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Gj Takes Swipe At Fans Forum In Wdp


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I think the whole article stems from the hysterial and false story that was Riordan signing. Nothing more than that.

There is alot more to that than meets the eye and I have no doubt GJ is upset about more how stories such as the one about Enoch ended up on here before anywhere else.

Just think about it for one minute.

If you were asked to sum up the forum to someone in the street I'm sure you'd find some good and bad points about it. That's all GJ has done, only he's obviously asked it by the media.

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In some parts I agree with GJ, some of the stuff posted on here is complete tosh and just made up claiming that the individuals know there info from there dogs, vets brother. As GJ its the chinese whisper syndrome. We need to support and not distroy the harmony that we have at our club. Personally I think GJ could have gone a better way around voicing his concerns rather than discussing it on his weekly press conference.

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I for one wasnt bothered by what GJ said, Like has been said above that GJ gets my vote.

I think what he was trying to say was that during the mad Jan period there is always going to be discussion, rumours and daily press selling of players but don't get carried away by all the rumours, He openly said he is looking for new players but to name a position is not fair on the current squad as it is them who has got us where we are and long may it continue.

I was probably no different to many other Forum members yesterday who kept refreshing the page to see if we had signed a new player on a couple of peoples say so.

Gary you got my vote mate, keep up the good work lads.

Come on you REDDZZZZ!!

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It works both ways, he didn't mind telling us he dropped a handgrenade in the changing room after all.

If you don't like reading whats on the forum, good or bad, then don't log on and read it. We all switch off the tv when theres nothing of interest on don't we.

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Very well said.

GJ's comments are what I would have expected because he doesn't deal with criticism, however constructive & well meaning very well at all.

That criticism happens every HOUR in the Prem and the heat & focus will dramatically increase if we reach the promised land.

The players have got us where we are,the question is, will they:

a.Keep us here

b.Take us to the next level.

Another question will surround our investment in players-Betsy, Wilson, Trundle, Sproule-have they performed to the expected level?

That and our Chairman's public statements about ambition, going for it and money being available, have also turned up the heat and GJ will have to be at his ubiquitous best to deal with the pressure that accompanies success at a much higher level than he has ever experienced.

Questions about being "qualified to pass opinion" underline another issue and speak volumes.

We (Football Supporters) have been told that we buy a product, therefore we are now consumers-You want CCC football, well pay for it-OK matey, fair enough, however, as a consumer paying a lot more, I demand more and if you go into a Restaurant and have a lousy meal, you don't have to be a qualified Chef to know it's lousy and complain!

Similarly, when we play a game and our strikers don't have a shot on target in 90 minutes or score 3 goals in 20+ games, you don't have to be Jose Mourihno to know that there's either a creativity or striking problem.

It will cause me a major concern if those empowered with running our club seek to stifle opinion or debate.

That debate is caused by caring and caring is why 10,000 people bought ST's, 000's travel away and, this afternoon, 15,000 people will turn up at AG.You can't have it both ways.

No fans.No football-Regretfully, Football's forgotten that.

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I am absolutely amazed that people cannot see the article for what it is - a selection of quotes taken from a much longer interview rearranged, no doubt completely out of context, to put a negative slant on Bristol City by the Bristol UNITED (or should that be ROVERS) Press. The main mistake Gary Johnson has made is talking to some complete t0$$p0t wannabe Sun journalist. What he also needs to learn is that he can NEVER win if he criticises the supporters, however mildly and however "out of context" his quotes may have been taken. It is a fact, whether the GJ is God brigade like it or not, that we will be sticking our twenty five sheets through the till every week LONG after he and many of the squad moves on to the bigger and better club waiting in the wings. My final question is what the hell do PROFESSIONAL footballers and managers think they are going to achieve by reading AMATEUR fans forums? Are they looking to massage their own ego's and then getting upset at some of the critcism that appears?

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if we didnt talk about football and all think we have the right idea, we wouldnt be fans.

To be a football fan it is in its nature to believe we know what is best for the team, to discuss someone's bad performance, to talk about who we would want in the club, to chat about who we don't.

