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Lansdown And Dawe Out !

Mr Mosquito

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Maybe had these fans having a go at the trust turned out on Monday night they would then know what the trust is about. I went there with a open mind and at the end put my full support into it and I will be contributing to it. To hear a spokesman from Stockport County talk about his club you could tell how passionate he was that his vclub remained in Stockport and not in another area of Manchester.

The club is in a better state with the current board and I fully support them now and what they have done in the past, the past has now gone but after I left Monday night I felt a air of optimisum and I thought GJ was giving us the truth and he always will, he spoke with a passion about this club and this from someone who has just joined us as did SL and when speaking to him you can tell results hurt him as much as us.

Before having a go and something as good as the trust may I suggest people read into how the trust can benefit us all.

What will a supporters trust actulley acheive, when there are only two people on the current board, you will have no say or power against two people. A supporters trust will only actulley work when there is a real threat to the clubs survival.

Too me, the trust seems like an ask steve L forum that you have to pay a fee to be part of.

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Time for an extract of Oliver Cromwell's fantastic speech of 20th April 1653 dismissing the Long Parliament that also applies to BCFC's remaining 2 incompetent directors Steve Lansdown and Keith Dawe.......

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money."

Like Esau Steve Lansdown and Keith Dawe have sold BCFC down the road for a few back page column inches in the Bristol Evening Post and a few sound bites on Radio Bristol.

Second bottom of poxy olde Div 3 - Lansdown and Dawe GET OUT NOW !!!!!

don't BCFC owe SL £4M? Which he could just ask for if he left the club?

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Guest dogwood

What money?

Lowly Doncaster Rovers with a 6,000 odd support base have just knocked Aston Villa out of the league cup - but they have got a real football supporting Chairman after all unlike the self-serving financier that is Steve Lansdown.

doncaster also had 11 players, that WANTED to WIN , had FIRE in their bellies, passion, commitment , teamwork, guts, and played for the FANS, club , and themselves, not the bunch of gutless spineless ######s we have down the gate , that seem to be using any excuse for not playing well , and could,nt care less, what is the chairman supposed to do about that at 3pm on a saturday , ? play himself. ? :@

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And if they sell out, which I'm convinced they would if somoene would only buy them out,what then?

Forget all this talk about funding and Davison riding over the hill like John Wayne with a couple of hundered million supplied by-oh let's see-Richard Branson-John Magnier-Uncle Tom Cobbley & All, because if that were going to happen it would have happened by now.

Wouldn't it be great if someone did come along like Abramovich at Chelsea :dance:

Just don't hold your breath, mate!

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Guest ashtonyate

doncaster also had 11 players, that WANTED to WIN , had FIRE in their bellies, passion, commitment , teamwork, guts, and played for the FANS, club , and themselves, not the bunch of gutless spineless ######s we have down the gate , that seem to be using any excuse for not playing well , and could,nt care less, what is the chairman supposed to do about that at 3pm on a saturday , ? play himself. ? :@

No but he is the person who set the Clubs policy of what it should be doing,And he did say sorry for not doing it right. He oversees the players that are bought and sold the Manager sayes what they want and its up to him to say yes or no

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Guest dogwood

No but he is the person who set the Clubs policy of what it should be doing,And he did say sorry for not doing it right. He oversees the players that are bought and sold the Manager sayes what they want and its up to him to say yes or no

ok, right , you are , another excuse for the players to play gutless, spineless , characterless , appalling football thats jepordising the club, the fan base and the future of bristol city , all the fault of the chairman , at last i,ve found the answer , thanks. everyone is to blame at the moment , BUT the players, can and should do better than 8 defeats in a row, after player power got rid of tinnion at swansea with the gutless 7:1 performance. if player power is allowed to carry on , then relagation is a certainty , they don,t care , so blaming the chairman is no answer .

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What will a supporters trust actulley acheive, when there are only two people on the current board, you will have no say or power against two people. A supporters trust will only actulley work when there is a real threat to the clubs survival.

Too me, the trust seems like an ask steve L forum that you have to pay a fee to be part of.

