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Another Smack In The Mouth For ST Holders

Bristol Boy

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talking of premier seating i will be pissed off if thats half empty afte rthey ripped up so many seats from original areas to build that waste of space

Yeah i bet it will be as well.

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I'm getting just a tad worried I won't get a ticket now. I'm a ST holder but couldn't get to the ground because I was working so like everyone else joined in the free for all of phoning the ticket line so many times that I lost count, without getting onto the queue. I don't finish work till 7.00pm tomorrow, so I can't get to the ground to buy it and on Saturday I've already got my coach ticket to go to Oldham so that's out (unless they open the ticket office mega early on Saturday for people travelling to Oldham - ha, ha I know, don't be silly). If I don't get through on the phone tomorrow (and finding the time is difficult when you're working) then I've had it, basically and some Johnny come lately will be sitting in my seat with his Wembley 1986 scarf spouting his everlasting love for the team. :angry:

So PLEASE anyone at BCFC - given the huge demand give ST holders until Wednesday to claim their usual seats and then sell the handfull of unsold ones on Thur/Fri - PANIC OVER! :grr:

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As I said in a previous post, it's a sad fact but Sexstone doesn't care who gets a ticket. If he did they would have sorted these problems out by now. Big game = same as. He knows all the tickets will be sold and that is all he is interested in. Of course the fact that most of us have made loads of calls today with no end result just means more pennies in the coffers. Job done for Sexstone. Can see him smiling as I write.

Agreed - and why is anyone surprised ?

That is the joy of following BCFC.

You / we don't count but the pounds do !

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The trouble is that a lot of employers are not keen on you spending an hour unproductively, whilst racking up a huge phone bill. I really wonder if the Club has a clue about customer service, and keeping loyal fans happy. I also feel for the guys who dutifully kept ticket stubs in case we got a big draw - Exactly how big does it have to be. I agree that Sextone doesn't care about who pays, but he should. After all, who will still be there when times are not so good?

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Anyone know why the online facility was made available so early? Ok I know that its to ease the telephones but so early into ticket sales why not as stated A Give city st holders a three day chance to get their tickets and B then let any voucher holders (used to include members in that category once!) priority then put them on general sale from Monday or Tuesday. All a bit manic and rushed I think and another pr stunt that has been a disappointment. I know some people may have been disappointed but what about the exiles that cant make the trip to the gate during midweek?

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Oooh, I am enjoying the panic and hysterior of it all. :clapping: . Highly entertaining.

Like, the Club could've handled it better I agree, having said that an it's not like me to defend the Club but I for one never saw the mad rush coming, I think there's been a panic-buy snow ball effect going on.

I do think there somehow should have been a maximum purchase policy put in place, but then you'd get people with large families grumbling so...Gawd knows...

With 9000 General Sale tickets being shifted alone in one day, wtf are people expecting? calmness and order??

Agreed that merging ST sales with General Public sales has needlessly added to the mayhem but if anything, I think under the circumstance it'd have been better for ST holders to have chilled out, had a cup of tea and waited till sometime tomorrow untiil the chaos has settled somewhat.

So Bristol Boy, you will get your ticket so stop your whining - beatch!!

Overall, as far as loyalty to the customer goes, is anyone still blind enough to believe that the Club actually give a fuggle? They'll get their sell-out one way or another, why do they care about inconvenience or injustice to any one individual?

I chilled out and now I can't get a ticket for my brother in law,who attends regularly.He relied on me, and now can't go.

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So PLEASE anyone at BCFC - given the huge demand give ST holders until Wednesday to claim their usual seats and then sell the handfull of unsold ones on Thur/Fri - PANIC OVER! :grr:

I think if the Club had any empathy or respect they'd at least impliment this plan until Monday/Tuesday. I sincerely hope they do, it'd be most unjust for an ST holder to not get a ticket.

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I chilled out and now I can't get a ticket for my brother in law,who attends regularly.He relied on me, and now can't go.

ST holders such as Bristol Boy was who my message was aimed at, if you read the post.

Your regularly attending brother in law does have my sympathies btw.

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I'm sorry..........hang on, why should I be sorry?

I'm angry at the shambles that has heralded what should be a super day in the clubs recent history.

After trying on numerous.....at least twenty, occassions I couldn't even get in the queueing system.

Still, as long as "Ronnie, I go once a season" can book online and "Dave, which one's Showumni?" can get through on the phone, that's perfectly in order.

My question is, why?

What's the rush?

Why Not Do This.

1.Offer ST Holders the opportunity to purchase their tickets Thu/Fri.

2.From Sat onwards, offer Gen Sale to John Q Public.

That would repay ST Holders for their loyalty, travelling to York, Orient etc, etc and allow Ronnie & Dave even more of an opportunity than they've had today.If we can sell 9,000 in a day, we can certainly sell 9,000 in the five available days next week.

9,000-Gen Sale


8,000-ST Holders

Sounds like 20,100-however, I reckon we've got about 7,300 ST Holders so that'll leave a few spare to go with any Boro send back.

