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Gj Takes Swipe At Fans Forum In Wdp


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I'm sure Gary Johnson realises that he won't ever stop fans talking about what he should and shouldn't do, but that doesn't mean he has to like it. He also has a duty to publicly protect the players that have got us this far so he has to defend them.

Spot on.

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Didn't read it before I posted this thread and why is it 'negative'?

Do you think its a good and positive thing for Johnson to slag off the fans not once but twice in the local press?

When hes slagging off fans who slag of the club/team/players/manager, yes i do think its a good thing and hes is perfectly within his rights to do so!

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I don't really care about what was said apart from the comment about whether people are qualified to have an opinion. Since when do you need a qualification to have an opinion? Aparantly you can pay your 20% increase in ticket prices but that doesnt mean you can have an opinion unless you are qualified?

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I am absolutely amazed that people cannot see the article for what it is - a selection of quotes taken from a much longer interview rearranged, no doubt completely out of context, to put a negative slant on Bristol City by the Bristol UNITED (or should that be ROVERS) Press. The main mistake Gary Johnson has made is talking to some complete t0$$p0t wannabe Sun journalist. What he also needs to learn is that he can NEVER win if he criticises the supporters, however mildly and however "out of context" his quotes may have been taken. It is a fact, whether the GJ is God brigade like it or not, that we will be sticking our twenty five sheets through the till every week LONG after he and many of the squad moves on to the bigger and better club waiting in the wings. My final question is what the hell do PROFESSIONAL footballers and managers think they are going to achieve by reading AMATEUR fans forums? Are they looking to massage their own ego's and then getting upset at some of the critcism that appears?

The most sensible post out of the lot.

Take note yessir.

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In Gary's article it states that - Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room.

Then quotes it GJ - He said: "Some of these websites can be quite hurtful and I hope my players do not read them.

The first seems to be what the journalist has written and the second what Gary has said. They don't seem to mean quite the same thing. The actual quote seems perfectly reasonable to me.

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I don't really care about what was said apart from the comment about whether people are qualified to have an opinion. Since when do you need a qualification to have an opinion? Aparantly you can pay your 20% increase in ticket prices but that doesnt mean you can have an opinion unless you are qualified?

Everyone has the right to an opinion but nobody on here is better qualified than Gary Johnson when it comes to football matters yet there are people who certainly seem to think that they are. They state with absolute certainty that the whole season will be an unmitigated disaster unless Johnson signs the player they suggest, or plays the tactics that they've spent hours painstakingly drawing up in a little box on a computer screen. Usually they're either totally wrong or stating the bleeding obvious with the total conviction that nobody except them can see it. They think that they know more than Gary Johnson because they've stated a hundred times on an Internet forum that City need a new striker whereas Gary has said almost nothing and even had the temerity to praise the players who have got the club to joint second in the table in their first Championship season.

People do have the right to an opinion but most of the time they're wrong and they shouldn't get upset when someone better qualified points this out to them.

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Before the internet the pre and post match pubs were full of exactly the same gossip and rumour (they still are) its part and parcel of being a fan that you pass around nuggets of fact and fiction. the terraces and now the glorious plastic seating are still full of it, todays will be no different.

This smacks of a WDP spin on a slightly miffed GJ interview, and that is supremely ironic because as has been pointed out, the media is as responsible for flogging agents stories and whispers much more directly. The club use that as and when they see fit, so the old adage - 'he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword' seems quite apposite right now.

as to 'being qualified to have opinions' - if you really really said that Gary, you should engage your brain before opening your mouth.

good luck today lads if you're reading. if you're not, well, good luck today!

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Everyone has the right to an opinion but nobody on here is better qualified than Gary Johnson when it comes to football matters yet there are people who certainly seem to think that they are. They state with absolute certainty that the whole season will be an unmitigated disaster unless Johnson signs the player they suggest, or plays the tactics that they've spent hours painstakingly drawing up in a little box on a computer screen. Usually they're either totally wrong or stating the bleeding obvious with the total conviction that nobody except them can see it. They think that they know more than Gary Johnson because they've stated a hundred times on an Internet forum that City need a new striker whereas Gary has said almost nothing and even had the temerity to praise the players who have got the club to joint second in the table in their first Championship season.

People do have the right to an opinion but most of the time they're wrong and they shouldn't get upset when someone better qualified points this out to them.

having it pointed out by someone better qualified is fine, but doubting whether a person is qualified at all to offer an opinion is simply wrong.

Unless we've gone back to a pre Glasnost USSR!

