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Galley is our king

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Posts posted by Galley is our king

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hampshire reds said:

    abuse. i said its my opinion. i dont agree with people on here but i dont call them names. if having an opinion then i surpose i am a dick and thick. 

    Look, the problem is that EVERY "opinion" is so bloody negative!!!

    If you can't admit that recent performances have improved then you must have some personal agenda.

    Are you "Ian" in disguise ? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, bert tann said:

    I beg to differ Coombsy.

    The winners would be Rovers supporters who would have learned a valuable lesson about delusion and blind faith.

    A fresh start in a new realistically sized rented stadium with no debt and capable owners would be just what the doctor ordered. 

    What playing in the Southern Premier South ???

  3. 45 minutes ago, pillred said:

    You were lucky with your mild symptoms, others have not been so lucky, it's a bit like Russian roulette you never know when the bullet is going to kill you, maybe your triple jab saved you from any real harm, apparently Jethro was triple jabbed it didn't save him though did it. 

    Russian roulette is a great description.

    My 11 year old nephew got covid and was really ill, spending several nights in hospital. He is much better now but it left him with type 1 diabetes.

    He had no underlying health issues and was as fit as the proverbial butchers dog.

    You never know.....

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  4. 6 minutes ago, spudski said:

    This is going to piss a lot of people off...but be offended...sticks and stones. ?

    We all get it...all of us...those who are disabled through no fault of their own.

    I've lost my dad this year and about to lose my mum...both through cancer. This past two years has been hell dealing with hospitals and Drs, putting off normal procedures because of covid. Often people with covid with underlying health issues brought on by themselves. 

    I go to my local post office every day for work.

    I'll tell you what pisses me off...the amount of people, the same, in their motobility scooters, spilling out of them, waddling into Weatherspoons, drinking and eating shit, getting fatter, running to the vape shop when it rains, yes running, claiming from the post office on a Monday getting £10 out at a time from the till ? going in the betting shop... Continual drinking and eating shit. Getting fatter and Ill. Then expecting the vaccine to work and blaming the Government for incompetence. Sick of seeing a great number of people giving themselves health issues by living shit lives. I call it the triangle of doom...spoons, betting shop, vape shop, post office, tanning shop, doctors surgery...and if anyone is feeling active...a Gregg's 200 m away.

    Too many people in this country living like this, happy to, and not willing to change and help themselves. And all they do is blame everyone else for their problems.

    Watching Joe Wicks and Jamie Oliver on TV talking about how to keep healthy, whilst sat on their sofa eating a bucket of chicken and noshing a dominoes ?? wtf ..that's what we've become as a nation.

    No wonder so many die when they catch covid from underlying health issues brought on by themselves.

    Perhaps the Government should make it mandatory that we should eat healthier, exercise and get outdoors and breath fresh air...instead of smoking, getting pissed, eating shit, getting fat and ill, then complaining they've caught covid and hospitalised and can't breath.

    Not saying this is your situation...but for every personal situation, there is another one.

    What pisses me off the most is people that complain about everything and everyone, but aren't willing to change their own situation. Just take...add nothing to society, yet complain the most. ?



    Not really the point I was making but, (and this may surprise you), I actually agree with most of your post!

    My point was Every elderly or vulnerable people would need to "hide" from the rest of society.

    Hardly fair eh?

  5. 7 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

    Do you not think you are overreacting ? If I was in one of the vulnerable categories I would want to know!  At the moment and as the media/Boris portray it, we are all vulnerable which I’m sure most of us will know is bollocks.  

    Not overreacting.

    We all know the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are at greater risk. 

    There have though been hospitalizations and deaths in ALL age groups weather fit or not. 

    Therefore, everyone is vulnerable! Less likely the younger you are but unfortunately not impossible!


  6. 2 minutes ago, TheReds said:

    Where has he said lock them away? Seems you are reading stuff that he hasn't even wrote.

    He has just asked for transparency/full facts in the data, what is wrong with that.


    So if you do as he suggests and do nothing but are happy for the vulnerable in society to "continue to mix that is their choice" knowing they are likely to catch covid and possibly go to hospital and possibly die, what do you think they will do????

    What a wonderful society where we care nothing for these people.

