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Jon and Brian - Time to Shine Boys

Numero Uno

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1 hour ago, Natchfever said:

Ill get a membership next season.

Less and less inclined to actually go into the ground matchday.

Yep exactly what i shall do. Will pick and chose when to go. I have had a season ticket for best part of the last 20 years - Only the stadium has changed in that time. The leadership of the Football club hasn't and is now starting to grind supporters down.

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57 minutes ago, 1team said:

So as I said before why the change. I always felt we might get something out of games with NP, now I can't wait for them to end. Uninspiring is the word for LMs reign, it's not his fault as the style of play is his thing, but increasingly it's not something I want to watch.

I agree with you I would have kept NP but the football wasn't particularly exciting either.

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1 hour ago, Curr Avon said:

Well, it sounds easy in principle, but who wants to buy the club/ground/Bristol Sport, or the first only?

Why isn’t it easy? Even the Few can find a buyer yet we don’t have a hope in hell. Who created this farce? That’s why @One Teamhas had a guts full and wants them to **** off I would guess?

Be careful blah blah blah

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1 hour ago, Curr Avon said:


1 hour ago, Curr Avon said:

Who have you got lined up to replace them?

Someone with integrity, transparency and knowledge of football would be good. 

To your veiled point, in its current form it’s almost unsellable. They’ve created a monster a lot of buyers would no doubt be put off by. As a football club I’m sure we’d be attractive; but who wants the rest of it? 

Edited by One Team
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4 hours ago, bearded_red said:

Steve- Time to sell and leave.

So Steve has to sell up and leave. That means someone has to what to buy the club off him. Unless you have a few hundred million stashed away somewhere. 

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4 hours ago, The Coach said:

Gone backwards under Manning.

Wasnt perfect under Pearson by no stretch of the imagination. But NP knew how to utilise the squad.

Manning so far, appears to not know how to. Which is why I’m still not convinced by his appointment.

Your right same shit different coach .

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4 hours ago, The Coach said:

Gone backwards under Manning.

Wasnt perfect under Pearson by no stretch of the imagination. But NP knew how to utilise the squad.

Manning so far, appears to not know how to. Which is why I’m still not convinced by his appointment.

Think he’s trying to be too clever, 4 wins from 12 is not good. Decent performances few and far between, Watford, West Ham the only two for me. Hull at home was dreadful for majority and Sunderland should have battered us. 

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I don't think Nige did much wrong and it doesn't appear that Manning is doing much wrong.

We're just a mid table team with mid table players (some have potential to be more, but not yet).

We look motivated, we just lack quality and make too many needless mistakes in key moments.

We're a team of tryers.

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No such thing as a ‘mid table team’. There are average teams with the potential to challenge and average teams who are vulnerable to the drop. We’ve had almost zero investment for a couple of years now- certainly when compared to sales. I was expecting SL to back Manning well this window and in the summer, as he’s 100% their appointment when there was no real fan agitation for a change. If decent incomings don’t arrive soonish, we could rapidly find ourselves in a relegation scrap. I’ve always assumed that the Lansdowns’s wouldn’t let that happen and would spend ( even recklessly) to avoid it. But I think they’ve checked out, emotionally as well as financially, so it might be worth appreciating what we’ve got while we’ve still got it. 

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8 minutes ago, mozo said:

I don't think Nige did much wrong and it doesn't appear that Manning is doing much wrong.

We're just a mid table team with mid table players (some have potential to be more, but not yet).

We look motivated, we just lack quality and make too many needless mistakes in key moments.

We're a team of tryers.