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

Try reading the article again and taking particular note of which bits are actual quotes and which bits are "editorial". That bit is NOT a quote, it's a comment from the reporter. There is no quote anything like that because Johnson didn't say that.

There's actually no attack on fans forums nor is there any belief that the fans forum causes unrest. What there is, is a massive case of shit stirring courtesy of the useless ###### that is Andy Stockhausen.

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

If Johnson doesn't want to be mis-quoted, he shouldn't give press interviews, and rely solely on video ones.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours, and if anything goes wrong with his tenure at Ashton Gate, you can be sure that he'll make sure that he's not to blame.

Seems like you've an axe to grind for Johnson to me.

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having it pointed out by someone better qualified is fine, but doubting whether a person is qualified at all to offer an opinion is simply wrong.

Unless we've gone back to a pre Glasnost USSR!

Absolutely, and I can only hope that it was a quote from Gary taken out of context by the newspaper. Nobody should stop people from having opinions but at the same time people need to recognise that their opinions can not only be wrong but also damaging.

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

And that slur came from the reporter and not the manager. You put it in quotes for your own agenda, in the article it is not quoted. The article also says IRATE Bristol City manager and I don't believe that either. Slightly miffed? probably. Does slightly miffed sell papers? No.

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

Well it matters to me if you've misquoted him.

If Johnson doesn't want to be mis-quoted, he shouldn't give press interviews, and rely solely on video ones.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours, and if anything goes wrong with his tenure at Ashton Gate, you can be sure that he'll make sure that he's not to blame.

:laugh: You really really don't like him do you?

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Interesting remarks from Sir Gary! Surely he should be able to cope with any comments made on an Internet Forum or is he starting to feel the pressure!! He should feel lucky that he doesnt manage in Italy/Spain where the fans turn up at the training ground to vent their anger if the teams didnt win at the weekend!

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The first seems to be what the journalist has written and the second what Gary has said. They don't seem to mean quite the same thing. The actual quote seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I agree with you Chinapig, I had noticed that & I hope others have too, suppose part of GJ's job is that he has to indulge the media & talk to them, despite knowing that things will be taken out of context etc to sensationalise a story & the journo's finished article may bear little resemblance to the original intended meaning of what was said.

With that in mind.. I think GJ or any other manager for that matter could use the forums to clarify their true feelings & put across to the fans directly & unadulterated anything that the manager may wish to communicate to fans ... in their own words, exactly as intended.

If OTIB had a (locked) GJ Section that GJ could use for such a purpose, not a Q&A format but simply a straightforward 'I'm GJ & I wanna say this'.. straight from the horses mouth on any issue that HE chooses .. I think it would be a good thing for all concerned.

(wonder if GJ would be interested in such a facility?.... or indeed if OTIB as an independent forum & its users would want it?)

It could certainly be used to clarify important situations & views, that the manager wishes to comment upon.

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Interesting remarks from Sir Gary! Surely he should be able to cope with any comments made on an Internet Forum or is he starting to feel the pressure!! He should feel lucky that he doesnt manage in Italy/Spain where the fans turn up at the training ground to vent their anger if the teams didnt win at the weekend!

I agree. GJ is feeling the pressure of bringing someone in. But then, GJ is very clever - he has covered all the bases already by saying 'if we bring certain players in we can tip the apple cart up and if we don't we get told we should have done' either which way GJ will revert to the quote that is best suited for the eventuality.

Thats very clever. Venting your anger on your own supporters is not Gary.

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This is TWO knocks of the fans in recent weeks. Whilst I understand he is feeling frustrated, if he continues to knock the fans he will alienate what is a reasonably large hardcore following of 12,000.

Why does GJ feel the need to comment on the forum?? It has nothing to do with BCFC ownership since they kicked it off the website a few years back; so a site run by the fans, for the fans, is entitled to say what it likes.

Me thinks this may have more to do with the regularly disputed opinion on his son on OTIB than transfer rumour????

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This smacks of a WDP spin on a slightly miffed GJ interview, and that is supremely ironic because as has been pointed out, the media is as responsible for flogging agents stories and whispers much more directly. The club use that as and when they see fit, so the old adage - 'he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword' seems quite apposite right now.

Even more ironic is that the reporter in question is such a useless, lazy, contactless journo that 80% of his stories are sourced from this forum. Maybe we should all take note of his article and not speculate on a single transfer until the end of the month and see him work for a living...

