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A Question For Religous Types...

hilltop red

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The Christian religion is about forgiveness but it's all about repentance too, so while we do stuff that's wrong we do have to desire to repent.... THAT'S when God meets us with forgiveness. If however we go through life being a total ####### then we deserve everything we get.

But what if you do something wrong, and before you could get a chance to even think about repenting your sins you got run over by a car or such like. An eternity awaits below.

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But what if you do something wrong, and before you could get a chance to even think about repenting your sins you got run over by a car or such like. An eternity awaits below.

Even the thought of repentance is enough, that's what repentance is about, the will to change, not just the action.

WE've all said "I'm sorry" to someone and know we haven't meant it (hope my wife's not reading this), but simply to know and to realise that we have to change would, I think, be enough.

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My goodness, you've all been busy... I go out to take one service and all of a sudden a moral and existential debate pops up!!!!

Good debate though.

I agree that Jesus was a man of simple tastes who connected with the struggling, ordinary people of his day. The greatest tragedy was in the fourth century when the Roman emperor Constantine adopted Christianity and suddenly the Church was allied with power and prestige. I can't speak for the Vatican as I'm an Anglican (I was a practising Catholic who got so good at it that I left to join the C of E), but would be happy to see bishops' palaces sold off and them live in much more modest accommodation, and some of our empty churches (there are a few in Bristol, none in Wigan by the way) demolished and turned into flats for the elderly or the otherwise homeless.

The Christian religion is about forgiveness but it's all about repentance too, so while we do stuff that's wrong we do have to desire to repent.... THAT'S when God meets us with forgiveness. If however we go through life being a total ####### then we deserve everything we get.

We live in an imperfect world where evil sometimes seems to have the upper hand. But that's the way it is, and we're offered no promises of health, wealth or success. I suppose what this weekend is all about is that not all the evil in the world could keep Jesus in the grave, he wins in the end, and if we hang in there, so do we.

Here endeth my Easter sermon, I must take the dog for a walk!

What about the devil and hell and all that jazz? Do you take it literally?

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What about the devil and hell and all that jazz? Do you take it literally?

I think evil exists, though I get p'd off when people try to blame it on a "devil". We all have choices to make in life and we all like to pass the buck when we mess up. Adam and Eve tried it with a talking snake, but God saw through them and chucked 'em out! That's the beauty of human nature, we can't handle being human.

The descriptions of hell in the Bible are based on the descriptions of the local Jerusalem rubbish tip, a place permanently ablaze to ward off disease. And the word "hell" is a norse word meaning "the world of the dead" ( a bit like the Minimal Stadium if you like). We are all invited to paradise, we just have to be worthy of the invitation.

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I think evil exists, though I get p'd off when people try to blame it on a "devil". We all have choices to make in life and we all like to pass the buck when we mess up. Adam and Eve tried it with a talking snake, but God saw through them and chucked 'em out! That's the beauty of human nature, we can't handle being human.

The descriptions of hell in the Bible are based on the descriptions of the local Jerusalem rubbish tip, a place permanently ablaze to ward off disease. And the word "hell" is a norse word meaning "the world of the dead" ( a bit like the Minimal Stadium if you like). We are all invited to paradise, we just have to be worthy of the invitation.

That's quite interesting, cheers mate.

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Guest DrFaustus

2 questions for people of the christian faith:

jesus christ was a simple man who lived a simple existance and not generating wealth. Why is the vatican such an eloberate place of great wealth and massive imposing buildings. :angry:

You can't put that one on Jesus. Followers of all faiths have corrupt people among them. (Unfortunately) the Catholic Church has had so many pilfering, gangster scum at the top for so long, that the creed has been devalued.

The Christian religion is about forgiveness but it's all about repentance too, so while we do stuff that's wrong we do have to desire to repent.... THAT'S when God meets us with forgiveness. If however we go through life being a total ####### then we deserve everything we get.

Amen to that brother! Do as you would etc...a great way to live life!

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Although I can't answer the original question(s) posed, something that seems to have come up a few times is peoples beliefs and how they have/are being tested.

At the end of the day the only person you should believe in is yourself. You are who/what you are only because of you.

Everybody has had choices to make at some point in their lives, and everybody has made mistakes based on these choices. May sound a bit corny but if you belive in yourself then anything is possible.

That's about as religious as I get.

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Guest DrFaustus

At the end of the day the only person you should believe in is yourself. You are who/what you are only because of you.

Everybody has had choices to make at some point in their lives, and everybody has made mistakes based on these choices. May sound a bit corny but if you belive in yourself then anything is possible.

That's about as religious as I get.

Taz, surely you should believe in your friends, family, partner, humanity as well? We all have our choices agreed...but I personally find it hard to believe that our lives are goverened solely by those choices. There are some things (in my opinion naturally) that are beyond our control. Whethere these are pre-determined, God (?) only knows.

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Taz, surely you should believe in your friends, family, partner, humanity as well? We all have our choices agreed...but I personally find it hard to believe that our lives are goverened solely by those choices. There are some things (in my opinion naturally) that are beyond our control. Whethere these are pre-determined, God (?) only knows.

Dr F, I like you mate, I really do, but you're a Gashead sinner and you're going to hell! :laugh:

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Taz, surely you should believe in your friends, family, partner, humanity as well?

Fair point, in my sleep deprived state (people argueing waking me up this morning :@ ) I slightly overlooked those bits.

I think what I meant was mainly that as long as you believe in yourself you can't go far wrong with anything.

Then again I'm about to fall asleep so I don't know :dunno:

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Guest DrFaustus

Fair point, in my sleep deprived state (people argueing waking me up this morning :@ ) I slightly overlooked those bits.

I think what I meant was mainly that as long as you believe in yourself you can't go far wrong with anything.

Then again I'm about to fall asleep so I don't know :dunno:

Fair shout mate. It's nice to have others believe in you too...apparently!

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Agree. And if God is so powerful then why do we all need to worship him? :blink:

>We don't as God gave us all the choice to follow or not to follow, from my understanding of a God I don't really believe in

As I heard it once, and this is class in my opinion, "The Executive Producer in the Sky".

>Oh No It's 'GOD STARS'

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>We don't as God gave us all the choice to follow or not to follow, from my understanding of a God I don't really believe in

And if we don't believe in him then we're all going to hell...

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Guest DrFaustus

Dr F, I like you mate, I really do, but you're a Gashead sinner and you're going to hell! :laugh:

I missed this before! Love you too baby and yes Gashead sinner and proud (Gas bit), hell is already upon me...I live in Briz :)

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But what if you do something wrong, and before you could get a chance to even think about repenting your sins you got run over by a car or such like. An eternity awaits below.

If you are a believer and not a sinner that has not or will not repent..... then the final judgement does not work like that ........ read the bible or have another look at the offered explanation/interpretation in my other post....... or just go below and read it all...... okay you can take what the bloke is saying or not but it does not seem to be that unreasonable in the way it is presented........ Revkev........ have you finished walking the dog yet?


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I missed this before! Love you too baby and yes Gashead sinner and proud (Gas bit), hell is already upon me...I live in Briz :)

So long as you believe in the big goat in the sky you'll be alright mate. I think the fact that you're destined for another season in the basement proves that you're being punished (and I don't mean punished in the S&M way that me and Trev showed you last weekend!).

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