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Mr. Robbored

tommy doc

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In the thread you started re the EE, you were asked on numerous occassions to explain how and where your ideals for BCFC differed from those of Mr. Lansdown. You failed to respond to all of these posts. To be fair, you were also subjected to a fair amount of personal abuse which presumably made you less inclined to respond.

You have been accused of being a bootlick to, and puppet for, Lansdown, in the thread in question, and, whilst refuting these claims, you did not once specify where you and Lansdown differ on all matters BCFC. What i really want to know is where exactly do you and Lansdown have a difference of opinion re all things BCFC?

A few more questions if you please (I have just had a look on the OS page about the SC-there wasn't a lot, and i don't know a great deal about the SC):

1/ What is (for want of a better phrase) the "mission statement" of the SC?

2/ As chairman of the SC what is your exact role? Are you supposed to voice the concerns of yourself, the SC or the fans in general?

3/ As far as i am aware, as chairman of the SC you are entitled to sit on board meetings. Do you have much/any input into these meetings and does your opinion hold any sway in these meetings? Do you get a vote on any issues? If so, in whose best interests do you vote?

4/ How are you elected? Are all fans entitled to vote or is it merely the members of the SC who can vote? Do you have any opposition?

5/ Does the SC require any funding, if so, where does this funding come from?

6/ How do the members of the supporters club feel with regards to the need for an area of unreserved seating for supporters intent on creating some kind of positive atmosphere? How are you representing these feelings?

7/ What major initiatives have the SC spearheaded in recent times? Looking at the OS, the only SC initiatives mentioned are: the club shop, away travel (now CATS), food kiosks in the ground (although these are hardly anything to crow about), cash takeaway on matchdays in the clubroom, and the scratchcards lottery (which to be honest, i've never heard of). It would seem, given the info on the OC, that the SC has done nothing of note for fans of BCFC in recent years, am i wrong?

8/ With the emergence of the supporters trust as an excellent fan's representative, is the SC not now obsolete?

If you could answer me all, or even some, of these questions you would clear up a lot of grey areas for me re the SC, and you might even earn a little respect.

I eagerly await your response.

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Are you a SC member? If you are then I happily answer your questions on a personal basis.

I think most people will read a lot into this answer. "Club for the boys", "no drive for membersip", "old establishment".

Get with the times pal and answer some questions that seem relevant to members, potential members and non members.

He is asking questions about the constitution of a club that appears from the outside to be a closed shop. You have only enforced this opinion.

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Are you a SC member? If you are then I happily answer your questions on a personal basis.

IF Robbored was to afford you an answer, it would only be to antagonise, and not to be constructive........

most of us "old" hands call it "Fishing!".

You only have to look at either the Threads he starts, or the answer he gives on others.

For a so called "Chairman" of the Supporter's Club, he is lacking in maturity, and instead of making supporters feel they ought to join, he will instead force people to have a change of heart, and remain "outside" the club, they support.

Read this while you can, as no doubt the moderating team will see this reply as a "personal" attack and remove it, rather than let it remain on her to promote a healthy debate!.

(must dash, got a train to Crewe to catch!!)

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IF Robbored was to afford you an answer, it would only be to antagonise, and not to be constructive........

most of us "old" hands call it "Fishing!".

You only have to look at either the Threads he starts, or the answer he gives on others.

For a so called "Chairman" of the Supporter's Club, he is lacking in maturity, and instead of making supporters feel they ought to join, he will instead force people to have a change of heart, and remain "outside" the club, they support.

Read this while you can, as no doubt the moderating team will see this reply as a "personal" attack and remove it, rather than let it remain on her to promote a healthy debate!.

(must dash, got a train to Crewe to catch!!)

total agree, Robbored and his views are the sole reason why I refuse to become a member of the Supporters Club, unfortunately it means I don't get to go in the dolman bar, however at least I can sleep knowing I'm not financing his own personal ego trip.

