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Tommy Doc.


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And I've heard from a very good source that unless he bucks his ideas up he is going out on loan in a fortnight to a club in the north.

You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.  blushing.gif

Oooooo, is it Carlisle? Go on, say it's Carlisle. That'd make I chuckle!

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How many leopards are still cubs at 26 years-old?

And I didn't use the 'a' word, unprofessional was my description - following a long line of similar prats like Cramb and Peacock, I'm flabberghasted any supporter is left to stick up for these wasters.

I stick up for him because I used to enjoy watching him play. I liked his creative ability and also his on field determination. I thought he got stuck in where it counted and when it mattered (rather than chasing down the ball on the left wing). I was able to watch him almost single handedly get us promoted when he was the only player that turned up at the Mil stad. I have seen him change from this player that I admired to something that less admiral in one season under one manager. I believe that he has the ability within him to play at championship level and I wish it was with us. Are you still flabberghasted why I will defend him?

That is why I will carry on sticking up for him and also talking about him when I want to 01234.

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Where does Robbored get off making defamatory remarks about people?

You may not rate Tommy anymore, but QPR seem to, and implying that he is an alcoholic is below the belt.

Maybe you should keep the condemnation for anybody who dares disagree with you, superfan.

Read my original thread again - at no point point to I refer to Doherty as an alcoholic nor do I imply it.

I was using an common alcoholic behaviour trait to highlight that (as someone else put it) "a leopard never changes its spots"

That seems to have passed you by...... doh.gif

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Are you still flabberghasted why I will defend him?

Yes, especially as you have just acknowledged that Bristol City FC got less than 46x90x100% from him.

Every manager he had, every objective-minded fan to see him play, all knew his potential but also knew deepdown he'd never achieve it due to lack of self-discipline. A great pity ... for him, the club and us.

Tinnion just happened to be at the helm when the AG chapter of the Doherty story had finally run its course, many other clubs would have been less patient.

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Doherty has done what alcoholics call "a geographical" which in laymans terms means that the individual externalises their difficulties and sees moving away as a remedy to thier problems.

The reality is that no matter where you go you take yourself with you and pretty soon your old behaviuor and flaws begin to show through again.

Lack of fitness,of the pace were both problems we saw when Doherty was at City.How disrepectfull he is to Holloway yet is not something we'll ever know but rest assured that'll come as well.

sorry, but what utter b0llocks!!!

Give it a rest maybe, all of the above is the sort of foundationless opinion that you condemn others for when they voice it about Tinnion.

The move was forced on him. He's not here. end of story.

case of the lobsters mate?, see a therapist soon!

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Yes, especially as you have just acknowledged that Bristol City FC got less than 46x90x100% from him.

If that's the criteria we expect from all of our players then only one or two may even come close.

Every manager he had, every objective-minded fan to see him play, all knew his potential but also knew deepdown he'd never achieve it due to lack of self-discipline. A great pity ... for him, the club and us.

Tinnion just happened to be at the helm when the AG chapter of the Doherty story had finally run its course, many other clubs would have been less patient.

I saw more than potential in him. I saw ability and desire. I think this drained out of him after the play off loss. He never came back the same player and Tinnion could not reverse this and I really don't think he tried that hard.

Yes many other clubs would have been less patient but does that make it better. I don't think either party is guiltless in this situation. It certainly wasn't as succesful as when Arsenal helped out both Tony Adams and Paul Merson and gained from the service they provided.

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If that's the criteria we expect from all of our players then only one or two may even come close.

It is the minimum criterion to be expected of any professional. Why so many fans make excuses for those who don't show it is a mystery to me.

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