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Story Time

Sir Colby-Tit

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Iva scratched his head in bemusement. Todays events had been unusual to say the least. Anthea Turner wearing a used nappy on her head was odd - it was a sunny day after all. Buster Footman hadn't worn a dress since the 1990 promotion party, and Paul Trollope thinking that Galacticos were signing for the Gas was a sign that the country was in a state of sheer confusion. Had Carol Vordeman stolen Des Lynam's Moustache or was it City youngster, Cole Skuse? Ashley Cole's phone had smelt of Olbas Oil, why did Iva think that there more to this than a common cold?

As Iva fed Ricicles to Trevor, his Giraffe, he wistfully reflected on the good old days when Desmond Lynam, the king of charm, had with such penache hosted Match Of The Day. Those days were gone, and more importantly so was the moustache that had brought joy to so many. Millions had fantasised about running their fingers throught that bushy upper lip, but so few had been even close to it. He was rumoured to keep it in a safe at home whenever he was off-air.

A move to Channel Four to entertain grannies and good for nothing students on Countdown was destined to be Lynam's downfall. Mixing with the revered femme fatale Carole Vordeman, or 'Brainy-Baps' as he called her, was his first mistake. She had famously introduced Pete Doherty to class A drugs and her wanton ways were rumoured to be luring Des. Had she snatched the 'tache when he was 'chasing the dragon'? Perhaps Cole Skuse was a mere flunkie of hers, after all, her penchant for young men no secret.

Iva thought so hard that his head hurt and he wet himself. These were his methods, he had transcended his normal state of mind. There could only be one motive, Iva reasoned. He recalled that in a recent episode Carol had been drawing the letters for a spotty geek, first a consonant - C - then a vowel, came the request - O - then a consonant - C - she prayed that the next letter was to be a vowel but the geek wanted another consonant - K. The audience were in fits of laughter and Carol blushed but kept her composure - until - Des, not flustered one jot, turned the camera and said 'hah, something that Carol knows plenty about, eh Vords!' The look in Carol's eye said it all. She would get revenge.


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