If you ran your own business and you had the option of either taking decisions or taking informed decisions, which would you take? Should the ST achieve its aim of an elected fans representative on the board, we will have someone there helping to shape decisions, putting forward reasoned and constructive suggestions, debating controversial initiatives and helping the board reach sensible, informed decisions. Being part of that decision making process means that any unpopular decisions can be explained back to fans even if the elected fans representative didn't vote in favour of it.

I don't endorse your theory that it is better to wait for a threat to the club's survival before getting organised. It took just three months from the announcement of financial problems to reach imminent closure back in 1982, a situation that was only resolved due to the selfless acts of 8 players. If the board withdrew their support today, which I don't for one minute think they will, and the same 3 month clock started ticking, we'd be in trouble. Serious trouble.

You're not paying a fee to ask a question; you're helping to avert a financial crisis and you're helping to get our voice involved in decision making.

And as an added benefit, your membership is an endorsement of how you want your community to feel. If you want an example of what I mean by community, please take a look at some of the really great feedback on the thread about the launch night. It seems that pretty much everyone who went left the evening with a warmer feeling about our community. The more members we have, the more community events we can put on in the future.

And all this for £1 a month. If you get your application in by next Tuesday you'll have the chance to win a City Shirt signed by the attending City legends. Here's the links:



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If you ran your own business and you had the option of either taking decisions or taking informed decisions, which would you take? Should the ST achieve its aim of an elected fans representative on the board, we will have someone there helping to shape decisions, putting forward reasoned and constructive suggestions, debating controversial initiatives and helping the board reach sensible, informed decisions. Being part of that decision making process means that any unpopular decisions can be explained back to fans even if the elected fans representative didn't vote in favour of it.

I don't endorse your theory that it is better to wait for a threat to the club's survival before getting organised. It took just three months from the announcement of financial problems to reach imminent closure back in 1982, a situation that was only resolved due to the selfless acts of 8 players. If the board withdrew their support today, which I don't for one minute think they will, and the same 3 month clock started ticking, we'd be in trouble. Serious trouble.

You're not paying a fee to ask a question; you're helping to avert a financial crisis and you're helping to get our voice involved in decision making.

And as an added benefit, your membership is an endorsement of how you want your community to feel. If you want an example of what I mean by community, please take a look at some of the really great feedback on the thread about the launch night. It seems that pretty much everyone who went left the evening with a warmer feeling about our community. The more members we have, the more community events we can put on in the future.

And all this for £1 a month. If you get your application in by next Tuesday you'll have the chance to win a City Shirt signed by the attending City legends. Here's the links:



I didn't say wait for a threat, and your snappy replay did nothing to impress me with the idea of a supporters trust. It all seems like the fcf.

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I didn't say wait for a threat, and your snappy replay did nothing to impress me with the idea of a supporters trust. It all seems like the fcf.

Then you've clearly failed to read any of the masses of information available about the trust before coming up with your well informed opinion.


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ok, right , you are , another excuse for the players to play gutless, spineless , characterless , appalling football thats jepordising the club, the fan base and the future of bristol city , all the fault of the chairman , at last i,ve found the answer , thanks. everyone is to blame at the moment , BUT the players, can and should do better than 8 defeats in a row, after player power got rid of tinnion at swansea with the gutless 7:1 performance. if player power is allowed to carry on , then relagation is a certainty , they don,t care , so blaming the chairman is no answer .

The players caught drinking and fighting put themselves in a position of 'serious breach of contract via gross misconduct' for which they could of and should of been sacked. If I was running this club they would of been sacked. The current Chairman has to take some responsibility for the state we're in because we're currently leaderless and rudderless as a club. This club has never been in such a mess both on and off the pitch, even in 1982 the club was better run than now.

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Then you've clearly failed to read any of the masses of information available about the trust before coming up with your well informed opinion.


I ve read the 'masses' of information and comments coming out from people, and there dosn't seem to be a clear objective for the trust :dunno:

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What will a supporters trust actulley acheive, when there are only two people on the current board, you will have no say or power against two people. A supporters trust will only actulley work when there is a real threat to the clubs survival.

