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Our Support Was Shocking Today!


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Nothing at all!! It was a great atmosphere which i have said all along makes it a good day out.

Getting pushed and shoved at the bar by your own fans just so they can get a drink before you isn't so great though.Having beer flung around the place is not something that adds to my idea of a good day out.

Surely Taunton you can see my side of the veiw??

Of course i can mate, and yes Yates was heaving but i didnt see any drinks been thrown (that of course don't mean it didnt happen!)

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Cos thats the whole point of the day out at football :rofl2br::drunk2:

For you. And good luck to you if that's your thing. But it doesn't make other people "wrong" if they don't share your approach.

Similarly, if other people want to sit down and watch a game in silence this doesn't make them "wrong".

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For you. And good luck to you if that's your thing. But it doesn't make other people "wrong" if they don't share your approach.Similarly, if other people want to sit down and watch a game in silence this doesn't make them "wrong".

Where have i said that????????

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I cant get my head around some of our "fans"!!!!

Today was shocking on and off the pitch! I was trying so hard to get behind the team only for some simpleton to keep telling me to sit down and shut up :noexpression:

can I ask what block/row you were in?


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I was seriously hacked off with our support yesterday. It seems for all the big games you get the daytrippers coming out for their big day out content to sit in their seat and not make a noise. We were trying to get the atmosphere going all game but to no avail. West Brom on Boxing day was the same.

Welcome to the big time-Next up City Away Travel Club-£50/100 a season on top of your ST-You heard it here first.

I just don't understand how at places like Charlton on a Tuesday night, we stand up singing for the whole game even after going a goal down then you get shite support like that yesterday.

At Charlton people stood up in front of our own handicapped fans blocking their view..........and continued to do so after being asked not to.Pig Ignorant Morons.Still, if they had a good time and a boatload of beer I suppose that's fair enough :disapointed2se:

It was another embarrasing association for our club. If you can't back your team with four games to go and the prospect of possible Premier League football on the horizon, when can you do it? :dunno:

I hope that's exactly what GJ's saying to the players right now and after the game.

Samehere mate, like i said, give me 500-800 at an away game any day........

Eh i was in Yates from about 1:30, loads of singing, quality atmosphere thats all!!! Whats wrong with that!!!

Nothing as long as YOU enjoy it and why let a few other people, possibly the majority, spoil YOUR day out? :disapointed2se:

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Welcome to the big time-Next up City Away Travel Club-£50/100 a season on top of your ST-You heard it here first.

At Charlton people stood up in front of our own handicapped fans blocking their view..........and continued to do so after being asked not to.Pig Ignorant Morons.Still, if they had a good time and a boatload of beer I suppose that's fair enough :disapointed2se:

Sorry BB but that is absolute rubbish. The difference between Charlton and Southampton was simple. Unreserved seating. Those who wanted to stand/sing/back the boys to the hilt where allowed to congregate in the back tier at The Valley and didn't obstruct anyone's views as the disabled fans were in front of this.

At Southampton, much like at West Brom earlier on this season, you had a right mix mash of City fans sat next to each other because it was reserved seats. That's why the singers were spread out and it was hard to get an atmosphere going to support the boys.

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I was seriously hacked off with our support yesterday. It seems for all the big games you get the daytrippers coming out for their big day out content to sit in their seat and not make a noise. We were trying to get the atmosphere going all game but to no avail. West Brom on Boxing day was the same.
I was thinking the same - I recognised a lot of the quieter fans from previous away trips when we were not doing so well, but did not recognise a lot of the 'singers'. You might moan about us quieter ones, but some of us are the people that turn out regularly regardless of success on the pitch, even as we plummetted down to the bottom of the 4th in the case of many of us older ones. Just because we don't make a lot of noise does not mean that we are not loyal.
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For whats its worth, City fans could clearly be heard in spells throughout the game, until the second goal. It apparantly went to ratshit at that point. wonder why? Listened in World all bar one spell when some pratt pulled the plug at Radio Bristol.

blows a hole in some peoples argument methinks.

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Bottom line is, everyone has paid as much as you to see the game and they don't want to be looking at you for 90 minutes, so why ruin several people's view by following your own selfish and wrong "I have a right to stand" attitude.

