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Lansdown And Dawe Out !

Mr Mosquito

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Two people is not enough for any board in any compeny. And along with sexstone dawes and lansdown will get away with anything. We need a five to seven man board at least. This way the chairman might actully get up of his ass and listen to people. His already done a runner from otib!

Sorry pal but either your chatting out of your ring or your confessing to be a clueless moron, where does it say two people is not enough for any board in any company ?

Some people really have come out with some right crap about our board recently and it's crystal clear from reading these anti Board, Anti Johnson posts who it is exactly who knows jack shyte about running a football club or for that matter understanding basic business principles.

It doesnt take Sir John Harvey Jones to work out its half term either.. :yawn:

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Sorry pal but either your chatting out of your ring or your confessing to be a clueless moron, where does it say two people is not enough for any board in any company ?

Some people really have come out with some right crap about our board recently and it's crystal clear from reading these anti Board, Anti Johnson posts who it is exactly who knows jack shyte about running a football club or for that matter understanding basic business principles.

It doesnt take Sir John Harvey Jones to work out its half term either.. :yawn:

what, so having only two people with lansdown having final say is the right way for a football club to operate or any business.

wake up mate, were in the poo and sliding fast.

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Decided to have a scan down this thread and see who was saying what. Seems to me that you want Steve et al out, and fresh blood and new money at the club. Fair enough. So what are you going to do about it? And I mean you personally.

You can see what I'm doing about the current dire situation by reading this thread - creating awareness of where the real problems at BCFC lie. Thanks to the many eloquent, intelligent and thoughtful replies from a vast number of BCFC supporters to my original post there's an analysis of the state we're in and many ideas on how to get this club moving forward again. You may mock me but that's my contribution, believe me if I had the money I'd love to be a BCFC director and help pick this club off the floor.

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You can see what I'm doing about the current dire situation by reading this thread - creating awareness of where the real problems at BCFC lie. Thanks to the many eloquent, intelligent and thoughtful replies from a vast number of BCFC supporters to my original post there's an analysis of the state we're in and many ideas on how to get this club moving forward again. You may mock me but that's my contribution, believe me if I had the money I'd love to be a BCFC director and help pick this club off the floor.

Rest assured I am not mocking, rather I am curious to know what you are doing aside from your various posts. At various points in this thread you lay the blame firmly at the doorstep of the current board. But, what are you doing in the real world to rectify the situation? Clearly you do not view the Trust as a suitable conduit for your views, so where are you taking your cause? Are you canvassing ANOther person or consortium to buy-out the current ownership? Are you launching a supporters' fund to raise cash to buy out the shares? Are you endeavouring to challenge SL in a meaningful debate to clarify his plans for the club? Are you writing to the press to promote the issues at hand?

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Rest assured I am not mocking, rather I am curious to know what you are doing aside from your various posts. At various points in this thread you lay the blame firmly at the doorstep of the current board. But, what are you doing in the real world to rectify the situation? Clearly you do not view the Trust as a suitable conduit for your views, so where are you taking your cause? Are you canvassing ANOther person or consortium to buy-out the current ownership? Are you launching a supporters' fund to raise cash to buy out the shares? Are you endeavouring to challenge SL in a meaningful debate to clarify his plans for the club? Are you writing to the press to promote the issues at hand?

I am canvassing this, afterall, is a public forum. Wouldn't it be delightful if we had a Chairman that would encourage Johnson to sign a loan player of the calibre of midfielder Kevin Horlock for instance. Kevin Horlock was signed on loan by Doncaster from Ipswich who proceeded to set up both goals for Doncaster against Barnsley in their 2-0 win. What loanees have we signed of any calibre since Mark Robins was signed by Danny Wilson 3 seasons ago??!!!!

I'm not knocking Gary Johnson but Martin Allen would have been my prefered choice to take over from Tinman had I been Chairman - 'Mad Dog' Martin Allen's inspired lunacy has definately caught my attention. :w00t::w00t:

Finally, I'm buying a National Lottery ticket in the hope of winning enough money for a meaningful share in the club. :w00t:

Up the City

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We are in a total mess, and if we go down then God help us!

This season, the previous season and the season before that have been a total farce, with the blame resting squarely with the board.

It was generally a given fact that Mr Wilson was going to get the boot if we lost at the Mill Stad. Where was his incentive to win? If I was Mr Wilson, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to put attacking subs on the bench either! I bet he was thinking ###### you Steve, pay off my contract.

Next came Tinnion, the backstabber! 'Judge me on Tinnion' the inexperienced rookie he said! We did, but has he apologised? Has he ****!

So that didn't work, what next? I know, lets employ a cockernee wide boy with little to no experience at this level!

And its not just on the playing field that things are bad. The commercial department is a joke (poor catering, shoddy merchandise), the PR is non existant (the BADGE, that shirt, ST takeover of OTIB) and ther prices are at a all time high!

I have only been to the gate 4 times this season, and before anyone accuses me of being a part time fan, I would like to point out that because of my job, Saturdays are difficult yet for the previous 15 years I have gone out of my way to see City. I just cant be arsed anymore, the club doesn't care about my feelings, so what is the point. I have had a gutsfull!

If we get relagated, how many will be at the Gate next season? This current team is not even good enough for a mid table position in the basement and with no money for new players, next season will also be a complete joke!

So my opinion,


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