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Esmond Million's Bung

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Posts posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. Picture the picture,Hollowhead standing on the pitch at AG,holding a Bristol City scarf above his head after being named as manager.

    I'm off to be sick.


    Bill you and I and most sane thinking people in the world actually know that the public persona of playing the country bumpkin in his interviews are just that a persona, beneath that persona is still more than enough intelligence to realise that the whole idea of managing BCFC is nothing more than a ridiculously good laugh.



  2. In your opinion of course, now we'll never know. My opinion is things were getting better and the team was starting to gel, especially away from home. I honestly don't believe we'd have been relegated with him in charge. Now it's all back to square 1 again ffs.


    The problem was last season SOD had a built in excuse, he took over after the january window. This season the recent improvement were still not transmitting into wins and league position and having done the deed early enough at least there is a fighting chance for a new man, the we'll never know argument was patented by RR in his argument to prove that he wasn't wrong about Millen, for me it's not about right or wrong it's now all about survival.

  3. Just a shame SOD couldn't rely on the same support


    I agree his players let him down big style, get a grip this nothing to do with the fans whatsoever, it's everything to do with 2 wins in 18 this season and being in a relegation spot.



  4. Really disappointed in this decision. Such a shame! Hope the board have got someone lined up...



    Just adding my comment before moving on. I think the board have called this wrong and am disappointed with it. For me we needed to stick with Sod as I believed he had turned the team around after ridding us of deadwood. I think this is a knee jerk reaction and can not see us getting anyone better in. That said i will get behind the next manager and team as i always do. No use sulking now decision has been made.


    At last a bit of sense from people who supported SOD.



  5. Oddly, it seems that the players are gutted at his sacking, but I'm sure you know better, being on the inside, like.


    Perhaps just perhaps they should have played a bit better then, there's a thought.



  6. As far as I can see Kaiser watches Reading sometimes because his boys support them.

    I really don't see the problem

    One of my boys supports the New Zealand Warriors rugby league side, the last time I was in NZ i went along with him.

    Perhaps I'm not a real City fan anymore!!


    FFS don't wake him up Bill it's a full moon.

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  7. Everything is expensive over there. Moscow is a bloody expensive place! Too expensive for clothes by the looks of it.


    Russian brides must be cheap, there are loads of French blokes with them and they are as tight as foie gras gooses arse.


    Edit:- French men are tight, not any part of of a Russian bride.






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