We look like a team with at best average Championship level players that due to its limitations was set up to play counter-attacking football, pressurising the opposition into making mistakes in possession that allow us a sight on goal or the chance for a quick break. Unfortunately our new coach wants the players to maximise possession but given their limitations, in that process the team has become one of those that is slow, ponderous and makes mistakes in possession when pressured, paying for it by conceding goals. And that’s exactly what he have seen against teams that have sat back and defended, while our better performances and results of late have been against teams who themselves want possession. Continue with the possession obsession without any incision in midfield or upfront and things will not get better soon…

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13 minutes ago, Bedred31 said:

No such thing as a ‘mid table team’. There are average teams with the potential to challenge and average teams who are vulnerable to the drop. We’ve had almost zero investment for a couple of years now- certainly when compared to sales. I was expecting SL to back Manning well this window and in the summer, as he’s 100% their appointment when there was no real fan agitation for a change. If decent incomings don’t arrive soonish, we could rapidly find ourselves in a relegation scrap. I’ve always assumed that the Lansdowns’s wouldn’t let that happen and would spend ( even recklessly) to avoid it. But I think they’ve checked out, emotionally as well as financially, so it might be worth appreciating what we’ve got while we’ve still got it. 

No offence to you but appreciating what though?  It’ll always be our team and that’s what I appreciate, the friendships, the camaraderie, the experience. Our club, not their play thing.   Like 99.9% of us I’d follow us on the Downs if it came to it,  but I’m sick of ‘appreciating’ what ‘they’ do. Their lack of any football sensibilities has wasted a huge opportunity, all for some vanity kick on there behalf.
Their tenure has coincided with my best years and what could’ve been with just a tiny bit more footballing nouse, or just a tiny bit of relinquishing of control to people that know wtf they are doing, really really pisses me off.  Sorry for the rant 😂

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8 minutes ago, lenred said:

No offence to you but appreciating what though?  It’ll always be our team and that’s what I appreciate, the friendships, the camaraderie, the experience. Our club, not their play thing.   Like 99.9% of us I’d follow us on the Downs if it came to it,  but I’m sick of ‘appreciating’ what ‘they’ do. Their lack of any football sensibilities has wasted a huge opportunity, all for some vanity kick on there behalf.
Their tenure has coincided with my best years and what could’ve been with just a tiny bit more footballing nouse, or just a tiny bit of relinquishing of control to people that know wtf they are doing, really really pisses me off.  Sorry for the rant 😂

I think this sums up in a nutshell what a lot of City fans think. In the owners constant search for the next Gary Johnson holy grail,  they've gone the manager way then the head coach way and then back to the manager etc etc. They've employed second in command's, they've employed ex players all while trying to keep everything under control. Its a perpetual merry-go-round.

Its as if with all of the investment made into the training complex, the ground, the bigger development picture and Bristol Sport, hasn't grown with it. With that I mean its no longer just the football club, its Ashton Gate, its Bristol Sport, its grown and is still growing into a big well run, well oiled smooth juggernaut and to keep this moving forward you need experienced professionals in strategic places to run the thing. People who know how to handle all facets of the job. You can't just bin off all of that experience and backroom staff with a "its my club" attitude on a whim and replace it with totally inexperienced staff and still demand the same results if not more. Its bordering on foolhardy.

With Pearson, and all of the experienced backroom staff he employed, there was finally a sense we had something going on which has been taken away. I don't blame Pearson one bit for walking away.

What we're left with is an uninspiring inexperienced head coach who seems to be only able to play in a certain way who's trying to change the way we play mid season. Results have been pretty uninspiring in the main and I can't see that changing anytime soon so why the change?

Very much in the same way LJ was continually judged against GJ, Manning will never shake off the ghost of Nigel Pearson. Its all a bit deflating.

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6 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

Go back a few months and these two fired a Manager who was “failing to get the best out of a top end squad”. Fast forward eleven matches and we are in pretty much the same place we were. Surely a “better” manager recruited to give us a better chance of success should have come in and achieved MORE if it was only the old manager that was failing us? Your words suggested the squad was good enough but not the manager, YOUR WORDS.