At least the Supporters Trust try to make a difference, whereas the Supporters Club, is just well..........old boys ego club.

also to the orginal poster I've tried talking to him before in the past about similar things and basically just been totally dismissed as not having the right information about what the supporters club is all about.

he's about as accountable for his actions as the Avon & Somerset police

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I read with interest that the club will be spending £120k to install air conditioning in the Dolman Hall, primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club. Coincidentally a very similar sum to that quoted to have the East End opened and policed for the season.

I wonder how many fans are happier that the money is going on the supporters club, who seem to do nothing to advance the interest of the fans, rather than on improving the atmosphere in the ground.

Also a frequent argument by the chair of the supporters club against the East End is that the money could be better spent on other things. Well at least we now know what he meant!

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The fact that you need to join the SC to enter the Red & White bar is nothing but a shameless bribe.

I hope RR's poxy club fade into oblivion. Lets face it they don't do anything so crucial that the ST couldn't do with a click of their fingers.

BOYCOTT THE SUPPORTERS CLUB. :bruce_h4h: :bruce_h4h:

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I read with interest that the club will be spending £120k to install air conditioning in the Dolman Hall, primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club. Coincidentally a very similar sum to that quoted to have the East End opened and policed for the season.

I wonder how many fans are happier that the money is going on the supporters club, who seem to do nothing to advance the interest of the fans, rather than on improving the atmosphere in the ground.

Also a frequent argument by the chair of the supporters club against the East End is that the money could be better spent on other things. Well at least we now know what he meant!

You are way off the mark.The DEH is only used by the SC on matchdays - roughly 30 times per season.The air conditioning is not "primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club" but for the benefit of everyone that uses the DEH.

That said - in August last year at City first home game there were loads of complaints from SC members about the stiffling heat inside the hall.Those complaints were taken to the relevant people within the club and now the issue is to be rectified - and yet some people continue to complain.

Sometimes you just can't win..... :disapointed2se:

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You are way off the mark.The DEH is only used by the SC on matchdays - roughly 30 times per season.The air conditioning is not "primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club" but for the benefit of everyone that uses the DEH.

That said - in August last year at City first home game there were loads of complaints from SC members about the stiffling heat inside the hall.Those complaints were taken to the relevant people within the club and now the issue is to be rectified - and yet some people continue to complain.

Sometimes you just can't win..... :disapointed2se:

I was in the DEH in August for the first home game and found the temperature acceptable, more acceptable than the prices anyway.

Rather than a smiley why don't you answer Tommy Docs perfectly reasonable and well balanced questions for the benefit of everyone? then maybe we could all win.

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I was in the DEH in August for the first home game and found the temperature acceptable, more acceptable than the prices anyway.

You were in the minority if you found the temperature 'acceptable'.

Unfortunately Lindleys set the prices and its therefore out of our hands.

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You are way off the mark.The DEH is only used by the SC on matchdays - roughly 30 times per season.The air conditioning is not "primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club" but for the benefit of everyone that uses the DEH.

That said - in August last year at City first home game there were loads of complaints from SC members about the stiffling heat inside the hall.Those complaints were taken to the relevant people within the club and now the issue is to be rectified - and yet some people continue to complain.

Sometimes you just can't win..... :disapointed2se:

Why don't you put everyone on ignore? As a spokesman for the supporters club the last thing you need is supporters asking questions about the supporters club isn't it. What a bloody liberty, some people eh, I'm with you on this, ignore all questions, you go girl! :chant6ez:

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Instead of hounding Robbored and pouring scorn on his views and service to the SC at every opportunity, why don't you see this page or the official website for ways in which you can contact the SC to have all your questions answered?

If RR chooses not to expand on certain details because he knows he is going to receive abuse whatever he says, that's his prerogative.

If you really feel that strongly about the purpose and organisation of the SC, then go see them and speak to them in person - or are you all too cowardly to put a face to your comments?

