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Gj Takes Swipe At Fans Forum In Wdp


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Here's just Gary Johnson's quotes instead of the editorialising of Mr Stockhausen. See if you disagree with anything now.

He said: "Some of these websites can be quite hurtful and I hope my players do not read them.

"We don't know the age of these people or how experienced they are. We don't know whether they are qualified to have an opinion.

"Of course people are entitled to have an opinion and fans' forums are generally a good thing. But January brings out the worst in people, and so does August.

"It's because people want you to sign what they perceive as a top player. We might not perceive that player as a top player and may have a very good reason for thinking that.

"In the end, we have to do what is right for the football club and what is right for the fans. We owe it to them to make the right decisions."

"We'll try to keep improving, because that's what we have to do.

"But any signings have to enhance the squad and we're certainly not going to sign players to appease a rumour on a website. We have to bring in the right ones for the future."

"We have to be very mindful of the players who have got us where we are now.

"People talk about strikers all the time and, whenever we don't score, they say we need to sign one. When we do score, the ones already here are the best thing since sliced bread.

"I mustn't think like that and I have to make sure the lads here feel comfortable and realise that they have been a big part of this club's success.

"If they haven't scored in a few weeks, it doesn't matter. The club is still where it is at this moment in time with this group of lads."

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To the tune of the yellow submarine,

Johnson says 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs

Johnson says 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs

Johnson says ' Do not leave early, Do not leave early, Do not leave early

Johnson says ' Do not leave early, Do not leave early, Do not leave early

Johnson says ' Do not talk on forums,Do not talk on forums, Do not talk on forums

Johnson says ' Do not talk on forums,Do not talk on forums, Do not talk on forums

What else will Johnson say we can / can not do, may be some one can make up the next chorus.

I wonder if any of the other championship / premier teams managers act this way, its a shame really as Johnson has done a good job in bringing our club forward.

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To the tune of the yellow submarine,

Johnson says 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs

Johnson says 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs, 'No signing autographs

Johnson says ' Do not leave early, Do not leave early, Do not leave early

Johnson says ' Do not leave early, Do not leave early, Do not leave early

Johnson says ' Do not talk on forums,Do not talk on forums, Do not talk on forums

Johnson says ' Do not talk on forums,Do not talk on forums, Do not talk on forums

What else will Johnson say we can / can not do, may be some one can make up the next chorus.

I wonder if any of the other championship / premier teams managers act this way, its a shame really as Johnson has done a good job in bringing our club forward.

I'm sure you're being stupid on purpose.

"Of course people are entitled to have an opinion and fans' forums are generally a good thing." - Gary Johnson

"Redhyde says that I should learn to read, I should learn to read, I should learn to read." That's your next song lyric. Grief.

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Here's just Gary Johnson's quotes instead of the editorialising of Mr Stockhausen. See if you disagree with anything now.

He said: "Some of these websites can be quite hurtful and I hope my players do not read them.

"We don't know the age of these people or how experienced they are. We don't know whether they are qualified to have an opinion.

"Of course people are entitled to have an opinion and fans' forums are generally a good thing. But January brings out the worst in people, and so does August.

"It's because people want you to sign what they perceive as a top player. We might not perceive that player as a top player and may have a very good reason for thinking that.

"In the end, we have to do what is right for the football club and what is right for the fans. We owe it to them to make the right decisions."

"We'll try to keep improving, because that's what we have to do.

"But any signings have to enhance the squad and we're certainly not going to sign players to appease a rumour on a website. We have to bring in the right ones for the future."

"We have to be very mindful of the players who have got us where we are now.

"People talk about strikers all the time and, whenever we don't score, they say we need to sign one. When we do score, the ones already here are the best thing since sliced bread.

"I mustn't think like that and I have to make sure the lads here feel comfortable and realise that they have been a big part of this club's success.

"If they haven't scored in a few weeks, it doesn't matter. The club is still where it is at this moment in time with this group of lads."

