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Block 46 Trouble


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Unfortunately we have some utter ######s "supporting" our club.

I've seen some crap in the last couple of seasons that does make me ashamed at times they pretend to follow the same club as me.

Most of them are unintelligent, thick ######### and I have nothing to do with them.

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WellyCiderHead dosn't really have a right to an opinion anyway. He wasn't even at the game.


No he wasn't but he is a season ticket holder who has seen a fair few away games this season.

You can't have an opinion on the assasination of JFK, Hitler invading Poland or the Great Fire of London!! You weren't there..........MUPPET

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Ah yes its the "I'm a better fan than you because I stand up and sing all game" line.

Its not possible in todays ALL SEATER stadiums sadly, and people cant "move and sit down the front" because the stewards make you sit in your seat.

I wouldnt mind standing up to sing sometimes (I sat down and sang yesterday by the way) BUT I also realise that others around me may not be able to stand or want to stand, and they have as much right to watch the game as I do, and so if they are sat down then I don't park my arse in their view.

Yesterday I was sat with a large number of the senior reds who find it difficult to stand up and down, they couldnt move to the front because they werent allowed, and they also couldnt stand up and down at any time they wanted to because they are elderly and unable to do so very easily.

Some of the language directed at them yesterday was awful, they are fans who have supported us since before most of us on here were born.

So I'm sorry but I don't buy the arguement that you have the right to stand if you feel like it because youve paid your money etc etc its not possible and people need to have some consideration for those around them.

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Yeah it's great to stand up and support the team and get behind the team but some people have to realise its not the same for everyone.

Like elderly people...they can't get to there feet every 2 minutes in a game when there's action going on! But people only tend to think about themselves instead of the other people around them.

Yeah unreserved sitting would be ideal but it's not going to happen is it?

So we need to make it the best experience possible for all are fans and not just think about ourselves when we go to games.

End of the day we're all fans. We are united and we're in this together. We shouldn't be arguing and bickering and throwing punches at eachother. We should be pulling together supporting the team and getting behind the lad's whether we want to stand or sit.

I was the block across from the trouble when it all kicked off and seen two of the yob run away down the back of our row almost knocking my sister off her feet.

There's no place in football for these kind of people and they should be banned.

Anyone who side's with them should get lost and join them in not supporting our club anymore because there not real fans.

(btw I am using my sisters account as I don't have my own so felt but I wanted to comment on the situation)

From Rob aka Ruups

i totally agree with you about the fighting but not standing up. look around the country most clubs fans stand away from home. this includes young people and older people so if there fans can manage it why can't ours?

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i totally agree with you about the fighting but not standing up. look around the country most clubs fans stand away from home. this includes old people and older people so if there fans can manage it why can't ours?

Yep the Saints fans both side of us were standing for all of the game (old and young) - maybe this sitting lark is a Brizzle thing, but quite frankly it makes our support look very, very embarassing. I honestly don't know another team who's supporters sit down in such big numbers.

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Ok. Time for persepective.

Lets sum up Saturday's events and the reaction on here :

1) We played absolutely awful today. For what was such a big game for our club, we failed to show up on the pitch, and quite frankly got totally shafted up the a.r.s.e

2) Most of the 3,200 fans were awful today. For what was such a massive game for our club, we failed to show up in the stands, and quite frankly got totally outsung by a team in the relegation zone.

3) Some bloke in a green and white shirt causes a bit of hassle, and sadly some young 'uns are a little upset. The bloke is obviously out of order, and I'm sure he would admit to that himself in hindsight. A silly incident, caused by one person amongst 3,200.

4) The police didn't react to this incident, because they didn't really expect a fight to ensue amongst our own fans. There was much goading between us and the Southampton lot, so the police were there to prevent trouble between 'rival' fans, not a 'blue on blue' incident. Please....no police force is THAT good!!?? Lower your expectations a little!