When Saturday comes, we all generally support our own teams properly, we watch, cheer, moan and most off all, we pay their wages. As long as we don't stand there for 90 minutes having a pop at players (Like a rare few do) surely we are entitled to discuss these things with other people outside of the stadium.

In the end, the fans are stakeholders, and if we want to talk about something we will.

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if we didnt talk about football and all think we have the right idea, we wouldnt be fans.

To be a football fan it is in its nature to believe we know what is best for the team, to discuss someone's bad performance, to talk about who we would want in the club, to chat about who we don't.

When Saturday comes, we all generally support our own teams properly, we watch, cheer, moan and most off all, we pay their wages. As long as we don't stand there for 90 minutes having a pop at players (Like a rare few do) surely we are entitled to discuss these things with other people outside of the stadium.

In the end, the fans are stakeholders, and if we want to talk about something we will.

Yeah, but where is anyone saying we shouldn't do these things? I still can't find where GJ says fans shouldn't discuss football or the team.

Any opportunity to knock the manager eh?

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Congratulations must go to Andy Stockhausen for a sensationalist headline and opening paragraph. It seems to have ruffled a few feathers.

The same Andy Stockhausen who now reports on us for the Post but once said in a national football magazine that "Rovers were poised to overtake City as Bristol's major club" enough said.

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i think we should get right behind gary and the team today sing him a few songs cheer him up.show him thats wer not all bad and are right behind him in this fantastic season.

I agree and, in return, Gary Johnson should stop making negative comments about supporters to any journalist prepared to listen so that he doesn't get quoted out of context and consequently doesn't upset the people who help fund his wages.

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It works both ways, he didn't mind telling us he dropped a handgrenade in the changing room after all.

If you don't like reading whats on the forum, good or bad, then don't log on and read it. We all switch off the tv when theres nothing of interest on don't we.

exactly was thinking the same thing why does he just not read it and take no notice simple as.

its a bit like celebrities reading crap about themselves in the paper then moan about it why buy and read it in the first place!

think we need a win today come on u reds

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Johnson is yet again complaining about us fans in the press. Shortly after moaining about early leavers this time is this forum that is the victim of Johnson vitriole.He doesn't like us fans speculating about possible ins and outs at AG nor does he think that we should critise the current players - particularly the strikers.

Hmmmmm... a couple of things spring to mind. 1) Johnson should not take this forum so seriously and at the same time realise that all you read on hear is exactly what you'll hear in bars and clubs whenever City fans meet up.Everyone is moaning about the strikers! I met a bloke at a works event on Wednesday night and we got talking football as you do and he was saying about the lack of goals at City.....never met the guy before and he'd never heard of this forum.

2) Protecting the players by going public about the forum is all very well but is Johnson trying to create a 'siege mentally' within the inner confines of the club similar to the one created by Ferguson at Man Utd a few years ago? Certainly by critising the faithfull he's alienating the fans. It would be no surprise to me to see fans turn on him very quickly if/when results start going against City. Psychology is a very usefull tool when used properly and we all know that Johnson is a fan of it but he has to be carefull that it doesn't backfire.

One word of advice to our manager - Lighten up!

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Very well said.

Similarly, when we play a game and our strikers don't have a shot on target in 90 minutes or score 3 goals in 20+ games, you don't have to be Jose Mourihno to know that there's either a creativity or striking problem.

This I think is a point that has been lost in all the arguments about strikers. It's not as if ours are missing hatfuls of chances. I believe Gary has acknowledged the need for a creative midfielder (Lee is a holding player and Marvin a dynamo) in signing Nick Carle. It will be interesting to see the effect.

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

If Johnson doesn't want to be mis-quoted, he shouldn't give press interviews, and rely solely on video ones.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours, and if anything goes wrong with his tenure at Ashton Gate, you can be sure that he'll make sure that he's not to blame.

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i know any manager nagging about the fans is bad

but not as bad as a manager driving a club into the ground

and GJ hasn't done that

he's been and excellent manager every minute he has been here

o.k he's made mistakes about the trundle singing and maybe even the Betsy one but come on

he's taken this club to the next level!