Exactly. None of those comments by GJ are wrong at all, he even acknowledges that forums are a good thing.

Stockhausen is a lying ######.

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I'm sure you're being stupid on purpose.

"Of course people are entitled to have an opinion and fans' forums are generally a good thing." - Gary Johnson

"Redhyde says that I should learn to read, I should learn to read, I should learn to read." That's your next song lyric. Grief.

NO need to get personal try and get a sense of humour :rofl2br:

BS3 Bemmy says Redhyde ' get a sense of humour, get a sense of humour, get a sense of humour

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

If Johnson doesn't want to be mis-quoted, he shouldn't give press interviews, and rely solely on video ones.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours, and if anything goes wrong with his tenure at Ashton Gate, you can be sure that he'll make sure that he's not to blame.

All criticism will achieve is driving a wedge between the club and it's fans and this is in nobody's interest. It is frustrating to hear week after week that the fans are in the wrong...

    • Leaving too early;
    • Not making enough noise;
    Not playing our part on behalf of the club;
  • And now, on a discussion forum, we talk too much!?

I must however apologise though in that today I left during the game to go the toilet, I'll learn by it and it will not happen again sorry :disapointed2se: I also apologise for travelling so far to see every game, holding a Season ticket for many years and paying an average of over £50 to see every game - perhaps I should do more!?

I always thought in a democratic world freedom of speech was allowed? People pay their hard earned money to watch games and support City - aren't they entitled to an opinion - obviously not.

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I always thought in a democratic world freedom of speech was allowed? People pay their hard earned money to watch games and support City - aren't they entitled to an opinion

"Of course people are entitled to have an opinion and fans' forums are generally a good thing." Gary Johnson.

- obviously not.

You obviously need to read it again.

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I tend to agree with him actually. There are quite a few posters on here who like to adopt a "know it all" attitude and discuss the teams tactics etc as if they are the most qualified person in Bristol. Some would do well to remember that GJ won the job on the basis of his CV and realistically, who can complain about the job he's done so far?

I too would hope the players avoid the forum because some of the comments are quite disrespectful at times, at least in my opinion.

agree with this posting, sums it up really,

between that and more of the usual crap from Andy Stockhausen it's just the usual twisting and of words, needs to create nothing stories into headline making stories to sell copies of his paper.

Funny thing is the amount of people who have been taken in by this story.

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And the job you do is? Seems a little convenenient to me that you have one of those rare jobs that support your opinion.


Maybe GJ is right - we should question the ability of those that comment on here!!

In most jobs not just mine - it pays to keep a calm head. I was not saying my job supports my opinion - just that sometimes you should take a deep breath before making comments (hence I have waited before replying to your comment) - GJ will never get a positive response from having a go at fans - my point is (my opinion if you prefer) is that some people learn things like that - they learn from mistakes - that we all make (certainly me) but GJ does not seem to learn from such mistakes -

I find it disapointing that we as fans cannot seem to have an opinion or make a comment without another fan having a snide attack at them - reminds me of the sort of thing GJ is doing at the moment!

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Hi Markman, I'm a first time poster and created an account solely because I had to respond to your comments as I feel it is indicative of the terrible attitude some Bristol City fans have.

Firstly, why does it matter that you have supported City 30 years longer than Gary Johnson has been manager? I can understand you may feel more of an affinity and love for the club than you believe Johnson has, even if I do not agree with that belief, but what relevance does that have to your argument. I am only 19, and have supported City for a lot shorter time than you have, but I can assure you I feel very passionately about the club, and when I am 49 I will still be supporting them.

You also say it is cathartic to moan about players. I agree, 100%. It is. But it is also detremental to the team. I suppose it depends what you want from watching Bristol City. There are plenty of people who say: "I work hard 5 days a week and paid for this ticket, I can say what I want" and I can completely understand this point of view. I am only a University student, have very little stress in my life and so can't really comment on that. But I think first and foremost we are supporters. We should support the team and do what is in their best interests, not our own.

