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Gj Takes Swipe At Fans Forum In Wdp


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What an absolute load of tosh! Fans have always had apinions, have always touted unrealistic signings, have always had great scouting knowledge based on matches on Sky or newspaper reports. It is part and parcel of being a football fan! as for the poor players, my heart bleeds. I work for the MOD and there are always rumours of re-organisations, Government Ministers play a game of 'We can sack more pen-pushers than the opposition', and Senior Managers produce idiotic ideas to improve productivity - We have to live with that type of speculation daily, and for far less of a salary than these guys are earning.

And why single out internet forums? The tabloid scum are just as bad, forever making up stories, generally they are even more baseless that fan rumours, but are presented as fact, rather than just idle speculation. And lets not forget the wonderful football Agents, trying to manipulate moves to earn them selves a huge cut of the transfer fee to improve their clients football career.

And don't forget, us fans are the ones that the Club will be praising next summer as we get hit with yet another huge price rise! Never mind struggling with energy bills, mortgages, transport costs, council tax, a recession, job insecurity etc., give City even more of that rapidly diminishing pot of disposable income!

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opinions and discussion have always been there within private discussions but now the difference is that anyone has a public platform for criticism - some choose to use it poorly and with the miserable comments written on here by some about LJ in particular think GJ is well within his rights to have his say even if as seems likely his comments have been exagerated

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Just as many of us thought. let's hope he lets Stockhausen have it with both barrels the next time he sees him. And ensures that the Bristol Rovers Press t/a WDP and Evil Post are the LAST organisation to get any important stories/interviews from the club unless it suits us. Why should we help progress this organisation's anti-City agenda?

Imo the Evening Post is fairly balanced on its coverage on both clubs, and for what its worth Mr Stockhausen is a Brentford fan.

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I think some of you have really lost the plot here - in summary I said in my post

The Team are doing Brilliant

GJ does not need excuses

GJ should not have a go at the supporters (it never helps) - snide attacks don't help.

I still think all three points are valid - imo correct - anyone would think I have morphed into Jack the Ripper -

I am off to repent my sins for daring to suggest that the Manager critcising fans is not helpful :innocent06:

I think just ebacsue he's a manager he can still ahve his own thoughts and is allowed to say them and havea go at who he likes doesn't mean its right( persoanlly I think it's good that he isn't a manger who just talks about whats on the pitch). the amtter eh talking about is is pointles samking up rumors untill we've heard them offically though.

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Great post!

One of the reasons I'm still unsure of the quality of Johnson as a manager is his continued public outbursts regarding anything that doesn't make him look like a saint or upsets him. In the same way that professional footballers should never react to fans' taunts at games, this man should learn a little humility and do the same when upset by comments of forums, simply ensuring that the team continues to improve. After all, it is his job, isn't it?

Nobody can deny that this man has worked hard to get the club where it is, and while he is manager, he will receive my support at games. BUT, he is not some divine messiah - never has been, never will be. And fans on this forum granting him god-like status has only fuelled the fire.

His frequent public tirades of anger and frustration about various activities and opinions of the fans is not only out of order, but disrespectful of the thousands of people who have supported this club long before he arrived and will continue to support it long after he leaves.

If he is that concerned about what is being said on the forums, perhaps he should enter into the discussions and nip the rumours in the bud, instead of whinging to the press every time something upsets him.

His ego is enormous and starting to get in the way of his judgement and my advice to him is to keep his counsel and get on with his job - oh - and sign a striker!

Agree, every word.

don't think I'd like him if he wasnt City's manager to be honest.


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Agree, every word.

don't think I'd like him if he wasnt City's manager to be honest.


I have to disagree here.This latest "public outburst" was nothing of the sort,just a few honest opinions which he felt letting the supporters know about would help the club move forward.It was made out to be an attack on the fans,which Gary has said since was the last thing he wanted.