Up The City! :englandsmile4wf:

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I expect that we will end up driving out the best manager we have had since Alan Dicks in the end. Never mind, at least we will be able to leave early, speak our minds and not pay too much for our ticket, back in Div 3. :ranting:

totally agree. gj knows what he is doing. i would be more P***** off he if didnt back the players and club. we are where we are because of the team spirt that he has brought to the club. we should all listen to the comments he makes. hopefully it will get a reaction and we will all get behind the team.


COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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instead of picking up on the negative points, pick up on the positive points.

All the transfer rumours will disrupt the players, maybe motivation and confidence becomes hindered as a result of this

Gary knows what is required to bring about success in the club, so how about look at the positive aspect of Gary!!


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Whatever u say this week the forum has descended into a farce with people DEMANDING additiions to the squad wen we are third in the league. I do think we need a striker bt i am not demanding it, i am happy for GJ t bide his time and get the right striker or do whatever he sees fit.

It is the way people hv said things like "i have to keep pressing refresh cos we MUST be signing someone surely" we are 3rd in the league, mayb the fans need to lighten up.

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It would appear he reads this forum, I too would be wound up. Consider all the un-nessicary (spelling?) crap he has to read about his son. Who by the way is a top player.

Some might consider his comments on this article a tad harsh, but surely most of you can see where he's coming from.

Who Agrees :englandsmile4wf:

Spot on. Anyone getting wound up at GJ for this really needs their heads examined. Stop and think for one minute that Gary has not walked into the press on Temple Way and told them to write how bad the forums are and how much he dislikes it. That's not his agenda at all.

Some journalist has probably pushed him about all the rumours on the forum and he has given his view of it. If you're asked for your view you give it, and as someone who watches BCFC World, if I may say so I notice that Gary is someone who picks his words as carefully and courteously as he can. To think of some of the managers who do REALLY spout off.

I can't believe people are getting all hurt and victimised because Gary has answered a question that has been put to him. The man goes out of his way to applaud supporters and is more open about his plans with supporters than many in his position yet while being professional enough not to break confidences or undermine team or club activity. What do people want.

We have a manager with pride in his players, heart, a good reading of the game when we play badly as he actually sees the same things we do and says he will fix them, and that to me is a great deal of empathy with us as supporters and our interests. And yet some people will not permit the man to have an opinion if pushed by a journalist about things on here.

A lot of what is written on the forums IS rubbish and that is something that has and will remain consistent, yet the football team under GJ are playing at a higher level than at any time for a generation, so I know who I will allow to talk the talk. To suggest he is under pressure or making snide comments is quite frankly delusional and some people need to time away from this forum.

Johnson does not give statements or make speeches, he answers questions and give interviews - big difference there. He isn't setting this agenda, he is merely responding to points raised.

Get over it.

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I can see how 'some' stuff written in forums, spoken in pubs, printed in papers, said on the training ground, during a match & in the dressing room can have an effect on some players at different times - they're all human afterall & we can all feel hurt by opinions voiced or outbursts said in the heat of the moment against us, specially if coming from those close to us etc... but its life, its reality, it happens from time to time, it's down to management to use and manage these things.. to create a positive galvanising effect & reaction.

In Gary's article it states that - Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room.

(maybe on occassion some things don't make Gary's job any easier -but is it not part & parcel of a managers job to deal will all manner of outside influences?.. be it from the mainstream media, angry chants from the stands, or indeed the content of public forums - not forgetting that all three sources also contribute a fair amount of positive support too

- the dressing room/team spirit/morale is down to the right balance of man management, soak up the praise like a sponge (easy bit) & use skill to create a 'right we'll show 'em, lads lets get out there & shut these muppets up' kind of positive vibe, we've all been regularly told how strong & together the dressing room is, if so then surely a bit of forum speculation, comment & banter couldnt cause too much unrest?.. The Reds Are Stronger Than That - Come On You Reds!)

Then quotes it GJ - He said: "Some of these websites can be quite hurtful and I hope my players do not read them.

So what is it? ... have the fans & forums caused unrest in the dressing room or not? - if GJ doesn't even know if the players read the forums or not.. -how can he blame the forum for doing so?..

