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Everything posted by NcnsBcfc

  1. Thanks @ExiledAjaxand @Davefevs So we haven't got any Nimbeys as yet ? ? But also it doesn't seem to have gone before any planning committee either, am i right there? When Bristol Sport put the application in just under a year ago. They were quoting end of 2021 for the aforementioned committee. If people are still submitting comments, with no end date to make those comments (unlike the HPC in Failand application); then we must be some way off in terms of any form of approval.
  2. And so the summer nonsense begins. Burton & Fleetwood???? Yep, I can see both of them meeting his wage demands.???
  3. Planning Application Submitted For Sporting Quarter | Bristol Sport (bristol-sport.co.uk) With all of the recent talk on OTIB and podcasts of when the Lansdowns may go. I've had a look online at the Sporting Quarter Planning application. According to this (and I can find any other update past 2nd week of July 2021). The application was due to be heard before the end of 2021, with a proposed start of work at the end of this year (2022). Does anybody know what's happening at all, or had any other update? I think this is a legacy project, with ramifications over SL etc walking away afterwards in my opinion.
  4. When you factor in other signings in the Summer 2019, the overall loss on those transfers of fees/wages is staggering. Best to have a stiff drink beforehand.....
  5. Ian Gay will be gutted about having to send his season ticket back.....?
  6. The proper irony is that he nearly did in the 19/20 season. It was just that 75% of them were for QPR.
  7. Didn't Josh have a release clause in his contract as well? I think you're right about him going out of contract the next summer.
  8. Sounds like something Ashton would do. You scratch my back etc....
  9. Only have to look at Sheff Wed, Ipswich, Charlton, Portsmouth, Sunderland (until possibly this year yet again....), Bolton. All decent sized teams that have been in the Championship in the last 5-10 years. All have struggled to get back there. Christ how many years did it take us in the early 2000's to get up?
  10. Didn't we do some sort of deal with Burnley as well around the Brownhill deal, to make it work financially for us? Probably blinded us somewhat to the type of player we were buying.
  11. I can't see any of the players we want to get off the wage bill jumping at the first option, unless of course it is an unbelievable offer (unlikely). For the most part, their agents will be touting them around, and they will review the options after probably a holiday or something like that. All of this doesn't help RG with the budgeting for next season of course. Who would want to be him at the moment.....??? ?
  12. Hasn't RV said that in essence she allowed her PR/Agent access to the private CR chat that was only for friends, and drew her attention to other postings? There is no plus side for RV here, everybody can see her true character, regardless of her saying "Oh, I was only joking", or "I was having a laugh". Question from Barrister "Did you allow others to see private posts from which only you had access?" The answer has to be "Yes". It's a moot point that RV is making around what the Agent then did with that information when granted access. It's fair to say her phone going missing, withdrawing her statements; and permissions for Sun Paper staff to be called to ask who leaked the stories to you? Are all a bit tantamount to an admission of guilt surely.
  13. Getting a bit confused with your VR's and RV's there @PHILINFRANCE?
  14. To be fair, the only way we are going to get him off the wage bill is to forgo a fee for him. Otherwise we would get a small fee, and then probably end up having to subsidise his wages with another team for the remainder of next season. This seems the only plausible way out for both parties I think.
  15. Really interesting post @Sheltons Army thank you. Makes the whole story around Mourinho seem even more unbelievable in a way. As he was just Robson's interpreter at Barcelona I believe. It's funny in some ways how some top coaches never played at the top level (Klopp, Wenger being two good examples). I think the best managers surround themselves with the best coaching teams, knowing that they can't do it all. I find it hilarious now, how many coaches there seem to be at clubs in the PL. Each team's bench seems to contain about 20+ coaches, with a number of them being ex-managers that haven't quite been able to do the job themselves (Paul Clement at Everton, Gary McAllister at Villa) and many more of course. You're right about football being in effect a "jobs for the boys and my mates". A very closed house, to outsiders, and those that haven't gone out for drinks with the managers for the last 25 years.