5) Yes there was a bit of trouble after the game, but this didn't involve anyone who didn't want to be there. Yes, some fans were "headbutted and kicked" as someone rightly put it, but these incidents were isolated to those who wanted to partake in such activity. No-one innocent was hurt in these events, only those that were trying to give as good as they got.

6) Some people like standing, some like sitting. Some like singing, some don't. The way I see it is this; How would you feel if you went to a football match and there was silence all game, just 20,000 people sat there, in silence, with the occasional ripple of applause when a goal is scored? Sorry, if that is your utopia then you are in the wrong game. This is football. Football is not just about watching the game. It is so so so much more. Football is everything on a match day. It is the whole day experience, the build up, the journey there, the pre-match pint, the anticipation, the joy, the passion, the pain, the atmosphere, the singing, the jubilation, the angst, the sorrow, the camararderie, etc etc.... Honestly, I challenge anyone to tell me that they only go to "watch the game" We all know that is so much more than that. So much more. And if there is anyone out there who does just "watch the game" then I would politely ask them to lighten up, let your hair down and enjoy yourself a little. And if you think just "being there" helps the players, well, to quote GJ himself "I want this place rocking, I want them to bounce around the ground"

The beginning of this thread was concerning the trouble amongst our own fans. But the answers have progressed it on to a whole bigger debate, with argument and counter-argument on each side, and much slagging off of each other!!

I don't think anyone condones the fact that some fella didn't take too kindly to being told to sit down, and proceeded to larrup the guys around him. No-one can really defend that. It was wrong, pure and simple. However, a number of posters have remarked upon how this situation came about and how unreserved seating would more than likely have prevented this. Of course, this isn't the only answer, but certainly would have helped this particular situation, as the dad and kids could have sat somewhere else once they'd realised the situation.

I also believe this situation would not have occurred today had all 3,200 of us had sang our ragged asses off all game, instead of sitting down like a bunch of turkeys waiting for Christmas. Sorry to all that tried their best today, but lets be honest it was crap. Probably the worst atmos of any away match I've been to (numbers to loudness ratio). We expected so much of the players today and they didn't perform. But we should also look at ourselves and be disappointed in our own efforts today too.

So, enough squabbling. Enough righteousness. Enough "these people shouldn't be in football" and all that lark. Lets not let the foolishness of one bloke in a green top spoil our tremendous season.

Jesus Christ someone with a bit of common sense!

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i totally agree with you about the fighting but not standing up. look around the country most clubs fans stand away from home. this includes young people and older people so if there fans can manage it why can't ours?

Sorry....I think this question comes up every time this debate arises, but i've yet to read a proper answer....

Can anyone please explain why you cannot sit down and sing at the same time? I seem to manage it at the home games, Dolls managed it yesterday too. I just don't get the arguement that you cannot sit down down and have an atmosphere.

And also...to those that say that those that want to stay seated all game should go down the front....why? It's an all seater stadium where people should be sat down.... why should someone who wants to abide by the ground regulations, or simply can't keep getting up all game, be forced into what quite frankly isa worse view?

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Ah yes its the "I'm a better fan than you because I stand up and sing all game" line.

Its not possible in todays ALL SEATER stadiums sadly, and people cant "move and sit down the front" because the stewards make you sit in your seat.

I wouldnt mind standing up to sing sometimes (I sat down and sang yesterday by the way) BUT I also realise that others around me may not be able to stand or want to stand, and they have as much right to watch the game as I do, and so if they are sat down then I don't park my arse in their view.

Yesterday I was sat with a large number of the senior reds who find it difficult to stand up and down, they couldnt move to the front because they werent allowed, and they also couldnt stand up and down at any time they wanted to because they are elderly and unable to do so very easily.

Some of the language directed at them yesterday was awful, they are fans who have supported us since before most of us on here were born.

So I'm sorry but I don't buy the arguement that you have the right to stand if you feel like it because youve paid your money etc etc its not possible and people need to have some consideration for those around them.

Dolly, i dot see how people can say just because they stand up they are a better supporter but everyone wants to support the team in a different way.