(btw, transfer speculation is bound to be discussed on forums.. the club have stated themselves that they are looking to strengthen certain areas if possible, SL said last week that we are looking at the striker/goalscoring situation... If I was a striker at the club I'd be more concerned with what my chairman & manager is thinking than what is written & said on a forum)

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Hang on a minute!

All those of you who can't see what the fuss is about and quoting comments of of context, what about this one?

"Johnson believes fans are to blame for causing unrest in the Ashton Gate dressing room"

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

If Johnson doesn't want to be mis-quoted, he shouldn't give press interviews, and rely solely on video ones.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours, and if anything goes wrong with his tenure at Ashton Gate, you can be sure that he'll make sure that he's not to blame.

Sag on the quiet eh?

If that's not a complete and utter slur and insult to the fans that frequent this forum, I don't know what is!

He is in the wrong. Period. It matters not whether he was misquoted, nor does it matter about the aspirations of the reporter who wrote it or the alleged allegiances of the newpaper that printed it.

It doesn't matter if he was misquoted? You must be as stupid as you are pompous.

There is no doubt in my mind that Johnson is starting to show his true colours

Get down the Mem eh?

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Johnson is yet again complaining about us fans in the press. Shortly after moaining about early leavers this time is this forum that is the victim of Johnson vitriole.He doesn't like us fans speculating about possible ins and outs at AG nor does he think that we should critise the current players - particularly the strikers.

Hmmmmm... a couple of things spring to mind. 1) Johnson should not take this forum so seriously and at the same time realise that all you read on hear is exactly what you'll hear in bars and clubs whenever City fans meet up.Everyone is moaning about the strikers! I met a bloke at a works event on Wednesday night and we got talking football as you do and he was saying about the lack of goals at City.....never met the guy before and he'd never heard of this forum.

2) Protecting the players by going public about the forum is all very well but is Johnson trying to create a 'siege mentally' within the inner confines of the club similar to the one created by Ferguson at Man Utd a few years ago? Certainly by critising the faithfull he's alienating the fans. It would be no surprise to me to see fans turn on him very quickly if/when results start going against City. Psychology is a very usefull tool when used properly and we all know that Johnson is a fan of it but he has to be carefull that it doesn't backfire.

One word of advice to our manager - Lighten up!

Totally agree with you on this, and an equally reasonable post by Lisa on another thread along these lines.We stuck with Gary when we lost 9 in a row,and the support the team gets home and away is generally excellent, so it's a bit churlish being critical of fans for speculating and commenting on a forum( as fans do). GJ has done a phenomenal job at City, but that's just it, a job.

For the fans its more, much much more!!

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i know any manager nagging about the fans is bad

but not as bad as a manager driving a club into the ground

and GJ hasn't done that

he's been and excellent manager every minute he has been here

o.k he's made mistakes about the trundle singing and maybe even the Betsy one but come on

he's taken this club to the next level!

Up The City! :englandsmile4wf:

now that must of been a absolute monumental error by GJ


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Wow - this is complex !

Is GJ just having a moan to build up the siege mentality among the players again ? Have light hearted comments been taken out of context ? Is he just so confident in his own position now, he thinks he can afford to upset the fans ? Does he actually geniunely believe that fans should shut up and stop talking about potential targets because they don't have enough "experience" to deserve an opinion ?

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Well of course he doesn't like it. I don't think I'd much enjoy it if 20,000 people voiced their largely ill-informed opinions about how I should do my job.

I'm sure Gary Johnson realises that he won't ever stop fans talking about what he should and shouldn't do, but that doesn't mean he has to like it. He also has a duty to publicly protect the players that have got us this far so he has to defend them.

Again, what Gary says publicly is not necessarily the same as what he says and thinks in private, so people should really stop judging him purely on that, take a step back and judge him on results over a long period of time - which have largely been very good. If we were talking about someone like Brian Tinnion or Danny Wilson who didn't have the results to back them up then you might be justified in your criticisms but we're talking about probably the most successful manager City have had for 30 years, so why not accept that he's doing a good job and cut him some slack?

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There's another equally negative thread on this topic that was clearly enough marked. I can't understand why you've started another.

Didn't read it before I posted this thread and why is it 'negative'?

Do you think its a good and positive thing for Johnson to slag off the fans not once but twice in the local press?

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