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Mr. Robbored

tommy doc

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Untill the start of this season the SC was very restricted by the limited capacity in the old clubroom.Fire regulations limited the matchday attendence to 200.It was therefore very difficult to expand the membership numbers which had been the case for years.We had no reason then to have recruitment campaign and there were no stratagies in place.Nevertheless the SC was able over many seasons to donate around £10k each year to the football club.Money raised largely by membership revenue,xmas draws and other fund raising schemes.

In August we moved into tne DEH and overnight our membership ballooned to 10 times what it had been previously.Our membership reveune obviously increased and we made a donation of £3k to football in the community at the start of the season.We will be making a larger donation to the FC later this year.

Our difficulty has been dealing with such a large membership when we have been used to dealing with far less.Reaching 350 fans is simple compared to 3500+.This season has been a transitional one for the SC.

We are planning for next season to put on some social events and on Tuesday night we gave out forms to find out what the fans would like and the kind of event they would support.As yet we have not had the chance to evaluate the response.We are also organising a much grander Player of the Year awards in liaison with the Trust the details of which will be announced in due course.

Joining the SC as a bronze member couldn't be easier - its just a simple form which takes a couple of mins to complete.Gold membership is more complex as a passport photo is required.In the past our constitution dictated that new members had to be sponsored by existing members.That has now changed.

The SC has not needed this season to seek publicity - simply taking over a much larger venue has increased our profile no end.Next season its likely that our membership will remain much the same as it is currenetly and I daresay the only publicity you'll see next season is that advertising any events that we put on.

One point that I have picked up from this thread is that our webpage on the mainsite needs updating!

I appreciate your answers and can certainly understand this is a transitional year for the SC given the massive increase in membership - however, surely this was predicted when the decision was taken to limit access to the DEH to SC members? At that point it might have been useful to think about what those extra members might want in terms of info, events etc and to organise extra activities for this season?

Anyway, I think it is pretty clear that BCFC is quite fortunate to have 2 such fan based organisations (in the ST and SC) that are working together to involve supporters and raise money for the club. Keep it going!

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Untill the start of this season the SC was very restricted by the limited capacity in the old clubroom.Fire regulations limited the matchday attendence to 200.It was therefore very difficult to expand the membership numbers which had been the case for years.We had no reason then to have recruitment campaign and there were no stratagies in place.Nevertheless the SC was able over many seasons to donate around £10k each year to the football club.Money raised largely by membership revenue,xmas draws and other fund raising schemes.

In August we moved into tne DEH and overnight our membership ballooned to 10 times what it had been previously.Our membership reveune obviously increased and we made a donation of £3k to football in the community at the start of the season.We will be making a larger donation to the FC later this year.

Our difficulty has been dealing with such a large membership when we have been used to dealing with far less.Reaching 350 fans is simple compared to 3500+.This season has been a transitional one for the SC.

We are planning for next season to put on some social events and on Tuesday night we gave out forms to find out what the fans would like and the kind of event they would support.As yet we have not had the chance to evaluate the response.We are also organising a much grander Player of the Year awards in liaison with the Trust the details of which will be announced in due course.

Joining the SC as a bronze member couldn't be easier - its just a simple form which takes a couple of mins to complete.Gold membership is more complex as a passport photo is required.In the past our constitution dictated that new members had to be sponsored by existing members.That has now changed.

The SC has not needed this season to seek publicity - simply taking over a much larger venue has increased our profile no end.Next season its likely that our membership will remain much the same as it is currenetly and I daresay the only publicity you'll see next season is that advertising any events that we put on.

One point that I have picked up from this thread is that our webpage on the mainsite needs updating!

Why not also ask on here? Alot of members post on this board and you will probably get more replies than the old fashioned way of filling out a form and handing it back in.

The supporters club needs to be dragged into the 21st century.

The Internet can be a great tool for an organisation likes yours, Use it to great effect like the ST have instead of abusing it.

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Why not also ask on here? Alot of members post on this board and you will probably get more replies than the old fashioned way of filling out a form and handing it back in.

We thought of that but theres no way of auditing a online questionaire. At least by handing out forms in the DEH we know that its our members who are replying.

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I am a member of the SC and have a few questions.

Would you mind answering them. Due to other commitments, i won't be around on matchdays for a while, i would appreciate if you could answer these questions in writing. Much appreciated.

1/ What is (for want of a better phrase) the "mission statement" of the SC?

2/ As chairman of the SC what is your exact role? Are you supposed to voice the concerns of yourself, the SC or the fans in general?

3/ As far as i am aware, as chairman of the SC you are entitled to sit on board meetings. Do you have much/any input into these meetings and does your opinion hold any sway in these meetings? Do you get a vote on any issues? If so, in whose best interests do you vote?

4/ How are you elected? Are all fans entitled to vote or is it merely the members of the SC who can vote? Do you have any opposition?

5/ Does the SC require any funding, if so, where does this funding come from?

6/ How do the members of the supporters club feel with regards to the need for an area of unreserved seating for supporters intent on creating some kind of positive atmosphere? How are you representing these feelings?

