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Block 46 Trouble


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The club surely knows who these a$$holes are ban them for life, scaring the life out of little boys and girls, make them really hard men,on there own they are chicken shits KICK THEM OUT!!!! :englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf:

if you can name then yeah kick em out but the sad truth is that they are going to get away with what they did, until the next time. :noexpression:

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as I said i wasn't defending them in my eyes they are unwanted at the club and I am ashamed however if the players had a bit of go in them and actually got their fingers out and did something then maybe these things wouldn't happen and no I am not blaming the players for the violence. I am blaming them however for being absolutely awful they wouldn't of scored even if the game was going on still in my opinion we played better at Ipswich.

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Guest RyanBCFC

They have gave us a bad reputation as city fans, and thses idiots and thugs should be banned from football.

They wreck it for the rest of us.

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as I said i wasn't defending them in my eyes they are unwanted at the club and I am ashamed however if the players had a bit of go in them and actually got their fingers out and did something then maybe these things wouldn't happen and no I am not blaming the players for the violence. I am blaming them however for being absolutely awful they wouldn't of scored even if the game was going on still in my opinion we played better at Ipswich.

You don't half chat bollox

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i would love to see some of these morons come on here and defend themselves. if you're reading this come on explain yourselfs you clearly think your "hard".

Nah these morons would not come on here, they can't use a computer and are tucked up in bed by their mummy's by now.

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if you can name then yeah kick em out but the sad truth is that they are going to get away with what they did, until the next time. :noexpression:

Yes you are right, but I'm sure they are known to our club, no excuses for them their support is no longer required!!!!!! :englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf:

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i couldnt get a ticket for the game today so desided to sit in the home end to watch the game just to the left of our fans. this i will never do again as it made the result so much worse as everyone around me were happy and singing away and i was sat there feeling gutted about the result.

i had a good view of what went on there and it looked terrible. i can not describe how embarressed i felt when it was going on and everyone around me just taking the piss out of us for fighting amounst ourselves and how disgracful it was and you cant argue with it.

all in all a shocking day for this football club on and off the field.

BUT were still going up


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Disgusting behaviour.

These people are morans. I was in the block on the left - block 45 and just before half time there was a brief mouth off between 2 people. It was madness today. Maybe someone can tell me different but my assumption was that we had 3200 tickets - so there should have been seats for each and every one of them. Why then were people stood in the gangways and why didn't the stewards/police move the people on and into avaliable seats.

Poor performance today - but the day was spoilt by the behaviour of some animals who claim to be City "fans". :disapointed2se:

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Sorry to go off topic but dan of the dolman are you the guy that got cruhed against palace i think it was in the EE and also i swear i saw you getting hit by the old bill down the stairs in the EE against cardiff if this wasnt you than i must have got the wrong person.

Todays behaviour by the miniority of city fans was out of order and the culperits should be banned however i doubht they will get caught

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i couldnt get a ticket for the game today so desided to sit in the home end to watch the game just to the left of our fans. this i will never do again as it made the result so much worse as everyone around me were happy and singing away and i was sat there feeling gutted about the result.

i had a good view of what went on there and it looked terrible. i can not describe how embarressed i felt when it was going on and everyone around me just taking the piss out of us for fighting amounst ourselves and how disgracful it was and you cant argue with it.

all in all a shocking day for this football club on and off the field.

BUT were still going up


same as me mate, exactly the same feeling at te end of the game, just needed summat to get me cheering inside, instead the only exciting bit was the fight. next time i cant get an away ticket i think I'm just going to count me losses and listen to the radio

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Sorry to go off topic but dan of the dolman are you the guy that got cruhed against palace i think it was in the EE and also i swear i saw you getting hit by the old bill down the stairs in the EE against cardiff if this wasnt you than i must have got the wrong person.

Todays behaviour by the miniority of city fans was out of order and the culperits should be banned however i doubht they will get caught

Yep that's him! He doesn't have much luck in the EE!

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Guest MaloneFM

Ladies and gentlemen.

Clearly there was trouble this afternoon to put a tin hat on an awful display. There is also a lot of Dail Mail reaction to it. They are scum but what can we do?

Report it.

Get the numbers of the officers you report it to as well. The steward numbers. They are remarkably efficient when you do that. More than once your uncle has quite calmly approached someone who is in an official capacity and reported behaviour that was unnaceptable. When they start back with 'but what can you do?' And a shrug, I suggest that their supervisor come over and discuss it with us. Or their sergeant. Its wonderful how quickly they realise their legs work after that. But by all means keep very calm while you do it or gives the impression you are in a row with the offender and you have just lost.

The longer you sit there and tut and then get on here and bang on about it. The longer it goes on. I very much doubt that your averga ehoolie reads this and thinks 'oh no I've upset all these people! No more pre match cider for me then.'