Another poster on this thread hit the nail on the head (I'm sorry I can't remember who) when they said supporters can't expect influence without responsibility.

I gain most satisfaction from singing my heart out and willing on the team, win, lose or draw. One of my earliest memories of watching City was when we lost away at Crewe in the 1998/1999 season , which virtually consigned us to relegation. I was only 11 but me and my older brother stood up the whole match and never stopped singing. After the final whistle we stayed, along with hundreds of others, chanting "Bring on the City!!!". The Crewe fans applauded us as they left.

This is real supporting. I think the majority of supporters are like myself. But some posters on this forum, and most people know who they are, just love to criticise too much. When will you be happy? When we have another striker? When we are in the Premiership? When we win the Champions League? Or will Robbored criticise Johnson's tactics when we lose away to Man United?

No one else has said it, so I will - great first post. I fully expect that anyone who is still hurt by this Western Daily Press non-story will have had their arms folded at 4.55, tutting, tapping their feet impatiently when Gary Johnson was applauding supporters at the end, as he always makes sure he does. Probably too soon to forgive him for questioning all the great forum experts.

Sometimes you just need to know when to let go. The forum is a great place for discussing the club we all love but if you use it so much that you feel personally victimised when the manager tells a reporter that some content is unhelpful then it suggests you are posting too much if you feel this refers to you. Otherwise it should be obvious the kind of comments he is referring to.

Johnson is qualified by both experience and by certification (coaching badges) to know what is a positive and negative influence to his staff and for any supporter to be aggrieved that he has the right to question forum contributors, is a serious misjudgment of the relative importance of you and him. But it seems some people post enough times that they start to forget that.

Good result, desperately average performance today. Come back Enoch, Trundle is still miles off the game.

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Hi Ole - I guess as I have provoked you to this response I ought to say something - I am somewhat surprised that my post has provoked such a reaction - there is a lot more hurtful and stronger stuff posted than mine - anyway

Hi Markman, I'm a first time poster and created an account solely because I had to respond to your comments as I feel it is indicative of the terrible attitude some Bristol City fans have.

Lost a bit here - my terrible attitude is that I find it unhelpful for the Manager to criticise the fans? Do think that this is helpful then? I can't see how or why this would ever be constructive?

Firstly, why does it matter that you have supported City 30 years longer than Gary Johnson has been manager? I can understand you may feel more of an affinity and love for the club than you believe Johnson has, even if I do not agree with that belief, but what relevance does that have to your argument. I am only 19, and have supported City for a lot shorter time than you have, but I can assure you I feel very passionately about the club, and when I am 49 I will still be supporting them.

I don't agree with you here -I think you are wrong if you feel that GJ has the same level of affinity for this club as I do - that will be proven when at some point he will leave - of his own accord, or agreement or sacked - he will find a nother club and I never will. So I don't think it is the same. Equally the 30 years bit - you say you will still be here when you are 49? A lot of my freinds said that when I was 19 - then kept true when we got to the old first division - and then they dropped away as we dropped through the divisons and supporters like me were putting savings into the club and following the team (e.g. to Newport) when we thought we would not have a club anymore. I hope if that ever happens again you will still be there but I recall we went from around 18000-20000 and dropped to round 6000 - sometime less I fear - and so that indicates that about 12000 who said they would be here - left. And so I think I am entitled to say that any transient manager should be careful not to critcise fans and does not share the same affinity - do you accept this point?

You also say it is cathartic to moan about players. I agree, 100%. It is. But it is also detremental to the team. I suppose it depends what you want from watching Bristol City. There are plenty of people who say: "I work hard 5 days a week and paid for this ticket, I can say what I want" and I can completely understand this point of view. I am only a University student, have very little stress in my life and so can't really comment on that. But I think first and foremost we are supporters. We should support the team and do what is in their best interests, not our own.