You say you sang sat down, how many singers and bands etc sing sat down? Also standing at football i feel makes you more connected to it (if you want to sit down fine, i don't have a problem with that)

We don't deserve to go up, were shocking as a set of fans.

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Sorry....I think this question comes up every time this debate arises, but i've yet to read a proper answer....

Can anyone please explain why you cannot sit down and sing at the same time? I seem to manage it at the home games, Dolls managed it yesterday too. I just don't get the arguement that you cannot sit down down and have an atmosphere.

And also...to those that say that those that want to stay seated all game should go down the front....why? It's an all seater stadium where people should be sat down.... why should someone who wants to abide by the ground regulations, or simply can't keep getting up all game, be forced into what quite frankly isa worse view?

Right, i believe you cannot properly sit down and sing. What grounds create the best atmosphere? The ones with standing, or where a lot of fans are standing up.

Why don't bands etc sit down when they sing? Why don't people sit down at music festivals etc?

I feel standing makes you more connected to the game, if you don't agree fine it doesn't make either of us a better supporter.

I hate sitting down at football, i cant stand it and i went to the back of the stand yesterday (the back row) to make sure i could stand up without troubling anybody but that meant i was doing the naughty thing of not sitting where i was meant too.

Why should you get a choice of what you want to do but not me? Or because you want to sit down that makes you more important?

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You say you sang sat down, how many singers and bands etc sing sat down? Also standing at football i feel makes you more connected to it (if you want to sit down fine, i don't have a problem with that)

I also said I would be quite happy to stand up if everyone around me was happy to do so as well, but we have to think of others and not just ourselves, and so if, like yesterday, my seat ended up being in an area where those around me are sat down then I cant be inconsiderate and think "sod it to hell with everyone else I want to stand up so I will" which seemed to be the attitude of some around us yesterday.

I don't know what the solution is while stadiums are laid out the way they are unfortunately, but I don't believe that those yesterday who were violent towards their fellow fans can use the excuse that they were showing passion for the team for one minute, they were just being idiots.

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I'm always amazed when idiots come on here and try to defend violence - city on city - human on human - aggressive on aggressive... Lines like "It's a working mans game..." What is that meant to mean? A working class male world? Get out the prawn sandwich brigade? Because - wake up call - it ain't a working mans game... (that has made me laugh a lot more than the morons who said that have found the violence funny).

If there is any ticket to service - to being a fan - then years of service should be pretty high up there in the criteria... I remember when I first got into being a city fan their was an old man I met and eventually became good friends with - been watching city since the 1930's. He couldn't stand at games, (could hardly get to them!) but I used to watch him in the dolman and feel so much respect (and a degree of envy) because HE was a real fan... Not because he said he was but because he had served... He was a head teacher in his younger days and used to talk about his hatred of the cane (how upset he'd get when he used it - which he did on a few occasions). I'm rambling now... But it is people like him that makes me proud of our club... Pratts who think because they have a hard life, a tough week (the age old working class game call) and it's alright to throw a punch, for it to kick off, 'poor woman' poor kid - shouldn't be there... etc" call... Take up something else because I love this game - minus the risk of brain damage from some tanked up 17 year old...

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Sorry....I think this question comes up every time this debate arises, but i've yet to read a proper answer....

Can anyone please explain why you cannot sit down and sing at the same time? I seem to manage it at the home games, Dolls managed it yesterday too. I just don't get the arguement that you cannot sit down down and have an atmosphere.

And also...to those that say that those that want to stay seated all game should go down the front....why? It's an all seater stadium where people should be sat down.... why should someone who wants to abide by the ground regulations, or simply can't keep getting up all game, be forced into what quite frankly isa worse view?

and why should I and many other people be preached to by people like you who think you've got the god given right to tell me what to do in a football ground - the majority of people sat down around me yesterday uttered not a word and I was completely and utterly embarrased to be associated with them.

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Guest RyanBCFC
I was sat right in front off it!!! was funny as!!!

But what really p!ssed me off was the muppets telling me to sit down all game!!!!!!!!! Get behind the team!!!!!