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If the rumours and things on here are unsettling the team and GJ then how the hell would they survive in the Premiership with the constant media attentions? Football is a huge entertainment business now and there will be fan sites all around the place and there's nothing you can really do about them. If you don't want to see what is being said on them then don't look. I seriously doubt that a fans forum is unsettling the team and if something as small as that is going to unsettle them then I'd really like to see them cope with the Premiership.

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I find it amusing that some people on here defend their right to say whatever they like about whomever they like and at the same time censure GJ for doing the same. Incredible!

It depends I guess on what job you do - in my job people will have a go and criticise things - the nature of my job is that it is not helpful to have a go back - and if I did I could make things worse and alienate people. I am sensible enough to know that.

Gary is no green manager - he knows his comments have "impact" - he should also know that some of his comments are unhelpful - if you can't see he is in a different position re the comments he makes then think again - how can his comments be helpful - it is incredible that he can be so naive at times - but as I said - that show signs of losing a little control/under pressure - and when that happens you don't speak to to the press and makes quotes like he has - bad judgement.

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I find it amusing that some people on here defend their right to say whatever they like about whomever they like and at the same time censure GJ for doing the same. Incredible!

Hear Hear!!!!!

But beware, If this does cause a rift between GJ and the fans, be assured that the next half decent job that comes along, he'll be interested in it and might go!!

Its time to trust our manager and roll on Feb 1st when all this rumour-mongering will stop. Whether or not we've got a new striker or not!!!!

We are entitled to opinions sure, but how it is said and phrased is the most important, some posters write as if they are Johnson's right hand or Capello's #2, when I've no doubt they sit in an office all day and dream about it. We should show respect when we post and not demand and order and slag off.. Players do read this and it was called "fickle" by one of them - if that what one player thinks (It wasn't LJ) what must all the others believe??

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Players do read this and it was called "fickle" by one of them - if that what one player thinks (It wasn't LJ) what must all the others believe??

I don't know how you can call a public forum 'fickle' as there is no one voice dictating opinion?????????

To be fickle would be to change your opinion like the wind, but in with so many posters it is simply a case of some coming through louder than others at times.

I am sure the most keep the same opinion on LJ starting, Trundles performances, early leavers and their opinion of the East End.

In it's nature a public forum is unlikely to consistently pull in one direction!!!

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It depends I guess on what job you do - in my job people will have a go and criticise things - the nature of my job is that it is not helpful to have a go back - and if I did I could make things worse and alienate people. I am sensible enough to know that.

Gary is no green manager - he knows his comments have "impact" - he should also know that some of his comments are unhelpful - if you can't see he is in a different position re the comments he makes then think again - how can his comments be helpful - it is incredible that he can be so naive at times - but as I said - that show signs of losing a little control/under pressure - and when that happens you don't speak to to the press and makes quotes like he has - bad judgement.

And the job you do is? Seems a little convenenient to me that you have one of those rare jobs that support your opinion.

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GJ has a right to have a go, and fans have a right to speculate. Thats football

One thing REALLY fkn funny on this forum though is the vendetta some posters have against others who disagree with them about a player- ANY player!

some givin' it big licks attacking those, who have a lesser opinion, shall I put it, of Johnson minor have in the not so recent past been those handing out exactly the same shit, about other players they didn't like.

If you'd like examples, try the Noble, Stewart, Tinnion, Roberts, Miller, Scott Brown, Docherty, & Coles debates in recent years, and that wonderous manager of ours Wonderson too. Stewart, Roberts and Docherty in particular

Some of the abuse handed out to those who don't like such and such a player is pathetic. I visit quite a few forums, and this one appears to be one of the worst, along with the pikeys up the road

Some of those who post such shit obviously are incapable of reasoned argument, or accept other peoples reasonably held views, and resort to abuse far too readily. something sadly all too prevalent on here for years.

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first it was those scandalous supporters who try to save a few minutes getting home (we all know the arguments) now he is having a go at this forum (Western Daily Press Today) and the threads on it - the hype about signings etc etc and some that criticise - its "unsettling" the dressing room

Poor little things - sorry. I love this club and will forever - longer than GJ will and longer than any of the players and I was here for 30 years before them. They are footballers - he is a manager - they earn a very good wage and most if not all - if offered more money would leave tomorrow - but the fans will not and so we are entitled to comment and speculate and discuss - and dare I say it moan - even GJ moans at some of the performances - but we are not allowed to?

Of course a lot of rubbish and angst gets posted on here - but that is what it is for - sometimes it is cathartic.