Conclusion so far? Manning is getting no more out of this squad than the sacked manager did. What does that suggest? To me it says the squad was never top end in the first place and where we are with it is as good is it gets. Liam has achieved no more, no less,

I have no doubts Manning will get the point per game that sees us easily safe. But that is not what the two at the top said they would deliver. Front foot, attacking football and success were the sound bites. Three league games without a goal suggests it ain’t happening. More seasons of this type of mediocrity will see us leave the division in the end……..

It’s clear that Manning needs the tools to deliver what has been “spun” from the top. So it’s literally over to the hierarchy. Are you a pair of sound bite bullshitters who will **** us over in the end, which some think you are, or do you have the ability to recruit what Liam needs and what you have said yourselves?

I think many fans will be watching you now…..is it bullshit and bluster or are you going to deliver on your words? Over to you guys!!

*Despite being in an injury crisis, that has now mostly passed.

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4 hours ago, spudski said:

I'm done with Manning already...I find him the most irritating bloke to listen to. He may turn out to be a coaching genius...But..I just can't warm to him. He sounds like JLs and Tins love child...with a massive smattering of LJ. 

Worse than LJ tbh. 

He can stick his bloody 'behaviours' up his arse...5 times mentioned today FFS, in a couple minutes. It's sooooo grating. 

It's epic bullshit coaching bingo lingo. 

Can't stand it. 

How the **** can you be motivated listening to that bullshit everyday. 

With the ' leaders' at the club departing soon, or going sideways ...James, Weimann, Wells, King, what are you left with?

Never felt so disappointed with this club and slowly losing interest. 

I really want the Lansdowns out now. 

Time to gamble with someone else in power. 




But according to some, we now looked well coached. 

If this is well coached, I don't like us being well coached. 

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27 minutes ago, Swede said:

I think this sums up in a nutshell what a lot of City fans think. In the owners constant search for the next Gary Johnson holy grail,  they've gone the manager way then the head coach way and then back to the manager etc etc. They've employed second in command's, they've employed ex players all while trying to keep everything under control. Its a perpetual merry-go-round.

Its as if with all of the investment made into the training complex, the ground, the bigger development picture and Bristol Sport, hasn't grown with it. With that I mean its no longer just the football club, its Ashton Gate, its Bristol Sport, its grown and is still growing into a big well run, well oiled smooth juggernaut and to keep this moving forward you need experienced professionals in strategic places to run the thing. People who know how to handle all facets of the job. You can't just bin off all of that experience and backroom staff with a "its my club" attitude on a whim and replace it with totally inexperienced staff and still demand the same results if not more. Its bordering on foolhardy.

With Pearson, and all of the experienced backroom staff he employed, there was finally a sense we had something going on which has been taken away. I don't blame Pearson one bit for walking away.

What we're left with is an uninspiring inexperienced head coach who seems to be only able to play in a certain way who's trying to change the way we play mid season. Results have been pretty uninspiring in the main and I can't see that changing anytime soon so why the change?

Very much in the same way LJ was continually judged against GJ, Manning will never shake off the ghost of Nigel Pearson. Its all a bit deflating.

Did he walk away? I thought he had been relieved of his duties (sacked).

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It’s all about expectation setting really. Nige was very good at saying exactly what was going on - good, bad or average. That’s one of the things most of us liked about him. Liam is very much a repetitive sound bite. When that sound bite aligns with reality, great… but the majority of time so far, it hasn’t.

As others have mentioned you got the sense that Nige was also uniting and moving the whole club in the right direction. I might even overthink this and say he was a good reflection of Bristolians in general. He loved the area, spoke his mind and is a bit anti-authority. Manning doesn’t strike me as having that same skill set or personality.

Despite all of the above, this isn’t a Nige vs Manning post - it’s a very long-winded way of agreeing that JL and BT have messed up. Manning is performing to his remit but has come into a very bad situation that he will struggle to fix. I also don’t blame him for getting himself into this situation - I’d be gutted if any League 1 coach didn’t feel like Bristol City were a step up worth taking.

Really, we needed Nige a bit longer, then the right manager/coach to transition to. He himself said it would likely be someone else who took his work to the next level. I don’t think Manning is the right coach - his football is too predictable for the Championship and undoes a lot of the foundational work that has taken place.