Before someone says, "Go down and get one" That's a touch difficult when you live 130 miles away.

I think I'll have a word with Colin Sexstone after the Brighton game. :ranting::badmood:

Sorry, should have scrolled down the page before making a broadly similar point on another thread because my experience has been exactly your's and that of many another exiled ST holder.

We've been here before. Every "big game" since gawd knows when has been a complete farce on the ticketing front.

But get this from a site that offers 0870 number services:

"With an 0870 national rate number, you can earn money whilst enabling your customers to keep in touch with you. Your callers pay the standard fee for national rate calls, and you receive 2 pence per minute for each call you receive from one of our existing packages.

An 0870 national rate number adds a touch of professionalism." :laugh:

Between us I reckon we've paid for that new left winger B2

Oh, and here's a prediction: talking to CS won't change a thing ... he's heard it all before and all you'll get is flannel.

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Whats the problem if your a season ticket holder just calm down. You got all day tomorrow and most of Saturday yet

Please read above.

1.Who's to say that everyone will know that it's a sell out and stop ringing for tickets?

2.That'll block the phone lines-like today.

3.On Saturday, many people will be on the Rd to Oldham and it'll be more difficult and expensive to ring.

4.If you're miles away you can't call in.

5.On top of kicking 700 or so ST Holders out of The Williams for The Prem Club & Corporate-this is another PR Disaster.

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Please read above.

1.Who's to say that everyone will know that it's a sell out and stop ringing for tickets?

2.That'll block the phone lines-like today.

3.On Saturday, many people will be on the Rd to Oldham and it'll be more difficult and expensive to ring.

4.If you're miles away you can't call in.

5.On top of kicking 700 or so ST Holders out of The Williams for The Prem Club & Corporate-this is another PR Disaster.

Cant you get a mate to ring for you who isnt going to Oldham? If I worked in the area Id happily pop in for anyone. Unfortunately I live and work too near to the "other" club. :disapointed2se:

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Please read above.

1.Who's to say that everyone will know that it's a sell out and stop ringing for tickets?

2.That'll block the phone lines-like today.

3.On Saturday, many people will be on the Rd to Oldham and it'll be more difficult and expensive to ring.

4.If you're miles away you can't call in.

5.On top of kicking 700 or so ST Holders out of The Williams for The Prem Club & Corporate-this is another PR Disaster.

1.Who's to say that everyone will know that it's a sell out and stop ringing for tickets?

I'm sure most people have a few brain cells and read the many reports available

2.That'll block the phone lines-like today.

They have sold 9000 tickets in one day with the phone lines jammed. They have 2 days to sell say another 9000 max even if its sold out. Its not an issue

3.On Saturday, many people will be on the Rd to Oldham and it'll be more difficult and expensive to ring.

Yes i will be travelling too. But if you want a ticket that badly I'm sure you will mange to get through eventually. or hey someone can do it for you even.

4.If you're miles away you can't call in.

They can use the phone or online. Odds are they arent season ticket holders

5.On top of kicking 700 or so ST Holders out of The Williams for The Prem Club & Corporate-this is another PR Disaster

Completly different issue. Yes i don't agree with this but selling tickets is different. They have not done a bad job here. If your patient youll get your ticket

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Guest The Championship-Reality
1.Who's to say that everyone will know that it's a sell out and stop ringing for tickets?

I'm sure most people have a few brain cells and read the many reports available

2.That'll block the phone lines-like today.

They have sold 9000 tickets in one day with the phone lines jammed. They have 2 days to sell say another 9000 max even if its sold out. Its not an issue

3.On Saturday, many people will be on the Rd to Oldham and it'll be more difficult and expensive to ring.

Yes i will be travelling too. But if you want a ticket that badly I'm sure you will mange to get through eventually. or hey someone can do it for you even.

4.If you're miles away you can't call in.

They can use the phone or online. Odds are they arent season ticket holders

5.On top of kicking 700 or so ST Holders out of The Williams for The Prem Club & Corporate-this is another PR Disaster

Completly different issue. Yes i don't agree with this but selling tickets is different. They have not done a bad job here. If your patient youll get your ticket

:rofl2br: You are so thick! Do you even know what a braincell is? You should change your name to amoeba (its a single cell!) :laugh: Most of the supporters who can make the game are going. Personally i think that you are a gashead in disguise :ph34r:

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You having a laugh mate. I'm just fed up of all the moaners.

Read it all again. A bit slower this time. You may take it in.

I'm answering the questions you ####. I'm going to Oldham, ive got a ST and ive made arrangements to get my ticket 4 boro.

Lucky you. Not everyone else can make other arrangements. Don't you get it yet?

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quite simply if people have been unable to get tickets than they have more than likely only got themselves to blame!

it was well know that if we had beaten Coventry there would be a rush for tickets and their was, even more than was to be expected, but if people haven't got tickets then they can bleat on moaning about the club, but they put the information out their, if peopleey can't follow it, that's their problem.

either way, a small amount of tickets will be going on sale on monday/tuesday so people just jave make sure you get one then!

funny thing is this time next week it will be same again for Rovers tickets!

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