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Steve Watts

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Everything posted by Steve Watts

  1. May I present the following evidence. Exhibit A: Matty James Exhibit B: Andi Weimann Exhibit C : Nakhi Wells Exhibit D: Andy King (before anyone argues this one, ask the academy kids coming through this season what they think...) The defence rests its case your honour
  2. Given he was here when we beat United then yes....yes there was. ?
  3. He's a modern day Matty Hill or Tommy Doherty. Springs in their boots. And just typing the above and seeing that those players can be used in a "modern day version of.." comparison makes me fell very, very old!
  4. Nope. Rugby evolved from football and became a game in its own right when the FA was formed and set out rules including one that outlawed the carrying of the ball. Some schools, such as one in Rugby decided against following the new rules and continued in their own way, thus introducing Rugby Football. (This is understood to be the truer version of the one where a kid picked up the ball during a football match and ran it into the goal, prompting the ref to say that doesn't count, but it was a good try) This is also a fact that seems to get forgotten by refs, pundits and fans alike when it comes to the "last man". If a player is brought down by a defender when through on goal he's often sent off for being the last man. If a player is brought down by the keeper but a defender was behind him and could have blocked any shot this often seems to be deemed a yellow card offence for the keeper as a defender was covering. As for why grassroots is struggling for refs, then you only need to look at parents, coaches and players. Twice this season (under 11's) we've had 14 year old daughters of the coaches refereeing their first matches, and both times they were being harangued by players or parents (strangely though, these same parents aren't willing to pick up a flag and help out running the line, and one of them was also shouting instructions to his son to push up and play his opponent offside.....they were both the other side of the halfway line at the time!) Some coaches are just as bad with constantly on the backs of the referees, many of whom are just starting out. I certainly wouldn't want to take up refereeing.
  5. What foot did Gordon Owen favour......?
  6. I did feel sorry for March. I was willing so many before him to miss because of those stupid arsed run ups players do nowadays. March stepped up and just took the thing. Having said that he's the only one who missed so maybe they have a point!?
  7. Well I've been introduced as your assistant coach before.... That in itself was quite harrowing....!
  8. My assumption is that under the terms of the contract with Hummell we're prohibited from selling non-Hummel replica kit before the season ends. Yes, they have probably breached the contract by not supplying the kits, but Ashton would have had to make sure there was a get out clause there in that event. A few training items have started to land in the shop though. That's my suspicion as well, but moreso in the badge area. I can't help but think they're essentially gauging the opinion of the fans, but haven't worked out the best way to do that is to actually engage with them! If it's the same suppliers as the one I got for this seasons shirt I wouldn't put too much on the colour as mine was completely the wrong red!
  9. Why would it be in the Bears FAQ's - Is there a group of Bears fans that want to move nearer away fans? Galley.....No need of the capitalisation there. You make it sound like this has been explained umpteen times to anyone on any post about atmosphere....Oh wait....as you were.....
  10. This thread has so much passive aggression running through it it's unreal! And then there are posts like this one which just leave me utterly dumbfounded. I challenge you to run through our squad and pick out those that aren't playing to a higher level of performance than when they made their debuts.
  11. In fairness the bar is set pretty low in this regard!
  12. 37% win ratio, 38% defeats 38% win ratio, 35% defeats I realise that we don't need the validation, but these are the figures for us and them. Just goes to show they are and always have been in our shadow.
  13. I'm with you on this one. Hard to believe he's the offspring of Sir Terry. Clearly nothing alike in character.
  14. I'm not sure the line "Joey Bartons mum is Bradley Orr" is really gonna catch on I'm afraid.
  15. There were barbed comments about KN & HC leaving them to join us I think.
  16. Well he's not lasted for a full year in (permanent) charge in his career, so I'm not sure it's that unfair a rep. Reading he just sneaks over the line due to his caretaker role starting in February 22. His first stint at the Franchise was impressive though in terms of results, but since then it's been pretty dire.
  17. I'd say their good start was more down to luck than judgement. Tactical genius is Ince....
  18. Just surprised it took so long! Immense player, diabolical manager!
  19. Ummmm....ok.....? Of all the comments I'm not sure why you chose mine to quote?!???
  20. According to our friends from Whorefield it's quite easy. You just have to be on the other side of a bus window.
  21. Personally I'm not one of them. Simply cannot stand the way he willingly kills off any game as a spectacle. Respect for the turnaround at Huddersfield, but really won't shed a tear when he finally gives it up for good.
  22. Because we want our medical team healing our players, not jacking off horses! Do keep up!
  23. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are so important. It could mean the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit....or between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse or helping your uncle jack off a horse! As for Kalas - everything will come down to what his bottom line is. I think we'd want him to stay, but there won't be any formal contract offer if his expectations and our ours are too far apart. Everything will be have been informal chats until that's known.
  24. Could you imagine the carnage?!? ? I don't think it was ever a designated number of seconds, though I agree the general feeling at the time was 6 seconds. I think referees do still have words with the keeper and gives a warning for blatantly taking the piss. My assumption for why it's not really implemented very often is that there wasn't any real clarity as to when that "count" should start. The common sense approach would accept that the "count" doesn't start until a situation arises that the ball can be released. That's to say if a striker was blocking the release the count wouldn't start until the keeper is able to release the ball unimpeded. If he drops to the deck to smother the ball, there's another judgment call then to be made as to how long down is too long. Too many variables would make for even more massive inconsistencies in the application of the rules, hence it being rarely used.
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