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Another Smack In The Mouth For ST Holders

Bristol Boy

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I'm sorry..........hang on, why should I be sorry?

I'm angry at the shambles that has heralded what should be a super day in the clubs recent history.

After trying on numerous.....at least twenty, occassions I couldn't even get in the queueing system.

Still, as long as "Ronnie, I go once a season" can book online and "Dave, which one's Showumni?" can get through on the phone, that's perfectly in order.

My question is, why?

What's the rush?

Why Not Do This.

1.Offer ST Holders the opportunity to purchase their tickets Thu/Fri.

2.From Sat onwards, offer Gen Sale to John Q Public.

That would repay ST Holders for their loyalty, travelling to York, Orient etc, etc and allow Ronnie & Dave even more of an opportunity than they've had today.If we can sell 9,000 in a day, we can certainly sell 9,000 in the five available days next week.

9,000-Gen Sale


8,000-ST Holders

Sounds like 20,100-however, I reckon we've got about 7,300 ST Holders so that'll leave a few spare to go with any Boro send back.

Before someone says, "Go down and get one" That's a touch difficult when you live 130 miles away.

I think I'll have a word with Colin Sexstone after the Brighton game. :ranting::badmood:

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to be honest mate not being harsh but your a season ticket holder your seat is safe, bit more annoying when u cant afford a lump sum at the start of the year, been to nealry every hoem match and plenty away and u still cant get one

least u can get 1 seat. i think they should have limited it to 2 seats max. after all most season ticket holders and fans who got 5 today, how ,many of the 5 going go most weeks, my sentiments exactly

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But if we could not get through today how many will get through tommorow. If they only have 5 answering the phone at a time and they take 5 mins each per call that is 12 tickets per hour per receptionist. 10 hours makes 120 tickets times 5 callers is 600 calls or tickets a day. If 3000 need tickets may struggle a bit. 9000 sold out already includes internet and personal callers. I am not to confident that i am going to get through. If i don't think clubs answer will be just tough not our fault we did all we could.

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don't see the problem? its sold out so ST holders can call tomorrow afternoon, sat morn. when everyone else has given up.

I hope you're right-but why not do it the way I suggested and avoid the anxst :disapointed2se:

the only people its harsh on are those who work/ live away and have followed the team all around the country...who can't afford a season ticket.

Agree that those people, on the basis of producing away tkt stubs or similar proof, should have had a better opportunity to buy their tkts.

Still, we did lock out ST Holders for a local derby once becuase the ground was full :disapointed2se:

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to be honest mate not being harsh but your a season ticket holder your seat is safe, bit more annoying when u cant afford a lump sum at the start of the year, been to nealry every hoem match and plenty away and u still cant get one.

Even harsher if I can't get through on the phone between now and Saturday-Then what?

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But if we could not get through today how many will get through tommorow. If they only have 5 answering the phone at a time and they take 5 mins each per call that is 12 tickets per hour per receptionist. 10 hours makes 120 tickets times 5 callers is 600 calls or tickets a day. If 3000 need tickets may struggle a bit. 9000 sold out already includes internet and personal callers. I am not to confident that i am going to get through. If i don't think clubs answer will be just tough not our fault we did all we could.

when it was cardiff game few years back i was ina que of 76 it told me so think cue prob holds 100 even though only 5 peopel answer calls say, making more money haviong peopel on hold

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Agree with the above, this could have been handled better.

One leason would have to be is the ticketing system, needs to be upgraded so that Season Ticket holders could book on-line, thus taking a sizable proportion of 8000 seats out of the equation. For the record I have tried many times today without joy.

I also sympathise with the regular surporters. I went to Kingstonian for the Cup replay, which was live on Sky, only to find out that the ticketing information had been posted on the web that night, which meant that by the time I investigated arrangments the next day, all tickets for Leicester had been sold.