I think you'll find you have NO right to stand, and quite frankly telling people to "go down the front if they want to sit down" is just sh!t. If you want to stand in an all seater stadium which expressly forbids persistent standing, then YOU move.

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I was thinking the same - I recognised a lot of the quieter fans from previous away trips when we were not doing so well, but did not recognise a lot of the 'singers'. You might moan about us quieter ones, but some of us are the people that turn out regularly regardless of success on the pitch, even as we plummetted down to the bottom of the 4th in the case of many of us older ones. Just because we don't make a lot of noise does not mean that we are not loyal.

That's a random post. You seem to totally miss my point. I'm not saying that certain fans not making noise results in them being any less loyal. That would be a ridiculous statement to make. My point's about (un)reserved seating. Yesterday drew a cross section of all different kinds of City fan and it made it hard to get what I, and many others, would consider a good atmosphere.

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Tin, your previous post did seem to imply that it was the quieter fans who were the day-trippers, apologies if I mis-understood. Whatever the right and wrongs of various individuals, I think that the poor showing on the pitch and excess alcohol contributed rather a lot to yesterdays problems.

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I was thinking the same - I recognised a lot of the quieter fans from previous away trips when we were not doing so well, but did not recognise a lot of the 'singers'. You might moan about us quieter ones, but some of us are the people that turn out regularly regardless of success on the pitch, even as we plummetted down to the bottom of the 4th in the case of many of us older ones. Just because we don't make a lot of noise does not mean that we are not loyal.

its those fans I feel that are so used to going to watch city...that its 'just another day' for them. They show no pride, no passion and hardly any encouragement...in small doses, if any at all.

When I go to city I show as much pride for my club as I can...the exact same for the people around me and the people I go with. I understand what city means to my mates, not just for me, so thats why I get sick and tired of fans who sit there as though all they have to do is travel hundreds of miles and they have done enough.

You've only done enough when you can't speak any longer because of all the encouragement you've been holloring!

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its those fans I feel that are so used to going to watch city...that its 'just another day' for them. They show no pride, no passion and hardly any encouragement...in small doses, if any at all.

When I go to city I show as much pride for my club as I can...the exact same for the people around me and the people I go with. I understand what city means to my mates, not just for me, so thats why I get sick and tired of fans who sit there as though all they have to do is travel hundreds of miles and they have done enough.

You've only done enough when you can't speak any longer because of all the encouragement you've been holloring!

Oh right. 90% of us better stop going then...

I guess that means no more money for the club, less fans than the Gas...

Just because you like to do something, doesn't mean everyone else has to follow you. Some people just like to go watch the game and aren't interested in the banter between fans etc.

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Sorry BB but that is absolute rubbish. The difference between Charlton and Southampton was simple. Unreserved seating.

Actually, whilst it may have turned out that way, it wasn't unreserved and if it's rubbish why did the tannoy announcer make an appeal to our fans? There were also plenty of empty seats in our section which WAS a big difference

Those who wanted to stand/sing/back the boys to the hilt where allowed to congregate in the back tier at The Valley and didn't obstruct anyone's views as the disabled fans were in front of this.

See above about the announcement and backing the boys to the hilt can be done from a sedentry position.The need to stand is a somewhat regressive standpoint that football must cater for, however, it isn't necessary to stand to sing.I mean, look at Val Doonican & Andy Williams, always on the stool! :whistle2:

At Southampton, much like at West Brom earlier on this season, you had a right mix mash of City fans sat next to each other because it was reserved seats. That's why the singers were spread out and it was hard to get an atmosphere going to support the boys.

Reseved seating has less to do with it than the fact that it was a sell out, this the likeminded couldn't sit close together.Add that to the fact that the game was, how you say, PANTS and there you have it.

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its those fans I feel that are so used to going to watch city...that its 'just another day' for them. They show no pride, no passion and hardly any encouragement...in small doses, if any at all.

When I go to city I show as much pride for my club as I can...the exact same for the people around me and the people I go with. I understand what city means to my mates, not just for me, so thats why I get sick and tired of fans who sit there as though all they have to do is travel hundreds of miles and they have done enough.

You've only done enough when you can't speak any longer because of all the encouragement you've been holloring!

so despite going week in, week out and spending thousands of pounds each season, supporting and following my team for the last however many years, if I don't sing a few songs I've no pride or passion for my team? most people might as well not bother going anymore then.

people support teams in different ways........I'm sure if GJ/SL and the players were asked what they would prefer?