I am not sure we are miles apart here - but fans will always moan - it happens at every club - these players are professionals - I sometimes think some supporters feel they should be wrapped in cotton wool and treated as divine beings - that is not football.

Another poster on this thread hit the nail on the head (I'm sorry I can't remember who) when they said supporters can't expect influence without responsibility.

And managers cannot expect to critcise supporters and for us to lie on our backs and have our tummies tickled!

I gain most satisfaction from singing my heart out and willing on the team, win, lose or draw. One of my earliest memories of watching City was when we lost away at Crewe in the 1998/1999 season , which virtually consigned us to relegation. I was only 11 but me and my older brother stood up the whole match and never stopped singing. After the final whistle we stayed, along with hundreds of others, chanting "Bring on the City!!!". The Crewe fans applauded us as they left.

Proud of you - I have been in many many similar situations and seen us relagated more often than I ever care to remember!

This is real supporting. I think the majority of supporters are like myself. But some posters on this forum, and most people know who they are, just love to criticise too much. When will you be happy? When we have another striker? When we are in the Premiership? When we win the Champions League? Or will Robbored criticise Johnson's tactics when we lose away to Man United?

Unfortunately this point is rather at odds with your first point about why does supporting the team for 30 years make any difference. If you read my post I said the team have done brilliantly and GJ does not need excuses - I am saying he should not dig at the fans - your last few comments are a bit academic comapred to the rest of your post - although I would point out that I know ManUre fans that moan, and Liverpool and Arsenal - so moaning will never go away - I hope you stay loyal - did you enjoy the game today - I thought it was a scrap (certainly not fun fun fun) but 3 welcome points.

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Good post Jack(anowski).Learning some nice new long words in your English degree?!Before anyone catches a whiff of nepotism,yes he is my (more intelligent) brother.

I have been attending City games for 18 years now,more away than home due to living away from Bristol,and without doubt this is the best squad,manager and chairman in my time as a supporter.A supporter being,by definition,someone who supports,offers encouragement,etc,very little of which did i see or hear in the Dolman today,instead having 90 minutes worth of trundle based abuse reverberating around my eardrums,but that is another issue.

As i write we are in our highest position for over 20 years,playing the sort of football that we have always wanted to see,with a team of players who are 100% committed to the cause.We are never going to dominate every game for 90 minutes,and we are going to score 5 every week.That doesn't happen.Today we played some lovely stuff,particularly first half,then defended well when we needed to.It was not a 5 star performance,but we won.3 more points.Everyone happy?No.Personally i am over the moon,and have been all season.

The fans who ring in to Radio Bristol to complain,the fans who come on here to have their little whinge,if it makes you feel better then fair enough,but what is it achieving?I know everyone is entitled to an opinion and i respect that,but a lot of the negativity does no good whatsoever.Why are you still not happy?!

Gary Johnson has done an incredible job here.Those of you who are upset by his comments need to read the comments alone,instead of the sensationalistic journalism.If he left tomorrow maybe people would realise how good a job he is actually doing.As fans,we demand a lot from the players,and in return we should give them absolute support.Instead we have a silent stadium (bar the East End,and ignoring our excellent away support),fans leaving in droves with 5 minutes still to play,and some supporters who cannot take a fraction of the criticism dished out to the players on a regular basis.We cannot expect perfection from our players while delivering far from perfect support without reprisal.As we give our opinion,we should listen to what our manager (who has infinitely more football knowledge than ANY of us) has to offer us in the way of advice.Not too much to ask.

If you cannot be happy now enjoying the football we are seeing,resulting in us being in the top two in the CHAMPIONSHIP,level with the side who everyone on here has acknowledged as a fantastic,premiership quality,free flowing footballing side (WBA),then you never will be.