I was there and, the people behind couldnt see, and if they pay their hard earnt money they should at least get a decent view of the match without someone who decided to stand up and ruin it for them.

I am all for safe standing, but people behind couldnt see and it wasnt fair.

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I'm always amazed when idiots come on here and try to defend violence - city on city - human on human - aggressive on aggressive... Lines like "It's a working mans game..." What is that meant to mean? A working class male world? Get out the prawn sandwich brigade? Because - wake up call - it ain't a working mans game... (that has made me laugh a lot more than the morons who said that have found the violence funny).

If there is any ticket to service - to being a fan - then years of service should be pretty high up there in the criteria... I remember when I first got into being a city fan their was an old man I met and eventually became good friends with - been watching city since the 1930's. He couldn't stand at games, (could hardly get to them!) but I used to watch him in the dolman and feel so much respect (and a degree of envy) because HE was a real fan... Not because he said he was but because he had served... He was a head teacher in his younger days and used to talk about his hatred of the cane (how upset he'd get when he used it - which he did on a few occasions). I'm rambling now... But it is people like him that makes me proud of our club... Pratts who think because they have a hard life, a tough week (the age old working class game call) and it's alright to throw a punch, for it to kick off, 'poor woman' poor kid - shouldn't be there... etc" call... Take up something else because I love this game - minus the risk of brain damage from some tanked up 17 year old...

Who has defended it? Who has actually said, "Well done, it was good to see a bit of rucking"

Lines like, "its a working mans game" isn't defending it.

Who should be blame for this tanked up 17 year old? Did southampton serve him booze? Should we write a letter complaining they are not asking people for ID enough? Or maybe its the pubs around st marys? Or the off licences? Someone must have sold him booze in order for him to be tanked up.

I think it was disgusting that city fans were throwing punches at each other.

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Once again, a large City away following disgrace themselves....first of all Wolves, then QPR and now worst of all this.

I was sat in the home stand to the left of the away supporters and saw the disgraceful scenes kick off from afar....From walking out of the ground, the general feeling amongst Saints fans about us was "what a joke of a football club".

I feel let down by my team, and my fellow Bristolians. :(

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Yep the Saints fans both side of us were standing for all of the game (old and young) - maybe this sitting lark is a Brizzle thing, but quite frankly it makes our support look very, very embarassing. I honestly don't know another team who's supporters sit down in such big numbers.

Scroobs i totally agree i cannont think of a club that takes 3,000+ away and the majority sit, i don't know if its me but standing is what footballs about you feel more connected with the game. However their is no point argueing about weather people should sit or stand because lets face it bristol city have to many fans that are quit happy to sit in silence all game.

I personally think its because the majority of fans yesterday were s/t holders and are probly used to siting in silence in the ateyo etc. I'm afraid to say it but bristol city does not have enuff hardcore vocall away supporters like sheff wed leeds aston villa etc. Standing is one of those things you either do or don't do and like ive said the majority of city fans would rather city in silence quite pathetic really.

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Maybe the club should have checked that they were actually selling tickets to season ticket holders.

This behaviour of some fans is exactly the reason we suffer heavy handed policing, travel restrictions and hassel. Fair enough if people want to stand up, but surely 1) You don't block the view of kids 2) You cant complain if those behind want to sit and watch the game.

You know the score when you buy a ticket for big games like this. A placid boring crowd turn out. don't blame them for your niavity, and then have the gual to tell them they're in the wrong, because in fairness they're actually in the right.

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Bloody disgusting is all I can say.

It happened about 6 rows behind me, and although I didnt see what kicked it off, I did witness 2 or 3 children (who cant have been older than 5 or 6) looking scared stiff and in tears, and other people trying to climb over seats because it looked like any minute about 20 or 30 people were going to come crashing down on top of them over the seats.

To fight amongst ourselves is disgraceful, the stewards took far too long to get there, and then there were only 2 or 3 when they did turn up, for a good 5 minutes before any proper stewarding/police presence arrived.