300 people turning up for away games and singing solid?


3k plus turning up in their droves to support the team? in whatever way they see fit.

hmmmmmm.......I wonder

sums up the type of mentality I witnessed yesterday from a idiot at the game, having a pop at a pensioner and his wife. who complained to a steward because he was standing up directly in front of them and refused to sit down. "bet you sit in the atyeo don't you? why even bother turning up!" needless to say he was a very small minority and he soon found out what people thought of his DISGUSTING attitude.

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Oh right. 90% of us better stop going then...

I guess that means no more money for the club, less fans than the Gas...

Just because you like to do something, doesn't mean everyone else has to follow you. Some people just like to go watch the game and aren't interested in the banter between fans etc.

IT ISN'T THE BANTER BETWEEN FANS THAT I'M ON ABOUT!! its the bloody lack of pride that they show towards the team that I really cannot understand.

don't think that I don't realise that people go to games for different reasons. All I am saying is that I just do not understand how people can watch THE CLUB THAT THEY FOLLOW week in week out and show no pride at all to our team.

It would kill me if I had to sit in silence for the whole game, knowing that our players are out there playing for a club which has fans who seem to show no pride and passion to the shirt that they wear.

And for that reason, aswell as the lads I go with, we fully commit ourselves for 90 minutes to support our players and our manager.

Anyone can say whatever they want about this, but on this subject and this subject alone, I will never change my opinion one bit!

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IT ISN'T THE BANTER BETWEEN FANS THAT I'M ON ABOUT!! its the bloody lack of pride that they show towards the team that I really cannot understand.

don't think that I don't realise that people go to games for different reasons. All I am saying is that I just do not understand how people can watch THE CLUB THAT THEY FOLLOW week in week out and show no pride at all to our team.

It would kill me if I had to sit in silence for the whole game, knowing that our players are out there playing for a club which has fans who seem to show no pride and passion to the shirt that they wear.

And for that reason, aswell as the lads I go with, we fully commit ourselves for 90 minutes to support our players and our manager.

Anyone can say whatever they want about this, but on this subject and this subject alone, I will never change my opinion one bit!

I'm not asking you to change your opinion. I'm letting you know that some people go to just watch the game and not to stand up and shout all game. You may not like that but I think you need to respect that. Those people have just as much a right to be there and pay their money.

Just because someone doesn't shout and scream all game doesn't mean they don't care.

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so despite going week in, week out and spending thousands of pounds each season, supporting and following my team for the last however many years, if I don't sing a few songs I've no pride or passion for my team? most people might as well not bother going anymore then.

people support teams in different ways........I'm sure if GJ/SL and the players were asked what they would prefer?

300 people turning up for away games and singing solid?


3k plus turning up in their droves to support the team? in whatever way they see fit.

hmmmmmm.......I wonder

sums up the type of mentality I witnessed yesterday from a idiot at the game, having a pop at a pensioner and his wife. who complained to a steward because he was standing up directly in front of them and refused to sit down. "bet you sit in the atyeo don't you? why even bother turning up!" needless to say he was a very small minority and he soon found out what people thought of his DISGUSTING attitude.

you see, all types of fans stereotype people, even you BH. When did I mention standing up in all of this?! If the vast number of fans who I am talking about had showed passion and pride even when sitting down - it is still SHOWING passion and pride.

And that is what my point is, SHOWING!! I wouldn't feel as part of the club as I do now if I was to stay quiet all game. That's just the way I feel.

Just for you BH...

It really does sum up the mentality of football supporters nowadays and why most people would rather watch football from an armchair than go to the game and sit by people who stay quiet and show no emotion throughout the game...

Only seems fair that by recieving an unfair comment like the one in your last paragraph that I hit you with one back.

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I'm not asking you to change your opinion. I'm letting you know that some people go to just watch the game and not to stand up and shout all game. You may not like that but I think you need to respect that. Those people have just as much a right to be there and pay their money.

Just because someone doesn't shout and scream all game doesn't mean they don't care.

In that case, you wasted your time. I fully appreciate all fans go to games for different reasons. I know a lot of City fans and a lot of them go to games for the same reasons that I do, but there are some who don't. I still don't get how they can go home feeling part of something when they spend all game either moaning or just being reletively quiet.