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Lost a bit here - my terrible attitude is that I find it unhelpful for the Manager to criticise the fans? Do think that this is helpful then? I can't see how or why this would ever be constructive?

To paraphrase Johnson he basically said criticism is unhelpful, speculation was unsettling and fans shouldn't post unfounded transfer rumours because it has an impact on the players. If someone wrote on a website "Markman is rubbish at his job, we should get Mr X or Mr Y in to replace him" I'm sure it would have a negative impact on you. (Especially if in the previous year you had performed very well, and you had more than met your targets for this year). This is exactly the same as what some people on this forum have been saying. If I was Johnson I would say exactly the same things he has.

I don't agree with you here -I think you are wrong if you feel that GJ has the same level of affinity for this club as I do - that will be proven when at some point he will leave - of his own accord, or agreement or sacked - he will find a nother club and I never will. So I don't think it is the same. Equally the 30 years bit - you say you will still be here when you are 49? A lot of my freinds said that when I was 19 - then kept true when we got to the old first division - and then they dropped away as we dropped through the divisons and supporters like me were putting savings into the club and following the team (e.g. to Newport) when we thought we would not have a club anymore. I hope if that ever happens again you will still be there but I recall we went from around 18000-20000 and dropped to round 6000 - sometime less I fear - and so that indicates that about 12000 who said they would be here - left. And so I think I am entitled to say that any transient manager should be careful not to critcise fans and does not share the same affinity - do you accept this point?

At any club the fans will outlast the manager, that's just the nature of football. That doesn't mean the manager must doff his cap to anyone who has supported the team longer than he has. Johnson may not have been born a City fan but I believe he cares about BCFC as much as any die hard fan. On a separate point that support through the 80's is fantastic.

Whilst we are talking about attendances, an often quoted statistic when we were in League 1 was that we were getting attendances of 10,000 every week, yet little clubs like Colchester, Brighton and Southend were getting promoted. People were outraged that these clubs were finishing higher than us. This season though, we have the 14th highest average attendance. Do we really deserve to be where we are, we are failing to fill 20,000 seats when teams like Norwich, Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday consistently get more than 20,000. Where are those people moaning about the little clubs being above us now?

I am not sure we are miles apart here - but fans will always moan - it happens at every club - these players are professionals - I sometimes think some supporters feel they should be wrapped in cotton wool and treated as divine beings - that is not football.

Yes, sometimes professionals are wrapped in cotton wool, but do you honestly think that is true of the current City team? We are second in the Championship, massively over-achieving and still people on here aren't happy. Would you want our players to be barracked whenever they make a mistake, because it's 'cathartic'. I don't know about you, but I'm more confident when people tell me I'm doing well, or support me when I'm doing badly. Besides, if Lee Johnson never misplaced a pass he wouldn't be playing in the Championship.

The worst I've witnessed this season was when we played West Brom away, with a good away following. As soon as we went 4-0 down though, I saw people leaving in their hundreds. That is rubbish support. West Brom are top of the league, playing brilliant football and are widely regarded as the best team outside of the Prem. After that game I thought we didn't deserve to go up. After 20 or so games of over-achievement, one bad game and people give up.

Unfortunately this point is rather at odds with your first point about why does supporting the team for 30 years make any difference. If you read my post I said the team have done brilliantly and GJ does not need excuses - I am saying he should not dig at the fans - your last few comments are a bit academic comapred to the rest of your post - although I would point out that I know ManUre fans that moan, and Liverpool and Arsenal - so moaning will never go away - I hope you stay loyal - did you enjoy the game today - I thought it was a scrap (certainly not fun fun fun) but 3 welcome points.

I don't see how this point is at odds with my first point? My point was some fans will never be happy, even when we are on the verge of Premiership football.

I didn't go to today's game as I'm at university at Manchester and can't really afford it. Sounded like a good win though. Played good football in the first half and defended well in the second. I listened to Radio Bristol on the internet and couldn't believe all the people moaning on the phone-in. There really is no pleasing some people.