7/ What major initiatives have the SC spearheaded in recent times? Looking at the OS, the only SC initiatives mentioned are: the club shop, away travel (now CATS), food kiosks in the ground (although these are hardly anything to crow about), cash takeaway on matchdays in the clubroom, and the scratchcards lottery (which to be honest, i've never heard of). It would seem, given the info on the OC, that the SC has done nothing of note for fans of BCFC in recent years, am i wrong?

8/ With the emergence of the supporters trust as an excellent fan's representative, is the SC not now obsolete?

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I am a member of the SC and have a few questions.

Would you mind answering them. Due to other commitments, i won't be around on matchdays for a while, i would appreciate if you could answer these questions in writing. Much appreciated.

1/ What is (for want of a better phrase) the "mission statement" of the SC?

2/ As chairman of the SC what is your exact role? Are you supposed to voice the concerns of yourself, the SC or the fans in general?

3/ As far as i am aware, as chairman of the SC you are entitled to sit on board meetings. Do you have much/any input into these meetings and does your opinion hold any sway in these meetings? Do you get a vote on any issues? If so, in whose best interests do you vote?

4/ How are you elected? Are all fans entitled to vote or is it merely the members of the SC who can vote? Do you have any opposition?

5/ Does the SC require any funding, if so, where does this funding come from?

6/ How do the members of the supporters club feel with regards to the need for an area of unreserved seating for supporters intent on creating some kind of positive atmosphere? How are you representing these feelings?

7/ What major initiatives have the SC spearheaded in recent times? Looking at the OS, the only SC initiatives mentioned are: the club shop, away travel (now CATS), food kiosks in the ground (although these are hardly anything to crow about), cash takeaway on matchdays in the clubroom, and the scratchcards lottery (which to be honest, i've never heard of). It would seem, given the info on the OC, that the SC has done nothing of note for fans of BCFC in recent years, am i wrong?

8/ With the emergence of the supporters trust as an excellent fan's representative, is the SC not now obsolete?

Let me have your membership details via pm and I'll get back to you.

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In fairness to Robbored and the Supporters' Club, they sprung into action when I needed help with the Jamie Cooper collection. RR asked me if there was any way his organisation could help, and then arranged for me to make a statement over the mic at a peak time in the bar, and for me, Marie, Jay, Arny (and the lovely Mrs Arny) to collect in the Red and White Bar and the neighbouring Supporters' Club bar. That was assistance for which I was very grateful, and which has helped to benefit us all by helping project the image of City fans in a positive way, not to mention helping Jamie. I notice that I left them off the list of people that I wanted to thank for their help when I posted the final amount on the Jamie Cooper thread, and especially in the context of this rather anti-SC thread I'd hate for anyone to think that this was because they did not help - it was more to do with posting in tyhe early hours of the morning after hours spent counting individual pennies! Along with many others, they were proactive and did what they could to muck in and deserve positive credit for it.

I do believe that having a social organisation like the SC which does not have a political motive is something that many fans who want to enjoy a drink etc and 'being a City fan' in a more passive way without campaigning etc can benefit from. Many don't, and that's fair enough. And for the record, I've always disagreed with charging for entry to the Red n White Bar, which I gather is down to insistence from the club. But I think the SC do get a pretty bad rap and wanted to at least mention something positive that they had been able to do to help. I'm not going to get into a slanging match about the Supporters' Club, because I'm not intimately involved with it at all, I just wanted to credit them with being proactive in something I had direct experience of, since it seems much of the criticism was about them being too passive.

I also want to say that having met Robbored a few times in different circumstances he's a decent guy and certainly doesn't deserve some of the personal abuse thrown at him on the forum. I don't think there's any need for it. Those of you who are SC members can presumably signal your support or otherwise of the way he is running the SC by voting when he is up for re-election. But, like I say, I found him helpful, articulate and decent.

And no, he hasn't paid me to say any of this!

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I also want to say that having met Robbored a few times in different circumstances he's a decent guy and certainly doesn't deserve some of the personal abuse thrown at him on the forum.

I would agree. I've known RR for years. He's a nice guy, a good mate, and a big City fan who puts in a lot of unacknowledged work to help keep the SC going.

However, I'm sure he won't mind me saying that I don't think he always does himself favours by the way in which he responds to what I consider to be entirely reasonable questions about the SC, such as those posed by 'Tommy Doc' at the start of this thread.

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I would agree. I've known RR for years. He's a nice guy, a good mate, and a big City fan who puts in a lot of unacknowledged work to help keep the SC going.

However, I'm sure he won't mind me saying that I don't think he always does himself favours by the way in which he responds to what I consider to be entirely reasonable questions about the SC, such as those posed by 'Tommy Doc' at the start of this thread.

No. And that's why I felt I had to at least give an example of one of the positive and generous ways in which the SC - and RR himself - has acted recently. Perhaps RR should employ a PR guru for an image makeover!

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No. And that's why I felt I had to at least give an example of one of the positive and generous ways in which the SC - and RR himself - has acted recently. Perhaps RR should employ a PR guru for an image makeover!