In another very recent thread someone said they support GJ 100% - as our manager I do as well - but I do not support 100% his snide attacks on fans of this club. It indicates he is under pressure and looking for excuses - he does not need excuses - the team have done brilliantly and all we are saying is that we need a striker - he would be better off saying he understands the frustration - he does not agree with all the comments - but we are all working together - and that he understands it is different to support a club to manage or play for it.

Kill discussion and you will kill interest

Hi Markman, I'm a first time poster and created an account solely because I had to respond to your comments as I feel it is indicative of the terrible attitude some Bristol City fans have.

Firstly, why does it matter that you have supported City 30 years longer than Gary Johnson has been manager? I can understand you may feel more of an affinity and love for the club than you believe Johnson has, even if I do not agree with that belief, but what relevance does that have to your argument. I am only 19, and have supported City for a lot shorter time than you have, but I can assure you I feel very passionately about the club, and when I am 49 I will still be supporting them.

You also say it is cathartic to moan about players. I agree, 100%. It is. But it is also detremental to the team. I suppose it depends what you want from watching Bristol City. There are plenty of people who say: "I work hard 5 days a week and paid for this ticket, I can say what I want" and I can completely understand this point of view. I am only a University student, have very little stress in my life and so can't really comment on that. But I think first and foremost we are supporters. We should support the team and do what is in their best interests, not our own.

Another poster on this thread hit the nail on the head (I'm sorry I can't remember who) when they said supporters can't expect influence without responsibility.

I gain most satisfaction from singing my heart out and willing on the team, win, lose or draw. One of my earliest memories of watching City was when we lost away at Crewe in the 1998/1999 season , which virtually consigned us to relegation. I was only 11 but me and my older brother stood up the whole match and never stopped singing. After the final whistle we stayed, along with hundreds of others, chanting "Bring on the City!!!". The Crewe fans applauded us as they left.

This is real supporting. I think the majority of supporters are like myself. But some posters on this forum, and most people know who they are, just love to criticise too much. When will you be happy? When we have another striker? When we are in the Premiership? When we win the Champions League? Or will Robbored criticise Johnson's tactics when we lose away to Man United?

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

Here here!

As other people have said - we will be here long after GJ etc etc have gone, we have a right to voice our views on anything to do with BCFC!

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This might be unpopular reading the context of this thread, but it makes me laugh to read comments such as the supporters have a right to express their opinion.....and then criticise the manager for expressing his.

Does this forum affect players at the club...Of Course

Do supporters have a right to express their opinion...Of Course

Does the manager have the right to defend himself, the club and the players from the opinions expressed...Of Course

This manager has a very definate way of doing things..Particularly in terms of motivating players to play above and beyond their percieved abilities.

What I suspect the manager gets tired of is trying to build up the confidence of players to see his work being undermined by postings on here.

I've read all sorts of things not least criticsm of Trundle/Wilson/Betsy for not being any good, however in the case of Wilson and Betsy would we not be criticising Mcindoe or Sproule if the positions were reversed...I think so. As for Trundle yes he doesn't score enough goals but his all around contribution has improved immensely.

The bloke (GJ) has never once interviened to defend his son from the outright shitt that has been posted on here...how many of you would not of defended your son from needless outright abuse posted in the name of free speach....Think about it

The unfortunate thing is there are posters on this forum who will criticise the club and GJ at every opportunity and we all know who they are...and they will be the first to get themselves upset when someone criticises them and chant out the I've got a right to say what I like...Well so does everyone else...

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There's actually no attack on fans forums nor is there any belief that the fans forum causes unrest. What there is, is a massive case of shit stirring courtesy of the useless ###### that is Andy Stockhausen.

Andy mistakenly thinks that journalism is not about digging out a story with factual information - he did this before - he reads the forums (you t.w.a.t) and then instead of going to contacts or trying to make contacts within the club or with players he looks at the BCFC World interview and spins stories that are sensationalist and packed with half truths and interpretations that were never implied or intended -I suspect that Andy has not had an interview with GJ within the last month - Andy you are the worst journalist that I have had the misfortune to read.

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This is yet another case of the media editorialising and not reporting. Every quote i read seems reasonable. Then we have the title of this thread. It's provocative and unrepresentative of what GJ said.

Irate Bristol City manager Gary Johnson has launched an attack on football supporters' websites.Concerned by mounting speculation as the January transfer window nears its conclusion, Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room. - BY ANDY STOCKHAUSEN

Yet a majority of postings on the various fans' forums linking City with players at other clubs has proved ill-informed and, in some instances, misleading. - JUST LIKE YOUR ARTICLE'S TITLE ANDY, MISLEADING

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