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Good post Jack(anowski).Learning some nice new long words in your English degree?!Before anyone catches a whiff of nepotism,yes he is my (more intelligent) brother.

I have been attending City games for 18 years now,more away than home due to living away from Bristol,and without doubt this is the best squad,manager and chairman in my time as a supporter.A supporter being,by definition,someone who supports,offers encouragement,etc,very little of which did i see or hear in the Dolman today,instead having 90 minutes worth of trundle based abuse reverberating around my eardrums,but that is another issue.

As i write we are in our highest position for over 20 years,playing the sort of football that we have always wanted to see,with a team of players who are 100% committed to the cause.We are never going to dominate every game for 90 minutes,and we are going to score 5 every week.That doesn't happen.Today we played some lovely stuff,particularly first half,then defended well when we needed to.It was not a 5 star performance,but we won.3 more points.Everyone happy?No.Personally i am over the moon,and have been all season.

The fans who ring in to Radio Bristol to complain,the fans who come on here to have their little whinge,if it makes you feel better then fair enough,but what is it achieving?I know everyone is entitled to an opinion and i respect that,but a lot of the negativity does no good whatsoever.Why are you still not happy?!

Gary Johnson has done an incredible job here.Those of you who are upset by his comments need to read the comments alone,instead of the sensationalistic journalism.If he left tomorrow maybe people would realise how good a job he is actually doing.As fans,we demand a lot from the players,and in return we should give them absolute support.Instead we have a silent stadium (bar the East End,and ignoring our excellent away support),fans leaving in droves with 5 minutes still to play,and some supporters who cannot take a fraction of the criticism dished out to the players on a regular basis.We cannot expect perfection from our players while delivering far from perfect support without reprisal.As we give our opinion,we should listen to what our manager (who has infinitely more football knowledge than ANY of us) has to offer us in the way of advice.Not too much to ask.

If you cannot be happy now enjoying the football we are seeing,resulting in us being in the top two in the CHAMPIONSHIP,level with the side who everyone on here has acknowledged as a fantastic,premiership quality,free flowing footballing side (WBA),then you never will be.

In reply to both Jacks post and Markman. Firstly Jack, great post mate and I agree with much of what you say.

As of Markman, I think the issue here is definition. You make GJ's comments out to be a huge attack on supporters, when clearly you have glazed the whole article failing to pick up that he says fans forums can be a good thing.

Lets face it, much of what he says is true.

1) Spreading rumours is detrimental - completely true, the supposed facts which have been bandied around for people, who know so and so, deal is done. Papers pick it up, callers on radio bristol...these Chinese rumors which are often rubbish spread and would unsettle anyone. If someone had something about their life being published, and its not true, i'm sure anyone would feel aggrieved.

2) Too many know it alls - I think this fact is truer than ever, especially on here. The egos on this forum, phone ins is hard to stomach. Bit like mastermind, Name ****** special subject: The bleedin obvious, but i'm on a web page or the phone, so my names up in lights. Part of the reason I don't post, to be simply patronized into submission over your point of view, whats the point at all in taking part really??

3) is he any different - If this article is to be taken as gospel, i suggest some of the really upset (boo hoo) supporters over our joint first position can go to man utd. Its brilliant all your prayers answered:

A world class, 20 goal a season striker

A Win virtually every game ( much like us, but hey thats not good enough)

A manager who doesn't play his son

A manager who doesn't play Trundle

oh wait, hang on, didn't sir alex say that the man utd fans made Old trafford into a grave yard!

It happens!

he actually said that on camera, and GJ has been 'quoted' in a newspaper owing as much manipulation as the journalist wants.

4) Attacking or constructive criticism of managers players: Yeah! the big one! people are entitled to their opinion on players. platforms such as this give people the option to voice that. However, the comments about trundle, lj far surpass constructive criticism. Much like the previous poster said, if you really are that unhappy then fine invisage how it would be if GJ left, or even the players for that matter.