As for other "tirades",if we as fans,have the ability to make our opinions known on any issue we want,surely he as MANAGER has the right to let us know how he is feeling.If we choose to ignore it,fine,then he has the right to ignore what we are saying too.If we choose to take on board what he is saying,and stay until the end (a novel idea),or create a better atmosphere,this can only help the team.A vociferous crowd that cheers you on until the end.Why is our best manager in years being criticised for wanting that?No one can suggest that that is not in everyones best interests.

Again,this is only opinion,but i find Gary Johnson one of the most honest,amiable managers in football,and would like him whoever he managed (except of course the gas!)

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Imo the Evening Post is fairly balanced on its coverage on both clubs, and for what its worth Mr Stockhausen is a Brentford fan.

Balanced my ar$e. The Evening Gas has not been balanced ever since the likes of Norton and co. got their hands on it. Concocted racism stories to take the heat out of Gasheads pelting Macclesfield fans with missiles, story from the ex-deputy editor telling readers why the "better" supporters and atmosphere forced him to support the Gas, forced apologies to Bradley Orr for bringing up his criminal conviction when it was totally irrelevant to the story, misquoting Gary Johnson to sensationalise minor criticisms of fans - and yet you still expect me to think the coverage is "fairly balanced".

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Balanced my ar$e. The Evening Gas has not been balanced ever since the likes of Norton and co. got their hands on it. Concocted racism stories to take the heat out of Gasheads pelting Macclesfield fans with missiles, story from the ex-deputy editor telling readers why the "better" supporters and atmosphere forced him to support the Gas, forced apologies to Bradley Orr for bringing up his criminal conviction when it was totally irrelevant to the story, misquoting Gary Johnson to sensationalise minor criticisms of fans - and yet you still expect me to think the coverage is "fairly balanced".

And where have i asked you to think the coverage is fairly balanced, read the post.

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Agree, every word.

don't think I'd like him if he wasnt City's manager to be honest.


how about you read what was actually written in the article again and what Johnson has ACTUALLY SAID? before having a pop?

when you look at what he's actually said, then compare the WDP story and the Sunday Independant articles which are based on the same quotes, you can see where the problem is typical of him for really. TRIPE.

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For him to claim that the fans forum has unsettled the dressing room is mildly amusing to me not to mention obsurd. Anyone who takes this forum seriously needs professional help!! Why would a professional person who's very good at his trade be botherd by comments from unqualified indidviduals? Johnson really needs to rise above it,which leads me to think....

Johnson is a smart guy and I wouldn't surprised if he did this intentionally to distract attention away from all the tranfer specualtion and poor performances of his side. He seems to enjoy setting the fans against each other and this wouldn't be the first time.

I can imagine Johnson reading this thread with a rye smile on his face as the lemmings commence battle against one another via the web!

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For him to claim that the fans forum has unsettled the dressing room is mildly amusing to me not to mention obsurd. Anyone who takes this forum seriously needs professional help!! Why would a professional person who's very good at his trade be botherd by comments from unqualified indidviduals? Johnson really needs to rise above it,which leads me to think....

Johnson is a smart guy and I wouldn't surprised if he did this intentionally to distract attention away from all the tranfer specualtion and poor performances of his side. He seems to enjoy setting the fans against each other and this wouldn't be the first time.

I can imagine Johnson reading this thread with a rye smile on his face as the lemmings commence battle against one another via the web!

You think he had some pumpernickel for tea then?

Poor performances from a side sitting in 2nd?

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You think he had some pumpernickel for tea then?

Poor performances from a side sitting in 2nd?

I almost hate to say this - but do you (and many others) think it is possible to have a poor performance even if you are second? (this was not what my original post was about - I still don't feel it is helpful for GJ to have a go at the supporters - some seem to think it is fair game - some say mis-reported - so we move on).

But my lack of football knowledge which amounts to following this Club and England for about 35 years and watching and playing loads of other football made me think ****il now) that you can play poorly even if you are second or first?

I remember my team being top of the league - we played the team second bottom and scraped a 0 - 0 - our manager (and my freinds and family watching) all said we played rubbish and it was a poor performance - even though the team nearest us lost and we moved a point further away - as players and "supporters" we all knew it was poor and accepted it.