How a more serious accident didnt occur I don't know, because the amount of pushing and shoving going on could easily have led to people falling over seats.

I hope those involved are proud of themselves, it went on for about the last 10 minutes of the game, and the players must have noticed due to the amount of people involved and also the majority of City fans turning round to look what was going on. I just hope nobody innocent got hurt and that the crying children got out safely.


Each seat is covered by colour CCTV-He'll get nicked on Monday and probably get at least a three year, if not life, ban.Then there's jail if he's got previous.

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was absolutely embarresing theses idiots have disgraced themselves and our club :disapointed2se:

In fairness I'm a Saints supporter and we walked out with some of your supporters and had a decent conversation with them, as always It's a stupid few that spoil it, we have the same here.

We did play well today and would have beaten most teams, good luck for the rest of the season

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I was sat 3 rows if front of this idiot and I am appalled that this was started by City fans. wanting to fight one another. The woman who got punched was in tears and her 2 children absouletely petrified. Even people who were not by the incident started getting involved and in the end it was a free for all. I have been watching this club for 48 years and yesterday I was ashamed to be a Bristol City supporter. I am not easily scared but even I was frightened.

I spoke to the woman involved and her two children after the game and the children were still crying and shaking. I hope the person involved thinks about what he started and at the very least apologises to this family who will not forget what happened to them for a very long time. :disapointed2se:

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Scroobs i totally agree i cannont think of a club that takes 3,000+ away and the majority sit, i don't know if its me but standing is what footballs about you feel more connected with the game. However their is no point argueing about weather people should sit or stand because lets face it bristol city have to many fans that are quit happy to sit in silence all game.

I personally think its because the majority of fans yesterday were s/t holders and are probly used to siting in silence in the ateyo etc. I'm afraid to say it but bristol city does not have enuff hardcore vocall away supporters like sheff wed leeds aston villa etc. Standing is one of those things you either do or don't do and like ive said the majority of city fans would rather city in silence quite pathetic really.

The answer to this problem is very simple.

It's called safe standing and they have it in every other country in Europe.

We don't because at country and, regretfully, club level, we don't have the intelligence, imagination and guts to give fans what they want & need.

That way, people like me who actually like to watch the game, sing and shout-can.

And people who prefer to stand can do that with other like minded individuals.

What a shame that football, including our club, doesn't get it.

On another note, my point about watching the game obviously doesn't apply to many in our section & Soton's who spent the entire afternoon giving each other hard looks and making obscene gestures to each other-Now that really pi$$es me off-Watch the game or ***k off home. :ranting:

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Guest We all smile we all sing

What a child got punched????

It was two blokes having an argument, which happens in every day life.

But know it happens at a bristol city game and suddendely its the end of the world.

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This lad is going to be in a little bit of trouble bu the sounds of it.

Support was shocking and the performance was shocking but I am not ashamed to be a Bristol City fan just because one lad out of 3200 fans played up in this way.

Deal with it and move on.

Next week is another important game.

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In all honesty, and I'd think that most of you'd agree, unless you're a Police Office or a stadium Steward you have the right to tell other people nothing end of.

What started the problems yesterday was just this, "people telling other people to sit down". Although I don't condone the guy in the green and white striped tops behaviour, again in all honesty the other bunch involved should of instead got a Steward or Police Officer involved and not took it upon on themselves too also start throwing punches (Steward and Police officers are the accepted people that can tell you to sit down) - plenty of people were standing yesterday and not one official seemed to have a problem with this.

This debate will run forever, and if it's going to cause the probs we saw yesterday, then somebody needs to act quickly before it gets completely out of hand.

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The fact there was a single child around should have made a sensible sane person think about kicking off in this manner.

That goes for both sides involved.

I saw the aftermaths, not the initial confrontation.

Unfortunately those involved didn't exactly look like future rocket scientists so sensible behaviour wouldn't have been considered.

There are scuffles at away games, the fact it was among our own fans just highlights what bellends they are.

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