For what it’s worth, I do think we have a 6th to 11th squad. Given the constraints under which it was built, that’s pretty good.

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3 hours ago, Super said:

I agree with you I would have kept NP but the football wasn't particularly exciting either.

In some ways yeah, in some ways no IMO. Consistently perhaps not but the high energy high octane approach when we had sufficient fit players wasn't too bad.

Think Hull away, Swansea away, West Brom home first half, Plymouth home first half, last half hour of Ipswich hole even as the injury crisis was starting to mount and phases of Stoke home. Did Leeds fans not also say we were one of the more positive sides to visit Elland Road?

We also shaded Millwall away but that wasn't quite the same type of display.

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9 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

Go back a few months and these two fired a Manager who was “failing to get the best out of a top end squad”. Fast forward eleven matches and we are in pretty much the same place we were. Surely a “better” manager recruited to give us a better chance of success should have come in and achieved MORE if it was only the old manager that was failing us? Your words suggested the squad was good enough but not the manager, YOUR WORDS.

Conclusion so far? Manning is getting no more out of this squad than the sacked manager did. What does that suggest? To me it says the squad was never top end in the first place and where we are with it is as good is it gets. Liam has achieved no more, no less,

I have no doubts Manning will get the point per game that sees us easily safe. But that is not what the two at the top said they would deliver. Front foot, attacking football and success were the sound bites. Three league games without a goal suggests it ain’t happening. More seasons of this type of mediocrity will see us leave the division in the end……..

It’s clear that Manning needs the tools to deliver what has been “spun” from the top. So it’s literally over to the hierarchy. Are you a pair of sound bite bullshitters who will **** us over in the end, which some think you are, or do you have the ability to recruit what Liam needs and what you have said yourselves?

I think many fans will be watching you now…..is it bullshit and bluster or are you going to deliver on your words? Over to you guys!!

The thing is, if it wasn't clear at the time it is crystal clear now.. Nigel was never dismissed for the reasons the Lansdowns publicly gave.. It was IMO a personal vendetta/fued that led to Pearaons sacking.. they knew manning or any new manager couldn't get any better out of this current squad but they had to publicly peddle that narrative.



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I've heard Owers and Ian Gay and now posts like this say Manning needs to be able to bring in his own players. 


Sorry but wasn't the change made in order to bring in a head coach who could get more out of our current set of players? So why the f are people speaking about him needing money to spend just to get us back to where we were? 

I have no problem with us bringing in 2-3 in the window as that's what you'd expect in every Jan window. 

My issue is with the excuses people are using for these poor results and performances. 




Edited by W-S-M Seagull
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3 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

I've heard Owers and Ian Gay and now posts like this say Manning needs to be able to bring in his own players. 


Sorry but wasn't the change made in order to bring in a head coach who could get more out of our current set of players? So why the f are people speaking about him needing money to spend just to get us back to where we were? 

I have no problem with us bringing in 2-3 in the window as that's what you'd expect in every Jan window. 

My issue is with the excuses people are using for these poor results and performances. 




Given that the new manager had the advantage of a number of players getting fit that weren't available to Pearson I would say that we've gone slightly backwards 

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3 hours ago, Bris Red said:

The thing is, if it wasn't clear at the time it is crystal clear now.. Nigel was never dismissed for the reasons the Lansdowns publicly gave.. It was IMO a personal vendetta/fued that led to Pearaons sacking.. they knew manning or any new manager couldn't get any better out of this current squad but they had to publicly peddle that narrative.



Pearson made his own bed. He publicly fuelled a fire with powers that be, by going to the media about his contract and position, with a sort of back me or sack me stance. The board didn't like that one little bit and sacked him. Had he said nothing, carried on about his job, he wouldn't have been fired. He may not have had his contract renewed in the summer, but he played his hand early and knew what he was doing. One could say, he forced their hand on purpose. 

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