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I should imagine there will be no more than 300 colchester fans in attendance

So no police in attendance today,we live in hope

reference those noisey dogs at the last two matches

I thought the dogs were supposed to be muzzeled

whilst on a lead

In the QPR v Chelseas match last week in london

A police dog sunk its teeth into SIXTEEN year old lad

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I should imagine there will be no more than 300 colchester fans in attendance

So no police in attendance today,we live in hope

reference those noisey dogs at the last two matches

I thought the dogs were supposed to be muzzeled

whilst on a lead

In the QPR v Chelseas match last week in london

A police dog sunk its teeth into SIXTEEN year old lad

what is your gripe with the police NTTDS? It seems that every week you are having a moan about them.

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The Police assess the "threat".

The Police decide how many of their number are needed for each game.

The club (and us fans through admission prices) pay what the Police demand.

At Methill (home of East Fife) there is never a Police presence at their games. This is not due to low attendance but it's because the Police are out dealing with muggings, burglaries and real crime. As such they cannot be bothered with something trivial like a football game, not even for the local derby v Cowdenbeath.

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The Police assess the "threat".

The Police decide how many of their number are needed for each game.

The club (and us fans through admission prices) pay what the Police demand.

At Methill (home of East Fife) there is never a Police presence at their games. This is not due to low attendance but it's because the Police are out dealing with muggings, burglaries and real crime. As such they cannot be bothered with something trivial like a football game, not even for the local derby v Cowdenbeath.

and the average home attendance of east fife is what.............???????????

Slightly less than ours i'd imagine, by what, 14,500???????

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Portishead Red, maybe he is fed up of the club getting charged a minimum of £200 (£50 per a officer, for a minumum of 4 hours) per a police officer per a game if they are in the ground, the club are paying these police a lot of money to do very very little.

As we all are mate, but the fact is we have to have them there so there is no point in NTTDS moaning after every game about how many riot vans or coppers he's seen - they are there because they have been told to go to AG.

However, for low key games (no dis-respect to these clubs) like s****horpe, colchester, barnsley, is there really a need for a police presence? As NTTDS is feels quite passionatley about this matter, perhaps he could take this up with the club?

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Portishead Red, maybe he is fed up of the club getting charged a minimum of £200 (£50 per a officer, for a minumum of 4 hours) per a police officer per a game if they are in the ground, the club are paying these police a lot of money to do very very little.

I would'nt say they do very little, because they do a lot of antagonising!

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I should imagine there will be no more than 300 colchester fans in attendance

So no police in attendance today,we live in hope

reference those noisey dogs at the last two matches

I thought the dogs were supposed to be muzzeled

whilst on a lead

In the QPR v Chelseas match last week in london

A police dog sunk its teeth into SIXTEEN year old lad

Has it occurred to you that maybe that 16 year old lad was doing something he shouldn't and deserved to be bitten?

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Has it occurred to you that maybe that 16 year old lad was doing something he shouldn't and deserved to be bitten?

This incident was reported down here in London in the local press

Apparently it was a dad and his two sons who got caught in a crossfire between QPR and Chelsea fans fighting outside a pub

The police went in batons blazing and were going for anyone

One of the boys got bitten by a police Alsatian. his dad kicked the dog away and got set upon by the coppers. He got a punctured lung and 3 broken ribs. Alledgedly most of the beatings happeend while he was handcuffed

Oh, and he got a charge for commiting criminal damage to the dog

The guys not a hooligan or nothing. Apparently hes a normal fan who runs one of Chelseas fanzines

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Another example of ego crazed police treating all football fans like scum. Their antagonism has often been the flash point and there's nothing that can be done about it until the media expose it. Recruitment standards have simply dropped to low, they let anyone do that job these days and the senior ones are more interested in targets than actually SERVING the public as they are supposed to.

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I saw five bloody coppers sat in the EE for 90 minutes on their own, and all they did was get the ball when it went into the stand near them. Appreciate that they probably need to be there just in case, but they really did bugger all.

think the people you were looking at were st johns ambulance?

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I saw five bloody coppers sat in the EE for 90 minutes on their own, and all they did was get the ball when it went into the stand near them. Appreciate that they probably need to be there just in case, but they really did bugger all.

and your point is......?

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Another example of ego crazed police treating all football fans like scum. Their antagonism has often been the flash point and there's nothing that can be done about it until the media expose it. Recruitment standards have simply dropped to low, they let anyone do that job these days and the senior ones are more interested in targets than actually SERVING the public as they are supposed to.

what the **** would you know about police recruitment standards?

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I should imagine there will be no more than 300 colchester fans in attendance

So no police in attendance today,we live in hope

reference those noisey dogs at the last two matches

I thought the dogs were supposed to be muzzeled

whilst on a lead

In the QPR v Chelseas match last week in london

A police dog sunk its teeth into SIXTEEN year old lad

Get a life for goodness sake.