Gj isn't perfect, nobody is, believe me after winning again today and going joint top, this thread has pretty much ended whatever hope I had for this place. Its frustratin cos i'm pretty sure a thousand other teams would give anything to be where we are, more so from where we've come, and yet people still complain. I just hope the majority of fans are with me in supporting and being happy at things atm, maybe that will restore my faith.

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In reply to both Jacks post and Markman. Firstly Jack, great post mate and I agree with much of what you say.

As of Markman, I think the issue here is definition. You make GJ's comments out to be a huge attack on supporters, when clearly you have glazed the whole article failing to pick up that he says fans forums can be a good thing.

Lets face it, much of what he says is true.

1) Spreading rumours is detrimental - completely true, the supposed facts which have been bandied around for people, who know so and so, deal is done. Papers pick it up, callers on radio bristol...these Chinese rumors which are often rubbish spread and would unsettle anyone. If someone had something about their life being published, and its not true, i'm sure anyone would feel aggrieved.

2) Too many know it alls - I think this fact is truer than ever, especially on here. The egos on this forum, phone ins is hard to stomach. Bit like mastermind, Name ****** special subject: The bleedin obvious, but i'm on a web page or the phone, so my names up in lights. Part of the reason I don't post, to be simply patronized into submission over your point of view, whats the point at all in taking part really??

3) is he any different - If this article is to be taken as gospel, i suggest some of the really upset (boo hoo) supporters over our joint first position can go to man utd. Its brilliant all your prayers answered:

A world class, 20 goal a season striker

A Win virtually every game ( much like us, but hey thats not good enough)

A manager who doesn't play his son

A manager who doesn't play Trundle

oh wait, hang on, didn't sir alex say that the man utd fans made Old trafford into a grave yard!

It happens!

he actually said that on camera, and GJ has been 'quoted' in a newspaper owing as much manipulation as the journalist wants.

4) Attacking or constructive criticism of managers players: Yeah! the big one! people are entitled to their opinion on players. platforms such as this give people the option to voice that. However, the comments about trundle, lj far surpass constructive criticism. Much like the previous poster said, if you really are that unhappy then fine invisage how it would be if GJ left, or even the players for that matter.

Gj isn't perfect, nobody is, believe me after winning again today and going joint top, this thread has pretty much ended whatever hope I had for this place. Its frustratin cos i'm pretty sure a thousand other teams would give anything to be where we are, more so from where we've come, and yet people still complain. I just hope the majority of fans are with me in supporting and being happy at things atm, maybe that will restore my faith.

I'm with you mate.I just hope that this forum has a disproportionately high number of moaners.

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first it was those scandalous supporters who try to save a few minutes getting home (we all know the arguments) now he is having a go at this forum (Western Daily Press Today) and the threads on it - the hype about signings etc etc and some that criticise - its "unsettling" the dressing room

Poor little things - sorry. I love this club and will forever - longer than GJ will and longer than any of the players and I was here for 30 years before them. They are footballers - he is a manager - they earn a very good wage and most if not all - if offered more money would leave tomorrow - but the fans will not and so we are entitled to comment and speculate and discuss - and dare I say it moan - even GJ moans at some of the performances - but we are not allowed to?

Of course a lot of rubbish and angst gets posted on here - but that is what it is for - sometimes it is cathartic.

In another very recent thread someone said they support GJ 100% - as our manager I do as well - but I do not support 100% his snide attacks on fans of this club. It indicates he is under pressure and looking for excuses - he does not need excuses - the team have done brilliantly and all we are saying is that we need a striker - he would be better off saying he understands the frustration - he does not agree with all the comments - but we are all working together - and that he understands it is different to support a club to manage or play for it.

Kill discussion and you will kill interest

Living in a small box called football it's always good to have a perspective. 26 000 young people on this planet are each day starving to death.