The way this thread (and others) is going it would seem that even if we were to play badly - we are not allowed to comment about it - is that what this forum wants - that unless it is positive don't bother posting. Fine if so - but I thought it was about opinion, debate and sometimes a laugh.

Again I thought I could see the bigger picture - we are second, doing far better than I could of dreamed - if we happen to play badly at QPR and get thumped 5 - 0 - I am not allowed to comment. I must just think - we are second (or third or whatever) and I and others must never mention a poor performance by the team or an individual on this forum - thats not what it is about is it?

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The Evening Post article is terribly written and the headline is way over the top.

I agree with everything that Johnson is quoted as saying.

Some of the responses from the muppets on this thread are comical. Particularly the fans of the opinion that 'Johnson can't take criticism', quite ironic that in the same breath they are the ones having hissy fits over criticism being supposedly aimed at them!

How any City fan can actually be in any way offended by Johnson's quotes is beyond me.

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To be honest, I'm amazed Johnson even reads this forum. If I was him Id be telling my players to steer well clear of reading these posts to protect themselves against psychological damage if there not playing well or just being slated by supporters at the ground. Its the managers opinion that matters, and his alone. Of course, I rate Johnson as a manager, especially his use of pro-active psychological methods with the players, but I think he's let himself down with these comments. Basically, an analogy of this forum is just the same as what goes on down the pub or in work. It'd be like Johnson taking his players to the a pub and sitting them down with city fans and listening to the crap being talked about, but having to sit there in silence and not respond, it just aint going to happen. So why he chose these comments is beyond me.

On the posts/wdp reporting being pro rovers. Its just aload of old tosh. Ive worked there for 13years (not in the editoral dep), but close to it, and for one, one of the post editors is a die-hard city fan and some of the others aint even from bristol or have any knowledge of bristol football history. Its just pure paronia.

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For him to claim that the fans forum has unsettled the dressing room is mildly amusing to me not to mention obsurd.

The only thing "obsurd" is people who clearly aren't capable of differentiating between what the manager said and what the scumbag reporter said.

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On the posts/wdp reporting being pro rovers. Its just aload of old tosh. Ive worked there for 13years (not in the editoral dep), but close to it, and for one, one of the post editors is a die-hard city fan and some of the others aint even from bristol or have any knowledge of bristol football history. Its just pure paronia.

You might have a case except for the fact we are talking about the written word on newspapers freely available to the public.

That means we all read them sometimes even if the obvious bias put us off buying it years ago.

The imbalance in the reporting of the 2 clubs is glaringly obvious and has been for many years.

One City fan, you say. How many gasheads in high places?

How many not from Bristol who have taken Rovers as their 'Bristol team'?

Don't forget it is the way the fans of each club is portrayed to the wider readership that grates with many City supporters and those at the top of the newspaper must realise that this irritates many and costs them readers.

They must do - I for one have told them.

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The only thing "obsurd" is people who clearly aren't capable of differentiating between what the manager said and what the scumbag reporter said.

yep. It's scary how many people are fuming about this article and are mad at Johnson about it, based on this thread.

The funny thing is, in 6/12 months time, most people will just remember what the Paper said and not what the manager ACTUALLY said

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Read all of the recent forum views on this subject. Agree with both sides to a certain extent. GJ really needs to be a bit tactful, but you can see where he is coming from. Example of the unrest that may be caused:-

I am working in my job as I do, and I see that there is a news article about my firm (Club) and that my boss was interviewing a person or considering a replacement for my position. Think I would be a tad worried.

Football is a funny game, and I know players don't have it made for long, but we need to get behind the players we have and congratulate them for keeping on getting the points.

I know our strikers may not have been banging in the goals as we all would have liked, but we are 2nd in the Championship, our team have taken a big step up, cause lets face it the quality of football is much better. Clubs like Wolves, WBA and Watford have played at Premiership level......we are competing with them, if not beating them (in Watford's case).

I am proud of the team..........but if we had a striker who had the experience in the Championship and was scoring 15/20 goals a season (may be more), who far in front of WBA would we be?!

