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Esmond Million's Bung

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Posts posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. A 6ft 3 lump who's good in the air, not afraid to smash into anyone (ask Greg), was playing non league 4 years ago, is 28 years old and is on the transfer list for being involved in a night club fracas.

    Burt or Cotterill? I think I know where my money is... This lad wouldve fit right into "the crazy gang" back in the day.


    Just like Harewood really, Burt or SOD?, I think I know where my money is, Harewood couldn't get into the crazy gang more like crazy paving.




    • Like 2
  2. What a daft statement.


    Probably but no more daft than some of the 'OMG, this will happen/that will happen, he will play/they won't play, he used to manage Cheltenham, I love SOD' drama queenesque comments on this thread, things are going OK at present, our only loss was to the 3rd from top present form team, an away draw with the 5th from top form team, a win against the 6th from top form team and a routine home win against the bottom of the league (something we have not recently been good at).



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  3. Ask 99% of city fans and they would say kilkenny is a shocking player (me included! ). However he is doing something right at Preston.

    If he signs lets judge for ourselves what type and how good of a player he is.


    Agree with last sentence, as for Killkenny he is ok in a team doing well, ala Leeds until the wheels started to come off, his time with us we were never successful, it'll be interesting to see if Preston's season goes tits up the thoughts of it's fans.



  4. I agree with this.  However, I think most people have no idea what realistic changes could be made. And there was very little clear consensus anyway on the managerial choices.


    "Sack the board" is a meaningless request as nobody can sack them but themselves.


    I'm clutching at straws myself for what could/should be done.  All I do know is that our turnover of players is shocking.  I don't think any player who comes here believes they are coming into a cohesive unit with a strong ethic.  Half the players at any one time are newcomers.  Add the threat of relegation and self-preservation is the most likely objective.  "If/when we get relegated what opportunities do I have elsewhere at other clubs?".


    I don't recall seeing the team really getting up for it, straining every sinew, focusing their anger and energy over 90 minutes.  I don't want to see individually talented players as such, I want to see a team where the total is greater than the sum of the parts in League 1.  This can only happen where a manager knows his stuff and the players play for the team and not their agents or careers.  How can it be that so many less experienced, lesser funded teams are above us in this division? Its application and desire.


    Maybe we've got a manager to do it for us now, though I still very much doubt we've got the players who have it between the ears, let alone the footballing talent.


    Yep nail on the head here, football has changed so much clubs now have owners and they can basically do whatever they want, we might not like it but there is very little that can be done these days, as our cousins over the bridge know and I see Mckay and Ting Tong Tan are on a collision course once more.



  5. As opposed to the elements in the Thatcher and Major governments that protected Jimmy Savile (allegedly)


    or the Wilson government aided and abetted by MI5 who protected Cyril Smith in case they needed him in a coalition government.



  6. True indeed. I think the Greek protests were covered but, as you say, the Italian demos get very little UK media coverage. (I read the Reuters copy in the Inde of all places!)

    How can Ed Balls maintain any credibility after his eurozone enthusiasm?


    i'm sure labour voters will find a way after they are cool with the paedo protectors in their ranks, dear old Harriet and her husband uncle Jack.



  7. My 5 penneth is this, SL IMO is talking like a politician defending their banker mates around about 2007/2008, 'it's not our fault gov', 'the public have to take some responsibility' blah, blah, blah.


    Well done SL you've just realised football is an expensive hobby, but you did the hiring and firing of the people, who you then gave loadsamoney to, to waste on ridiculously high fees and even more ridiculously high wages and even more ridiculously long contracts to players who in the main, have had to be paid off by the club and then take a huge pay cut to actually get a game elsewhere, that should explain what has gone wrong at our club.

  8. What they All did n't do what they were told to ?Did they do this on purpose?

    Where the instructions simple and clear ? Was it worked on in training?

    Are you surprised that after 10 months of SOD's training they can't suddenly change like that .

    It will take time and i hope it clicks and PDQ for SC .We have very little choice.In the meantime "Same Shit different day "


    isn't it funny how other clubs who have recently changed managers, with clearly different footballing styles have coped ok, just 2 to start with Mclaren at Derby and Pulis at Palace.






  9. Firstly, your sarcasm is very boring.

    Secondly, if you know anything about how Cotts plays the game you would know that anything other than hoof ball would be a revelation.

    Thirdly, there were posters on here today and against Tamworth who were watching the match. I'll happily accept that what they were saying is not a fabrication.


    OMG you weren't there then, I just thought from your description of Cunningham misses, you must have been there.



  10. And probably the total opposite of what will, in fact, happen; take what Cotts said in the past week and he emphasised the point I highlight: - 'we will only play the youngsters if they are good enough'. Although he is stating the obvious he laboured the point. Then today SL says funds will be made available.


    So, we sack a manger who was tasked with clearing the decks, had to build a completely new team on a shoe string and that takes months and months to get right. The board bottled it and now proclaim that nothing has changed in their philosophy and at the same time appoint a hoof ball specialist who can spend in the jan transfer window.


    I mean i think they need help from someone in the political spin department because nobody, but nobody, is buying into their hypocrisy. Arghhh... there you go Aizoon.. an example of where to use the word for you to correct 'The Bung' !


    I will have to take your word for the hoof ball I wasn't there, unlike you.



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