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The Official I'm Loving Lee Trundle Thread


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Well done Lee Trundle!!!!!!!!!!!

Give you a hard time on here, most of the time it was justified :innocent06: but you're a superstar!

You should be the first name on GJ's teamsheet for the final :winner_third_h4h:

Well done lads, you reduced me to tears tonight!

And I just booked my flights to Heathrow......let's hope I get the tickets now :fingerscrossed:

Love u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Big game player?

Possibly... Trundle did say in the press that he's lost some weight and is fitter now than a few weeks ago and because of it his confidence has improved.

My question is - why has it taken him virtually all season to get into shape? :noexpression:

But... he's produced the goods tonight and I suppose the fans will forgive him.

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the Swansea fella's I know always harp on about this. They almost hero worship the guy and reckon that when it comes down to it, he produces the goods... who are we to argue at the moment eh?

Trundle to knock the winner at Wembley anyone ? :noexpression:

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Possibly... Trundle did say in the press that he's lost some weight and is fitter now than a few weeks ago and because of it his confidence has improved.

My question is - why has it taken him virtually all season to get into shape? :noexpression:

But... he's produced the goods tonight and I suppose the fans will forgive him.

Thats a good question Robbored, mabe GJ had a word in his shell like and told he what he had to do to get back into the squad.....whatever GJ has said, it seems to have worked.


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Well done Lee Trundle!!!!!!!!!!!

Give you a hard time on here, most of the time it was justified :innocent06: but you're a superstar!

You should be the first name on GJ's teamsheet for the final :winner_third_h4h:

Well done lads, you reduced me to tears tonight!

And I just booked my flights to Heathrow......let's hope I get the tickets now :fingerscrossed:

Love u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to say that given your previous comments on Trundle this is a very gracious statement.

You deserve a lot of credit for this post.

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Agreed, now, if only Ashton Yate would join this thread... :disapointed2se::fingerscrossed:

He can't type due to not being able to see the keyboard on account of wearing a brown paper bag over his head at the moment.

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I have to say that given your previous comments on Trundle this is a very gracious statement.

You deserve a lot of credit for this post.

As I said before, I will always give credit where credits due. He as finally stepped up to the plate, and it won't surpirse me if he is the hero at Wembley........instance City Legend he would become. :innocent06:

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I've been saying for a while now that Trundle was going to do something special to justify the fee.

Looks like I could be right, he is hitting form at the right time, and he's def a big game player.

Can see him bagging the winner at Wembley.

Was chuffed for him last night after he hit the bar late on.

Come on my boys, 1 more game to go!

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I was amazed last night, a guy near me in the Dolman was constantly goin on about trundle, c'mon million pound trundle ihe muttered at one point. Soon shut up when he put ball in the net. Not sure if he's watched much of the city lately, Trundle has been quality as has the whole squad.

Must admit did crack up when Mcindoe was about to take a throw in and this guy shouted shoot mickey shoot, :doh: surely thats not allowed :huh:

Always Believe

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repaid his fee with that goal regardless on the next result, City should bank 1m plus from the wembley game.

He was always class for me, but did need to get leaner and be a little quicker to stab a shot in (had it nicked off him to often this season).

Having said that he would always be on my team sheet and simply must start in the final.

The key for me is will Noble start, or will Gary be tempted to play LJ instead.

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I just want to say goal aside lee was one of the main reasons crystal palace couldnt come forward as much as they would have liked to. He held the ball well, he tricked his way around players and generally gave our team a threat other than the strength of dele. So what I'd like to thank Trundle for is giving our team some attacking threat when up front. It was a great team effort and without Lee I think we wouldn't have been so menacing.

Hopefully next season we'll still have Basso, Trundle, McIndoe and all our other players who are helping turn this club into the club it deserves to be.

Thank you to all the players that have given us this season as it's simply one of the best I've ever experienced since the day I was born!

We have no right to ask for more but if we can have a performance like we had at the Gate one more time only in Wembley we'll look forward to watching you play for us in the Premieship next season!!

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Lee's played really well since he's come back into the team and the team have seemed to have responded really well with him in it. We look really dangerous going forword. His attitude has been 2nd to none , he could have quite happily spat his dummy out but has shown great character in coming back and that goal last night was the iceing on the cake.

Well done Lee, 1 million well spent (eventually) :clapping:

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Well done Lee, I hold my hands up, it was not so long ago that I was thinking he should go or be loaned out or something on account, mid April I think it was.

But now, he has proven his worth well and truly and I think that if he keeps improving at this rate especially now he is at his peak physical fitness wise it said in the EP not long ago that he could even cut it in the PL, something I thought not possible a while ago. The big games seem to bring out the best in him of late.

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He's had to completely change his game from how he was allowed to, and encouraged, to play at Swansea. He now has to hold the ball up and then play it off to the midfield. Whereas at Swansea he came short for the ball and then just ran at the defence.

But more to the point...I love him too. When the goal went in I didn't even have to wait to see who had struck it...I knew it was none other than LEEEEE TRUNDLE!

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In terms of repaying his fee... I think he did that last night. I mean, how much is a Wembley final worth to us financially? It can't be far off a million, can it? I should hope we'll make a packet out of it. So was he worth the money? For getting us to Wembley - completely.

But to be honest, I don't care about that. I love watching him play. When he gets the ball and starts running at a defender, or just dancing around a bit, I love it. We talked earlier in the season about match day prices - I'm happily paying them to watch the skills shown at the Gate at present.

I'm going to put something out there - if you don't like it, send it right back. I wanna be on him. I WANT TO BE ON HIM.

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Well done Lee Trundle!!!!!!!!!!!

Give you a hard time on here, most of the time it was justified :innocent06: but you're a superstar!

You should be the first name on GJ's teamsheet for the final :winner_third_h4h:

Well done lads, you reduced me to tears tonight!

And I just booked my flights to Heathrow......let's hope I get the tickets now :fingerscrossed:

Love u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bloody hell. I'm in Greece and just spat half a pint out!!!

Whatever next Belfast. At least you got balls. :englandsmile4wf:

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