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first it was those scandalous supporters who try to save a few minutes getting home (we all know the arguments) now he is having a go at this forum (Western Daily Press Today) and the threads on it - the hype about signings etc etc and some that criticise - its "unsettling" the dressing room

Poor little things - sorry. I love this club and will forever - longer than GJ will and longer than any of the players and I was here for 30 years before them. They are footballers - he is a manager - they earn a very good wage and most if not all - if offered more money would leave tomorrow - but the fans will not and so we are entitled to comment and speculate and discuss - and dare I say it moan - even GJ moans at some of the performances - but we are not allowed to?

Of course a lot of rubbish and angst gets posted on here - but that is what it is for - sometimes it is cathartic.

In another very recent thread someone said they support GJ 100% - as our manager I do as well - but I do not support 100% his snide attacks on fans of this club. It indicates he is under pressure and looking for excuses - he does not need excuses - the team have done brilliantly and all we are saying is that we need a striker - he would be better off saying he understands the frustration - he does not agree with all the comments - but we are all working together - and that he understands it is different to support a club to manage or play for it.

Kill discussion and you will kill interest

Fair points if a little harsh in places but i can fully appreciate why GJ said what he did. If these rumours are off putting to the team and the forum decided to somehow stop them then i for one would support that simply for the sake of a little matter of promotion... its a no brainer really. Censorship is fine by me.

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Anyway, I am qualified... Ive got my FA coaching badge.

The only qualification that is needed is a genuine love of the club. Thereafter, last time I looked, we had freedom of speech in this country. Think of Voltaire "I disagree with what you have said, but would defend to the death your right to say it".

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The only qualification that is needed is a genuine love of the club. Thereafter, last time I looked, we had freedom of speech in this country. Think of Voltaire "I disagree with what you have said, but would defend to the death your right to say it".

Absolutely right but if I was a Rovers/Baadiff/Watford/WBA fan (delete as appropriate) wanting to cause mischief, I wouldn't exactly have to pass a 'genuine love of the club' test to join this forum would I? The fifth columnists are alive and kicking (or they would be if anyone took this seriously). Just listen to radio 5live or Radio Bristol. not all those who ring up purporting to support x or y team really do. They're there to cause mischief.

So guys, what are you waiting for? Let's all become Baggies for the night and wreak havoc!

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first it was those scandalous supporters who try to save a few minutes getting home (we all know the arguments) now he is having a go at this forum (Western Daily Press Today) and the threads on it - the hype about signings etc etc and some that criticise - its "unsettling" the dressing room

Poor little things - sorry. I love this club and will forever - longer than GJ will and longer than any of the players and I was here for 30 years before them. They are footballers - he is a manager - they earn a very good wage and most if not all - if offered more money would leave tomorrow - but the fans will not and so we are entitled to comment and speculate and discuss - and dare I say it moan - even GJ moans at some of the performances - but we are not allowed to?

Of course a lot of rubbish and angst gets posted on here - but that is what it is for - sometimes it is cathartic.

In another very recent thread someone said they support GJ 100% - as our manager I do as well - but I do not support 100% his snide attacks on fans of this club. It indicates he is under pressure and looking for excuses - he does not need excuses - the team have done brilliantly and all we are saying is that we need a striker - he would be better off saying he understands the frustration - he does not agree with all the comments - but we are all working together - and that he understands it is different to support a club to manage or play for it.

Kill discussion and you will kill interest

I say fair play to the gaffer there are far to many "fans" on this forum that like to moan complain and whinge about every thing so fine go watch the gas. This man can say what he pleases about all the negative posts and comments about his family member that happens to be a very good midfielder. why oh why to we bite to this though i will tell you why its because some of us that actually have stuck through thin and thinner in the past 25 years of supporting this fantastic club are enjoying our new found position and football that is good to watch. So we don't keep the ball for 90 mins we aint barca or madrid but we might play them under gary johnson who knows ? But heres to the future and fingers crossed. JHONSONS SAYS GET BEHIND THE TEAM FFS people.

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