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Dinner Last Night


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Well, tonight i shall be having:

Roast loin of Pork

Roast spuds

Carrots & peas

Leeks in white sauce

Skinless chipolatas

Yorkshire Pudds. - yes i know they're meant to go with Beef, but i want to fatten myself up, also i like to fill the collapsed holes on the reverse with:

Lashings of :chant6ez: GRAVY. :chant6ez:

I'm contemplating stuffing. :w00t:

It's not a special occasion, (apart from Barry's Birthday of course) i'm just bloody hungry. :devil:

I'll let you all know how it turns out, naturally. :city:

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Well, tonight i we, I assume? shall be having:

Roast loin of Pork

Roast spuds

Carrots & peas

Leeks in white sauce

Skinless chipolatas

Yorkshire Pudds. - yes i know they're meant to go with Beef, but i want to fatten myself up, also i like to fill the collapsed holes on the reverse with:

Lashings of :chant6ez: GRAVY. :chant6ez:

I'm contemplating stuffing. :w00t:

It's not a special occasion, (apart from Barry's Birthday of course) i'm just bloody hungry. :devil:

I'll let you all know how it turns out, naturally. :city:

Wow, quite a meal! Do I get to share it or not, since I'm off out?

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I suggest an early sitting and a reduced portion Sophs, never mind all the more for ME. :Party27:

Excellent, like the sound of the pork and leeks too, mmmm :D. Told you you should own a restaurant or something!

What! You want to have some of my meal as well as having your own?! Greedy guts! :razz:

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Excellent, like the sound of the pork and leeks too, mmmm :D. Told you you should own a restaurant or something!

What! You want to have some of my meal as well as having your own?! Greedy guts! :razz:

Yes, but i'm not going down town with 'The Girls' dressed up as a fairy am I, ( No, i'm not) so i've got plenty of time to digest my own massive portion plus the extra Yorkshire's and Roasters thast you'll be forced to forego.

Too bad you'll be off before the 2nd course, i'm thinking of a bulky Steam Pudding with Golden Syrup and custard. :razz:

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Yes, but i'm not going down town with 'The Girls' dressed up as a fairy am I, ( No, i'm not) so i've got plenty of time to digest my own massive portion plus the extra Yorkshire's and Roasters thast you'll be forced to forego.

Too bad you'll be off before the 2nd course, i'm thinking of a bulky Steam Pudding with Golden Syrup and custard. :razz:

Haha, sure you're not?! :razz:

What! Pudding?! But we never have pudding! :o

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Haha, sure you're not?! :razz:

What! Pudding?! But we never have pudding! :o

What about Yorkshire Pudding? :dunno: :Wave:

You're right, but i do feel a "steam" coming on sometime over the weekend.

I'm determined to put on a stone for the Summer. :yawn:

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I was talking about you, not to you, Sophs.

I know you were talking about me, divvy! :dunno: surely you don't think I'm blonde or something?

But considering it was a 'she' when I'm right here.. :razz:

Yorkshire Pudding? :dunno:

You're right, but i do feel a "steam" coming on sometime over the weekend.

I'm determined to put on a stone for the Summer. :yawn:

That's not proper pudding! :@

Better get Turnip to join in with your steaming. Don't get me or James involved mind! :blink:

edit; off to italian now! byebye! :Wave:

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I know you were talking about me, divvy! :dunno: surely you don't think I'm blonde or something?

But considering it was a 'she' when I'm right here.. :razz:

That's not proper pudding! :@

Better get Turnip to join in with your steaming. Don't get me or James involved mind! :blink:

Oi, mind your manners young lady, what have i told you adout calling rev's divvies.

JAMES... ??:dunno::dunno::o:o:crying::crying::doh:

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Oi, mind your manners young lady, what have i told you adout calling rev's divvies.

JAMES... ??:dunno::dunno::o:o:crying::crying::doh:

There we were having a conversation about protecting the honour of our daughters, and now this....... there's no respect.


We all know you're off to Canal Street

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There we were having a conversation about protecting the honour of our daughters, and now this....... there's no respect.

We all know you're off to Canal Street

I 'm not sure i know exactly what it means actually rev., ( sounds a bit Northern to me) so i'm going to assume in your case it's meant as a term of endearment. :pray::blush:

Either way, it might be an idea if Sophs referred to you as Your Eminence for a while by way of apology.

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Yes of course. Anyway, so what's on tonight, o fairy clad one?

Off to town with a group of similarly fairy clad, er, fairies! 18th birthday party of a mate of mine, hurrah :D

Oi, mind your manners young lady, what have i told you about calling rev's divvies.

I believe the wording was "Make sure you call the Rev a divvy, it would serve him right for referring to you in the third person" wasn't it? :dunno:

I 'm not sure i know exactly what it means actually rev., ( sounds a bit Northern to me) so i'm going to assume in your case it's meant as a term of endearment. :pray::blush:

Either way, it might be an idea if Sophs referred to you as Your Eminence for a while by way of apology.

What, and start referring to you as the Holy Father or something?! Not likely. :razz:

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