Changed my mind now about RR he`s funny I like him :surrender:

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In fairness to Robbored and the Supporters' Club, they sprung into action when I needed help with the Jamie Cooper collection. RR asked me if there was any way his organisation could help, and then arranged for me to make a statement over the mic at a peak time in the bar, and for me, Marie, Jay, Arny (and the lovely Mrs Arny) to collect in the Red and White Bar and the neighbouring Supporters' Club bar. That was assistance for which I was very grateful, and which has helped to benefit us all by helping project the image of City fans in a positive way, not to mention helping Jamie. I notice that I left them off the list of people that I wanted to thank for their help when I posted the final amount on the Jamie Cooper thread, and especially in the context of this rather anti-SC thread I'd hate for anyone to think that this was because they did not help - it was more to do with posting in tyhe early hours of the morning after hours spent counting individual pennies! Along with many others, they were proactive and did what they could to muck in and deserve positive credit for it.

I do believe that having a social organisation like the SC which does not have a political motive is something that many fans who want to enjoy a drink etc and 'being a City fan' in a more passive way without campaigning etc can benefit from. Many don't, and that's fair enough. And for the record, I've always disagreed with charging for entry to the Red n White Bar, which I gather is down to insistence from the club. But I think the SC do get a pretty bad rap and wanted to at least mention something positive that they had been able to do to help. I'm not going to get into a slanging match about the Supporters' Club, because I'm not intimately involved with it at all, I just wanted to credit them with being proactive in something I had direct experience of, since it seems much of the criticism was about them being too passive.

I also want to say that having met Robbored a few times in different circumstances he's a decent guy and certainly doesn't deserve some of the personal abuse thrown at him on the forum. I don't think there's any need for it. Those of you who are SC members can presumably signal your support or otherwise of the way he is running the SC by voting when he is up for re-election. But, like I say, I found him helpful, articulate and decent.

And no, he hasn't paid me to say any of this!

I think the guy is in a no win situation, although i didnt question his post over the East End.

When your elected as a chairman, you will gain support and get negitive remarks.

But Alan stood for the position, and when elected probably knew what he was in for.

I think he handles it well, and ive heard no discontent amonst fellow supporters club members.

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Changed my mind now about RR he`s funny

aye, he is that.

I've come to see him as playing the role of the Forum villain - then he plays innocent gubbins on being booed and hissed!

Also, I usually wait for the Panto season for that kind of theatrical entertainment and don't tend to mix it with issues that are close to mine and many other's hearts.

I also find it hard to take him seriously when he's not in 'role'.

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I would agree. I've known RR for years. He's a nice guy, a good mate, and a big City fan who puts in a lot of unacknowledged work to help keep the SC going.

I have met DaveL and RedTop but never Mr Robbored (AFAIK) - I have no reason to doubt the evidence of either gentleman but would shy away from paying to (re)join the SC just to find out.

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No. And that's why I felt I had to at least give an example of one of the positive and generous ways in which the SC - and RR himself - has acted recently. Perhaps RR should employ a PR guru for an image makeover!

He should definitely ditch the gilet, too country. Maybe a little gel in that shock of red hair, hmmm?

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I would agree. I've known RR for years. He's a nice guy, a good mate, and a big City fan who puts in a lot of unacknowledged work to help keep the SC going.

However, I'm sure he won't mind me saying that I don't think he always does himself favours by the way in which he responds to what I consider to be entirely reasonable questions about the SC, such as those posed by 'Tommy Doc' at the start of this thread.

I have never knowingly met him either and I'm not a member of the SC or ST.

I always had the opinion that the SC, for all the good work they do, were a bit 'exclusive.' This has been explained that numbers had to be kept down due the the size of their room/bar. If I understand correctly now this limit due to space available is no longer the case?

However, for reasons known to them, maybe they are taking longer than expected to adjust to their new venue and additional fans, they seem to prefer to be low in numbers and everyone knowing eachother type of set up? just about as different as you can get from the 'everybody welcome, come and see' message from the ST.

Of course I'm only guessing this from the answers on this thread which have only strengthened my opinion. I maybe totally wrong and stand to be corrected.

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I always had the opinion that the SC, for all the good work they do, were a bit 'exclusive.' This has been explained that numbers had to be kept down due the the size of their room/bar. If I understand correctly now this limit due to space available is no longer the case?

Thats right - our previous bar was severely restricted by fire regulations to just 200.Expanding membership therefore was impossible.With the access to the DEH this is no longer the case..

However, for reasons known to them, maybe they are taking longer than expected to adjust to their new venue and additional fans, they seem to prefer to be low in numbers and everyone knowing each other type of set up? just about as different as you can get from the 'everybody welcome, come and see' message from the ST.

I can't deny that it has been a transitional period over this season for the SC.Without going into detail we have had some problems arising from the new venue as well.Hopefully by the start of next season that'll be behind us.We will defnately be more proactive next season.

Who knows? maybe the we'll even get a 'Welcome to the Supporters Club' sign up!

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