    Just as well people like you don't make these decisions


  7. 3 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

    It would seem very sensible to me to get the full facts.  Most of the population know that Boris will lie about just about anything so surely asking full the full facts is a reasonable query ?  Most of us want to know who is actually effected by this and if those that are in the vulnerable categories choose to continue to mix that is their choice.  

    Bloody brilliant!

    Let's lock away every elderly/disabled/people with underlying health conditions, after all, should they actually want a life but get covid  it's their fault!

    Why? Because you and people like you don't give a rats ass about them obviously.

    Do have anyone in your life as described above? 

    What about the human rights of the people in the above groups?

    People like you make me ******* sick.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Riaz said:

    Very interesting!

    Not really, questions being asked by someone who obviously has an agenda and answered by a doctor who also has one.

    No wonder you have the views you have if you trawl the Internet looking for shite like this. " Dark horse podcast"? Are you serious?

    I suggest you change your reading matter and stop looking for bullshit websites that you use to try and justify your position.

    Look, believe what you will. Its pretty obvious you are not going to change your mind, good on you.

    You have your view, I have mine.

    Why do you keep trying to justify your position or try and change others?


    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, marmite said:

    We're playing  them in the league the following week, but my s/t seat will cost about £5 less then.  Surely the price shouldn't  be dearer because its a cup tie. It's hardly a glamour tie ffs.   

    My reply was to your post stating 

    "It's a football match not a crèche"

    Have you replied to the wrong post?

  10. 1 minute ago, marmite said:

    It's a football match not a crèche 

    The club would have been dead years ago if it wasn't for Mums, Dad's and grandparents taking them to the Gate and getting them interested.

    Taking with them a massive bag of sweets!

    Kids are the future, welcome them!

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Riaz said:

    no deaths elsewhere, including in south africa where it originated from.

    But suddenly we have a death from it, at the same time as the government wants to bring in restrictions.

    Anyone who believes this shit, would believe anything they are told. Beyond naive.

    As we all know virus's thrive and do more damage in the winter months, South Africa is in it's summer.

    That's not naivety, that's fact....

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Thanks. I like that. It’s one of my best traits. 
    You missed the full stop at the end of your sentence, by the way. 

    Look, you have been banging on all bloody day spouting the same crap.

    You can think what you like but you will change no one's mind, particularly mine.

    Having a daughter who worked on a covid ward watching people die, time and time and time again and then having to ring their relatives may give me a different perspective.

    Anything that can be done to stop or alleviate this bloody awful disease should be done.

    You come across as a petulant childish person who just likes to argue for the sake of it, repeating the same rubbish over and over again.

    When, in the real world, where people put themselves first, looking after sick people, that seems to count for Jack shit.

    How many doctors and nurses plus other medical professionals have died so far during this pandemic? Were there lives given for nothing? Did you have a better plan that would have stopped that happening?

    No is the answer!

    You have been on this all day, nothing better to do? Keyboard activist?

    If you had any decency you would stop this pathetic diatribe and think of fellow supporters who have lost loved ones or have seen loved ones struggle daily working to save lives due to this pandemic.


  13. 16 minutes ago, Harry said:

    The highlighted part. 
    Prove it. 
    I think you’ll find you have completely misrepresented what you thought you read on an earlier post in this thread. 
    I think you’ll find that the truth is that I was the one who was calling out those who had attacked the police vehicle. I was very much NOT the one who was ‘laughing’ about it - quite the opposite. 
    Still, well done for your very incorrect input. Shows exactly how much attention you’ve been paying. 

    No, it must be true, I read it somewhere on the intranet...its where I get all my information don't you know..

  14. 20 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Hilarious. I’ve agitated, my friend. I’ve made my feelings known. If everyone else did too then we might start to get somewhere. 

    Oh no! Not a real life agitator!

    If only I'd known....

    You are right about letting your feelings known....here's mine..

    You read crap on the Internet and believe shit because it suits your agenda.

    You have said you gained information from twitter, says it all really.

    You laugh because a Police station is attacked and no doubt loved it when a Police vehicle was set alight.

    To sum up, your a knob. Now I've made my feelings clear, hopefully we can start getting somewhere..



  15. 3 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    How would you educate him? He has a daughter working on a COVID ward and has direct experience of the reality of the virus. You have an opinion on the internet. If you had an ounce of sense or self-reflection, you'd be asking him to educate you. 

    Thanks but there's an old saying.

    You can't educate pork.....

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