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quick scan through and there is alot of interesting stuff in this thread, my view is this.......

Firstly.....I think the entire article is a total crock of misquoted and typical EP/WDP rubbish and just the kind of rubbish I thought we wouldn't get too often after that pratt of a Journo stopped reporting on City, however I suppose a bigger success we are the more people they will put onto the club to report stories, good or bad, mainly the later when they can.

Secondly.......what has got me is the amount of people taken in by this story, needless to say it's had the effects the paper were trying to create and some are now questioning GJ's motive's, when the more sensible people are looking at what has actually been said and have dismissed it as tripe.

Third.......Johnson has made no secret in the past of his feelings of this forum and based on the craziness of the transfer window the last week and no doubt until the transfer window rumours are going to be abound and everything is going to get worse before it get's better.

Finally, what has actually been said actually he does actually have a point, some people are here make to many good points and express their views, however there are those who "believe" themselves to be so called "experts" and dictate how, who and what formation we play and any time it's played differently "the manager got it" there are also many others who convince themselves that certain players "aren't good enough" and therefore can describe them in any means they require and treat others on here with the same contempt, and then there is Edson (who unfortunately for him got well and truely sitched like a kipper) .......those are the ones I believe Johnson has a problem with, not the majority.

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I used to be in charge of litigation quotes for a global corporation and its always been a consistant factor. That factor is, there's what was said and what the reporter said was said.

Most reporters have the brains to record interviews, so if this reporter was doing his job he can come on here or go into print to confirm his report.

If he has a tape and it supports his story verbatim, then GJ assumes the autocracy of a modern day Caesar and the Shakespearian termination of a despot.

He could also be playing mind games with the forum/fans who he considers to be " unqualified to give an opinion".

I believe GJ can run a football club, no mistake about that. The mind games and handling of the media, perhaps a few more years practice.

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Try reading Gary's column in this morning's Sunday Independent (they don't seem to have a web presence unless anybody knows better and I haven't got the strength to type it all out here).

Without the spin it reads much more reasonably thah the distorted WDP story. Significantly he says he chose his words carefully in the Thursday press conference "But that didn't prevent the headline in a local paper the next day saying exactly what I didn't want it to say" Journalists distorting a story? Surely not.

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I think some of you have really lost the plot here - in summary I said in my post

The Team are doing Brilliant

GJ does not need excuses

GJ should not have a go at the supporters (it never helps) - snide attacks don't help.

I still think all three points are valid - imo correct - anyone would think I have morphed into Jack the Ripper -

I am off to repent my sins for daring to suggest that the Manager critcising fans is not helpful :innocent06:

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I think some of you have really lost the plot here - in summary I said in my post

The Team are doing Brilliant

GJ does not need excuses

GJ should not have a go at the supporters (it never helps) - snide attacks don't help.

I still think all three points are valid - imo correct - anyone would think I have morphed into Jack the Ripper -

I am off to repent my sins for daring to suggest that the Manager critcising fans is not helpful :innocent06:

Again, try reading what he actually says as opposed to the spin put on it by a journalist. All reads as perfectly reasonable comment and not a snide attack to me. Nothing for you to repent though, just honest opinion.

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Try reading Gary's column in this morning's Sunday Independent (they don't seem to have a web presence unless anybody knows better and I haven't got the strength to type it all out here).

Without the spin it reads much more reasonably thah the distorted WDP story. Significantly he says he chose his words carefully in the Thursday press conference "But that didn't prevent the headline in a local paper the next day saying exactly what I didn't want it to say" Journalists distorting a story? Surely not.

Just as many of us thought. let's hope he lets Stockhausen have it with both barrels the next time he sees him. And ensures that the Bristol Rovers Press t/a WDP and Evil Post are the LAST organisation to get any important stories/interviews from the club unless it suits us. Why should we help progress this organisation's anti-City agenda?

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