This does ask the question though, in a week in which we have visted a state of the art stadium, and the blue few get the green light to upgrade about the long term viability of our facilities. Agreed if we continue to troll around the lower regions of English football then the faithfull will be able to be accomodated. However if we aspire, as I most certianly do, to be playing at least one level higher, then the stadium situation will in time need to be re-visted. Make no mistake there are many frustrated poeple, that would be only to happy tonight to part with ready cash for tickets for the Boro game. Just goes to show when the product on offer is good people will come, harsh on the "loyal" but a reality that the club needs to engage, in order to move forward.

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don't see the problem? its sold out so ST holders can call tomorrow afternoon, sat morn. when everyone else has given up

the only people its harsh on are those who work/ live away and have followed the team all around the country...who can't afford a season ticket.

It's not even that harsh on them. The fact is there are only two categories of fans - those with a ST and those without. We can all see our case as being more worthy than the next person but to offer tickets via internet/phone/in person it would be nearly impossible for the club to split the non ST holders into worthy/unworthy cases.

For example as an exile I have found it annoying in the past when I have had to provide proof in person of a ticket stub/season ticket voucher, thus forcing me to make the 250 mile round trip to buy a ticket for a game I make a 250 mile round trip for. Today was much better as, after several failed attempts, I finally made the queue and got my ticket from the comfort of my own home.

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How were the 8,000 season ticket holders to know they would be 'sold out' after day one?

I've spent a FORTUNE on mobile calls today trying to claim my seats, as I expect many other season ticket holders have.

This may offend some, but season ticket holders should have some 'extra' priority when booking over the phone, and not become involved in the mad rush to pick up whatevers going.

Yet another example of this clubs poor customer relations!

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In my opinion the club or at least the part of the club who handles ticket sales etc have handled this poorly, very poorly and i,m afriad those fans who have been to alot of the games this season and over the previous years, who travelled here there and everywhere in the past and recently,BUT who have not got a season ticket have been lumped with the same lucky chance of getting a ticket for what should be a great day for city 'fans' as any tom d### or harry.

There are many who cannot get to the ground personally for differeing logistical reasons and many who do not have the time to get online to order tickets that easily or phone constantly to try and get through to this seemingly non-existent queing system on the phone.

there was no rush to get the tickets sold, and there really should after the draw with Coventry have been some form of coupon system put in place gving those fans who went to the tranmere game at home or the coventry replay a chance before others to purchase the tickets not allocated to ST holder's. Those who held both coupons could have had today,friday saturday to purchase tickets.Then those who held one of the two coupons could have had monday and tuesday. After that those that had not been sold could have been put on general sale. I doubt many of the Big Game Only's would have gone to both the Tranmere game and travelled Coventry, in order to safeguard a ticket for the one game they really wanted to see. I just find it a real shame that it appears many 'real' city fans may not get to be at one of the highlights of the clubs season, and its something that the club with a bit of decent organsisation and foresight could have helped with.

A big shame, having been at coventry i was (and still am of course) really looking forward to City playing Middlesbourgh, unfortunately i will be watching it at 10.40 on motd.

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Quote: red man dan

A big shame, having been at coventry i was (and still am of course) really looking forward to City playing Middlesbourgh, unfortunately i will be watching it at 10.40 on motd.

But will the 'powers that be' be worried about that? I doubt it!

They've sold nearly all their tickets, and probably couldn't care less who they go to!

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don't see the problem? its sold out so ST holders can call tomorrow afternoon, sat morn. when everyone else has given up

the only people its harsh on are those who work/ live away and have followed the team all around the country...who can't afford a season ticket.

The problem is I am busy on Saturday so If I can't get them tomorrow over the phone I won't be going.

One of the best things about having a ST is you have first priority on tickets, I know my seat will be held until Saturday but thats no help to me if I can't make bloody contact with the club :disapointed2se:

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Oooh, I am enjoying the panic and hysterior of it all. :clapping: . Highly entertaining.

