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Dinner Last Night


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OUTRAGE!!! you could have at lest brought some back to share!! xxx

I put a slice in my pocket but it fell out on the way home :(

My luch just encompassed all the major food groups - pint of lager, three roll-ups, chips & garlic mayo all served by a fit barmaid.


Heh bloody hippy and your rollie smoking ways. Don't you think a pint (especially Stella) funks you around for the rest of the afternoon? I can feel sluggishness a-comin.

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I don't know what you did last night with your vocal cords, hoarse or not, I don't expect you to be trying to level out the putty on the walls during a working day. It's just not your normal elegant self. And you can't blame this all on the crisps, you've got an addictive personality lovey, ADDICTIVE.

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I don't know what you did last night with your vocal cords, hoarse or not, I don't expect you to be trying to level out the putty on the walls during a working day. It's just not your normal elegant self. And you can't blame this all on the crisps, you've got an addictive personality lovey, ADDICTIVE.

Total rubbish, I havent got an addictive personality.

I'm off for 3 espresso's and a giant bag of skittles.

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Kfc, Curry or Harry Ramsdens anyone. (Barry not included, as he was to busy thinking about his own belly to offer anyone else.)

My treat from my winnings of The Otib game, and mine and Big Tones new Empire! xxx

While my Partner here was enjoying the fruits of KFC etc I was in Holyhead (Wales) buying our newest product (Silicone Thigh Implants) and ended up in this "Restaurant" before heading home on the ferry.

The Gammon looked and tasted a lot like the sole of a Farmers Wellies, the chips were deep fried to a deep shade of black and the peas tasted like they had been boiled in vinegar. The cup of tea was a bargain at £1 and I was still chewing it about an hour later.

Thank God for the "on board" Burger King.

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Is this a regular consumption?

Fortunately not

I should have asked: for what purpose?

BTW had ASDA vegetarian "meat" balls and pasta tonight. Fantastic.

Sorry Rev, but you will have to ask the girls who want them that question

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