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Can I suggest that if you strongly disagree with the tone of the EP article and feel the fans deserve more credit for the opening of the East End, or that the stewards were aprtly to blame, then you write to the Evening Post letters page making your case succinctly and politely.

It's an effective way of getting your viewpoint across and I'd think you'd stand a good chance of having your letter published.

Alternatively, you could pen a letter to The Incider, of course... ;-)

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Can I suggest that if you strongly disagree with the tone of the EP article and feel the fans deserve more credit for the opening of the East End, or that the stewards were aprtly to blame, then you write to the Evening Post letters page making your case succinctly and politely.

It's an effective way of getting your viewpoint across and I'd think you'd stand a good chance of having your letter published.

Alternatively, you could pen a letter to The Incider, of course... ;-)

Have already sent a letter to the post, but as it implies bias reporting on the EVIL Post part it will be ignored, just like my letter to the post, asking them when no decent coverage was given to the trouble between rovers and hull city fans.
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Never heard of the word 'aprtly'. England? Honestly, that just shows your igronance.  :D
I will bow to your greater knowledge oh wise one - by the way is it me or did you infer you might be home by now?

Genuinely look forward to a chat when you do make it back if I am still around.

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I really can't see anything wrong with the report.  It is entirely factual - there were isolated incidents (as reported by forum members on here) and the vast majority were "well behaved".

Those that jumped at the fencing, taunted the away crowd and the stewards can't really complain at being branded a hooligan.

The heavy handed stewards is another story...

Its the same story, the reason the stewards got injured is because of the way they reacted when city scored their second goal, last minutes, jubilant supporters, stewards over-reacting, acting big, pushing and using strong hand tactics to stop supporters celebrating.
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> stewards over-reacting, acting big, pushing and using strong hand tactics to stop supporters celebrating

Yeah, but from where I was standing it was clear that there were some idiots taunting the stewards in quite a confrontational way for quite some time. Was amazed they weren't thrown out. When suddenly surrounded, it's quite natural that some of them might react defensively after all they'd faced. Not justifying it or saying it's right, but it's understandable.

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The evil post will always report the bad news and the wind up's (i.e. scott murry in an reading shirt covering the whole of the back page ) .

In the same paper, on page 11 - Latimer's diary is a piece some of you may have missed. It shows two interesting points. The EP does give BCFC credit where credit is due and our presence in the community at large is more than some people realise.

" So let's hear it for BCFC, whose officials, as well as having the goodness of heart to read this column, also obviously know how to behave when the club's loyal supporters need a helping hand.

You may remember a short time back I wrote about the charitable efforts of Sarah Tandy and her family and friendswho have a charity football match in N Glos next month...to raise cash for Cancer Research UK....

...one team needed a kit to play in and asked me to publish a plea on their behalf.

I duly obliged and lo and behold that nice Richard Gould ....has contacted me to say they have offered shirts for the big day...."

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In the same paper, on page 11 - Latimer's diary is a piece some of you may have missed.  It shows two interesting points.  The EP does give BCFC credit where credit is due and our presence in the community at large is more than some people realise.

" So let's hear it for BCFC, whose officials, as well as having the goodness of heart to read this column, also obviously know how to behave when the club's loyal supporters need a helping hand.

You may remember a short time back I wrote about the charitable efforts of Sarah Tandy and her family and friendswho have a charity football match in N Glos next month...to raise cash for Cancer Research UK....

...one team needed a kit to play in and asked me to publish a plea on their behalf.

I duly obliged and lo and behold that nice Richard Gould ....has contacted me to say they have offered shirts for the big day...."

I saw that to - but was not impressed by where they printed that particular article.It was tucked away in an obscure peice known as Latimers Diary which probably is read only by a few on a regular basis..The only reason that I saw it was because I glimpsed the words "Bristol City" as I sped read the EP that day.

The EP could/should have given that article a higher profile with more page space,but no it gets printed almost as an afterthought in an out of the way place.

Thats the kind of reason why some City fans have little time for the EP.

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You seem to be overlooking the fact that the club gave the story to the newspaper - the quotes from Richard Gould are the basis for the piece, and it wouldn't have stood up as a story without them.

As a responsible employer, BCFC has a duty to speak out if feels its staff are being abused - and it was clearly keen to get that message across to supporters via the local paper.

Nobody at the EP has an axe to grind against City - that's just stupid. Even if the sports editor was a rabid Rovers fan he wouldn't be allowed to run anti-City stories by his editor for the simple reason that it would reduce sales of the paper in the red half of Bristol.

Newspapers exist to make profits for their owners and after the massive circualtion hit The Sun took on Merseyside following its reporting of the Hillsborough tragedy, no publisher is going to deliberately alienate football fans in its catchment area again.

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You seem to be overlooking the fact that the club gave the story to the newspaper - the quotes from Richard Gould are the basis for the piece, and it wouldn't have stood up as a story without them.

  As a responsible employer, BCFC has a duty to speak out if feels its staff are being abused - and it was clearly keen to get that message across to supporters via the local paper.

  Nobody at the EP has an axe to grind against City - that's just stupid. Even if the sports editor was a rabid Rovers fan he wouldn't be allowed to run anti-City stories by his editor for the simple reason that it would reduce sales of the paper in the red half of Bristol.

  Newspapers exist to make profits for their owners and after the massive circualtion hit The Sun took on Merseyside following its reporting of the Hillsborough tragedy, no publisher is going to deliberately alienate football fans in its catchment area again.

Did the club, gave the paper its headline.

Why the picture of Danny and the above headline.

Where was the story about Rovers & Hull City fans fighting.

City have always got bad press from evil post, take a poll from this forum and ask them about their feelings to rewards this rag. :D

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