Too me, the trust seems like an ask steve L forum that you have to pay a fee to be part of.

Well spotted hilltop red, what actual 'power' and influence will any supporters' club have with only a tiny shareholding?

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The players caught drinking and fighting put themselves in a position of 'serious breach of contract via gross misconduct' for which they could of and should of been sacked. If I was running this club they would of been sacked. The current Chairman has to take some responsibility for the state we're in because we're currently leaderless and rudderless as a club. This club has never been in such a mess both on and off the pitch, even in 1982 the club was better run than now.


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I think it comes back to the question "who is going to take their place ?"

If the answer is Roman Abramovich, then yes please ! But if the answer is "nobody" (as I suspect) then this is completely meaningless finger-pointing.

While we're about it, why not get rid of every player at the club and every member of the coaching staff.

Hey, lets also sack the catering staff and walk into an empty Ashton Gate on saturday !

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Time for an extract of Oliver Cromwell's fantastic speech of 20th April 1653 dismissing the Long Parliament that also applies to BCFC's remaining 2 incompetent directors Steve Lansdown and Keith Dawe.......

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money."

Like Esau Steve Lansdown and Keith Dawe have sold BCFC down the road for a few back page column inches in the Bristol Evening Post and a few sound bites on Radio Bristol.

Second bottom of poxy olde Div 3 - Lansdown and Dawe GET OUT NOW !!!!!

Come off it, RG. This is just garbage, and prettty offensive garbage at that because there is little to support it. Fortunately it's so extreme that it looks ridiculous.

For example: "ye are a pack of mercenary wretches". Mercenary, eh? :doh: Could you kindly tell me exactly how much money SteveL or KeithD have made out of being directors, because I like most others are under the impression that they have made rather large personal losses through their involvement?

"...would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage" There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that they are prepared to sell City for a mess of potage or anything else. If you were at the Supporters' Trust meeting you will have heard SteveL tell the fans that he is "in it for the long haul". In other words he's not about to sell it for either a few pieces of silver or anything else.

By all means point to areas that you think have been mismanaged, to blame decisions which have landed the club in the mire on the directors, and to call for them to be publically beheaded in the centre circle, but spare us the accusations suggesting the club has been "defiled by your practice of every vice" because not only is it needlessly insulting and abusive, it's massively wide of the mark.

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I like most others are under the impression that they have made rather large personal losses through their involvement?

I don't usually get involved with debates with you Red Top because of the length of your posts, which quite frankly is too time consuming to get involved, it takes 10 minutes just to read your point of view. But with this small quote of yours i'll state why I disagree.

Infact, to save even more time, here is a list of things that I think steve L has done wrong in his time in charge. Most of the clubs money loss has come down to poor management and proffesional skills. Take a look - Click Here

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Guest dogwood

The players caught drinking and fighting put themselves in a position of 'serious breach of contract via gross misconduct' for which they could of and should of been sacked. If I was running this club they would of been sacked. The current Chairman has to take some responsibility for the state we're in because we're currently leaderless and rudderless as a club. This club has never been in such a mess both on and off the pitch, even in 1982 the club was better run than now.

well , that post i totally agree with , you are 100% correct mate . yes he must take some responsibilty ,as should everyone, but , i still think the players are getting away with it too lightly, are they MEN or MICE , ? i thnk there is too much player power in this shambles also . the players post 1982, would laugh at this lot of prima donnas.

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I ve read the 'masses' of information and comments coming out from people, and there dosn't seem to be a clear objective for the trust :dunno:

It's there in black and white, how the hell could you miss it if you actually read a single thing about the trust? Have you really even looked at the notes Milo posted umpteen times or visited the website?

The main aim as I understand it is to raise money to purchase enough shares to get an elected fans representative on the board that is able to influence what happens in the club.


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I don't usually get involved with debates with you Red Top because of the length of your posts, which quite frankly is too time consuming to get involved, it takes 10 minutes just to read your point of view. But with this small quote of yours i'll state why I disagree.

