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You misunderstand me. I'm not saying applaud the players if playing crap. I'm saying don't boo them. I'm saying get behind them to do better. There is a difference.

Ask the players if booing them helps. I'll buy you a season ticket if any of them say it does.

Still, if it makes you feel better, you carry on booing.

Nick, i think on this matter we obviously disagree slightly. which is what makes life interesting.

I'm sure plenty of people say booing is awful blah blah blah & As we all hear at football matches plenty feel it necessery 'at times'.

At the end of the day i don't boo to make players play worse and really really want us all to achieve Championship football.

We are all City fans but as in life all of us are not the same.

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Regular attendance at my once worshiped hallowed has been transformed into a degrading joke...

Debate about these things is beyond me.....

Get The Stand Open......

May I suggest you stop going then?

Ever thought that you may be the problem?

PS I guess from your fishing first post that you sat in the Williams for the degrading joke yesterday.

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May I suggest you stop going then?

Ever thought that you may be the problem?

PS I guess from your fishing first post that you sat in the Williams for the degrading joke yesterday.

First things first, I do not fish, all I do and ever do is be honest.

To work through your points: quite incisive you are in your comment, genuinely.

I've been almightally close to not going anymore, such is the modern way and I have found myself non-attending despite having pre-paid ST vouchers.

We'll see economically about next season at pre-season and consider the games I do fancy, the games I don't and take it from there.

More positively, I have been developing a mindset that endeavours to interpret life to the best of its abilities - as one surely should, Football's included man.

I still cannot empathise with the current fans' mantality or the authoreties'. I am lost there tbh.

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