Have you nothing better to do at 5.06 in the morning than to wonder how many police will be at the game?

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what the **** would you know about police recruitment standards?

I know three people who've joined up in the last two years, if they're the sort the police are recruiting we're all in trouble.

I'm not surprised to see you arguing the old bill's side of an argument though, as an ex copper have you been on the receiving end of some of the shit they dish out to football fans?

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Another example of ego crazed police treating all football fans like scum. Their antagonism has often been the flash point and there's nothing that can be done about it until the media expose it. Recruitment standards have simply dropped to low, they let anyone do that job these days and the senior ones are more interested in targets than actually SERVING the public as they are supposed to.

and apart from reading the newspaper report about this incident, Exactly what qualifies you to jump on the band wagon and make your pathetic response.

The bottom line is this very few in any of you have ever been put into this sort of situation (Police or the armed services) it is easy to sit back and read newspaper reports and make judgments, Have a look at the youtube violence of our own wonderful support at Forest last season and you try to work out the guilty from the innocent.

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No prizes if you can guess reddog occupation.

Retired Policeman just for the record.

And as the son of a retired Policeman - i have witnessed first hand the injurys sustained by these so say cowwards (whoever it was posted that i would dearly like to meet face to face).

I'm sure redog will admit that SOME policeman these days are a bit over zealous (if thats the right term!!!) and i for one have been on the recieving end and made a serious complaint, however, to tarnish the Police with the same brush is A. immature, and B. Pathetic.

Perhaps somebody could find out if the football league or the council force us to have police in the ground because IMO, i can't see the point in paying hundreds and thousands of pounds to Police 300 away fans who have no history of trouble!

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I know three people who've joined up in the last two years, if they're the sort the police are recruiting we're all in trouble.

I'm not surprised to see you arguing the old bill's side of an argument though, as an ex copper have you been on the receiving end of some of the shit they dish out to football fans?

Yes I have, I've been all over the country for the last 40 years, been to all but 10 grounds. The number of times I've been ashamed I could count on the fingers of one hand - Walsall at Fellows Park is an obvious one, together with Walsall at the Bescot 3 or 4 years ago, but then that is West Mids! I know we are well served in Bristol, and that is with the knowledge that I have seen both sides. Yes, there will always be individual and isolated complaints, but that can be said about jobs in all walks of life, couldn't it?

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and apart from reading the newspaper report about this incident, Exactly what qualifies you to jump on the band wagon and make your pathetic response.

Pathetic how exactly? My response is based on the several encounters I've had with police as a football fan who has never been involved in violence, all of which have led me to view them as largely ego crazed antagonistic idiots.

The bottom line is this very few in any of you have ever been put into this sort of situation (Police or the armed services) it is easy to sit back and read newspaper reports and make judgments, Have a look at the youtube violence of our own wonderful support at Forest last season and you try to work out the guilty from the innocent.

Couldn't give a shit really, I'm not a hooligan so I won't be treated like one without feeling contempt for the police who act that way. If they aren't capable of noticing the difference then they shouldn't be doing the job.

Yes, I know it's a difficult job, but so are many others and that's no excuse for some of the stuff they pull.

I guess if you've never experienced bad treatment from the police then you won't feel that way, but I have and do.

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Yes I have, I've been all over the country for the last 40 years, been to all but 10 grounds. The number of times I've been ashamed I could count on the fingers of one hand - Walsall at Fellows Park is an obvious one, together with Walsall at the Bescot 3 or 4 years ago, but then that is West Mids! I know we are well served in Bristol, and that is with the knowledge that I have seen both sides. Yes, there will always be individual and isolated complaints, but that can be said about jobs in all walks of life, couldn't it?

Well maybe I'm just unlucky but it seems to me that every time I've encountered police as a football fan I've been treated like scum which is why I hold those views. I'm not alone in that either.

I also found the policing levels over the festive period suspicious to say the least - why did we need so many coppers on new year's day?

I think there would be far more complaints were it possible to complain to someone other than the police.

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Pathetic how exactly? My response is based on the several encounters I've had with police as a football fan who has never been involved in violence, all of which have led me to view them as largely ego crazed antagonistic idiots.

Couldn't give a shit really, I'm not a hooligan so I won't be treated like one without feeling contempt for the police who act that way. If they aren't capable of noticing the difference then they shouldn't be doing the job.

Yes, I know it's a difficult job, but so are many others and that's no excuse for some of the stuff they pull.

I guess if you've never experienced bad treatment from the police then you won't feel that way, but I have and do.

Nibor, i can see where you are coming from with what you are saying and i do agree in principle with the point you are trying to make - but please don't tar all Police Officers with the same brush.

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