Infact, to save even more time, here is a list of things that I think steve L has done wrong in his time in charge. Most of the clubs money loss has come down to poor management and proffesional skills. Take a look - Click Here

So...The Badge. The East End. 2 of the most important things about Bristol City Football Cllub that I love and they mess about with it.

Sorry..just so I am clear...I thought it was the football club you loved, not the football ground? Even less the football Kit?

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A supporters trust will only actulley work when there is a real threat to the clubs survival.

I didn't say wait for a threat,

I can't really see where I've misunderstood you.

To summarise the Trust's objectives;

1/ Raise funds for the club in return for shares

2/ Represent fans views with the ultimate aim of getting an elected fans' representative on the board of the Club

3/ Get involved with the community

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i really don't know about this goblin??

Lansdown is surrounded by spin merchants

lansdown delegates to much, look at our who's who at city.

we got 1 chairman 1 director

1 club president

8 vice president? (motre than running the football team)

1 honorary president (a cricket player)

1 chief executive

1 P/A TO chief executive

1 Financial accountant

5 people looking after the football

thats first team reserves and academy

no scouting system in place

10 jobs that are media related, more than the sodding football


1 chaplin (the club will be needing him / her soon)

1 dentist

full list here http://www.bcfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/WhosW...,,10327,00.html

in short we got more spin at this club that a tumble dryer.

to many fobber off's than real money decision makers and that

where the problem gets with lansdowns own admission about richard

gould deliberately leaking the badge design.

compare us in staff to say doncasters staff they have a board room

we got a commercial media circus.



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So...The Badge. The East End. 2 of the most important things about Bristol City Football Cllub that I love and they mess about with it.

Sorry..just so I am clear...I thought it was the football club you loved, not the football ground? Even less the football Kit?

The badge is the club. The east end is why I loved going to watch City.

Hence why I do not go as often anymore. I don't enjoy it.

Hence why I stear clear of any debates on who is playing well, not well, who should be selected and so on.

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To summarise the Trust's objectives;

1/ Raise funds for the club in return for shares

2/ Represent fans views

3/ Get involved with the community

Quite frankly that's an undrehand and shameful thing to do, how can you expect real fans to...oh...wait...no...that seems ok...oh poo..what do i do next...mummy???

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Guest Ronmeister

Quite frankly that's an undrehand and shameful thing to do, how can you expect real fans to...oh...wait...no...that seems ok...oh poo..what do i do next...mummy???


You are very odd :mellow:

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The badge is the club. The east end is why I loved going to watch City.

The badge is the club?? Are you kidding me??

OK...tell you what..I will offer you £5 Million to change the badge to my company logo, and a picture of the suspension bridge and a fat old robin...you up for it?

Now I will offer you £100 Million to move the club to Coventry...still up for it? How about if I stick you in a cramped stand in the multi million dollar "Orange" stadium, restrict the view, put in crappy seats and let you sing your little heart out, would that sweeten things up a bit?

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The badge is the club?? Are you kidding me??

OK...tell you what..I will offer you £5 Million to change the badge to my company logo, and a picture of the suspension bridge and a fat old robin...you up for it?

Now I will offer you £100 Million to move the club to Coventry...still up for it? How about if I stick you in a cramped stand in the multi million dollar "Orange" stadium, restrict the view, put in crappy seats and let you sing your little heart out, would that sweeten things up a bit?

You know what i mean! The badge represents the club I love.

whatever your on about has no relevence to this debate at all.

Where exactly do you stand with everything then?

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You know what i mean! The badge represents the club I love.

whatever your on about has no relevence to this debate at all.

Where exactly do you stand with everything then?

Ok...since you ask, I will clarify..

The headline of this post is "Lansdown and Dawe out" - Where do I stand on that? Well..I stand watching the club I have followed, for longer than some people and less time than others, being kept afloat by two wealthy individuals. If they were "Out" then my club would cease to exist, the end, gone, finished..No matter what the cromwellian believes, there is nobody anywhere near this club waiting to fly in..the doors will shut, the players will leave, and you will be standing looking at Tesco's..but I guess the may call it the "Ashton Gate East End" Superstore to keep you happy.

