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Galley is our king

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Posts posted by Galley is our king

  1. 11 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    I`m so tempted to go over to slagchat but am resisting for the time being. I imagine it will be much funnier in an hour or two once all the mutants have had a chance to reflect and gather their thoughts.

    In the meantime, all Wimbledon aren`t we?

    Oh go on, it's great entertainment!

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Rule The Waves said:

    On a serious note, why would any of those companies want to be associated with such tinpot advertising? That is truly awful.

    Shamefully in my view, Lancer Scott were very big and long standing supporters and sponsors of City. They got shown the door before their sponsor deal was finished so we could have Dunder.

    Not a great decision if you ask me....

    • Like 1
  3. 49 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    Oh I hope it is but I think they`ll scab their way out of it - it`s what they do.

    Mind you, would that be such a bad thing? They could well tear it up in League 2 but if they stay up and Wally invests what he normally does another season of struggle awaits. In all honesty, can anyone see any half decent players wanting to sign for the headcase Barton (assuming he`s not locked up by next season)?

    Tear up League 2?

    Just like they did the last time they got relegated into it ??

    No mate, the lower and quicker the better.

    • Like 3
  4. 7 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

    Oh you are all are in love with him, aren't you!

    As a Bristolian who remembers some cracking local derbies with the Gas at home and away. I'm a City supporter but that doesn't mean I want them to sink into the Fourth Tier. 

    I'd rather they were in the same league as us, giving us an extra incentive to remain as Bristol's best.

    So for me, I'd like to see them stuff Sunderland and their manager this evening.

    I agree, I don't want them in the fourth tier either. I would love to see the famous blue and white quarters playing on the Downs!

    Oh yeah!!!!

    • Like 8
    • Haha 7
  5. 33 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    This may not be the popular view but Mansion Bet seem to me to be the most tinpot sponsor we've ever had. I love winding up the Fewers I know as much as the next person but personally I don't see the point in dropping leaflets through letter boxes in North Bristol that can easily be taken as inflammatory by the less emotionally stable Gappers and are, in reality, just childish gloating by Mansion Bet on our behalf which lacks class and isn't needed when the facts speak for themselves anyway. Add in the ridiculous radio adverts with the detestable "fake" Bristolian accents.......just employ a Bristolian to read the script you total bellends. I would 100% bin any association with them as soon as possible...........but presumably all of their actions are clearly endorsed by the clowns we have running our shitshow.

    Won't get many agreeing with me but that's my take on it.

    I live in Little Stoke (so North Bristol), lots of City here mate and loads on bus stops all the way in on match days. 

    I would humbly suggest, North Bristol is now RED!

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    I’ll do home games, you can do away games ???

    I’ll likely fall into that category.  Can’t see me risking Joe for some time yet.

    Yes in the same situation, went out for the first time since lockdown started yesterday. Probably won't return until a vaccine is given. 

    So what happens if/when we get one? If I have had a jab can I automatically return regardless of numbers?

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    Last time I had one of those calls I went quiet for a moment and then softly said "it wasn't an accident". They got a bit confused and scared and rang off. 

    Had one a couple of months back, I said... Wow! Unbelievable, how on earth did you know? It only happened 2 weeks ago! Course I lost a leg, so just as well you rang because I need money, when can you send a cheque?



    • Haha 3
  8. 10 hours ago, TETBURY MASSIVE said:

    @Gashead1981 If you really are a MOD... trust me when I say you don't want to let her on your forum. 

    She has been proven to have lied over and over and again, and when gets caught out she ignores everything. 

    Police should be banned from this forum.... so don't let her on yours. 

    Said it before and I'll say it again! If you don't like it or don't trust what she is saying just put her on ignore and let the rest of us make our own minds up.

    Unfortunately you come across as a very bitter person who seemingly must have had issues with the police in the past.

    Have you taken up her invitation to see how policing works on a matchday?

    • Like 7
  9. 22 minutes ago, Sweeneys Penalties said:

    forgive me... I'm out of "the loop" at the moment. I hear rumours that The Bristol Arena may be transferred from it's current site to Filton. Is there any chance The Gastards could ride on the back of this and try to attract a new stadium for themselves on the same/adjacent site?

    Better not mate, house prices in Little Stoke are low enough as it is 

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