so funny about it all..!

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Oh well perhaps today wasn't such a good idea to try to bury even more bad news?.

The sale of a player for 300k who would not be leaving under any circumstances a couple of weeks ago not even for 10 mil.

No deadline day signings despite Dopey saying he needed them.

and now this http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/bristol-rovers-chairman-hamer-calls-for-patience-as-they-continue-in-bid-to-deliver-uwe-stadium/story-30076077-detail/story.html

Perhaps today is the day that gasheads need to wake up and smell the camel shit and realise they still don't have a pot to piss in.


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Guest DancinDannyD

Hello my friends, gosh what a lot of palaver yesterday hey?

Disappointed to lose our top goalscorer obviously, but once there's a wantaway player in the dressing room it soon becomes septic so the sooner they're gone and not poisoning the atmosphere the better. 

Our relative success in the last 2 and a half seasons has been down, largely, to a unified dressing room so it's best that any one no longer wanting to be part of that are removed.

Great deal for you, can't deny that, and it won't be easy to replace a 25+ a year goalscorer as they don't grow on trees so a big loss for the Gas.  But promotion would always be a step too far this season (can't see anything other than immediate relegation if we were to go up, I mean look how such a massive club as City are currently coping ;)) and his goals have made us (relatively) safe for the rest of this season (9, possibly 10 more points needed?).

So enjoy this one ladies and gentlemen, but all teams have their ups and downs.  After a couple of years of ups, yesterday was a down. 

Must win for you lot on Saturday now mind you, followed by 4 very tough away games on the spin after Fulham home was postponed due to (their) participation in the FA Cup.  Unless you have a step change in your form and win a couple of those you could find yourselves adrift in the relegation zone at the end of the month!  

Toodleoo and have a good afternoon chums! Speak soon xxx

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44 minutes ago, DancinDannyD said:

Hello my friends, gosh what a lot of palaver yesterday hey?

Disappointed to lose our top goalscorer obviously, but once there's a wantaway player in the dressing room it soon becomes septic so the sooner they're gone and not poisoning the atmosphere the better. 

Our relative success in the last 2 and a half seasons has been down, largely, to a unified dressing room so it's best that any one no longer wanting to be part of that are removed.

Great deal for you, can't deny that, and it won't be easy to replace a 25+ a year goalscorer as they don't grow on trees so a big loss for the Gas.  But promotion would always be a step too far this season (can't see anything other than immediate relegation if we were to go up, I mean look how such a massive club as City are currently coping ;)) and his goals have made us (relatively) safe for the rest of this season (9, possibly 10 more points needed?).

So enjoy this one ladies and gentlemen, but all teams have their ups and downs.  After a couple of years of ups, yesterday was a down. 

Must win for you lot on Saturday now mind you, followed by 4 very tough away games on the spin after Fulham home was postponed due to (their) participation in the FA Cup.  Unless you have a step change in your form and win a couple of those you could find yourselves adrift in the relegation zone at the end of the month!  

Toodleoo and have a good afternoon chums! Speak soon xxx

So Bitter .

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4 hours ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Oh well perhaps today wasn't such a good idea to try to bury even more bad news?.

The sale of a player for 300k who would not be leaving under any circumstances a couple of weeks ago not even for 10 mil.

No deadline day signings despite Dopey saying he needed them.

and now this http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/bristol-rovers-chairman-hamer-calls-for-patience-as-they-continue-in-bid-to-deliver-uwe-stadium/story-30076077-detail/story.html

Perhaps today is the day that gasheads need to wake up and smell the camel shit and realise they still don't have a pot to piss in.


Unbelievable, oh no it's not.

What on earth effect, could public comment have on the outcome of this?

This is more a case of, "please leave me/us alone". We're in a pickle and don't have any answers for you. 

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He's joined the Evil Empire and we just have to get over it, dust ourselves off and carry on without our shape-shifting reptilian.

I wonder where Lansdown will choose to play him?  

Matty is very versatile, and clearly will play for anyone if the money is right.

Could it be the rugby boys?  Or perhaps the hockey or badminton teams?



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10 hours ago, Matty Taylor [BCFC] said:


And this is why I like gashead Jake. Doesn't slag us off other than maybe by giving his opinion that we are in free fall, nowt different to what the majority said on here a few days ago.

He also openly admits we have more money, better facilities etc.

Ah well. Sorry Jake.

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2 minutes ago, Septic Peg said:

And this is why I like gashead Jake. Doesn't slag us off other than maybe by giving his opinion that we are in free fall, nowt different to what the majority said on here a few days ago.

He also openly admits we have more money, better facilities etc.

Ah well. Sorry Jake.

Yep. Seems a decent enough chap. 

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6 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

He's joined the Evil Empire and we just have to get over it, dust ourselves off and carry on without our shape-shifting reptilian.

I wonder where Lansdown will choose to play him?  

Matty is very versatile, and clearly will play for anyone if the money is right.

Could it be the rugby boys?  Or perhaps the hockey or badminton teams?



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  what a bellend. I love how you have looked up our fixture list as well. Be honest, you are safe so the rest of the season all of you will be concentrating on our results (like you don't anyway. Hoping upon hope we go down. Do you still flash our score up on your pathetic scoreboard at Chernobyl when we concede a goal you fucking belters   

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18 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

He's joined the Evil Empire and we just have to get over it, dust ourselves off and carry on without our shape-shifting reptilian.

I wonder where Lansdown will choose to play him?  

Matty is very versatile, and clearly will play for anyone if the money is right.

Could it be the rugby boys?  Or perhaps the hockey or badminton teams?



Even your banter is shit .

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39 minutes ago, cynic said:

Can't believe the puerile and bitter stuff being spouted by the pikeys on what passes as their forum.

Big thread on SL - anyone would think he is Nosferatu incarnate. An example;

Lansdown is nothing more that a controlling psychopath, his financial company makes money with unethical practices with pay day loans under different financial names to fool the public and charges extortionate interest to the most vulnerable of society. Matty Taylor you will love it with him.

I'm not sure what they are hoping to achieve with this ill informed garbage as the only people who can post on that crappy little site is them.

Very strange.

Hargreaves Lansdown is a stockbrokers?

Financial management and grasping the basic principles of money has always been the sags weak spot.

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39 minutes ago, cynic said:

Can't believe the puerile and bitter stuff being spouted by the pikeys on what passes as their forum.

Big thread on SL - anyone would think he is Nosferatu incarnate. An example;

Lansdown is nothing more that a controlling psychopath, his financial company makes money with unethical practices with pay day loans under different financial names to fool the public and charges extortionate interest to the most vulnerable of society. Matty Taylor you will love it with him.

I'm not sure what they are hoping to achieve with this ill informed garbage as the only people who can post on that crappy little site is them.

Very strange.

An appeal to the F.A. by any chance.. Surely we've broken some rule or other lol  and watch out for us on the new series of Crimewatch. Huge robbery in BS3

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Meanwhile in a Post Truth world....

No doubt where all the local press media will be tomorrow,at Ashton gate for Taylors press conference, while we hold one to announce some 36 year old unattached ex non league journeyman is joining us on a three year contract with one man and his dog in attendance.
Come on Hamer and Wael, not to late to upstage them and announce the deal is done for UWE and the training ground!

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