But, they do care about the club as much as I do, maybe even more, maybe less, who knows...but if I was a player out on that pitch wearing the red of Bristol City, I would much rather our fans be upbeat, vocally supportive, physically passionate and always expressing thier pride for the club no matter what the score or performance, rather than fans who may spend thousands of pounds following them around the country, but show no passion whilst the game is playing, don't help motivate players, basically just sit in thier chair, nice and silent for the whole game.

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In that case, you wasted your time. I fully appreciate all fans go to games for different reasons. I know a lot of City fans and a lot of them go to games for the same reasons that I do, but there are some who don't. I still don't get how they can go home feeling part of something when they spend all game either moaning or just being reletively quiet.

But, they do care about the club as much as I do, maybe even more, maybe less, who know? .But if I was a player out on that pitch wearing the red of Bristol City, I would much rather our fans be upbeat, vocally supportive, physically passionate and always expressing thier pride for the club no matter what the score or performance, rather than fans who may spend thousands of pounds following them around the country, but show no passion whilst the game is playing, don't help motivate players, basically just sit in thier chair, nice and silent for the whole game.

The great British problem is passion... We get so bloody confused with it... to some it is a good book... to others it is war... Both love our club... Personally I hate - hate... but I understand that passions fire my blood... I sing (But rarely stand up)... I know my team... in and out... But I will never raise my fists,,, never... City means too much to me... What upsets me is we are allowing an element we all know so well... This weekend was no shock really ... city against city... so what? It is not different than city vrs anyonesle. - Corn street - saturday nifgt?.. I relaly love this club (no matter what... we have something special... BUT I am - as a human-been (sic) sick of of Scum who attach themseleves to us..) ... scary thing is... do they add to us?If So.. What do they add? Cause I'm up for darts... Maybe not...

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I'm sure if GJ/SL and the players were asked what they would prefer?

300 people turning up for away games and singing solid?


3k plus turning up in their droves to support the team? in whatever way they see fit.

hmmmmmm.......I wonder

Make it a 1000 fans and then think about the remarks Johnson has made about positive and vocal support. I really do wonder what the Manager thinks when his appeals are being ignored.

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The great British problem is passion... We get so bloody confused with it... to some it is a good book... to others it is war... Both love our club... Personally I hate - hate... but I understand that passions fire my blood... I sing (But rarely stand up)... I know my team... in and out... But I will never raise my fists,,, never... City means too much to me... What upsets me is we are allowing an element we all know so well... This weekend was no shock really ... city against city... so what? It is not different than city vrs anyonesle. - Corn street - saturday nifgt?.. I relaly love this club (no matter what... we have something special... BUT I am - as a human-been (sic) sick of of Scum who attach themseleves to us..) ... scary thing is... do they add to us?If So.. What do they add? Cause I'm up for darts... Maybe not...

You seem to have confused "our support was shocking today" with something else.

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Upbeat and vocally supportive does not equal "sick of of Scum who attach themseleves to us ..... does it?

True - to the upbeat and vocally supportive - I am with you... heart and SOUL... My head is low...

The kid punching scum... go away... Because we know you are (and will aways be....) a sh&Ty paty of what we want to be...

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I cant get my head around some of our "fans"!!!!

Today was shocking on and off the pitch! I was trying so hard to get behind the team only for some simpleton to keep telling me to sit down and shut up :noexpression:

Not good i agree... but you cannot really have a go when over 3000 people spent a considerable amount of money to watch what was, for me, an absolutely abject display. We simply did not show up.. difficult to get behind a team when they do nothing to help us get excited.

I was in the stand to the left of the city end with saints fans.. right behind me were 4 city fans who, along with me, stood up quite a bit and cheered the lads on. Very fair play to the saints fans.. they let us get on with it and we had a very good banter going. The main reason for that is because like anything in life, if you empathise with people and have a decent conversation and respect them they will reciprocate. It was the most enjoyable away banter I have experienced in many a year.

The game though was awful from our point of view. Clearly keeping faith with the team that barely beat Norwich was a mistake. Cracks have been appearing for a while.. Gary J simply has to try and patch things up and find a winning formula again. If anyone can, he can.

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