  16. Well the previous season 17/18 to Lampard going there, they finished 6th under Rowett. Exactly the same position as they finished under Lampard in 2018/19 season. He bought in Mount, Tomori, Wilson on loan. All with big loan fees. Ashley Cole on big wages, and then splashed the cash on Waghorn (£5m), Marriott (£3m), and Jozafzoon from Brentford (£2.75m). He sold their top scorer from the previous (Vydra) to Burnley for £11m; and an obscure Austrian forward/midfielder (who went on to do nothing (called Weimann for £2m to another championship team ?. On arriving at Chelsea he spanked over £200m on players, after a season of having to work with young players due to the transfer ban. And what did he do with these wonderful new players? He put the club into free fall. Everton have spent £500m on their squad. His current record there is P15, W5, L8, D2 Goals scored 13, conceded 21. I think it's fair to say that in a number of those wins he is thankful to Pickford; who single handledly seems to be keeping Everton up at the moment. Given that he has managed Chelsea, and Everton; his overall PL record of P72, W 33, L26 , D13 is somewhat unremarkable.
  17. You are spot on about Rooney Max. I never liked his life choices, and thought he would crash; and burn at Derby. But fair play to him, he has proved me wrong and stuck with them through some terrible times. 100% more respect for him now that say 18 months ago. As for Lampard, he's just a bluffer isn't he? That season at Derby with Wilson, Mount & Tomori. Calling in all the favours from his old club, and then jumping into the Chelsea job based on what??? Terrible appointment for Everton as well given their predicament at the time. He'll be gone in 6 months anyhow.
  18. I think there will be a time when we start to see female coaches appointed to the coaching staff at football teams. It's certainly starting to happen in the NFL. Through those introductions, maybe the opportunities will come to be head coach at a later stage. This current policy of bringing Ex-Pl players into management as soon as possible *Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney as examples) must be grating for lower league managers who have succeeded at their level, but don't have the same profile. For someone like Hayes, who is at the top of the women's game, she would have to see herself as some sort of trailblazer for women's rights to take a job at L1/L2. Professionally I don't see the attraction for her, other than to say "Look Women can achieve just as much as men". She's already competing against male mangers both domestically, and in Europe in the Women's game. To have to prove that in the men's game as well could be seen as being a bit misogynist.
  19. 100% For me, It'll be interesting to see how Mark Hughes gets on at Bradford City next season. He's in a group of ex PL managers over the last 20 years, that have chosen not to manage at a lower level. His rationale is that he can't get a job higher up, and after 4 years out of a job; this is perhaps a way back in for him. Fair play to him for trying it at least. I think we all know how it's going to end up though. With no doubt MH taking a job in India or Thailand or somewhere like that is the future.
  20. Forgot to add the trio of Webster, Brownhill; and Kelly. Can't budget on one or more of them leaving their clubs for a decent fee. But any sell on has a massive effect on our financial position, and options for the summer.
  21. So just to clarify you've signed Coutts from that list, only because like Martin he triggered a new contract extension by way of appearances. Other than that, no-one else is signed on from that list; and Finlayson & Evans haven't agreed the contracts that have been on offer all season (albeit when you didn't know what league you would be in). I stand by my assertion that JB will have to redo it all again in a higher division. He may be able to pull it out if the hat again, or you may have a Garner moment around changing your squad. Whatever happens you will at least have lost some inertia from last weekend by the 30th July.
  22. I know what you mean. So many unknowns and potential twists and turns Will we sell one or more of our four realistic sellable assets (Weimann, HNM, Semenyeo, Scott). Will Cundy and Klose sign with us again? Who from the OOC group of Summer 2023 will we work out a new contract with? Bentley and JD probably being key here. We can't let any player with value leave for free next summer. What players will we be able to get off the wage bill? Who will we be able to get rid of permanently, and not on loan. And finally of course, new players coming in to take what is the nucleus of a potentially promising squad to the next level. So many aspects to the summer isn't there? A massive one for the club to get right, if we are to progress.
  23. That makes more sense. I was trying to find Graham's post on Massengo ?.
  24. ‘Wagatha Christie’ case: Vardy says she tried to leak Drinkwater story to the Sun | Rebekah Vardy | The Guardian Wagatha Christie trial live: Rebekah Vardy on spot over story about married England footballer - as celebrity love triangle brought up | UK News | Sky News This is not going well for RV. She's being exposed now over all of her past decision making.
  25. I think this appointment probably puts pay to us getting any decent players from FGR next season. The Wilsons etc will probably be on the bus to Watford as we speak.
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