I'll say one thing for RR, he puts himself up to be shot down and is not a faceless, abuse-hurling name of an internet forum. Some people should look at themselves.

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The fact that you need to join the SC to enter the Red & White bar is nothing but a shameless bribe.

I hope RR's poxy club fade into oblivion. Lets face it they don't do anything so crucial that the ST couldn't do with a click of their fingers.

BOYCOTT THE SUPPORTERS CLUB. :bruce_h4h: :bruce_h4h:

As a point of interest, the SC were forced to vacate the Williams side of the ground at the end of last season, by the football club.

The SC was ran there as a very successful organisation which regularly donated sizeable sums of money to the football club.

The £5 membership fee was set by the football club and they are the one's that are proposing an increase for next season, and NOT the SC.

The SC continues to donate the majority of their income to the football club (which is what the SC is all about).Do the ST make any donations to the football club?

I don't think so.

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Instead of hounding Robbored and pouring scorn on his views and service to the SC at every opportunity, why don't you see this page or the official website for ways in which you can contact the SC to have all your questions answered?

If RR chooses not to expand on certain details because he knows he is going to receive abuse whatever he says, that's his prerogative.

If you really feel that strongly about the purpose and organisation of the SC, then go see them and speak to them in person - or are you all too cowardly to put a face to your comments?

I'll say one thing for RR, he puts himself up to be shot down and is not a faceless, abuse-hurling name of an internet forum. Some people should look at themselves.

I'm fine for the webpage and the email SS, but when he mentions "are you a member of the SC?" "if so I will be happy to answer your questions" that is nothing more than a joke as far as I'm concerned.

Thats not putting himself up to be shot down, its putting him up there to be nuked!

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You are way off the mark.The DEH is only used by the SC on matchdays - roughly 30 times per season.The air conditioning is not "primarily for the benefit of the Supporters Club" but for the benefit of everyone that uses the DEH.

That said - in August last year at City first home game there were loads of complaints from SC members about the stiffling heat inside the hall.Those complaints were taken to the relevant people within the club and now the issue is to be rectified - and yet some people continue to complain.

Sometimes you just can't win..... :disapointed2se:

What does the S.C actually do for the fans and what does the S.C actually do. I am not a member but could be if you could enlighten me? :dunno:

P.S if there were loads of complaints about only 3 sides of the ground being open would that be taken to the relevent people and rectified too ??

Please not another :disapointed2se:

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Instead of hounding Robbored and pouring scorn on his views and service to the SC at every opportunity, why don't you see this page or the official website for ways in which you can contact the SC to have all your questions answered?

If RR chooses not to expand on certain details because he knows he is going to receive abuse whatever he says, that's his prerogative.

If you really feel that strongly about the purpose and organisation of the SC, then go see them and speak to them in person - or are you all too cowardly to put a face to your comments?

I'll say one thing for RR, he puts himself up to be shot down and is not a faceless, abuse-hurling name of an internet forum. Some people should look at themselves.

At last a voice of reason.Well said Simplyred!

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The SC continues to donate the majority of their income to the football club (which is what the SC is all about).Do the ST make any donations to the football club?

I don't think so.

The ST invest money in to the Club through share purchase. The money from the last batch of shares we purchased (£5000 worth) was used to help improve training facilities. We will soon be in a position to purchase more and we'll seek the opinions of our members & Club as to how best to use that money. The funds generated by the ST (which is a not-for-profit organisation) are used for a number of things as well as share purchase.

Beyond this, the ST work hard at providing as much as possible for fans in the way of events, meetings with the Club, drawing up proposals to assist the fans & Club etc. Please see my signature below for a list of just some of the things we've done in the past 14 months. We are prou of our achievements and aim to become bigger and better at what we do. It was a very tough start for us but people have taken the time to watch us from afar and have now made the decision to join up.

