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Downsey, another MOM performance


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7 hours ago, Carey 6 said:

When that triple sub was made, he said ‘coming onto the pitch number 4’ 

That was it. 

He then took a few mins to say who was subbed on, but did it whilst we were celebrating another goal I think. 

God knows what he was saying, absolutely useless.

Yeh that was brilliant, 3 subs no announcements, even the assistant refs number board didn't work, then out of now where 'coming onto the pitch No 4'!  Shambles 

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8 minutes ago, phantom said:

The thing that I don't understand is that he is right next to the subs, he has a team sheet in his hand how 'kin hard is it to sort?

I'd imagine that the 4th official may speak to him before the change is made so he can be ahead of the game?

He was previously but is now announcing from the booth in the Lansdown/South Stand corner.


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29 minutes ago, View from the Dolman said:

He was previously but is now announcing from the booth in the Lansdown/South Stand corner.


I wonder if this is since his spat with the mascot?

The job is simply impossible from up there - it explains why he has no idea what is going on

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Whilst I am not a Downsey fan - I really think he has an impossible job sitting in a booth in the corner of the Lansdown and South Stand - it's impossible for him to see the subs (albeit he was really slow at announcing the subs last night and either needs to have an eye test or get some binoculars to see the board.

Is this "booth"  a contributory factor to the PA system seeming muffled all the time -as it was impossible to understand the names of any of the players her was announcing. 

The whole Sound System seems to have had the "Bass" button turned up which means everything is "thumping" with bass when any sound comes out.

To top it all - when announcing the teams at the beginning of the game - he was saying the players names with loud music being played in the background - although it wasn't the background it seemed like the same volume - neither could be heard properly = that must have been down to Downsey for not fading the music down whilst he read out the team names.


This is again an absolute SHAMBLES by the media team - sort it out!!!!

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