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The Supporters Club


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I still can't help but feel that the crux of this matter is that, since the club handed the DEH over to the Supporters Club, a facility that was previously free to ST holders is now charged for. It has made the Supporters Club a very unpopular organisation, with the restricted access to becoming a Gold member only serving to make people even more suspicious.

I know that with the current setup non-ST holders now have access but couldn't that have been done for a fiver a season anyway?

I think what really grinds is the fact that the subsidised, Gold members bar is in full view of the rest of the DEH, almost rubbing it in in a way, and the fact that there seems to be absolutely no recognition whatsoever of the fact that the vast vast majority of Bronze members are members to gain access to the DEH on matchdays only and for no other reason.

What really should have been done is the Bronze membership being an automatic result of buying a ST, with anybody else wanting access having to pay their fiver. Especially this season it's not as though anybody would have noticed an extra fiver on the price increase of their ticket anyway :bruce_h4h:

P.S. Is there Silver membership and if there is what do you get for it?

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I still can't help but feel that the crux of this matter is that, since the club handed the DEH over to the Supporters Club, a facility that was previously free to ST holders is now charged for. It has made the Supporters Club a very unpopular organisation, with the restricted access to becoming a Gold member only serving to make people even more suspicious.

I know that with the current setup non-ST holders now have access but couldn't that have been done for a fiver a season anyway?

I think what really grinds is the fact that the subsidised, Gold members bar is in full view of the rest of the DEH, almost rubbing it in in a way, and the fact that there seems to be absolutely no recognition whatsoever of the fact that the vast vast majority of Bronze members are members to gain access to the DEH on matchdays only and for no other reason.

What really should have been done is the Bronze membership being an automatic result of buying a ST, with anybody else wanting access having to pay their fiver. Especially this season it's not as though anybody would have noticed an extra fiver on the price increase of their ticket anyway :bruce_h4h:

P.S. Is there Silver membership and if there is what do you get for it?

Probably best to take that question up with the chairman Rich..........

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So that all the gold members can go and have a quiet pint while smoking their pipes before they take up their prawn sandwich seats? Why should it be segregated off so that the "upper" people can have a NICE quiet pint in a nice, probably air conditioned room etc, when everyone else has to settle for the crap beer that is served and get boiling hot around 2-2:15?

Thats life lm affraid, you could argue with that about almost everything.... lm guessing thats why some people scratch nice cars

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Its blatantly obvious that the SC does not promote itself in the right light and I'm afraid RR must take some of the responsibility for that.

For the life of me I cant understand why someone that should be encouraging members to join the SC would intentionally go onto the clubs official forum to bait individuals with the sorts of posts that he writes.

Personally I don't care about him going to Wembley or any of that nonsense as its his free time, But to post of here in the manner he did and then gloat that he was "fishing" was plain daft from someone in his position.

That's pretty much my take on Robbored's latest posting. When Robbored's 'voice of reason, the sage, etc' posts do nothing to show the SC in a positive light I wonder why no other members of the committee step in and offer their thoughts. That leaves me to think that either:

a) No other committee members post on here and are therefore unaware of the way he goes 'fishing'.


b) They feel his posts are perfectly reasonable for the Chairman of the Bristol City Supporters Club.

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I would really like to know what the supporters club do, but it dosen't seem as though robbored is going to tell us??

Here you go mate,


and here is some history


I'm joining as a gold member next season and l want to work towards being a vocal person at the club in addressing fans needs, wants and questions.

Its something l would like to work towards in the future, hopefully over the next few years.

I have know idea how you would gain the respect from other SC members, but lm going to give it a go as l feel l'm in touch with the fans..... not saying that other people arent.

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QUOTE(badger22 @ May 29 2007, 12:45 PM)

I'm joining as a gold member next season and l want to work towards being a vocal person at the club in addressing fans needs, wants and questions.

Please read Robboreds response from another thread...

Did l get a responce from that?

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Cheers for the reply Arny.

What functions have the Supporters Club held?

Thanks for the reply tower crane red.

Just a couple of questions... surely the ticket prices for the evening paid for most if not all of the cost of the awards night? What was the Supporters Club's involvement in putting on the evening?

The real problem with putting on 'functions' is that of trying to get fans interested,The POY awards showed that.We reckoned that we wouldn't have had a problem selling a 1000 tickets for such an event particularly as the team had just been promoted.Tickets were available from a month before hand.Adverts,flyers and announcements were made but even then we still fell way short of a 1000 sold.We had budgeted accordingly.The SC ended up making a loss.At a fiver per ticket we undercharged - but even then some fans complained theat the event should be free.

Our involvement was attending the various planning meetings,liaising with the trust and the media dept at the club,orgainising some of raffle prizes,printing and putting out advertising flyers,funding pretty much the whole event.Getting two new trophies and all the engraving done,organsing the voting and then collecting and counting the votes.I personally cleared over 50 tressle tables and then put out 400 chairs on the day of the event.Spent 12 hours in the DEH on the day with just a short break to get home to eat change and shower.Organsing the flowers for Mrs Dolman.Counting the raffle takings and ticket receipts and the end of the event.There are probably lots of other things that escape me right now.

The bottom line is that lots of fans can't be arsed to make a journey to AG on a none matchday.Before the SC moved to the DEH over many years we tried to put on events but selling tickets was a nightmare.Hardly anyone was interested.

Its all very well coming on here saying the SC should do this and do that but without the support of the fans any event is doomed to failure.

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Well done for all your effort, Robbored, on what I am led to believe was a great evening.I have recently joined the Trust and made that decision on the basis of the Trust's clearly defined aims and objectives. What I am genuinely confused about, is the apparant lack of info available about the SC, because I paid my fiver last year, received a shabby bronze-in -a- sunbed-way piece of cardboard and was told that made me a bronze member with admission to the DEH on matchdays, and no further info.

I have no objection to the SC, or anyone doing their bit for the club and the supporters, but feel that the current rumblings (st vs sc) are counter-productive.Surely some clarity about the SC and it's remit would help. The SC page on the official site is woefully inadequate, and imo hardly encourages new members to join.

Again, I am genuinely trying to make a point re. the SC, but I am not attacking either yourself as Chair, or indeed the existing members, merely suggesting that information is sparse, and better information may well reduce the sniping that inhabits this forum.

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:city: the old supporters club room was used on a regular basis,with it having a skittle alley,with regular teams.

it also was avalible for hire for weddings,engagement parties etc.

the deh is more for exibitions etc.

as for the gold members room being a drinking mans club,i think youre way off the mark.

most gold members are st holders,share holders,trust members,foundation members, and follow city home and away with some even finding time to watch england home and away.just like any city fans,weather they be bronze members st holders,trust members.

at the end of the day we are all suppoerters of bristol city end of story.

so lets stop knocking and start supporting weather it be through a trust or the supporters club.


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:city: the old supporters club room was used on a regular basis,with it having a skittle alley,with regular teams.

it also was avalible for hire for weddings,engagement parties etc.

the deh is more for exibitions etc.

as for the gold members room being a drinking mans club,i think youre way off the mark.

most gold members are st holders,share holders,trust members,foundation members, and follow city home and away with some even finding time to watch england home and away.just like any city fans,weather they be bronze members st holders,trust members.

at the end of the day we are all suppoerters of bristol city end of story.

so lets stop knocking and start supporting weather it be through a trust or the supporters club.


Nicely put TC.

Wonder why the club didnt think of putting a skittle alley, darts board, cribbage tables, perhaps a poker night or two, to utalise the place a bit more?

Staffing, or just couldnt be assed?

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