That said, the ST aren't interested in creating an 'us & them' divide with the SC. We do what we do. How the SC is run is up to them. I'm just simply answering your question.

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Instead of hounding Robbored and pouring scorn on his views and service to the SC at every opportunity, why don't you see this page or the official website for ways in which you can contact the SC to have all your questions answered?

If RR chooses not to expand on certain details because he knows he is going to receive abuse whatever he says, that's his prerogative.

If you really feel that strongly about the purpose and organisation of the SC, then go see them and speak to them in person - or are you all too cowardly to put a face to your comments?

I'll say one thing for RR, he puts himself up to be shot down and is not a faceless, abuse-hurling name of an internet forum. Some people should look at themselves.


Where's the punchline. Ol RR is the fishermans friend, he loves the attention he gets, the sly old fox.

RR is just a big cuddly sensitive gay guy, who reels em in with his tried and tested avoiding the issue method, he loves it, and that's why we love him, a big up :pinch: for Robbo the Red, our supporters club chairperson, well it can't be chairman as that would be discrimination.

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What does the S.C actually do for the fans and what does the S.C actually do. I am not a member but could be if you could enlighten me? :dunno:

P.S if there were loads of complaints about only 3 sides of the ground being open would that be taken to the relevent people and rectified too ??

Please not another :disapointed2se:

I've answered the question about what the SC does loads of times.Why don't you trawl the archives to find out?

If there were loads of complaints about only 3 sides of the ground being open would that be taken to the relevent people and rectified too ??

Probably - but I, nor none of the SC committee have received one single complaint regarding this issue.The fact is far more complained about the heat in the DEH.

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The ST invest money in to the Club through share purchase. The money from the last batch of shares we purchased (£5000 worth) was used to help improve training facilities. We will soon be in a position to purchase more and we'll seek the opinions of our members & Club as to how best to use that money. The funds generated by the ST (which is a not-for-profit organisation) are used for a number of things as well as share purchase.

Beyond this, the ST work hard at providing as much as possible for fans in the way of events, meetings with the Club, drawing up proposals to assist the fans & Club etc. Please see my signature below for a list of just some of the things we've done in the past 14 months. We are prou of our achievements and aim to become bigger and better at what we do. It was a very tough start for us but people have taken the time to watch us from afar and have now made the decision to join up.

That said, the ST aren't interested in creating an 'us & them' divide with the SC. We do what we do. How the SC is run is up to them. I'm just simply answering your question.

As a complete outsider with no vested interest in either ST or SC, can someone explain to me (in simple terms) what and who each group is for?

I'm just your average supporter trying to wise up to what's going on 'behind the scenes' at Ashton Gate.

Thank you.

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My question would be why don't the sc and the st work closer together. Surely a united front would create less of an us and them situation which seems to be arising. Surely the sc would do better to learn from what the st have done and listen to the fans more.

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As a complete outsider with no vested interest in either ST or SC, can someone explain to me (in simple terms) what and who each group is for?

I'm just your average supporter trying to wise up to what's going on 'behind the scenes' at Ashton Gate.

Thank you.

The simplest way to look at the two organisations is that the Trust are politically motivated and the Club are more social and involved in fund raising.

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As a complete outsider with no vested interest in either ST or SC, can someone explain to me (in simple terms) what and who each group is for?

I'm just your average supporter trying to wise up to what's going on 'behind the scenes' at Ashton Gate.

Thank you.

In brief, the Supporters TRUST is an independant organisation set up by fans for BCFC. It's a not-for-profit company that has five principal aims. Information about these aims can be found by clicking here. As we are not governed by the Club, we are effectively free to act according to how we see fit in conjunction with the wants, needs and desires of BCFC fans. We aim for a harmonious relationship with the Club but aren't afraid to object to proposals either. We have been granted a place at the table for Board meetings at Bristol City FC and we work hard to voice the concerns of fans. We deal with the politics but also deal with raising awareness, funds, organising great social events such as teh Ashton Gate Eight dinner and getting involved with the BCFC community where we can.