Where do I stand on ..The badge? It was changed from one to another less than 10 years ago..did you vote for it then or against it? Or was that done without your knowledge?

Where do I stand on ....The East End..knock the damn thing down and put something with a view in. Unfortunately, the two generous individuals keeping the club afloat have identified that we are aren't attracting decent crowds, with decent league position so a new one is out of the question. And because a minority of brainless cretins want to fight with the away fans wherever they go they have also identified that it is pretty pointless to pay for extra security so that they can allow some intellectually challenged morons to spit and snarl at a father and his children aged 8 and 10 who have come 250 miles for a day out to support Hartlepool, who they probably worship.

Forthly, I am absolutely pig sick of people whose only contribution to society is to blame others, and to disrespect the hard work of those, such as the people who have set up the trust, when there ONLY value to the club is turning up on a Saturday and writing, in the main, drivel on a board like this..

And lastly, I am absolutely heartbroken, to watch MY football team, playing in MY city plummit down the league whilst playing the worse football I have ever, ever seen. And believe me, it doesnt matter where you are sitting in the ground, we are bloody awful..

And that, my friend, is where I stand, with my head in my hands...in tears..

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Ok...since you ask, I will clarify..

The headline of this post is "Lansdown and Dawe out" - Where do I stand on that? Well..I stand watching the club I have followed, for longer than some people and less time than others, being kept afloat by two wealthy individuals. If they were "Out" then my club would cease to exist, the end, gone, finished..No matter what the cromwellian believes, there is nobody anywhere near this club waiting to fly in..the doors will shut, the players will leave, and you will be standing looking at Tesco's..but I guess the may call it the "Ashton Gate East End" Superstore to keep you happy.

Where do I stand on ..The badge? It was changed from one to another less than 10 years ago..did you vote for it then or against it? Or was that done without your knowledge?

Where do I stand on ....The East End..knock the damn thing down and put something with a view in. Unfortunately, the two generous individuals keeping the club afloat have identified that we are aren't attracting decent crowds, with decent league position so a new one is out of the question. And because a minority of brainless cretins want to fight with the away fans wherever they go they have also identified that it is pretty pointless to pay for extra security so that they can allow some intellectually challenged morons to spit and snarl at a father and his children aged 8 and 10 who have come 250 miles for a day out to support Hartlepool, who they probably worship.

Forthly, I am absolutely pig sick of people whose only contribution to society is to blame others, and to disrespect the hard work of those, such as the people who have set up the trust, when there ONLY value to the club is turning up on a Saturday and writing, in the main, drivel on a board like this..

And lastly, I am absolutely heartbroken, to watch MY football team, playing in MY city plummit down the league whilst playing the worse football I have ever, ever seen. And believe me, it doesnt matter where you are sitting in the ground, we are bloody awful..

And that, my friend, is where I stand, with my head in my hands...in tears..

Brilliant Post, Hell wish our players had that much heart and passion,

In support of the ST i have joined for one reason the title, supporters trust.

I will support this venture as i feel it's worthwhile and although i live miles away i feel a bigger part of the club for it.

Why do SOME on this site moan and bitch, we don't get this , we cant have that . the club hates us we are always being picked on. Yet when people do something to make people more apart of this club, they get slagged off..


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Ok...since you ask, I will clarify..

The headline of this post is "Lansdown and Dawe out" - Where do I stand on that? Well..I stand watching the club I have followed, for longer than some people and less time than others, being kept afloat by two wealthy individuals. If they were "Out" then my club would cease to exist, the end, gone, finished..

Any proof of this? Unless they choose to put the club in admin it would carry on, there would be no overnight winding up.

Forthly, I am absolutely pig sick of people whose only contribution to society is to blame others, and to disrespect the hard work of those, such as the people who have set up the trust, when there ONLY value to the club is turning up on a Saturday and writing, in the main, drivel on a board like this..]

So who DO we blame for the disgracful posistion this club is in? What's the trust got to do with this? You say fans ONLY turn up, and do nothing else, but without fans (a) this club would die quicker than Steve L steping down (b) Without fans there wouldnt be a supporters trust would there.

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