Like, the Club could've handled it better I agree, having said that an it's not like me to defend the Club but I for one never saw the mad rush coming, I think there's been a panic-buy snow ball effect going on.

I do think there somehow should have been a maximum purchase policy put in place, but then you'd get people with large families grumbling so...Gawd knows...

With 9000 General Sale tickets being shifted alone in one day, wtf are people expecting? calmness and order??

Agreed that merging ST sales with General Public sales has needlessly added to the mayhem but if anything, I think under the circumstance it'd have been better for ST holders to have chilled out, had a cup of tea and waited till sometime tomorrow untiil the chaos has settled somewhat.

So Bristol Boy, you will get your ticket so stop your whining - beatch!!

Overall, as far as loyalty to the customer goes, is anyone still blind enough to believe that the Club actually give a fuggle? They'll get their sell-out one way or another, why do they care about inconvenience or injustice to any one individual?

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there is 100 places in the city line que

so really i think all city st holders have every chance of getting tickets plus we don't know how many of the 8000 have already been sold its not as if all those who aint got ti kets are st holders

i would say prob at least 2000 have already got theres

so only therefore 6000 needing to call and if there are no ques at ground they can answer phones quicker obviously

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I'm getting just a tad worried I won't get a ticket now. I'm a ST holder but couldn't get to the ground because I was working so like everyone else joined in the free for all of phoning the ticket line so many times that I lost count, without getting onto the queue. I don't finish work till 7.00pm tomorrow, so I can't get to the ground to buy it and on Saturday I've already got my coach ticket to go to Oldham so that's out (unless they open the ticket office mega early on Saturday for people travelling to Oldham - ha, ha I know, don't be silly). If I don't get through on the phone tomorrow (and finding the time is difficult when you're working) then I've had it, basically and some Johnny come lately will be sitting in my seat with his Wembley 1986 scarf spouting his everlasting love for the team. :angry:

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As I said in a previous post, it's a sad fact but Sexstone doesn't care who gets a ticket. If he did they would have sorted these problems out by now. Big game = same as. He knows all the tickets will be sold and that is all he is interested in. Of course the fact that most of us have made loads of calls today with no end result just means more pennies in the coffers. Job done for Sexstone. Can see him smiling as I write.

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Now I don't wish to alarm anyone but once this season I was almost turfed out of a seat because it was teh one someone else had bought, despite the fact that it was also the one I had bought. I just hope some of these tickets sold aren't duplications of season ticket seats so that when season ticket holders try to buy they find their seat is already gone.

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Can anyone tell me what I was given the voucher at York for exactly?

I have been wondering exactly the same thing and why were we told to keep our Gillingham tics from round2???

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I wouldn't trust Sexstone to run a bath!!!!! Bloody Shambles. S/t holders despite the disagreement of some, put a large amount of money in the clubs coffers after a generally barren summer in terms of income, we should get priority, no doubt about it. When we have 7000+ s/t holders and have had gates of 10-11000, who is keeping the club going?? I work nights and live in Taunton. I can't hang on the line all day and/or ring back more than the 10 TIMES I did, I also cannot pop down to AG. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

Can't book online? Why not It would not take Bill Gates to amend the software to accomodate s/t holders. Absolute boll*cks.This club lifts you up on the pitch and Sh*ts on you off it.

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Now I don't wish to alarm anyone but once this season I was almost turfed out of a seat because it was teh one someone else had bought, despite the fact that it was also the one I had bought. I just hope some of these tickets sold aren't duplications of season ticket seats so that when season ticket holders try to buy they find their seat is already gone.

Thats ok, stand your ground and demand to see SL/CS. you'll get a nice plush seat in the Premium Prawn section with a bit of luck.

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In my opinion it should have been ST etc today, then ticket stubs tomorrow, and general sale on Monday. Would have still given enough time to sort it all out.

I couldn't agree with you more. As i say I'm a ST holder so it wasan't a problem for me but there are plenty of loyal fans that are not who have missed out on getting tickets and that is not on.

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