You may get the empty threats. Which will lead to arrests and expulsion. Ta ta idiot. Try to find me later in a crowd of 15,000 while you are sitting in a police van.

At the Wolves game. Keep eyes open and prepare for a bit of saturday afternoon shopping.

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If it's a simple case of a man not sitting down and it all kicks off, thats sad.

We left on the second goal and got the 5:10 train, but the stewards were not happy running up the steps knocking anyone and anything out their way, including me...all 16stone of me!!!!

Bit of a sad day really and to be honest, apart from the game, it was a great day!


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I was ashamed to see this going on. We were in the next block (45) but only a few seats from the gangway and at one point I feared for the safety my partner and the fans of all generations around me as it nearly spilled into our block as well.

Some people left so we were able to move further away. But somehow the match seemed irrelevant by then.

I felt sorry for the stewards. They could hardly have expected things to kick off within the away section well away from the segregation. I saw one steward being helped away looking distinctly worse for wear. A thankless task.

As regards finding the culprit or culprits, one thing we don't seem to have is any sort of check on who actually bought tickets. I know they all went to season ticket holders this time but you get just handed random tickets whenever I buy them for away games. So it's just down to police cctv or witnesses on the day.

I wonder if the local media will get panned again if they mention there was trouble.

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Guest kiptanui

Not a good day for your lot today, before and after the match town was full of your lot looking for trouble, haven't seen such nawty fans since the days of the Premier League and Manure, oh and cardiff.

Not being rude but can't beleive you are top of the league, this is the 2nd time this season we have outplayed you and we are sh*t.

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excuse my french but the fing scumbag in the green and white shirt deserved to have his head kicked in. I saw him laying in to a kiddie about 14 years old and he was wearing a city shirt. His mum or sister was sat next to him and she was bawling her eyes out. Then his hero mates came over to rescue him from getting nicked and stopped the police from getting to him. One of them grabbed me and was giving it " hold the line " crap so his heroic mate could get away. Stewards were a shambles as they had the culprit, held on to him for about 5 mins they let him go before the police arrived. He should have been dragfged out immediatly. To the scum who did it, I hope you are reading this and you must feel very proud to have laid in to a child and a women.

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Well what a suprise, a safe standing area would solve those problems. Everyone that wants to stand and sing would be able to without blocking anyones views. But thats too simple to work isnt it!!

Our support was shocking, top of the league with support like that. We are a disgrace, didn't make any noise. Maybe if everyone tried to get behind the lads they would have played better.

(And no I'm not condoning what happened, but if it stems from people standing up, let people have the choice, or you will always get pockets who want to stand up and cant, then do stand up infront of people that don't then people moan etc etc)

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Well what a suprise, a safe standing area would solve those problems. Everyone that wants to stand and sing would be able to without blocking anyones views. But thats too simple to work isnt it!!

Our support was shocking, top of the league with support like that. We are a disgrace, didn't make any noise. Maybe if everyone tried to get behind the lads they would have played better.

(And no I'm not condoning what happened, but if it stems from people standing up, let people have the choice, or you will always get pockets who want to stand up and cant)

Aye mate, or even something as simple as unreserved seating could have worked today. Some people want to stand, some want to sit so let it be that way. Maybe if it had been unreserved the events that others are talking about, as the people who had wanted to stand would have been able to with others that wanted to stand. Those that wanted to sit could have sat without obstruction. It does seem that reserved seating can cause more problems then answers when you look at todays events.

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Well what a suprise, a safe standing area would solve those problems. Everyone that wants to stand and sing would be able to without blocking anyones views. But thats too simple to work isnt it!!

Our support was shocking, top of the league with support like that. We are a disgrace, didn't make any noise. Maybe if everyone tried to get behind the lads they would have played better.

(And no I'm not condoning what happened, but if it stems from people standing up, let people have the choice, or you will always get pockets who want to stand up and cant, then do stand up infront of people that don't then people moan etc etc)

our support was poor today. i was close to the away fans are on our left and people were just shouting to get behind the team. to many people happy to sit there and be entertained. you go to the game to be apart of it

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our support was poor today. i was close to the away fans are on our left and people were just shouting to get behind the team. to many people happy to sit there and be entertained. you go to the game to be apart of it

Yeah I was there too, only about five of us decided to sing.

Shit day, shit performance.

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our support was poor today. i was close to the away fans are on our left and people were just shouting to get behind the team. to many people happy to sit there and be entertained. you go to the game to be apart of it

Our away support has been shocking at every game ive been too this season (bar charlton but surprise surprise everyone who wanted to sing was on the back tier)

We are a disgrace away from home.

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