Again, a list of achievements can be found in my signature.

We have an FAQ section on our website that might also help answer any further questions you have. Click here for more info.

If you have any specific questions that aren't answered by the FAQ's, feel free to post them & one of the ST members will do their best to answer.

I can't make comment regarding the SC & it's purpose. I'll leave that to them to advise.

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Are you a SC member? If you are then I happily answer your questions on a personal basis.

Why do i need to pay £15-25 for the privilege of asking you a few questions? (or can that only be answered on a personal basis?)

As the chairman surely it is your duty to answer my questions and allay my concerns re the SC?

If you won't tell me what i want to know about the SC, then who will?

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My question would be why don't the sc and the st work closer together. Surely a united front would create less of an us and them situation which seems to be arising. Surely the sc would do better to learn from what the st have done and listen to the fans more.

We work more closely than most fans realise.There is no 'us and them' divide. I'm a member of the Trust and have attended a number of Trust meetings. Some of the Trust board members are SC as well.We are different organisations but have no problems with each other.

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Why do i need to pay £15-25 for the privilege of asking you a few questions? (or can that only be answered on a personal basis?)

As the chairman surely it is your duty to answer my questions and allay my concerns re the SC?

Its a fiver to join as a Bronze member.

Its my duty as SC chairman to allay the concerns of our members.

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In brief, the Supporters TRUST is an independant organisation set up by fans for BCFC. It's a not-for-profit company that has five principal aims. Information about these aims can be found by clicking here. As we are not governed by the Club, we are effectively free to act according to how we see fit in conjunction with the wants, needs and desires of BCFC fans. We aim for a harmonious relationship with the Club but aren't afraid to object to proposals either. We have been granted a place at the table for Board meetings at Bristol City FC and we work hard to voice the concerns of fans. We deal with the politics but also deal with raising awareness, funds, organising great social events such as teh Ashton Gate Eight dinner and getting involved with the BCFC community where we can.

Again, a list of achievements can be found in my signature.

We have an FAQ section on our website that might also help answer any further questions you have. Click here for more info.

If you have any specific questions that aren't answered by the FAQ's, feel free to post them & one of the ST members will do their best to answer.

I can't make comment regarding the SC & it's purpose. I'll leave that to them to advise.

After thinking about it for a good while now, I am going to join the ST. I think the fact the ST is independent and the productive things they have done this year have been the main selling points. Also this post has finally prompted me to do it, so thanks for that post Jay. Particularly impressed by the aims of the trust and the professinal nature of it.

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In brief, the Supporters TRUST is an independant organisation set up by fans for BCFC. It's a not-for-profit company that has five principal aims. Information about these aims can be found by clicking here. As we are not governed by the Club, we are effectively free to act according to how we see fit in conjunction with the wants, needs and desires of BCFC fans. We aim for a harmonious relationship with the Club but aren't afraid to object to proposals either. We have been granted a place at the table for Board meetings at Bristol City FC and we work hard to voice the concerns of fans. We deal with the politics but also deal with raising awareness, funds, organising great social events such as teh Ashton Gate Eight dinner and getting involved with the BCFC community where we can.

Again, a list of achievements can be found in my signature.

We have an FAQ section on our website that might also help answer any further questions you have. Click here for more info.

If you have any specific questions that aren't answered by the FAQ's, feel free to post them & one of the ST members will do their best to answer.

I can't make comment regarding the SC & it's purpose. I'll leave that to them to advise.

Thanks Jay,

I used to think that the ST and SC were one and the same....I'm pretty sure that many others still do.

Judging by comments and reactions on this thread it would appear that the SC are further away from most fans compared to the ST.

I'll take time later to read up on the info you've supplied.....I would ask the same from the SC, but I've noticed earlier questions put to it's 'chairman' from other posters here are going unanswered.


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